Cassandra is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
What is the craziest place you’ve ever studied?
I promise this isn’t a random question. I have just a little over a week until my AUD rematch, so I decided that every single spare minute I have until then, I need to be studying—whenever and where ever. So that made me think that I might end up studying in some crazy places.
Where have I studied in the past? My house, the library, the car… I think it’s time to up the ante! So that brings me to my question: what is the craziest place you’ve ever studied?
Since my last post, Christmas has come and gone. It has been terribly hard to study with all the festivities, as I’m sure you all know. There’s nothing like studying in the ambient glow of the Christmas tree while everyone else is relaxing and enjoying the holiday.
But I’ve learned that the CPA exam is all about temporary sacrifice for future gain. By sacrificing a little of my Christmas joy this year, hopefully the CPA exam will be behind me by next Christmas, and I’ll have one more thing to celebrate!
So I challenge you fellow NINJAs to study relentlessly!