Dawn is a new NINJA CPA Blogger.
My name is Dawn and I am very excited to be exploring the world of blogging! I would like to share a big about myself.
I graduated from Hawaii Pacific University with bachelor of science degrees in Applied Mathematics and Computer science. Last year, I completed my master's accountancy program from the University of Phoenix.
Although I have completed the program, I enjoy learning and still register for occasional classes.
I am also very involved with my community through neighborhood board meetings and I have also recently begun further community involvement through my church. In addition, I also volunteer at my children's school and extracurricular activities.
I have three girls ranging in age from 22 months to 9 years old. My family also grew by one this past June, when I accepted guardianship over my sister. She wants to attend a local university here and it's much more affordable as a resident than someone from out of state.
She will gain her residency under my guardianship allowing her to pay in state tuition next year. So, make it 4 girls in my household ranging in age from 22 months to 17 years old. When I have a few minutes to spare, I enjoy reading mystery and dramatic novels on my Nook. I am always searching for the next great book to read!
I have currently changed jobs and actually start my new job on today! I will be at a private school working with their finance team. The actual specifics are unknown since I haven't started the job yet…but I will definitely update all of you after I begin!
Next up on my agenda is to begin the preparation and study phase for the CPA exam. Since I am just beginning my journey, I thought it would be great to have some company and support along the way.
I have a few perilous twists and turns to navigate, such as priority and time management. Since I volunteer a lot and I don't want to have unfinished business or “drop the ball” and have a family schedule to juggle, it can be difficult to prioritize studying for the exam.
I hope you'll join me on my journey and also allow me to be part of your journey as well.