I Need a Win: Third Round with AUD

17 May 2016


By Key522

Keona2Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger.

I took AUD for the third time this weekend. I really need a win.

After reaching the half way mark in 6 months, I haven’t been able to pass that mark. I came close but no cigar with AUD.

I humbled myself and watched lectures this time around. The lectures worked wonders for me.

I honestly don’t know how I got close to passing the last two times without fully understanding some keys points in AUD (sampling, assertions, and transaction cycles).

I was also worried about the Sims so I practiced over 100 simulations. I feel like the CPA gods were on my side because my Sims weren’t too difficult or maybe I was well prepared.

I will take some time off and work on shredding some of these CPA pounds before I got into REG.

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