Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger.
The wait continues.
In case you haven't heard, I took REG on July 1st and now have to wait almost 3 months to get the results of my computerized exam. Good lord.
On the bright side, it kind of puts the score release “out of sight out of mind”. Hopeful for another pass from REG while study for AUD to take by the end of quarter 3.
I am just beginning my AUD studies. For those that have been around a long time like me, I failed AUD twice: 71 and 73. AUD is one of those beasts that it is hard to conceptualize if you are more of a numbers person like me. I feel that this has been my demise with AUD.
My AUD study plan is:
- Nail the NINJA MCQ – AUD is one of those that you need to just nail the MCQ
- Rewrite notes
- Do flashcards to memorize concepts
- Pray for two passing scores late September!
Until next time – Just keep swimming