Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger.
My REG exam is behind me. I went into the test center feeling unconfident. I was not prepared. When the test was over I felt defeated.
On score release day. I put off looking at my score because I felt uneasy. When I finally gathered the courage to look at my score, it was just as I suspected—FAIL.
At that point, I felt like I was at an all-time low. The emotion I feel telling my coworkers and boyfriend I didn’t pass once again is such a blow to my ego.
We are nearing the end of the year with no passing scores to show for it. But I have this rule, I only allow myself a few minutes to sulk in my misery and then I need to gather myself once again and keep pressing on.
If you don’t succeed, try again. I can do this. We all can do this.
Keep pushing! Unfortunately it took me 8 attempts and 3 different sets of study materials to pass. Your time is closer than you think.
Hey, i used to work with you at Michael Miller Brown & Co. lol its good to see you still are determined in passing. i just got back into the CPA stuff this year and since then don't have a pass either. I sit for REG for the third time tomorrow and hope this time around is better. Well, just wanted to say hello and wish you luck on your journey. This is only temporary, so lets keep grinding!
I know your pain, I've had the same issue with Audit (72 on attempt #1 and 73 on attempt #2, ugh)! It's always the worst feeling getting the bad news, but at the end of the day this CPA thing is never an "if" but a "when", and everything will work itself out and fall into place! Good luck and keep the good energy going! :)
omg. Ralph! Idk if you still have my number but text me so we can catch up. I need more friends who are taking the exam. And thank you all, I appreciate all your kind words.