Greg is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hi again, NINJAs!
So I took AUD again today. 5th time is the charm thats a saying, right?
I actually feel pretty good about it this time. I think I did pretty well on the multiple choice questions. And the Sims wow!
Ive been reading on the Another71 Forum for a while now about how important it is to use the authoritative literature for AUD sims. Boy were you guys right!
I found at least half of the answers in the AL. Thats not including the research question of course which I always knock out of the park. I cant believe I didnt do this sooner.
Anyways, so now I have 2 weeks of butterflies in my stomach as I wait for my score. Waiting really is the worst. Well the actual score release day is the absolute worst. I get absolutely nothing done at work those days. But I really do feel good about AUD this time. Keep your fingers crossed.
Now I am taking about a week off before my REG test. That will still give me 4 ½ weeks to study. I am not too worried about REG. Ive taken it once already. But the first time I took it I was working late hours for the August/September/October tax busy season, and was not able to devote the appropriate amount of time to it.
Also this time around I will be supplementing with NINJA Notes & Audio and the Wiley Test Bank. I have also learned quite a bit this past tax season. REG wont know whats hit it.
In other news, it is Memorial Day weekend. So naturally I have a wedding to attend. This will probably be my 5th wedding in the past few years around a summer holiday weekend. Im married so I understand that weddings can be freaking expensive, and I would imagine that they are a bit cheaper over a holiday weekend. But come on!
Luckily the weather hasnt been and wont be too good this weekend. Thus I am likely not missing too much at my parents shore house. Also I scheduled AUD for Saturday afternoon of this weekend, so I am partially to blame.
The wedding also gives me a chance to let loose & have a little fun after doing nothing but studying for the past month and a half. My wife & I also have plans to have a Memorial Day BBQ with some of my wifes relatives. BBQs are always a good time. Hopefully the weather holds up for Monday.
Every have a safe and happy Memorial Day, and good luck to everyone thats still waiting for 2Q scores, and will be studying in June.