Ben is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
Well it has been a crazy couple of days since my re-match with FAR.
I took my test on Monday the 1st of October. I had planned to take the day off to study for the exam.
The night before my son was up with a fever of 103 and instead of being home alone on Monday; my wife took off work to stay home with our sick man.
Well, even with all of that I took about 5 hours, off and on, and reviewed all of the chapters, including some main journal entries. I then started to relax an hour or two before my exam, which was scheduled at 5PM.
Around 4 I got a call from the test center saying that I could come in early to take the exam if I wanted to. I was ready for this thing, so I drove down to the test center and started attacking FAR with all I had.
I felt pretty good with the barrage of MCQs that I got. I honestly feel that I did pretty well on that part and then came the simulations. In all honesty, I struggled a lot with those.
I honestly do not know how I did on those, and as hard as I study I do not think I will ever be ready for FARs TBS. So now it is up to me to wait a whole month to hear about my FARs test results! Yuck
Well, I just need to get my family and me well again and start my REG study. I have it scheduled already for the very end of November. It is my hope that I can knock out both FAR and REG this window!
So, it is time to get back to it!