Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger.
I didn’t have to wait long for the score drop to confirm what I feared for the last 4 weeks; I didn’t do enough. I received a failing REG score.
When the score dropped and my fiancée hugged me I went totally numb. Any hope of finishing this exam in Q2 is gone, and I am faced with another retake.
Pity party aside, I know I cut corners on this exam. Unfortunately, life and everything else don’t give a rat’s rear end if you have an exam to study for.
I have had the joyous experience of having my boss fired and my department being overhauled at work to include with the usual study sessions.
I could have powered through it, but instead, I let it get to my head and ultimately created another excuse to not study. I am the only one to blame for this situation.
With the new realization that I am no longer able to plan my entire summer as a man without responsibilities, I have doubled down on studying.
Audit is coming up and I am studying at a fanatical rate. I refuse to let this exam burden my life any longer. It’s time to find a new gear and drag my weary body over the finish line.
It won’t be pretty for the next few months; I have to factor in possible job relocation and serious wedding planning in to my schedule now that we are getting in to the summer months.
There is no other direction but forward at this point. I know that I can pass this exam, if I have the drive and focus to keep at the NINJA MCQs and SIMS until test day.
Overall, I am constantly humbled by this exam and the knowledge that you have to achieve to pass all 4 parts. My respect for the profession and those who passed before me grow every time I open my Audit book to review.
I am hungrier than ever to join their ranks and achieve the CPA designation. Time to grind.
I understand the feeling. I failed AUD by 5 points which is a step up from the last time I failed it by 18 points. Ninja gave me the fighting chance and now all I can do is start studying again. Thankfully it has only been 2weeks since I stopped studying. Gotta stay focused. We are Ninjas!!!