Jenny is a NINJA CPA blogger.
I am so ready to scream. I have less than 10 days until my BEC retake and my mind is going crazy.
I have more items on my to do list than time left to study. To make studying harder, the weather outside is fantastic and all I want to do is go out and play with my kids.
My strategy for the retake was to take all the MCQs I could get my hands on. The goal was to reach the review stage 2 weeks before my BEC exam, however, with less than 10 days to go, I have not reached my goal. To make matters worse, my trending score is extremely low.
I have already rescheduled once, and I do not want to reschedule again, so my only option is to continue pushing through the multiple choice questions as much as I can between now and test day.
To help make sure I understand the material, I am reading the explanations to the questions I miss. If it is a question I am missing often, I write down the explanation. And, at the end of each study session I look over the items I have written down as a closing review.
I am trying to master as much of the material I can between now and test day. In these final days of studying, my focus is to rewrite the [A71 product=”notes”]NINJA notes plus the notes I took while working through the multiple choice. With everything on my plate, I will press forward to the test date.