Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger.
Another AUD attempt is in the books and now the wait for the first August score release continues.
It was so nice to have the rest of the 4th of July weekend to spend relaxing and catching up with all the of house chores.
Plus it gave me time to accept a job offer! That is right NINJAs, I am moving on to a credit union to work in their accounting department. It will be a great opportunity.
I have given up on trying to diagnose what level of difficulty I received in regards to my testlets.
It not only psyches you out, but it also makes my mind focus on items that are not important or relevant at all during the exam.
I feel that the test went a little better than last time, but it is so hard for me to tell anymore. I am just hoping to have positive results come early August!
What is next? I am hoping to knock out FAR on the 29th of August. With FAR being such a beast and my time running short, I wanted to get an attempt or two in before I lose my credit for REGL.
This is also includes a trip to Winnipeg to see Jeff’s favorite boy band minus one member. It should be a relaxing time for my wife and I.
Not only will we be staying in a B&B, but hopefully I can shut my brain off for a couple days. Keeping the marriage alive is very important. And it will make for a more supportive wife J.
The plan is simple. I need to start nailing the journal entries for FAR and pounding the NINJA MCQs. I hope I have not lost all of the FAR material from the last time I took FAR. It will be a good ride…
Good luck all!
Well – NINJAs – in an ideal world, I will pass FAR and AUD this window J. Let’s hope for the best!!
Rollie, what CPA prep did you use for your AUD exam. How many time have you taken Audit? This will be my 4th time believe it or not!