Welcome to the Official CPA Exam Scores & Results Releases Update Page for the July/August 2010 testing window.
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Update #1 (August 16): Updated BEC release prediction: Wednesday 8/18
Update #2 (August 18): 10,896 BEC scores released by the the AICPA
Update #3 (August 20): 7,629 AUD scores were released by the AICPA
Update #4 (August 23): 1,808 AUD and 8,625 FAR scores were released by AICPA
Update #5 (August 25): 313 AUD, 1,704 FAR, and 8,329 REG scores were released by the AICPA
Update #6 (August 27):265 FAR, and 1,845 REG scores were released by the AICPA
Update #7 (August 30):168 REG scores were released by the AICPA
Update #8 (September 16): Yesterday – 11,565 BEC scores were released by the AICPA to NASBA from the July / August 2010 testing window.
Update #9 (September 20): Friday (September 17), 7,361 AUD scores were released by the AICPA to NASBA from the July / August 2010 testing window.
Update #10 (September 22): Tuesday (September 21), 7,577 FAR scores were released by AICPA to NASBA from the July / August 2010 testing window.
BEC – Wednesday, September 15
AUD – Friday, September 17
FAR – Monday, September 20
REG -Wednesday, September 22
BEC – Wednesday, September 15 (1 for 1)
AUD – Friday, September 17 (2 for 2)
FAR – Tuesday, September 21 (2 for 3 – one day off)
Can't get into NASBA.org and get your score on release night? Try this trick:
Go to my NASBA States page and click your state link from there. It works.
Jeff - Is there an estimate on the percentage of home many people receive new simulations? I just took AUD yesterday and I'm curious what the chances are I might not find out my score until mid-Sept.
The AICPA hasn't disclosed this figure that I'm aware of. Hard to say. - Jeff
I just stumbled onto this site and I wish i had known about it sooner when I started this long journey...I have passed three sections AUD, FAR and REG (Thank GOD!) and just recently (7/7)took BEC (for the 2nd time, the last time I took it I scored a 73 and I was sooooo heart broken for being so close yet so far). I am anxiously waiting for my score and it is even more nerve racking to find out I probably wont get it till mid august..man the wait sucks!!!
Jeff - If I take on Augest 6,is that wave 1 or wave 3?
Sorry typing miss, Augest 6, is wave 1 or wave 2?
Do we have a ball park figure for those who may get a new simulation and get pushed into wave 2?
Are these predictions best case or worst case scenario?
I guess I picked a bad day to take my next section... FAR for the second time (68 the first time). I happened to schedule that the same day I am supposed to find out about AUD. It could be a really good or a really bad day. Here's to hoping it will be a really good day!
Lingling - August 6 should be Wave 1 Cant Pass - there hasn't been any info like that released Curious - these are BEST case scenarios
Jeff, I will take both FAR & AUD in the first wave (before Aug 6) in AZ. Does AICPA release my scores or Indie States? Thanks! Mike
@Solo- Same exact situation...passed REG, FAR then AUD... took BEC on 4/28 and got a 73!!! Just took BEC again yesterday...I only have to do one question better than last time ;)
Not sure about AZ, Mike. If I recall - AZ e-mails scores out...does this sound reasonable?
Jeff, How many pretest questions are there on the REG exam?
Up to 20% are pretest...
I took BEC last window and got a 72. I was wondering does that mean I am really close to passing maybe 1 or 2 pts away? I just retook the section 7/17/2010. So i'm really nervous and I hope it does mean that I was a few points aways from passing.
Jeff, Thanks. Are the pretest questions only in the multiple choice testlets?
jeff- if i take REG august 6, will i get my results in wave 1 or 2?
Pretests are only in the MCQs. One written communication isn't graded, however.
You are Wave 1-eligible, but it all depends on whether you had a new simulation or not. If so youre in Wave 2 automatically.
Jeff, August 7th,- is that including friday or not including friday- as the cut-off date.
I had my REG yesterday,,,,, it was really hard, most of the question were out of material i covered, there were many MCQ all the answer were corrent and i had to choice the best answer,, tough part,, and there were MCQ repeated, even there was one question (MCQ) repeated three times... this is my last part and hope i pass it... Advice to everyone,,,, Time manamgement in the exam,,, i got a problem last part (Simulatin 2) was very lengthy,,, unexpected, and required time more than the average Good luck everyone!
did you study from becker material?
I am sorry if i am asking same question asked before! what is new simulation or how i can differentiate the new simulation? is that applicable for REG also? I have attended the exam in third week of july, is it possible to get my result in wave1? Thanks!
@Rick, I am praying that we both passed BEC this time around. I am on pins and needles waiting for my score. Best wishes to you and everyone, I know how much work we've all put into this.
I took AUD (my last section) in 7/3. It has been a forwever wait. I am thinking of trying out another Accounting related exam. Not sure which one is more beneficial to have and not too hard to crack down - CMA?
@ Seekor, Have you considered the Certified Fraud Examiner(CFE)? That exam is a BREEZE compared to the CPA
@ Solo I had never heard of CFE before. Very good suggestion. I am checking it out. It sounded like you have tried CFE?
@ Solo, Thank you, Solo. Forensic Accounting crossed my mind a while back when I was still in college. But I never really checked much into it. It's exciting to find something new. I need to find out more about it. If you know more about the exam, can you share with me?
I took BEC in NY on 7/5/10... any updates on the score release or are we still shooting for mid August (which is creeeeeping like a nun)?
