Illinois CPA Exam Requirements
Age Requirement: 18
Citizenship Requirement: No
Residency Requirement: No
Social Security Number Requirement: Optional
Illinois CPA Exam Education Requirements
Education Requirement for Licensure: 150 hours (including B.A.)
Participates in International Examination Program: Yes
Hours in accounting:
Varies based on degree earned:
Option A: Graduate degree in accounting • Accounting program must be accredited by AACSB (beginning July 1, 2013) • No requirements for semester credit hours in Research & Analysis in Accounting (RAA), Business Communications (BC), or Business Ethics (BE)
Option B: Graduate degree in business • Business program must be accredited by AACSB or ACBSP (beginning July 1, 2013) • Minimum of 24 semester credit hours in accounting (through June 30, 2012) OR minimum of 30 semester credit hours in accounting (after July 1, 2013) • At least one course in financial accounting, auditing, taxation, and management accounting • 2 semester credit hours in integrated or stand-alone Research & Analysis in Accounting (RAA) (maximum towards the 30 accounting semester credit hours) (beginning July 1, 2013) • No requirements for semester credit hours in Business Communications (BC) or Business Ethics (BE) Option C: Bachelor’s or graduate degree (including Bachelor's degree in business) • Minimum of 24 semester credit hours in accounting (through June 30, 2012) OR minimum of 30 semester credit hours in accounting (after July 1, 2013) • Program must be accredited (see options in §1400.90(g)(8)) • At least one course in financial accounting, auditing, taxation, and management accounting • Minimum of 24 semester credit hours in business other than accounting • 2 semester credit ours integrated or stand-alone Research & Analysis in Accounting (RAA)(maximum towards the 30 accounting semester credit hours) (beginning July 1, 2013) • 2 semester credit hours in integrated or stand-alone Business Communications (BC) and 3 semester credit hours in integrated or stand-alone Business Ethics (BE),(maximum towards the 24 business semester credit hours) (beginning July 1, 2013)
Notes: Maximum of 6 semester credit hours of Internships or Life Experience count toward the 24 semester credit hours accounting requirement (through June 30, 2013). Maximum of 3 semester credit hours count toward 30 semester credit hours accounting requirement AND maximum of 3 semester credit hours count toward 24 semester credit hours business requirement (after July 1, 2013).
Provisional approval of in-progress courses – 120 days to submit evidence of completion of all requirements. Graduate
Exam sitting requirements: 150 hours (must complete education requirement prior to sitting for exam)
Experience requirements: 1 year general experience in government, industry academia or public practice.
Ethics exam: Must pass AICPA Professional Ethics Exam for initial licensure
As of July 1, 2012, Illinois became a 1-tier state.
Illinois CPA Exam Fees
Initial Application Fee: $120
Audit: $192.03
Financial: $192.03
Regulation: $172.51
Business: $172.51
Total: $849.08
Special Fees: Credential evaluation fee for first-time candidates varies $175-$250
Illinois CPA Society
Taylor Weathers
Phone Number: 312-993-0407
Fax Number: 312-993-9954
In State Toll Free: 800-993-0407 ext. 216
Address: 550 W. Jackson, Suite 900, Chicago, IL 60661
Email: weatherst@icpas.org
Illinois Board of Examiners
Phone Number: 815-753-8900
Fax Number: 815-753-8953
Address: 1120 E. Diehl Road, Suite 107, Naperville, IL 60563
New Address by June 26, 2015: One North LaSalle St., Suite 2300 (23rd floor), Chicago, IL 60602
Email: help@ilboa.org