Gina is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
Well, my test day for BEC has come and gone and Ive had a couple of days to reflect on the experience.
I didnt feel well prepared for the exam, but I felt as if I will never feel 100% prepared any sections. I had memorized some equations, but had not practiced them enough. I went in hoping I would have more theory than equations.
My game plan was to answer all the theory questions that I knew first, then go back and work the MCQs that had equations. Any question that I was not sure about or had not seen before in the review material would receive my best guess answer.
I wrote down all the equations Id memorized on the scrap paper given and started the exam.
I left myself a little under one hour to work the Sims. I have an associate degree in English, so I really was not worried about the writing part. I just wanted to make sure I covered each point and provide key words that I thought the examiners would look for when scoring that part.
Do I think I passed? I certainly hope so. If I didnt, I know its because I didnt practice the equations enough and that is what I will have to work on if I have to re-take BEC
For now, its on to FAR.
Gina i'm sure you did great! I'm studying for FAR myself and it's a beast. I took BEC first as well and passed. When I walked out the exam I wasn't sure how well I did, but I told myself I passed and low and behold I did. Be confident in the work you put in and move forward to FAR. Best of luck to you!
I'm really hoping so. I started studying for FAR with the expectations that I will NOT have to ever look at BEC again.