It seems scores won't be out for another 10 days or so. I took AUD on 7/3. Good luck to us all.
@Seeker, I just graduated with my Master's in Accounting, and I passed the CFE exam. Some potential employers that I interviewed with seemed to be more impressed with having the CFE than with the MA. The CFE exam is significantly easier than the CPA.
I took REG exam in fourth week of July, and i suppose to have my score in August (Wave 1) but might be in wave 2 incase with the new simulation. What is the NEW SIMULATION? Anybody can help! Thanks and good luck!
Mike- If you're exam had a new simulation (aka one that had never been tested before on a previous exam) then your results get pushed until Wave 2 because the grades will be based on everyone who took the exam in that window (b/c they have no historical data to base their grading on). I have taken 3 exams at the beginning of each window and NEVER gotten my grades in wave 1 (and my grades were not borderline either (AUD 89, FIN 83, BEC 79) which is another reason you could get held to the next wave. So basically, plan to wait. I just took the exam on Friday (my last one - God willing) and have no clue how I did. The first set of questions was super easy for me then the following 2 were the most difficult I've had on any of the 4 exams. I'm so nervous as to how I did and I can't imagine having to study for this one again. The whole exam is truly just test of stamina...I pray I passed!
@Kelli you mention you got pushed into wave 2 even for BEC....but there are no simulations that can still happen?????
@LizP I looked it over briefly what is needed to take the CFE exam. And I am still interested. I have a few questions: 1) It seems that I will need three Candidate Recommendations from three different person. Is that right? Can it be any body? 2) How long will my exam credit be valid since I probably won't have the required two year work experience by the time I finish the exam. 3) Can you recommend some good study materials, technicals best for this exam? 4) How long did it take you to study and pass the exam? By the way, what do you have your master in? I have been thinking about going for a master eventually. Did you work before going to graduate school? sorry it seems I am asking too much. Thank you
@LizP I found out more about the Recommendation letter.
@Seekor First of all, the two years of experience is pretty much anything. I worked for two years as a bank teller, and they accepted that. I think they go into more detail as to what they actually want from your experience. I don't think the references have to have a CFE. They are more just speaking on your character--if you're someone who is likely to commit fraud, they probably wouldn't let you be a CFE. The ACFE has a study program, and I recommend just using that. I'm not sure what other things are out there. I took the exam while taking a really heavy course load, but I managed to study and pass the exam in about 2-3 months. If your life is less chaotic, I think someone could get it all done in just a couple of weeks time, if you're willing to work hard on it. If you're used to studying for the CPA exam, studying for the CFE is a breeze. I got my Master's in Accounting. I'm glad I chose that, because it kind of sets me apart from the MBAs--not that one is better than the other, but a Master's in Accounting is still kind of rare in the midwest (where I am). I got my Bachelor's in Math and German and worked for three years before I went back to school full time. I found out that I couldn't get a decent job with my degree. I took a few classes in accounting while working full time and really enjoyed them, so I decided to dive in. Good luck studying! I hope all of this helps.
hi Kelli, Many thanks for your help. my case is almost as yours. I passed AUD, FAR, & BEC. I had my REG exam last week of July, and that was exactly as yours, the first testlet was super easy, but the other two testlet (MCQ) were super difficult. i worried too, this is my last part and i don't want to go through it again.. If any of the passed part expired then most probably we need to cover the new 2011 material which difere from what we had covered. Hope we pass REG. Good luck
@ anyone: not sure what the reason for the delay in BEC...I guess I just have really bad luck. But I took it January 14th and didn't get the grade until the on March 18th. @ mike: I have been sooo stressed about this stinking test. I was reading the blog about the girl who said she went in prepared and came out crying, I felt the same way. I literally took about 15 practice tests and scored an average of 94 on them. I thought I was going to go in there and blow it out of the water and now I'm just praying that I passed. I sincerely hope we get the test in the first wave and that we both passed. Please post when you find out!
@LizP Thanks for sharing. I am in the Midwest too -Twin Cities to be exact. I am thinking of Carlson School at the U of M. They have two master programs (Master in Accounting, and Master in Taxation). I am falling more towards the Taxation program, but still don't more what will be more beneficial to me.the Taxation program is very focus, and the Accounting one is very broad. And I would probably have to do part time as it would be too much to afford. St. Thomas University (in Minneapolis) also has a master in accounting. I am not sure if it matters so much which school to get into. Or simply should I just get my foot in the door and start making people connections. And, did you have to take GMAT? I graduated with a BS in Accounting in 2008. I have been working 2 years in more marketing (imports) field for a small company. I took the cpa exam - have passed three sections- waiting for result for the last section (AUD). I did enjoy studying for the exam as I find myself gaining a lot from studying each section. As to the CFE, are you certified with the 2year Bank Teller experience? To what I understand my four year college degree will qualify me to take the exam, then I will need two year related experience in auditing, or other related filed. Also, one has to be member of ACFE before he/she can apply for the exam. I am not yet a member. Do you know how long one has to be a member before he can apply for the exam? There may not be any time requirements. I am asking just in case. Thank you.
