My New Testing Strategy for the CPA Exam

28 Oct 2016


By Adam29

Stacey-HeadshotStacey is a NINJA CPA blogger.

Getting ready to schedule my test is always a challenge for me. Are Saturdays really the best day to take a test after a full work week or should I spend PTO to take it on a different day?

I have taken two tests on Friday mornings, typically before a weekend with family events. I have also taken a Saturday morning test and a Saturday afternoon test.

Both worked out alright at the time since I still got the rest of the weekend to relax after long weeks of studying, but did not result in passing scores.

This time, since I was waiting until I felt like the studying was going well, there are no weekend options available without delaying my next test by a couple weeks.

I do not want to do this if I want to attempt to get in three tests this section. Therefore, I am leaning towards a Monday, giving me the entire weekend to study without having added stress from long hours at work.

This does mean using PTO, and keeping the weekend from filling up with any distractions, but that seems like a small price to pay to keep on schedule. Now I am wondering why I did not think of this strategy for the CPA Exam sooner!

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hasy 8 years ago

I feel like the day you take it, is pretty arbitrary. Personally, I don't really recommend studying a WHOLE lot the day before the exam, you psych yourself. Unless you're the type to push it until the end, by all means. I have been told to schedule my exam on Mondays and I have for the previous 2 exams. But I don't have that much PTO to keep wasting it on these exams. So if you have it, spare it and try to come in for a half day. Both exams, I did that, and never regretted it.

6silvermoonbeams 8 years ago

I always took Monday morning tests , so I could spend a full Friday (PTO) , Saturday and Sunday in review mode. I would eat well and hydrate well through the weekend, get lots of rest on those evenings. I closed the books at 5pm on sundays and had a relaxing evening and really good rest . Then Monday wake up early and take a few runs through flashcards, then Exam Time! Good luck !