Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger.
“Fall seven times, get back up eight” is a quote that holds so much meaning in my life. Whether it be the exams I have failed or the fact that things keep getting in my way to studying.
I feel like I’ve been knocked down 1,000 times, but I still have to keep getting up.
Just when I thought I was on a roll studying, something else pops up. For a few days I actually said “I give up; I’m not supposed to take this test.” Then I got to thinking of all the reasons that I want to pass this exam.
I have wanted my CPA ever since I was in elementary school going to work with my mom at the CPA firm she worked for. Just because things keep getting in my way doesn’t mean I need to give up. It’s time to buckle down and get through this exam.
We’re heading into the holiday season, but that’s no reason to give up. If I can get at least one exam taken before the end of the year, I’ll be happy. I’ve put the family on notice that unless it’s an absolute emergency – they need to deal with it.
I’m done putting my CPA exams on hold, I want to be done.
Here’s to the 4th quarter!