Serena is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hi there NINJAs,
A couple days ago I wrote a blog about how I was patiently waiting for my score. Sent it off to Jeff to post, and lo and behold, he emailed the next day to say that scores were released.
I had checked my email from my iPhone while waiting for someone to return my call. This was a personal call so I had left the office and was sitting in my car. So, still on my iPhone, I looked up my NTS (from an old email) to get my section number, then got onto the NASBA site to check. Oh how I love technology.
And just how I had figured, no pass for me. 71.
On the bright side, its better than I thought I couldve done considering I rushed through three really complicated REG sims with less than 15 minutes on the clock. I was sure I had done a lot worse, so even this is a small win in my book.
And as my coworker/friend put it, by normal standards 71 usually isnt failing. Its average. My response was but I want to be above average!
I didnt even want to go into the way the test is weighted and it isnt really a percentage grade because even I dont fully understand it all so theres no point in confusing others. I just left it at that and thanked him for the kind words.
So here I am again, with two more to go.