Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger.
I'm still learning how to manage my time. I would be lying if I said it were easy, it really isn't (for me at least).
Some days, there are just not enough hours to get everything on my list done. It's those kind of days I just have to remember to keep pushing forward and continue on with my goal.
I've read many testimonies on people passing since I've started this journey. Some are in far more difficult situations than I am and they are able to make it happen.
I'm tired of being a cheerleader for others. I need to make it happen for myself. It is possible and I can do it.
I have 25 days until my Regulation exam. I plan to be done with lectures this week and hope to drill as many NINJA MCQs into my brain as possible during the following 3 weeks.
Until then, keep on keepin’ on NINJAs!