Have you lived, have you loved, have you mattered?

10 Nov 2010

Ask Jeff

By Jeff

In April 2010, I said “goodbye” to the corporate world and decided to do another71.com full time. I left a $70,000 a year job to do it. Crazy, right?

I wasn't passionate about my gig in cubicle-land. I AM passionate about helping people pass the CPA Exam. I answer e-mails all day long from people I've never met – complete strangers looking for someone to shed some light on their situation because they only light they're seeing at the end of the tunnel right now happens to be an oncoming freight train.

I LOVE what I do.

It's one thing to love what you do, but it's another to love it AND make a living at it. As many of you know, I am married with FOUR kids ages 7 and under and I am happy to announce that Elliott #5 is coming Spring 2011!

So, I take this thing very seriously.

When I was looking to take myself as an entrepreneur to the next level – there was one person I needed to go see. I was introduced to him through a friend and my professional life will never be the same.

(Note: this post contains affiliate links to amazon)

His name is Brendon Burchard.

When Brendon was 19 years old he was in a near-fatal car accident. During the accident, in which he was certain he was going to die, he asked himself three questions…

Did I live?
Did I love?
Did I matter?

After the accident he realized if he had had to answer those questions the answers would have been ‘no'. He viewed his survival as a second chance as ‘Life's Golden Ticket' which became the title of his best selling book. Brendon is on a mission to spread the message that if those are the three questions we are all going to have to answer when we die then the answer should be a resounding ‘Yes'.

I'm passionate about helping people PASS the CPA Exam. What are you passionate about? Let's see if Brendon can help make your dreams a reality like he did mine.

Check it out – he has several books on amazon:

High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way
The High Performance Planner
The Motivation Manifesto
The Millionaire Messenger: Make a Difference and a Fortune Sharing Your Advice
The Charge: Activating the 10 Human Drives That Make You Feel Alive
Life's Golden Ticket: A Story About Second Chances
High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way

To YOUR Success,

Jeff Elliott

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Dan 14 years ago

Off Topic Question, when you predict BEC to be released this friday do you mean AICPA release or NASBA?

Swati 14 years ago

Very beautiful family.

Jeff - another71.com 14 years ago

Dan - AICPA Swati - Thanks!

Alison 14 years ago

Jeff-Just wanted to congratulate you for venturing on your own and on #5! I've finally passed the exam-with a lot of support from this site. I was taking a trip down memory lane today and came to the site. Thank you for being passionate about what you do!

Jeff - another71.com 14 years ago

Awesome - thanks for writing Alison (and for coming back to say hi) :)

CR2323 14 years ago

Wow, congrats on following your passion and kid #5. Takes a lot of courage to do what you're doing. I personally hate the corporate world and cubical life. good luck. Hopefully one day I can do my own thing also.

Rachel 14 years ago

Beautiful family! Congrats on #5! Keep up the great work! God bless!

Kim 14 years ago

Jeff, I'm Retro at cpa-net.com I'm honored to know you and mentioned you in my CPA journey. I will never forget how thrilled I was when you passed the last section. You are a testament to so many to never, ever give up. I'm glad you have found your passion--helping people and I admire that so much. I'm truly jealous, in a good way. I will be praying for success in your new endeavor for you and your family. Respectfully yours, Retro

Jeff - another71.com 14 years ago

Thank you everyone for the kind words - very encouraging and appreciated! This site wouldn't exist without the people interacting and reading it, so I'm very grateful to everyone. -Jeff