David is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
I had a wonderful five-day vacation break and actually enjoyed getting back to my CPA review course today. I know its weird, still I think the break definitely made me feel better and much more refreshed.
I went out for some beautiful dinners around town with a close friend and got to do a bunch of cool touristy attractions as well.
I am now anxiously awaiting my FAR & AUD results which should be here in just a couple days. I will keep you guys updated on the results.
I usually do better than how I felt so thats a good thing. I just started studying for REG and am planning to wait until July to get my NASBA Notice to Schedule. Last time I got burned by them.
I am hoping to study with NINJA Notes and Audio, and the Wiley MCQs for REG. REG feels so much easier now that I have gotten over two exams!