Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Deep!

29 Aug 2017


By cpadeep

Deep is a NINJA CPA blogger.

My name? Deep, and I just graduated. Yay me, right?

Well, it was quite an accomplishment and a great reason to celebrate, but I have no job. So here’s the beginning to my story, and my journey to the CPA.

Fresh out of college, going strong on the graduation high. Job hunting, with the highest expectations. Of course, not the best way to go about things, but I have the CPA to look forward to. The greatest thing I could do with my Accounting degree – so I'm told.

FAR, AUD, REG BEC.. the order I thought was most convenient, but I was instantly deterred. Mostly due to the fact that FAR is the “beast” that everyone tries to tackle and comes up short on. But also because I didn't factor in the time I spend with family and friends. Time management, the true villain. 

Luckily, but unfortunately, I have no experience with the exams I face. Everything should work out, considering you have a better chance of passing before any exposure to the multiple parts. But how am I supposed to handle that while searching for the “perfect” dream job – one that allows me to work from home.

As the sun rises, it marks another day where I am to get up, eat breakfast, and head to the public library to study for FAR. It's quite the study spot with the conference room I utilize. The best is when someone peeks their head inside and to their surprise, they find a kid sitting at his laptop looking back.

Person: “Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know you were in here.”

Me: “That's okay, I wish I wasn't in here either.”

Of course referring to my studies, but they don't know that, and walk off with a dazed and confused look.

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