Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger.
The best birthday/Christmas gift I could receive this year is never having to take any kind of Audit exam again.
With re-schedules and the first failure, I have now been studying this material for over 3 months. I am ready to put this in the rear view mirror.
The CPA has not been the highest priority for me lately. It’s unfortunate, but work and wedding planning have taken up a significant chunk of time and trying to find the motivation to open the book has been difficult.
I need to find the initial spark that helped me knock out FAR again and get back on the horse so I can continue through this intense journey.
Throughout it all, having the support of my fiancé and my family has picked me up when I hit the low moments. They help me to keep a lot of the perspective you lose sight of everything outside of work and the exam. It helps to know your cheering squad is behind you 100%.
With 2 weeks to go before the last exam of the year, I hope to get the groove I found in July and get to the halfway done mark before the start of the new year.
It will be rough, but the goal of being done with Audit is going to push me to finish strong and hopefully land another 75.
For me it was a Diwali Present, but the same thing, when I saw my score, it was like a great weight lifted, I never had to worry about AUD again