@Everyone -Regarding CFE As for recommendations, it can be a former colleague doesn't have to be a supervisor but can be. Anyone you've worked with that can attest to your character. It is basically a character reference/validation of your experience. The experience can be directly fraud related or indirectly related. I have some years of accounting and auditing experience but if you don't and just have accounting or something I think that should be ok. Someone asked about how long you have to be a member of ACFE before you can take the exam. I don't believe there is a time requirement, You don't even have to be a member to take the exam. It is cheaper if you are. I am in FLorida, but I am pretty sure the costs for the exam, membership and prep course is the same all around. If you are a student/professor, I think there is a discount. Non student, the membership is $125 per year, the exam is $150 for members and $250 for non members. The exams consist of four parts, Fraud prevention, Financial, Law and Investigation 125 question per sections. All multiple choices. The BEST way to study for this is through the Prep course that ACFE offers because 90%(they say) but I think its more 100% of the questions come from the manual. the other option is to buy the Handbook manual which is about 2000 plus pages. and read through it and hope that you can figure out what questions will be on the exam. I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THAT. Although, the prep course is about $715- for member and more for non-members...but it is so worth it and contains about 1500 questions total. If you do all the questions and take a couple practice tests, I guarantee you will pass. They too have a money back guarantee. Well, I purchased the prep course and did all the question about twice, each section and took about two practice exams for each sections, and then took the exam.- you have about 30 days to take all four parts from the time you start the first one. you can do section by section. I was able to do all that in 2WEEKS.. that is a little aggressive and that is because I was determined and only had so much time to dedicate to and etc...so two week was my goal.. but whatever works for you. Ive know people to do it in 4 weeks, 6 weeks and etc. it all depends on what's going on in your lives. If you can do the CPA, TRUST me, you'll do fine with the CFE. Hope this gives you a bit more perspective. Sorry for the delayed response.
Just found out more about the Pre-course for CFE US $815.00 Member / US $1268.00 Non-Member
Another tip regarding the CFE--if you are a student, you get a major discount on the exam and course. If I remember correctly, I paid just over $300 for everything. You do have to CALL to get that program. The discount is not offered online. @Seekor: I don't think it really matters what school you end up going to. I was debating between Wash U in STL and U of I in Springfield, and I ended up with the second, which ended up being a great deal. I got an assistantship on campus which paid for my tuition, and I now have a job that I couldn't be happier with. Wash U is known nationwide, but they are also known for their high tuition. So, I think it is wherever you can get a good education without having to sell a kidney in order to go. I was originally planning to go to Wash U, because I was living in the STL area. Wash U requires the GMAT, so I did take it. However, not all schools require it, so I would decide which school (or narrow it down) you want to go to and find out from them. It just depends. As far as the experience for a CFE goes, all I had when I took the CFE was a bachelor's (in fields completely unrelated to accounting) and 2 years experience as a bank teller. I had some other jobs while in college, which I put on the application, but that's it.
>>Kelli,, I have covered the material (Lectures & MCQ) many manytimes and i was targeting to score over 80, But now i am praying for 75. This is the first time i am having exam in the first month of the window, the reason to get the result in wave 1 and incase i couldn't make it then i have more time (one month) to study till November! I was not aware of the New Simulation or there is a chance of delaying the score to wave 2 otherwise i could have my exam in August and study more! Bad Luck! My AUD is expiring in Nov and if i again could not pass RED in Nov then i have to cover the new material in 2011 for the AUD. I pray to pass this time and its over. Wish you all the best and wish you get your score over 75!
Hello, future CPA's. As we await our exam results let us not lose focus of the task at hand. Continue to study. Assess your performance and get back to studying. This exam is not a deficult one, it is more of a test of discipline. I am an exteral auditor working with a Big Four, i know accounting and auditing, i prepare financial statements for some of the largest corporations in my country, yet i failed. How could this be? Simple! I did not practice enough. All we need to do is: Step 1. Understand the material, read your text one or two times until you are comfortable. Step 2: Practice multiple choice question, making those you get wrong. Step 3: Review those you got incorrect, making sure you understand the principles being tested. Step 4: repeat the above steps, starting with step 2. All the best in our studies. AUD: 91 FAR: 79 BEC: wave 1 REG: studying
@Solo & Lizp Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and experiences. All this information is very valuable. I will get on it as soon as I find out about my AUD score (last section). I took AUD on 7/3. It has been a forever wait. I always get excited when I see new/good things to look forard to. I enjoy studying - enjoy the process of learning to be exact. After CFE, I will focus on my Master degree, and many more.... But one at a time. I am not working in Accounting field right now, but actively looking. Not lucy yet, hope for the best.
Jeff, what is the 411?
All quiet still...make sure you get my free e-book on score FAQs... https://www.another71.com/cpa-exam/scores-results/
It was Tom Petty who said "Waiting is the hardest part..." and he never even had to take the CPA exam!!!
It is ture.... the day after the exam, i have started thinking about my score and waiting since then for three weeks! Thinking day and night,,,, driving me crazy!
Hey Jeff, Any update on score releases from NASBA? Thanks
No updates...I'll definitely post them when they happen.
Updated BEC release prediction: Wednesday 8/18
@Jeff Can I ask if there was some issue that prompted a change in prediction. I was never really into worrying about when the scores were posted...but my attitude change when it became my last one :)
Is that a NASBA release for Wed or AICPA?
Jeff, I took FAR on July 1st and AUD on July 31st for MA. When do you think I will find out about both scores? Thank you!
That's an AICPA release for wednesday. I got a bit of intel...it's just a prediction.
Kate - did you sign up for the free e-book above? It will hopefully answer a lot of the questions you may have. - Jeff
is the release order still predicted to be bec, aud, far, reg??? *sigh* i'm praying my reg score managed to get lumped in w/ wave 1 results. having to wait another month is going to be torturous
antzy-when did you take your reg? I took mine on 8/7 and it looks like either 8/6 or 8/7 will be the cutoff...I am ANTZY too! :)
Jeff - does pushing BEC back to 8/18 change the other dates of your prediction?
