FAR MCQ Repetition: Working through as Many as Possible

06 Dec 2016


By Adam29

Stacey-HeadshotStacey is a NINJA CPA blogger.

Repetition, repetition, repetition. This is what it has been all about lately. I was focused so much on each FAR MCQ, I wasn't getting through many.

Switching back to quantity over quality has helped me stay more positive, rather than getting discouraged on each question or flashcard.

Looking back at the percentage of questions each section has is a good reminder of what areas to spend time on. Time is valuable, so I remind myself what the focus of each study session should be to help me use my study time wisely.

To help with this, I have a white board where I write:

  • the plan for the week
  • previous test scores
  • how the current test I am studying is broken down
  • key vocab words or topics I am focusing on

This way every time I sit down, I review the board and remind myself what to do next.

Although discouragement and disappointment are the biggest struggles I have been having, knowing I have the support of so many people, family and friends has been a big motivator to not give up.

Find your support team so you can stay accountable in your study sessions.

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