Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger.
The BEC exam is called the hot dog exam by some due to the content being a little bit of everything. I see it as the hot dog exam because you can consume a bunch of it without much effort.
The ease of learning has helped keep the momentum going through the beginning of the year, and hopefully sets up for a “one and done” scenario for this exam.
Getting back on the horse after the holidays is a tall task. Leaving a month of parties, presents and carbohydrates is especially hard with my exam quickly approaching, leaving very little time during the year-end closes to cram in MCQs.
The CPA is unforgiving to the rest of our lives, it leaves you no choice but to push forward and work through the rough nights ahead.
2016 is a year of big changes for me; I will be getting married in September, I will be leaving the country for the first time soon after that, and I plan to do both of those things after becoming a Certified Public Accountant. After a rough stint with Audit, I am determined to course correct and get back in the rhythm of the NINJA method.
After long nights partying in to the wee hours of the morning, it’s time to spend those same hours re-reading my text book and learning the difference between there, they’re and their for the writing portion (thank you text messaging).
I am looking forward to kicking off this new year with a bang and getting to the halfway mark of the CPA exam.