Brent is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Just under 2 weeks ago before I will sit for my first CPA exam. Hard to believe how quickly the time has passed.
At this point, I have completed all of the sections within my review material and have entered into the final review stage.
The pages of my books are starting to detach themselves from the stress placed on them from flipping back and forth between sections. This makes me proud!
Overall, I feel 80% confident with my understanding on the information.
My downfalls still pertain to ratios and the application of substantive procedures applied to managements assertions as mentioned before in my previous blogs. Fingers crossed that I will not seem many questions regarding ratios on the exam.
I am still not sure what my plans will be during these final two weeks before the exam. I have made my own flash cards but have not really used them. However, I do use the NINJA Flashcards on my phone during my spare time. I can just about hear Jeff's voice in my head while answering them.
In addition to the MCQ's from my review materials, I also purchased the Wiley test bank. These questions seem to add a little twist on certain topics and make me think of things in a different prospective. I am very satisfied with my purchase and hopefully they will help on exam day.
Answering MCQ's is basically all I have been doing these past few days. I will more than likely watch the lectures again and re-read the topics I am weakest on.
In addition to the NINJA Notes, I have also prepared my own notes in Microsoft Office One Note. Using this software I am able to arrange my notes so that I can quickly go to the topic I wish to review or add more notes. I plan to print these out and then add to them the notes that I wrote by hand.
Based on the exam experience of others, I also purchased additional simulations to practice with. I have also become familiar with the Authoritative Literature and navigating it using the search function. I can only hope that the simulations on the test will relate to topics that I have been studying.
During these final days before the exam, my mind will stay positive because there is nothing to worry about or bring me down. I will pass this exam. I plan to post one more blog before the exam, which I will share the strategies used during my final preparation.
Good luck to everyone out there testing in the final exam window for this period!