FAR and REG Scores: Ouch. Double Ouch.

07 Nov 2013


David is a NINJA CPA Blogger.

A little background for those who haven't read my prior posts … in the July/August window, I had to pass FAR in order to not lose credit for REG. If I pass, I'm licensed. If not, back to 50% complete.

Seventy Four. Yep. Ouch.

So, I've taken the last 2 months of my life to better prepare myself for the FAR retake, which I took on October 17th. It was hard to fully get back into it, knowing I had just spent 4 solid months studying all of the information. I felt as prepared going into the retake, if not more, than I did on my first attempt. I felt the same coming out: cautiously optimistic.

This wait was different though. For some reason, it felt excruciatingly long. It felt like 10 years. The score was the only thing on my mind, and I had to start preparing for my REG re-take. My last blog post described that challenge of focus, and what I did to try and focus on my REG studies more.

Well, D-day finally came last Friday. I had a lunch date with my 3 year old princess, and then took off to the library to what I thought was going to be another few hours of waiting and wearing out the F5 key. On the way to the library, I checked the Another71 Forum on my phone and saw that the scores had already begun posting.

My heart rate increased, so I took a walk around the lake by the library to calm myself. Finally, after a prayer and a deep breath, I walked into the library and opened my computer to the NASBA score result site.

Seventy-Four. Again. Double ouch.

I mean I'd rather have been kicked in the face. I'd rather have gotten a 47. I'd rather clean the bath tub with my tongue.

Since my journey started in February of 2012, I've taken 7 exams. My passing scores: 78, 79, 83. My failing scores: 71, 73, 74, 74. If only 70 was a passing grade. If this were archery, I'd have a heck of a grouping.

I'm not going to lie. This hurts. A lot. But the point of this post is not self-pity (although it is therapeutic). It's to share the pain with others who have received that dreaded score, and hopefully help them get back on the saddle. Especially those (the world famous Jeff, included) that have had back to back 74's.

I am not going to quit. It's going to motivate me to study the extra hour when I'm tired. Play one less game of solitaire during study breaks. Say no to a glass of wine with my wife. I'm not just hurt. I'm ticked off. I'm ticked off at this exam, and I'm going to beat it. Devour it. Face plant it.

My goal was to pass in 2013. That goal is unfortunately out the window. But I can be 3/4 of the way done in 2013, and finish in January. So that's my new goal. And when I reach it, I'll write a big 74 on a piece of paper, shoot an arrow through it, then burn it. With a huge smile on my face.

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Smi77y 11 years ago

I had nearly the EXACT same situation. Took my final exam (4th) on day before my REG expired. If I passed, I'm a CPA, fail and I'm 50%. I got a 74. Re-took BEC first since it was fresh and now test again for REG to be done for. I dwelled on my 74 for about two weeks. It was an AWFUL gut shot to get a 74 when I would have been done. I've been on and off again on these dang test for 4 years now. I despise every second of studying. With that said, here I am again, almost done and it's going to feel that much sweeter when I'm done. You got this, just keep trucking along.

mannonjay 11 years ago

Flaming arrow?

Stacey 11 years ago

I'm so sorry. That's how it has been for me too. Found out I got another 70 on REG and FAR is on the line... Best of luck on your retake! :)

Leon 11 years ago

Thank you for sharing your experience. it's only an exam and you will pass. We all know this is only a matter of time. I know how it feels when scoring a 74 and I thought to myself and I'm pretty sure you did too that only if I had gotten correct on that last research question I would have pass this test. There's a lot of pressure to pass the exam and a lot has to do with psychological. So stand tall and conquer this test, cause you are a lot closer to your destination than you first started.