Alex is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
The pain of having to get back up after a defeat.
As I stare at my FAR score of 72, Im replaying the grueling pain of studying, time away from my wife, my friends, my family, and somehow, the pain of defeat is overwhelming.
I feel like I have given up so much and I have such a tough journey ahead.
Today, I choose to soak. I choose to sit quietly and listen to my thoughts. I choose to reminisce on the battles and sacrifices I have already made to try and attain my dreammy brass ring.
As I smile at all of those candidates that passed this round and those that are done, I look to you as my guiding light. In such a dark moment, you are the example for every candidate that remains in the trenches.
Its so difficult to explain the road to a CPA. Many cannot begin to imagine the magnitude of sacrifice we all endure.
So, this is me, trying to get back up, dusting myself off, and pushing forward. I will not give up.