Brent is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
I'm not wasting any time and continuing to study hard as I prepare for my final section of the CPA exam covering REG.
I recently sat for my first attempt at BEC. I studied a little over 45 days in preparation for the exam and covered all the sections in my review material. At the completion of covering all of the sections and associated homework problems, I had a week remaining for a final review of the materials.
I felt modestly confident in my knowledge of the sections, however an additional week of reviewing would have given me an extra edge. The exam was tough but I made it through and I'm not waiting patiently for grades to be released.
So far into REG, I have covered the basics of the 1040 including; filling status, exemptions, deductions, along with the Sch. C and Sch. E. One of my favorite courses in college was a tax class because the teacher made it fun and used certain methods to make the rules easy to understand and remember.
This is pretty much the first portion of the CPA exam that actually relates to topics I remember from college which should assist me in my review of the REG material.
REG has been scheduled for November 28 which gives me plenty of time to cover all of the material. Throughout my entire testing process I have enjoyed sharing my experiences and hope that you continue to follow me as I complete and conquer my final exam.