Beverly is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Audit is about to be the death of me
Scores came out last Monday, and of course I was thinking I would be part of the very last batch of scores after the close of the window. I was wrong.
I got a 73 on audit ?.
I have been so busy with work due to an upcoming deadline I have not had time to wallow. This is probably a good thing because the last time I wallowed for about 3 months.
I had started studying for BEC but have decided to retake AUD on 1/4/13 and then take BEC in February.
My plan is to review the Audit NINJA Notes and rewrite those and work as many questions as possible till I am blue in the face. I have the Wiley online test bank, as well as questions from other review courses.
That should be enough to keep me busy over Christmas.
Good Luck everyone!