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Future CPA: Will
Question: I just recently failed FAR with a 67 using just Becker and believe I have a decent grasp on things, just a few weak areas that I struggled on. I am looking to jump back in and retake it in about six weeks. What is the best way to use NINJA and Becker to pass the retake?
Current Exam: FAR
Weeks until Exam: 5
Materials: Becker + NINJA
Exams Passed: None Yet!
I will gently push back and say that you don't have a decent grasp of the material. If it was a 73, I could roll with that. 67? There's a lot of work to do.
A 67 really means that the foundation is there for you to get there eventually, but make no mistake – it's not close (yet).
With so much at stake, I've learned over the years of helping people that it doesn't benefit them in any way to sugar coat things.
Let's visit the NINJA Study Framework for you situation:
(N) Nail The Concepts – Watch your Becker lectures over again. Yes, I realize that you don't want to do this, but you must. Alternately, you can watch NINJA Sparring lectures instead of Becker if you want a fresh look at the material. Start listening to your NINJA Audio on day 1. (2.5 Weeks)
(I) Intense Notes – Take intense notes over your Becker lectures or your Sparring lectures, whichever path you choose.
(N) Non-Stop MCQ – Start hammering NINJA MCQ. Since you've already seen many of the Becker questions, you will start memorizing them. Use NINJA MCQ for the questions and Becker for the simulations (or a mix of NINJA and Becker for the Sims). (2.5 Weeks)
(J) Just Rewrite Your Notes – Rewrite your notes. Don't skip this step! If you didn't take great notes, you can rewrite the NINJA Notes (1 Week)
(A) All Comes Together in a Final Review – If you watched Becker lectures, then do the NINJA CRAM. If you watched NINJA Sparring for Nail the Concepts, watch your Becker Final Review. (1 Week)
In closing – while I want to emphasize how much work is ahead of you so that you'll take it seriously (and not just “cram”), I also want to say that you WILL (pun intended) pass and you WILL be a CPA.
Keep Moving Forward,
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