My name is Denise and I am from the beautiful island of Barbados!!!
If you have never heard of it, look it up because after your exam is over you should treat yourself to a nice vacay at the beach basking in the sun with a margarita in your hand. As the Italians would say “la dolce vita”…but I digress…lol.
My CPA journey started about two years ago while I was living in London with my husband. Needless to say it was pretty pricey to travel from London to New York to take exams and it added an extra urgency for me to pass.
I was not an accounting major but somehow I decided that taking the CPA Exam would be a brilliant boost to my career. It’s only 4 exams I said, easy peasy…I will be done in no time!
Five exams later, I realized that it’s not as easy as I had imagined. I am not going to say I have never had doubts and that I have never asked why I am torturing myself with this work. But thanks to Another71 I know that I am not alone and that it can be done.
I passed BEC on the first attempt…don’t know how that happened! AUD on the second try, first time 70 and the second time I blew it out of the water with an 89!
I am currently studying REG and also plan on doing FAR in the next window. I must be crazy, you say, FAR and REG in the same window! This is my third attempt at REG, I honestly walked out the last exam thinking I may have messed up on a few questions but I should still pass.
Boy was I wrong. I got a 66, less than my previous attempt. So here I am back at the drawing board, trying a new strategy to get that 75 in October.
I just moved to New York a few weeks ago, so in the midst of trying to find a job, somewhere to live and trying to settle in, it has been difficult to focus on my upcoming exams. But as I say often “such is life”, somehow I will manage.
So that’s a little bit about me, I look forward to sharing my progress. So many people on here have inspired me to keep working and I am so happy to do the same.
I wish you good luck Denise, I will be glad to visit sometime your Island, that seems very interesting :), I'm currently planning to take my first attempt in the CPA in November, AUD, how long did it take you to prepare for it?