Danielle is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hi everyone!
So I took my REG exam a few days ago. It is nice to get one part down. I actually am feeling pretty good about it.
I definitely felt that all the NINJA material prepared me for the exam. The multiple choice progressed well and I was able to work through all the questions.
There were a few random ones that were just tiny pieces of information that I obviously didn't pay as much attention to. But even for those I felt that I was able to logically work through the question based on my studying.
I felt some of the simulations to be great and then others to be horrible. So we will see there. But it is over!
Last time I checked in I was having a difficult time finding a balance between my life and studying. I took a short vacation after the REG exam and feel much better. I understand that all this time and effort is necessary to put in and is only temporary. If I put my all into every exam now it will be over quicker. And it will be worth it.
Tomorrow I start studying for BEC. This is a part I have never taken before, and I am only allowing 6 weeks to prepare. I am nervous about that, but I know I can do it.
Hope everyone's studying/exams have been going well. Hang in there.
Best of luck to you...six weeks is plenty of time for BEC. Don't forget to prepare for the essays, they could make or break you.