Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger.
It’s weird to think that this could be the second last post I submit to the NINJA community. If all goes well and I get through my REG exam in 14 days unscathed, my next post will be my official sign off.
After 15 months of blogging and studying, I could find myself with neither on my to do list in 4 short weeks. It’s these little thoughts I have in my mind while studying in to the wee hours of the morning, which are both exciting and a little saddening.
As happy as I will be to finish the exam, I will definitely miss my interactions with the A71 admins, and being on the site as often as I am now.
REG is proving to be just as tough a foe as I feared it would be in round 2. I am consistently missing questions in the same 3 subjects and need to focus my energies towards them as much as possible in this last phase of studying.
Admitting they are a weakness is tough, but seeing another failing score this close to the finish line would be a much worse pill to swallow.
I have begun my re-writing of notes and hoping that the hours and hand cramps spent on this effort will be the boost I need to get from 68 to 75. “Just Re-Write It” was definitely a positive factor in my AUD prep and I will not cheat the NINJA method by skipping it.
In two weeks I could finish the CPA Exam.
I am determined to make this my last 2 weeks of studying ever for the CPA exam. I can see the finish line and I know the obstacles in front of me that would prevent my success and certification.
It is going to be a grueling, hard 14 days of non stop prep, but the reward of exam freedom is worth the grind. It’s time to get this exam in my rearview mirror and join the elite group of CPA’s.