Same question here! Anxiously awaiting AUD and was hoping for Wednesday.
This is indeed torturous!! BEC is my last section and now that the prediction has been pushed to 8/18 is just NOT RIGHT! I cant take the pressure....I took the exam on 7/7....so it has been a LOooooooooooooong wait!!
Yes they will be pushed--I don't ever recall them releasing two sections in one day, and usually AICPA releases scores every other day. However, if we're lucky AUD will be released Thursday and NASBA states will receive scores Friday.
@katy i took REG on 8/7 as well - hopefully we will be in the wave 1!!! good luck to you and i hope you pass :)
anyone who took regulation using becker is it important to read the required HW reading starting from the end of chap 4 thru end of chap 7
@please respond, if you have the time, i would read/browse the appendix material but don't spend to much time on it. from my experience i never got any questions related to the HW reading. Becker includes it because infrequently, a question on the topic has popped up on exams. focus on the core material ... that's where the points matter the most.
I think we'll see AUD on Friday...REG on Monday/Tuesday hopefully. These are best-case scenarios, probably.
So what's that mean for FAR?
i took Reg on August 7, 2010 and i believe that it is very impotant to complete all home work readings
@Rachel Maybe, next week for FAR, not this week FAR is the last I took on 8/11,12 for AUD, REG Hopely, I wanna to show-up my score on wave 1
@David: Just wishful thinking on my part I guess. FAR is my last one and the wait has been long!! I tested 7/31. It is possible that your scores could be wave 1. I took REG 2/12/10 and received my score in the wave 1 release for that quarter.
I'm driving myself crazy with my last test (REG) I have even tried the *trick* to see if the NASBA loophole has the scores in, but it's too early - that only works a day or two before, right? I dreamt that I got a 65 on it last night. Please be in wave 1, please be in wave 1...I can't take it anymore!!! AUD 89 BEC 79 FAR 83 REG ??
@ kelli or anyone I am studying for REG and am wondering is it neccessary to study the required reading and the end of chapters starting with chap 4....if so which in particular....is doing the MCQ enough?? please help have exam coming not sure what to do
any news on the audit wave 1 release? i took august 6th
Anxious !!!!!
Does anyone know whats going on with the Wave 1 score Release???
Where are these scores? I took AUD on 7/7!!! It has been 6 weeks already! This is ridiculous...
Wait, so is this the AICPA release date prediction or the NASBA prediction? I took BEC 7/9 and its killing me so much that I can't really study for my AUD exam which is in 10 days!!! ugh :/
@Kelli What is the NASBA "trick" you are talking about to check your scores a day or two early?
@April its called the "Ohio loophole" but it has been said that they might have plugged it (meaning that it may no longer work)... you can look at forums on this site that talk about it.. good luck!
I took Reg 7/1, BEC 7/14 and FARE 8/5. So i'm potentially getting back three scores in wave one. And i'm taking AUD this thursday the 19th without knowing how i did on any of the others. Its horrible! If you can beat this, I applaud you!
I took REG on 7/17. I am so anxious to know the result.
is there any update on the prediction for BEC score release and at what time it would be released
Anybody got any result? I am waiting for REG,,, this is my last part....
I took AUD on 8/2/10 and this is my last part... passed it 18 months ago and lost conditional credit; the wait is killing me
Did anyone get any scores for any exam? Just want to see if the process has started.
Copied from another post... Since everyone is asking about this loophole, I figured it deserves its own thread. Who does this work for? --- NASBA Candidates who have past three parts and are waiting on the score for their fourth When does it work? --- After the AICPA has released your score to NASBA, but before NASBA has released your score. How does it work? 1) Go to NASBA.ORG --> Exams --> CPA Exam 2) Select OHIO and click "go" 3) Click "Re-Exam Registration" 4) Click "Apply Now" 5) Click "Continue" 6) Choose "No" for "Do you have an OHIO jurisdiction ID"...since you are not from OHIO 7) Choose "Yes" for "Do you have a US SSN" 8) Click Submit 9) Type in the CAPTCHA letters, your Birth Date, and your SSN 10) Click submit 11a) If you receive the following message, the theory is that you passed: "We are sorry. Our system shows that you have already passed all parts of the Uniform CPA Examination. If you have questions, please call your Coordinator at the number given below. Please call the number below. 800-CPA-EXAM 615-880-4250" 11b) If you do not get this message and it lets you proceed, the theory is that you did not pass. Does it always work? -- Nobody knows. But it does NOT seem to work for ALL NASBA states. Does it work at ALL? -- If history is a guide from what I have read, everyone who got the message passed. If you have different results, please share. Or correct me if I am mistaken. Thanks to whoever originally found this out! I hope it holds true for me!
BEC is still on track for today...typically they release around 5:30pm EST
I gave all the papers of CPA in the first week of July '10. Curious to know my result. Did anybody got any result???
The loophole seems to work for Indiana too...two of my friends tried it and they both got the message and got passing scores released the next day.
@Kelli, I just tried the trick (man, I was shaking so bad while waiting for something, anything to pop up on the screen) all I got was "We are sorry. Currently all sections of this exam are still in process. Please call the number below." 800-CPA-EXAM 615-880-4250 I am not sure what that means, but I guess it may be too early.. I am just glad it didn't let me proceed. This is my LAST section (PRAYERFULLY)
Has anyone been a candidate from Nevada? We're an independent state, but go to the nv accountancy website for our scores. I'm just wondering how long we wait after the AICPA releases to NASB?
