Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger.
My fellow NINJA CPA hopefuls, I digitally stand here today to inform you that I have failed again with a 64 on AUD.
Being the loving husband that I am, I deferred telling my wife the news until the evening, which, in retrospect, was probably not a good idea.
Instead of hearing the “Sorry honey, you will get it next time,” I got the “You waited all day to tell me?” talk. It was pretty special and helpful towards drowning my sorrows of the failure….
I guess I am back to gouging my eyes with rusted spoon to retake AUD early July…The good news is that my state board just sent an email on score release day to inform us that they have decided to raise exam fees.
Hopping off the sadistic and sarcasm train, my plan is to switch back to AUD and take it before the 4th of July. I am retaining a lot of what I learned plus I feel like I am able to help others in the study group on the forum.
Some of my best test scores in college were when I would lock myself in a room and talk/write on the whiteboard to teach myself the materials. Granted there were no windows, so others did not get to witness myself looking like a crazy person.
I plan to again pound the NINJA MCQs, but actually work on understanding why the other 3 answers are incorrect or just not the best options. In the last week, I have started taking the time to look at why the other answers are incorrect and I am starting to learn a lot more.
Being home and spending time with my wife becomes more difficult as I continue this journey. The duration is beginning to take a toll on the quantity of quality time and my frustration and stress level does not help.
I listen to some podcasts and one of them is about marriage and tips to keep and grow a healthy relationship. One of the key tips that has been prominent through the episodes is making time to relax and play.
Whether playing a board game or taking a walk, these times are set to just have fun and not talk about bills, CPA exam, children (we don’t have any), etc.
This is time to reconnect and then you can go back to attacking the list of mounting items that need to be completed.
I may begin to try this to see if I can re-connect to the quality time we had in the past and to stop myself from focusing on auditing assertions.
Goals for the week:
- Focus while studying so I can get home sooner
- Work on de-stressing
- Date Night(s)
- Hone in on my inability to determine what assertions the auditor is testing for (I know-I ended with a preposition)