The BOGO is Back by request for Score Release NINJAs!
(but only for 12 hours…and then that's all she wrote.)
Buy One Ten Point Combo…Get One Free. (BOGO)
The Countdown…
Included in the Ten Point Combo:
Nail the Concepts:
NINJA Book ($97)
Review the Concepts:
NINJA Audio ($97)
NINJA Notes ($67)
NINJA MCQ Audio ($47)
NINJA Flashcards ($47)
Total Value: $579
Combo Cost: $397
How the BOGO Works:
1) Purchase the Combo section you want now
(Please don't add your “free” section to the cart – only purchase the first section you want)
2) When you are ready for the 2nd part of the BOGO…
E-mail support@another71.com and the ninjas will send the materials (which will also start the 3 month clock on your NINJA MCQ subscription for the 2nd section).
(This BOGO deal effectively makes the Ten Point Combo $198.50 per section). HIYA!
Click Here to Purchase
Q: Do I need a coupon code?
A: No coupon code is needed. Just purchase a Combo and email for the 2nd part of the BOGO when you're ready to study for the 2nd section.
Q: Will there be a BOGO for the other NINJA products?
A: No – this is it … the NINJAs went big to deliver maximum savings. HIYA!
Q: I only have one section left and don't need a BOGO what about me?
A: You can give your BOGO to a friend or get a free NINJA MCQ renewal – your choice. If you want to give your BOGO to a friend, then email support@another71.com and give the ninjas their email address and they will send the Combo to them.
Q: Will I still get free 2016 & 2017 updates for each Combo?
A: Yes – BOGO purchases come with free updates until you pass (aside from NINJA MCQ, which has a 3 month clock – but can be renewed for $47 for an extra 3 mo if you need it…this is why you should wait to email for your BOGO until you need it).
Q: AHHH! I just bought a Ten Point Combo! What about me?
A: No worries – If you purchased a Ten Point Combo in the past 30 days (May 1 to Present), then simply email support@another71.com and we will make it right with you.
Q: I already have the Notes and Audio for (exam section) – can I upgrade to the combo and get this BOGO deal?
A: No – this promo is an all or nothing deal. Since one of the Combos will be free, hopefully this makes up for any redundancy in products (i.e. you have the notes and audio for BEC already and get BEC as one of your combos, which already contain the Notes/Audio).
Q: How does it work if I Buy 2 / Get 2 Free? What about the clock on the MCQ for the 2nd “purchased” section?
A: Just email us when you're ready for the 2nd MCQ to be reset and you'll be good to go. Same with sections 3 and 4 – email us when you're ready to start those and need the Combos.
Q: So if I'm reading this right I can purchase 2 sections for total of $794 and I get the other 2 sections for free?
A: That's right! the difference between doing it this way vs buy a complete combo is the 1 year clock ($497 value) that comes with the complete combo, but renewals are inexpensive for the MCQ ($47).
Technically, the clock for both “purchased” will start – but ignore the 2nd one…just email when ready.
Q: I won't be studying until late 2016, but want to get this deal. How does that work?
A: No worries – technically, your MCQ clock will start at purchase, but just ignore that. Email us when you need it to be reset. We're very flexible.
Q: How does the Complete Combo work for the BOGO
A: If you buy a Complete Combo, a friend gets a Complete Combo free! Send us their info and we'll take care of it. How you split the costs with the other person is between the two of you. They will also get free updates until they pass just like they would if they purchased it directly.
Q: How long does this last?
A: Deadline: TONIGHT 10pm Eastern.
Q: Ok, can you recap this for me?
A: Basically – if you buy a Ten Point Combo, you will get another one free that comes with all of the benefits of buying it.
So…you buy the FAR Combo and want the BEC as your BOGO, you would buy FAR and email support@another71.com when you need, say, BEC – and we'll send it to you – including NINJA MCQ which will start your 3 month BEC clock.
Or…you buy the REG Combo want FAR as your BOGO. You buy REG and email us when you need the FAR Combo in July or whenever.
Please Note: There is no need to email about your BOGO purchase until you need it. If you purchase during the time of this promotion, we have you covered (and everyone knows that the NINJAs will always treat you right).
Fingers crossed that this BOGO lasts at least until 6/2 so that I can partake! Thanks for all the great material, so far the MCQs and Notes have helped me keep my peace of mind while studying for FAR.