Hi Jeff, I am in Illinois, do you think I will get my scores today?
Everyone keep in mind the loophole only works AFTER the AICPA releases scores to NASBA, and also they have been woring on a plug for this, so even if you think you passed based on the loophole it may not be true! This topic comes up every score release so I thought I would mention it now...
So does this loophole only work for NASBA state candidates? I am testing in Illinois and was wondering if this would work for me?
@Marcus, I am not sure but I believe so. You do not have a very long wait after the AICPA releases them though. If you took BEC and they come out today, you should see them by the morning...
I'm in Tennessee and waiting on BEC which happens to be the first exam I've taken. It's kind of challenging to study for REG while waiting (so impatiently) on the results. Good luck to everyone on the results!!! I pray I'm part of the 49% who passes.
Does anyone have any updated predictions as to when REG will be out? At this point, CPA = Certified Pain in the Ass in my book.
Kristie 18. Aug, 2010 at 8:37 am The loophole seems to work for Indiana too two of my friends tried it and they both got the message and got passing scores released the next day. Was this for this scoring period?
@Jason: No, it was earlier this year.
@ Lady in waiting - I could not agree more! This is my LAST exam I pray! It's been a year of studying for me and I want it to be over, over, over. I heard that REG will be released on Mon to AICPA and then Tues for NASBA. Assuming we didn't have a new simulation. I'd like to hear that BEC got released because then we'd know it's coming down the pipe (usually released in this order: BEC, AUD, REG, FAR). Let me know if anyone heard anything different. Tick tock tick tock...
Jeff or anyone for that matter is the BEC release that you say is still on track....does that mean for score to be up on nasba site or just that AICPA is only releasing them today to nasba to then see the score tom after 10 pm EST
Noreen - I'm in Nevada and we should get our scores from nvaccountancy.com between 2am-5:30am the following morning the AICPA releases scores. Hope it helps! I'll be there checking online at 2am tomorrow! hehehehe Good luck!
Has the AICPA released AUD yet?
Thanks, nycegurl. Now I know I'm crazy - home at lunch studying FAR - praying BEC is a pass!!!
@Bob I was curious about that too! I took AUD July 31 and I feel like I've been waiting FOREVER!
Hi All, I am waiting for the scores for AUD to be released in NY. I sat for the exam on July 3rd and this wait is killing me. A friend of mine sat for Audit a week later and she got her score. It was a 73 so I do not know if they released it earlier because it was a failing grade..? I am so confused!!!!
@Lisa When did your friend get her score for AUD? I'm waiting on my score for BEC...took it 8/4.
@Lisa, I think that is pretty much impossible... My only thought is that your friend put in the wrong section ID (a section they had taken before) and the score was still up. I can't think of another situation.
Latest from NASBA Twitter: """Know that you are waiting, but no news yet. #cpaexam """
Bob, so im confused by that "tweet" does that mean they havent even received them yet, meaning BEC scores WILL NOT be viewable today? I know people have waited longer than me, but esp since its BEC, 5+ weeks is kinda crazy.
mrguy, Jeff's book says that scores are generally pushed to NASBA anywhere from 330-530 EST, so we're not even at the 330 mark. I bet they will get released today. Being this is my first exam, and I'm in an indy state, I'll be refreshing my state's site for the forseeable future. :D
thanks Bob, that makes sense I am also refreshing/resubmitting all day and will continue to do so. getting out early from work (and by early I mean not late haha) is sometimes not a good thing. That drive home is gonna be torture. might have to stay late.
Oha nd good luck to you (and everyone)
Thanks Bob for the update from NASBA via twitter....I've been wondering if they posted anything yet.
Today, 10896 BEC scores were released by the AICPA to NASBA from the July / August 2010 testing window.
"Today, 10896 BEC scores were released by AICPA to NASBA for the Jul/Aug 2010 testing window. #cpaecam #accounting #cpa"
Too slow, I guess.
HAHAHA Jeff is too quick on the trigger for you! Good luck everyone!!!
BEC was just released https://twitter.com/NASBA
So for those of us that are new to this game. Does that mean we'll start to see scores tonight or tomorrow?
If BEC was realeased today, do you think AUD will be released tomorrow or Friday
Prob. Fri for AUD, you will get it monday night if you are a nasba state.
Well I am sadly in TX and awaiting both BEC and AUD, so I figure the earliest for me it Friday for any scores. TX has to ratify the scores before it gets posted usually takes an extra day :(
Jeff, so if BEC scores were released today what would the tentative release date for FAR scores be?
***Guaranteed to be wrong*** : AICPA release prediction: AUD - Friday FAR - Tuesday REG - Wednesday
This is my first time waiting for a score from the AUD exam. What is a NASBA state? Where would you go to get your score once they are released? I am in Texas.
I think I liked it better when you had separate posts for updates. It's hard fo rme to tell whether anything has changed now that the updates are all included in one post.
@Bridget NASBA States get their scores about 24-48 hours after the AICPA release the score to them. Texas usually has at leat a 24 hour lag after that. The board ratifies the scores. Thanks to Enron, the whol CPA exam process is so convoluted If you have your account set up online, you should be able to log on to view your posted score at the Board's website https://www.tsbpa.state.tx.us If not you can call the state to set up the online process. The information whould be on the website Good Luck
tcpa85 if the number of comments increase, theres news most likely. or at least other people letting you know whats going on. refresh and review.
