Dale is a new NINJA CPA Blogger.
The Russell home has been all abuzz this week. My middle son, Dale Jr., is a high school senior and we have been making preparations for graduation and prom. Tuxes, pictures, graduation invitations, cap and gown. All very exciting.
He recently informed my wife and I that he'd like to join the USMC after graduation. That information has sparked feelings of fear and pride all at the same time, in addition to the feelings a parent has seeing their children grow and begin to spread their wings a little.
A few weeks ago, I decided for a little life's balance I would accept an invitation to play adult flag football for a few months in the spring. My son was invited to play as well and I thought it could be a good “last hoorah” before he graduates and begins his life when I know those father/son times becomes scarce.
The practices would only last for a hour Sunday then games would be about the same. I would be able to get outside, run around a bit, and have some fun. That seemed like a really good, safe plan. Sadly, one hour into the first practice, I felt a pop in my calf.
A doctor visit and MRI later, I was informed that I had torn about 3cm of my calf from my Achilles tendon. So now I have crutches and a “boot”. What fun.
I have to ice 3 times a day and pills with names I can't pronounce. And in case you were wondering, it's my right leg so no driving either. But I have a wonderful wife that obviously still loves me because has been patient, compassionate and willing to cart me everywhere I have needed to go.
She's put up with my frustration, whining, and general poor disposition about this situation. She is truly a blessing to me and I love her dearly, although I'm certain I don't tell her enough.
My study plan started off strong enough, but needless to say, got temporally derailed by my last ditch effort at sports fame. As I mentioned in my last writing, I am starting completely over.
I have taken and failed BEC twice. And so to put that behind me, I decided to start fresh as if I hadn't taken it all. Those failures were a really hard shot to my ego, but the blessing is that the failure humbled me and I believe brought me one step close to success and will eventually make me a better CPA.
For some reason this go 'round I am having particular difficulty with the IT section of the study material. I am very fluent with my computer and didn't anticipate this type of muddied water at the beginning of my concentrated efforts.
Amongst the duties in the small firm I work for is to maintain the peer to peer network and to fix issues with the multiple workstations. So, I thought this to be one of my stronger topics, but sadly, I have found it to be one of my more challenging sections.
I had considered just moving to another section and circling back to it, but I'll have to master it sometime, so no time like the present. And I certainly don't have any plans that involve moving, walking or driving so I will have plenty of time to study and work MCQ's until I drive it into my head. The NINJA Flashcards and Wiley materials have been the best.