John is a NINJA CPA blogger.
Hello fellow NINJAS,
As I head into the second phase of my study plan to hit MCQs and take more notes, I know this is where the rubber hits the road for me.
I picked up the saying, “Don’t be afraid to fail,” from a motivation speech by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I know to some he is a controversial figure, but putting his past aside, the strength of will to accomplish all he has done in his life, for me, is inspirational.
Going through all of the NINJA MCQs till I make the review stage is a daunting task and will require even more work than I have already put in. To get through this, I imagine what Mr. Schwarzenegger went through to develop his body into a world class body builder.
I imagine the self-discipline it took to work out every day, eat right and not let negative thoughts get in the way of achieving his goals.
To become a CPA I know I have to have the same type of self-discipline and grit to pass the CPA Exam in the next 18 months.