Tori, Thank you for the quick response. I will check my scores on the TSBPA website.
If anybody has experience with how fast Illinois posts after the AICPA release, please let me know. BEC is my last exam, I supposed I am a little anxious
I put the updates in the bottom of the post...hope it's a little easier to track. -Jeff
Kurt - I bet IL will be out by tomorrow AM or afternoon. Jeff
Thank you sir, I appreciate it. I was really hoping for tonight, I guess another day won't hurt me. THANKS!
I'm getting this message: Error: Score not found. But on the website it says the error message should be, if the score isnt in yet: No Record Found. Am I over reacting here or is there an issue with my info.
i am in NY, when will i get my BEC score? i am in wave 1 for sure..
So just to confirm the scores will be available, as in i can see it with my own two eyes on the computer screen, 24-48 hours after they are released from AICPA to NASBA is that correct? also nate, don't worry I have the same thing. I wouldn't be concerned.
Can i expect to see my BEC score tonight after 10 PM EST IM a NY register
BEC scores were released by the AICPA... When will CA candidates receive their score? I just checked to see if my score arrived, and nothing. I was definitely in wave 1 as well.
I'm waiting for BEC score in OH any know how long it usually takes them? 24? 48? This is seriously torture. Jeff, any chance you have a list of typical wait time by state?
Are scores usually sent by email before they are posted on the net or not? Good luck
Jeff-Any updates on AUD?
This waiting is unbearable....
So, will we see BEC scores on Nasba tonight or tomorrow? This is excruciating!
If you text "follow NASBA" to 40404 (US residents only) they'll send you text alerts about score releases! It was awesome! I got a text this morning saying they hadn't heard anything from the AICPA yet. And then at 4:00 ET I got one saying they were released and to give them 24 to 48 hours!
@Madison Does it cost anything to receive the updates?
Will Audit be released by the AICPA today(Thursday)?? Why would they wait until friday?
My BEC score was posted on the Nevada website this morning - what a great Board! BEC 86 - BEST OF LUCK to everyone.
Congrats Noreen! BigTony: No, it's free. It's just charged as a normal text message.
Congrats Noreen, can anyone register for BEC that is waiting for their score?
Congrats Noreen!! I am praying for a passing result...as BEC is my last section...PRAYERFULLY! Has anyone from a NASBA state received their BEC score?
Jeff!!! Will the AICPA release Audit today? I'm going crazy over here! Please don't tell me I'm going to have to wait until next week!
CA Resident here, I just got sccores for BEC, 88, OH YEAH BABY!! 2 down 2 to go. Thanks for the info everyone.
Oh the waiting...Congrats to Noreen! Way to go and best of luck to everyone. I took BEC and got a 68, so here is round 2...praying I pass and the waiting is just awful..although comforting to know that I am not alone in this.
if im in NY and trying to look at score for ohio loophole - can i look this morning? or do i have to wait till mid day... are the OH scores posted yet?
Anyone know when NY will release bec
@anthony - they will be released for NY at 10 pm tonight.
CA scores are out .. 80 .. alhumdillah :)
Waiting on REG...it's my last test. I need to be hospitalized with the blood pressure spike this test is creating in me. I thought REG was very difficult and I studied like a maniac (used Becker). Anyone else? Also, what day next week do we think REG will be released???
Stressed in Texas, This is not my last exam. It's my second to last but i took Reg too. It was very difficult and i studied so much using Becker. I really don't have any idea how I did. I'm hoping Reg will be next but I'm not holding my breath. UGh!! SIGH!!
Any word on VA for BEC?
Hi, anybody who gave BEC from Colorado State Board??? After typing the Section ID & Date of birth it is showing "Error : Score not found". Is it that the scores are not yet released by NASBA for Colorado Board??? Please help...!!!
Thanks Jeff! The updates stand out a lot more now.
@Raghu I am getting the same error message and I am in FL. It just means that NASBA has not released them yet.
Can you give an update on the expected release of all sections? Thanks
Thanks Solo...!!! Cant wait anymore for the results ..!!!
@Gerrie @Trevor Hey! She got her AUD grade last Saturday. She took the test on Saturday, July 10th. I know it does not make sense...but she checked 100 times and it is def. the right section ID that she is using. This is the second time she has gotten with in 3-4pts of passing so she checked over and over again!! I cannot understand why I sat on July 3rd and I still do not have my score... the past week has been intense. I thought that the AUD grade was being released today!
How does the Ohio loophole works? Is the loophole only for the last exam you are waiting for or can you check for all exams?
Just got my FINAL score for BEC. I am in Illinois, so scores must be posted. Passed all four sections while working, not the greatest scores, but they will work AUD - 86 FAR - 75 REG - 75 BEC - 74, 76
Iam waiting for all the four parts i wrote from New hampshire board, does anyone from newhampshire got results, iam waiting anxiously ... i wrote exams on following dates BEC 07/09, REG 07/12 AUD 07/15 and FAR ON 07/24 can anyone tell me when can i get my results
@ Lisa - I have never heard of that lol, intersting though... congrats to her I guess, I wouldn't read into your grade because of it though. @MIA Girl - First I dont refer to mine as the Ohio loophole because I do not go through the ohio board like most people. I o right through mine (VT) if I can check the box for the test during re-registration and I am waiting on my grade.. I failed. I can do it for any section, did it for my first and second... Did not pass one and passed the other, so it worked both ways.
VA released. BEC Fail. Retake soon.
