Ben is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
My fellow NINJAs,
I am sorry for not writing for so long, but I have been swallowed up in trying to study for my upcoming FAR exam. I take the exam TODAY and I am trying not to freak out.
I have a tendency to freak out on important exams, so one of my good friends in school developed a short rhyme that I could say to calm myself down. It goes something like this:
Breathe in, breathe out
And dont freak out!
Every time I take a test and start to feel stressed, I say this little rhyme to myself and it usually helps me refocus on the test and keep going. I am planning on doing well, even though this is my first time sitting for the CPA exam.
I have studied hard and all I have to do is stay calm and watch out for important details like dates! (For some reason I keep missing little stuff like this on my practice questions.)
Anyways, good luck on your studies and exams! And remember that belief in yourself is half of the battle.
Good Luck! Thanks for the words of encouragement for those of still studying.