Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger.
Well, I got my REG Exam score. It wasn’t good news and I took it hard. I went from anger to sadness to shock and back to anger.
I studied my butt off for this exam. I couldn’t figure out why I failed, but that just means I restart studying.
I decided since I was pushing it for time on BEC, I’m going to put that on hold and focus on retaking REG at the beginning of July.
I’ve been putting off studying because I was so mad at myself so I am picking it up this week and writing a good schedule out to keep me on track.
I hope to get the [A71 product=”notes”]NINJA notes to help me this time around in addition to my MCQs. I’m done failing, I need a pass to keep me going. I know this exam is difficult, but I’m tired of failing.
I go on a work conference next week and I’m hoping that I can get some good study time in while I’m gone since the kids won’t be with me. I’m just thankful that Girl Scouts will be over soon, hopefully the summer will be time to focus on me and this darn exam.
Good luck to those still testing in this quarter; I’m off to study for REG (again!).
Hi Christina, I just wanted to let you know that I am rooting for you and you CAN PASS REG! Without sounding to "stalkerish" I have been following your journey on another71 and I can't imagine how you balance your work and family life, in addition to CPA studying. I don't have children, just a husband and full-time job, and this process has been a constant battle for me also. I really admire your perseverance and dedication with everything you have going on. Failures are tough, I failed BEC the first time and was absolutely devastated. But, once I had worked thru my "grief" I was able to start studying again and ended up passing. I don't know if it will work for you, but I started ALL THE WAY OVER and listened to Jeff's audio every waking moment (drove my husband nuts) and was able to pass at my re-match. Anyhow, keep your chin up, you CAN DO THIS :)