New York CPA Exam Requirements
Age Requirement: 21
Citizenship Requirement: No
Residency Requirement: No
Social Security Number Requirement: No
Social security number is used for domestic candidates; international candidates are assigned a unique number by CPAEs.
New York CPA Exam Education Requirements
Education Requirement for Licensure: (post-08/09) 150 hours (including B.A.) OR (pre-08/09) 120 hours (including B.A.) OR Fifteen years of public accounting experience acceptable to the State Board for Public Accountancy may be substituted for education for the admission to the examination.
Participates in International Examination Program: Yes
Hours in accounting: B.A. Degree or higher degree from a program that is registered by the Department as meeting New York's 150 (post-08/09) or 120 (pre-08/09) semester hour education requirements OR A Masters degree in accounting from an AACSB accredited accounting program OR (post-08/09) 33 semester hours in accounting with at least one course in each of the following: financial accounting and reporting, cost or managerial accounting, taxation and auditing, accounting research and attestation services AND 36 semester hours in general business AND at least one course in ethics AND at least one course in communications OR (pre-08/09) 24 semester hours in accounting to include each of the following: Financial accounting, Cost accounting, Taxation, Audit and attestation AND 21 semester hours in business and accounting, 6 semester hours (or 4 semester hours at the graduate level) in business law, 6 semester hours in finance, 3 semester hours in statistics, and 6 semester hours in economics.
Exam sitting requirements: B.A. (120 hours) including a course in each of the following: Financial accounting, Cost or management accounting, Taxation, and Audit and attestation.
Experience requirements: 1 year experience gained in employment in a public accounting firm, government, private industry or an educational institution
Ethics exam: No ethics exam
150 hour education requirement became effective for licenses issued after Aug. 1, 2009
Send any additional required information or documents to:
CPA Examination Services – NY
PO Box 198469
Nashville, TN 37219
Materials to be Submitted with Application
Official transcript(s). Directly from academic institution to CPAES.
International Evaluation, if applicable. Directly from evaluation agency to CPAES.
NY State Registered Program Form, if applicable. Directly from academic institution to CPAES.
ADA Accommodation Form, if applicable. Submission by you to CPAES.
Please allow two to four weeks from your file completion date (when application, fees and all additional required materials have been received) for your application to be processed. Acknowledgment of receipt of application will be sent to you via email, unless otherwise indicated. This notice is sent only as acknowledgment of receipt of application.
New York CPA Exam Fees
All first-time applicants are required to pay both an application fee and an examination fee upon submission of the first-time application. All re-examination candidates are required to pay both a registration fee and an examination fee at the time of registration.
You are able to apply for one or more sections of the examination at a time; however, you are advised to only apply for a section of the examination if you are ready to take it within the next six months.
Application fee $150.00
Examination Fees
Auditing and Attestation (AUD) $192.03
Business Environment and Concepts (BEC) $172.51
Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) $192.03
Regulation (REG) $172.51
Registration Fees
4 examination sections $75.00
3 examination sections $75.00
2 examination sections $75.00
1 examination section $75.00
New York State Society of CPAs
William Pape
Phone Number: 800-537-3635; 212-719-8300 (Main Front Desk); 212-719-8383 (Member Services/Registration)
Fax Number: 866-495-1354 (FAE Registrations and Dues Payments); 212-719-3364
In State Toll Free: 1-800-633-6320 (Main Front Desk); 1-800-537-3635 (Member Services/Registration)
Address: 14 Wall Street, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10005
Email: wpape@nysscpa.org or membership@nysscpa.org
New York State Board for Public Accountancy
Phone Number: 518-474-3817 ext. 160
Fax Number: 518-474-6375 or 518-474-1449
State Education Department Division of Professional Licensing Services
Address: 89 Washington Avenue, 2nd Floor East Mezzanine, Albany, NY 12234-1000
Email: cpabd@nysed.gov or op4info@nysed.gov or cpaes-ny@nasba.org