Elizabeth is a new NINJA CPA Blogger.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Elizabeth.
I graduated from LaSalle University Honors Program in 2006 with a concentration in Accounting. Upon graduation I immediately begun to study for the exam though I heeded my father's advice and studied from books, i.e. I did multiple guess questions from the book.
A little background here. My father is a brianic when it comes to accounting. He passed 3 of the 4 sections and earned a 70 (he is from the era when the CPA society did not give a 71-74) without studying.
Yes you read that right, he passed 3 exams and AUD he passed on his second try without studying though apparently he did look at the book (i.e. he used the book for a pillow).
I graduated in May and was scheduled to begin work in September, so the plan was to study during the summer and complete the CPA exams prior to beginning work – insert laughter here. Needles to say I did not pass though in retrospect (yes I can still remember back that far) I do not think I studied as well as I should have.
I am in the tax department and while I contend I am not a workaholic I do contend I work to relax. I have taken the exam in excess of fifty (50) times and the majority of my scores are between a 68 and a 74. Actually, my mode is a 74, yes a 74.
After I passed REG I actually earned 3 (3) consecutive 74s on BEC. BEC is my nemesis. It took me 13 tries to pass BEC the first time.
Finally, in Nov of 2010 I only had FAR left and I felt great leaving the exam only to have earned a 73. I LOVED the written simulations and was devastated when the written simulations were removed as the written communication score always helped my score.
As BEC (the one that took me 13 tries to pass) did not expire till Aug of 2011 I felt confident that I would be able to pass FAR by Aug, after all I always deemed FAR the easiest of all sections.
The reason I contend FAR is the easiest is FAR is mainly computational. The common consensus is I over analyze the questions as I do everything in life and while this trait is great for work it also accounts for why I am a horrific standardized test taker.
Since FAR is mainly computational I took the position there is less room for me to make a question more difficult then it is. My last score on FAR was a 73. Alas I lost BEC and when I did not pass BEC and FAR by Dec I also AUD. And then when I failed them twice more I also lost REG. Now I am in the envious position of attempting to pass REG for my third try.
Here is where my story gets even more ironic. I recently decided that while I enjoy tax accounting this is not the field I want to stay in and am a Post-Bacc student at Columbia University that is oscillating between Pre-Vet and Pre-Med. While I am still technically employed at my firm, my status has changed to intern and I will be leaving shortly.
The funny thing is, studying for the CPA exam is to some degree relaxing as I am comfortable with the material as opposed to 3-d vectors in physics which make me quake in my boots.
So aside from studying and work, well honestly who am I kidding, I dont have a life. That being said, I use to be an avid equestrian though lately I only take my guys out for short pleasure rides.
I have 3 amazing equines, Flame, we have been together 17 yrs and honestly he is a deity (I still dont understand why everyone does not bow before him as I do nor do I understand why he has an ego the size of Texas:); Missy (the equine standing next to me in the photo) was/is Flames girlfriend and loves him almost as much as I do, and then there is Sebastian Alexander Theordoe, SAT.
I also have the worlds greatest dog, Spencer, an elderly black lab who I adopted a few years ago. Flame, Missy, and Spencer are desperate for me to pass the exams. I study a lot with my equines in their stalls or I always go over what I have been studying with them as going over it helps me though frankly I believe they are sick of hearing about it. The exception being SAT who is an academic sort and loves to learn new things.
Currently I am studying for AUD and I have recently purchased the NINJA notes as well as the audio, which I am simply loving. I also have the lecture materials. The game plan, subject to modifications, is to re-view all of the videos and NOT do the X-Guess right after the videos.
Then I plan to write the NINJA Notes three times and then tackle the X-Guess questions. I listen to the audio whenever I can, it is great during my commute. I cant read on the subways or a car though I can listen so I am able to cram more study time into a day.
The plan is to take AUD on Nov 29; I used to compete Flame under the number 29.
If anyone has any questions for me, i.e. why do I continue to pursue the CPA feel free to shoot me an email.