Ben is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
The one thing I am quickly seeing fly by is time. I still have 4-5 weeks before I plan on sitting for the exam, but there is still so much I need to study it is crazy.
I had a second interview for a job yesterday and assuming I get that job I will be even more pressed for study time, but I need to help support my family and so I am hoping that I get it.
I have been going through my videos and it is interesting how much material there is in FAR. I knew this going in, but it is still crazy to see the vast amount of information that could be on the exam.
I have started this week following the ELL Plan more. Up till now I have mainly been trying to study while my kid is napping and late at night.
The problem is that sometimes chasing my kid around is so exhausting that I have neglected the time studying during his nap time. I am constantly finding ways that dont work and trying to really focus on why I want this.
My sister-in-law has been working in the accounting field for a while and has just recently decided to get her CPA and is waiting on her score for her recent AUD exam. I hope she passes it so she can move on to the next exam.
So I will go back to studying for now. My current goal is to have the rest of the videos done no later than 2 weeks from now and then to start working on re-writing my notes and doing non-stop MCQs.