Official NASBA Early Score Release List

19 Nov 2010


By Jeff

NASBA has updated their system of releasing CPA Exam scores and can now release candidate scores in less than 24 after an AICPA release.

Some states seem to be getting them almost instantly while others on this list seem to take just a little bit longer.

Here is the official list from NASBA:

  • AL
  • AK
  • CO
  • CT
  • DE
  • FL
  • GA
  • HI
  • IA
  • KS
  • LA
  • MA
  • MI
  • MS
  • MT
  • NH
  • NJ
  • NM
  • NY
  • OH
  • PA
  • RI
  • SC
  • TN
  • UT
  • WA

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Minnesota 14 years ago

Why isn't MN on the list? Its a NASBA state.

Cassie 14 years ago

Typical Missouri - last to do everything!!!

PackerFan 14 years ago

Don't mean to beat a tired drum, but what's the deal with WI?

Stephanie 14 years ago

AMEN Cassie! Too bad for us Missourians :(

Sp 14 years ago

Missouri scores should still be out tonight right?

Michelle 14 years ago

I don't know when they released REG but I'm glad. I pull up my score tonight, 88, last section!! FYI, NASBA state, Colorado, tested on 10/18.

Jim 14 years ago

Is there going to be more far scores? i took mine beginning of october for MA and nothing yet?

Ileana 14 years ago

I just checked now!!!! and they realeased REG tonight. This was my last section, tested 10/16-AK Good luck to everyone!

AJ 14 years ago

i took FAR on October 11 in PA. I saw many people in PA got their score already. Just checked mine but still no score. Am I a Wave 2?

FAR in MO 14 years ago

Has anyone received their FAR score in MO, I don't know if I should keep checking or assume that I am in Wave 2

FAR MO 14 years ago

No score yet for FAR in MO posted!