FAR on Friday

22 Oct 2008

My FAR Experience

I worked until 1am last night wrapping up the Yaeger CPA Review FAR Disc 9 and wasn't sure what today would bring. Twice within the span of 4 hours I had my payment info loaded onto Prometric's site and a new date selected (November 4) and all I had to do was hit “confirm” and put my exam back a week or so, but I just couldn't do it for some reason.

I still had discs 10, 11, 12, and 13 to go as of this morning. Thankfully, work was slow (and my boss is very nice), so I sat at my desk and worked through discs 10-13 throughout the day and into the evening and I am now done with Yaeger‘s FAR program. Was it easy to sit there for 12+ hours (I worked each 4 hour DVD in about 3 hours using the time stretch feature on my laptop)?

No, but it was worth it.

I am taking tomorrow off from work, going to the local coffee shop (what a cliche, right?) and plan on spending a good 12 hours tomorrow working MCQs and sims…and I'll be ready.

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Gwen Reber 16 years ago

Good luck! I'll be spending Friday - Monday cramming for REG. Hopefully we'll both be done with this beast soon!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I wish you all the best with your exam!!! Good luck! You are almost done! Had it not been for the 18 month window you would already be a CPA! So, go for it and let us know how it went!
I go back to my REG study now...I'm having such a very hard time..:(

Anonymous 16 years ago

good luck! I took FAR on wednesday, and it did not seem to be that bad. I am sure you will pass easily!

15 years ago

WHAT IS THE TIME STRETCH FEATURE!?! Do all laptops have this? I am one of those people who talks really fasts and if they person lecturing isn't up to speed I start to stare off into space... hahahahaha. My old boss used to talk a mile a minute and everyone else was TERRIFIED to work for him and they would be like how can you remember everything he is saying he talks soooo fast!?! But it worked for me.