Hi, Anyone knows, NH will release BEC Scores. how abt Aud, i gave on 06/07
JD, I looked on VA and couldn't find my score...did you go to the virginia BOA site and use the "process" they have in place....? "...Enter your user id and password and click login. From the menu, select Manage My Account. Click the Start button under the Account Management section. Under the Eligible Licensee section, click edit next to the Exam Candidate title..."
Still waiting on BEC score for TX! This is just a cruel form of torture! Does anyone know how long it takes TX to release scores?
Kurt - Congrats, that must feel so awesome. Hope I have similar results next week with REG. AUD - 89 FAR - 83 BEC - 79 REG - Just gave me the score already!
Is anyone else waiting for scores from New York? I just received the "error - score not found." I took BEC on August 7th, and so I am not sure if I missed the cut off for Wave 1, or if NY is just slow to process?
NY should take 24-48 hours Liz. But you might be in Wave 2.
Kurt/Kelli, Any update for NH, When they will release BEC Scores, exam given on 03/07
Anyone in FL got their scores?????????
Elizabeth I'm in MA and took BEC on in mid july, and am getting the same message. I'm expecting my score later on, possibly 4:30 (24 hours after release). Good luck.
Ale- You probably won't get your score until tonight. I'm in FL too. And if they release before that you will see an update on here.
Passed BEC (86). My scores still aren't online I had to call the Virginia state BOA because I was a puddle of nerves, especially since others said theirs were online, but mine was not. After about 10 redials I got through, they said not all online scores are up yet. She read me my score on the phone.
Congrats to those who passed their sections/section..amazing accomplishment...still agonizing here in NH, not sure if I am in wave 2 or not anyway...hopefully will find out today/tomorrow....come on BEC.....let me know if I have passed 2 and only have 2 to go......................
Anyone get their OH scores?!
BEC is available now, I am in IL. Good luck everyone
Jeff: Any info as to whether or not AICPA will release any other section today? Thanks for your hard work!
CONGRATS to everyone that has passed!! I know the feeling of relief and being able to breath again. Still waiting on my BEC score!! Man, this is the worst waiting ever!! I am so stressed I am getting a headache. I may need to go check my blood pressure...
@Court, Texas usually posts the scores 1-2 business days after the AICPA releases, depending on how late in the day the scores were released. Texas always posts overnight, so if they aren't there in the morning you know you won't get your score til the next morning at the soonest.
Hi Any news on CO? Cannot see my scores yet thanks
I took REG 8/6 CA here not sure if my score will be released in wave 1 or wave 2 it's very close to the cutoff date, does anyone know?
Happy, happy... I passed BEC. I'm in CA.
Has anyone seen a score from IA yet? I'm not sure if I made it for the first wave release...took BEC on 8/4.
Still waiting on BEC scoeres in WA... it says score not found. Hopefully later today!!!
Still waiting on BEC scores in WA... it says score not found. Hopefully later today!!!
any news from WA state for BEC? Or any of the NASBA states? thx
CO is not up yet either... Took BEC on 08/07. Hoping I am wave 1...
@Gerrie My wife and I are from Iowa and she took her BEC on 8/6 and we havent found out. Please post when you do find out just to let us know if we made the cutoff.
Jeff, I havent seen any updates on AUD scores. Are they getting released today?
@ Trevour Thanks for your help!
if you are not sure what wave, aren't there dates that specify which one you'd be in. if you're hoping it changed, I guess you might be lucky I took BEC mid july in MA, nothing yet, but I'm sure it will be up 4:30 or so.
Missed BEC by one stinking point!!! GRRRR!
I checked Ohio and Vermont on Nasba and my BEC box is available for me to re-register for the exam. I guess that means I failed BEC. This exam was the deciding factor of me continuing or calling it a quit. I have been studying for the CPA exam since October 2008 and I'm ready to throw in the towel. I have taken the exam 9 times and failed ALL 9 times. I tried and frustrated.
Jeff, Could you please post your score release predictions for all four exams on the "CPA Exam Scores" page with the other updates? It would make it much easier to get an idea of when each exam will be released. Thanks!
@MIA girl - im NY and i checked OH trick as well, I was able to re-register - which i guess means i failed BEC as well -3rd time failing... dont give up yet, my suggestion would be to try another test, maybe REG. BEC you just never know with, the questions are extremely random.
@MIA Girl... I know it sucks to try so hard and not get the results to show for it, but I don't think you should give up. If you didn't actually get your score from your state then you still might have passed. I am not sure if the OH loophole actually works?.
@ pleaserespond1 I'm not usually the person who give up on anything but this exam is breaking me down. That was also my 3rd time taking BEC. I'm just tried of wasting my time and money which are the 2 major factors in why I want to give up. I needed to pass BEC to give me the motivation to pass the other 3 parts. Now that moviation is GONE. I'm going to think about this long and hard over the weekend. I will keep you posted. Good luck on your other exams!
MIA Girl & pleaserespond1, Have you two taken a review course or purchased study materials? Just from my own personal experience, I know there is no way I would have passed the sections that I have without a review course. The review courses give you sample questions, and I have even seen a couple of those sample questions on the exams! Don't give up, I know it's tough!! :/
@ Shy I called NASBA today and a rep informed me that my score was available and it takes 24hrs to post on the NASBA website. Since the section is available for me to re-register in the States of Ohio and Vermont I'm assuming that means I failed. :-(
MIA Girl - same question for you, what study materials are you using/have you used? Also evaluate your studying, and be honest with yourself, are you studying enough??? Next would be, is there a reocurring issue? What do you have a hard time grasping? do you have an accounting background??
