Austin is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Im in the process of training for a couple of triathlons this summer and Ive been having difficulty with the swimming portion.
Be honest how many of you have been swimming without an adult beverage in your hand in the last few years?
One of the interesting things I have learned is that in order to get faster at swimming I had to actually swim slower. I know it sounds counter intuitive, but that is the way it works.
Slowing down helps you to work on your form, which builds your ability to go faster with less effort.
That is in essence what the NINJA Study Framework is doing. You arent cramming in 4 hours of studying from 7pm to 11pm every night. You are doing little manageable SLOW chunks of studying that dont completely drain your energy and make you want to give up.
You can give 100% attention to everything you are supposed to be doing for those few chunks of time and slowly but surely you begin to retain the information and you begin to score better and better on those MCQs and Simulations.
So, if you are on the fence about fully committing to the NINJA way, try it for a week just one week. And I PROMISE you will feel 100% better about how you are studying.