I am waiting on my BEC score from VT and the suspense is killing me! If I passed, I am all done! If I failed I lose my AUD credit and will have to pass BEC and AUD. I have tried to re-register and am not able...I hope that means I passed! I called NASBA as well and they said VT should have the scores up in 24 hours.
@Mark, I am getting the same thing in VT, where in VT are you from?
Does anyone know when the loophole works? Is it only between the time the AICPA releases the score and the NASBA releases the score? I am waiting on Reg, just wanting to see if I can check now!!
@MIA girl - I hear you, I took aud and bec a few times before finally passing audit and once u pass one it gives you motivation. Then i passed reg on the first try so have 2 down - took BEC twice in the last few months and failed both times making it a total of 3 times. Again losing motivation with time and money, very frustrating... unfortunatly with these types of exams i think its just a matter of time and depends on the test you get- keep trying, it will happen!
@Mark & @Trevor Im from FL and and Nasba notified me that scores should be up for my state too. I also for the sake of it tried to re-register for BEC (my last section) in VT and it would not let me proceed. It said sorry all sections in process or something like that. Was that the message you guys received?
Yea (if its working), its sometime in the morning after AICPA releases to NASBA. Normally about the time the Indie states start to come out, from my experience.
Any words on Audit score release? MIA Girl.... Are working full time/have a family? I know how hard is to pass any section of the CPA exam especially when you work full time and have a family to take care of..... You might want to move a new section. Also, you might have to study consistently till you have a full control on a particular topic..... Please keep studying.... don't give up.
@shy - umm no, I live in VT so it may be different. I can go right into it and get all the way to register for a section. For exams that I have passed or have an open NTS for I cannot check the box. I have passed AUD, waiting on BEC, and taking FAR in two weeks so the only box I can check is REG.. If I could check BEC that presumably means I failed.. no messages though
FAR, FAR, where art thow?
BEC is a tough one. I passed it, but of the three sections I've passed (waiting patiently for FARE to make #4, hopefully this wave), it was my lowest score. I think the lack of a simulation might actually hurt some people - I feel I perform better/feel more confident on the sims, as I allot more time to doing them and apply more attention to detail. A second thing is that BEC is so general, with such a random mix of topics to get nailed on. I think my saving grace were my IT skills, which sadly, are better than my accounting skills. My suggestion - if you've done a few audits, take AUD first. I took that after working in public for about four years, and it was a breeze. I probably could have skipped studying for it.
Anyone heard anything for NJ yet?
@MIA Girl, My mom always tells me, what is worth having is not easy..With that said, I don't think you should give up. I know it is hard. I took BEC (my last part) earlier this year and I scored a 73, I thought I was going to die..I was soooo upset and hurt and MAD because I had studied sooooo hard and I failed but I could NOT quit because I had already put so much into the CPA.. Please Don't give up!! If you don't have any study material, you are welcome to mine. I have BECKER (and it is GREAT), BEC and FAR for 2010 which should be good for the rest of the year (because changes are coming next year). Again, if you need them, I don't mind.. I am praying I am done once I get my BEC score and I will no longer have a need for them. Let me know... whatever you decided..DONT give up!!! You'll never know what could be if you do..
@Trevor I am waiting on my BEC scores too and when I got to the Ohio site it won't let me select BEC or AUD. I am waiting on my BEC scores and I have an NTS for AUD. Does this mean I passed BEC or do you think it just won't let me select it because the results aren't out yet? This is my 6th time taking BEC, my last 2 times were 74 and I'm just praying I finally passed.
Anyone heard anything about AUD yet?
Mia Girl, I'm with everyone else - don't give up!! I'm waiting on BEC results as well. This is my first time taking any exam and I've told myself if I don't pass that at least I sort of know what to expect. I'm also working full time and a parent so I know it's challenging. I'm using the Wiley CPA books and CD to study. I must say the studying I did for the BEC section seemed much more difficult than the actual exam. So you may want to give Wiley a try.....I'll know if it's worth it once I get my results.
just tried the trick for MA and my seciton (BEC) it went through so thats not a good sign.. Damn
@Waiting, it would appear that way if the loophole is working, we are kind of the guinea pigs to verify wether or not NASBA closed the loophole. I would not assume anything at this point, but based on the loophole you passed BEC.
OK nevermind for anyone trying "the trick" in MA or a similar state, i was able to for BEC (score I'm waiting on) but was ALSO ABLE for AUD which I passed in a prior window. Wow, i got real depressed, but was relievd after trying audit. still, very worried. Good luck to all (again) oh and MIA girl, this is my 3rd or 4th time on BEC, first couple I didn't study well enough, but I still remember things from when I took the test and know that if the worst occurs, I can take it again with more knowledge/experience than the last time.
Anyone know the jurisdiction ID for TN?
@waiting what state did you register in? I don't know why the OH site wouldn't even let me in is it because I registered in FL. It allowed me to go through when I changed my SS number. Weird. I guess this waiting is making me try anything and everything just for some hope:)
OMG!!! I just tried the loophole for my state, Tennessee, and it would NOT let me register for BEC. It only gave me the sections I've never sat for as an option. I'm praying this means I passed. Again to those who didn't see my prior post - I used Wiley CPA exam book and CD to study.
What is this trick that they are talking about? Can anybody enlighten me? I took my first section (FAR) on July 18.
@ Shy I'm registered for Florida and it worked for me. I tried Ohio, Vermont, and Georgia.
@MIA Girl thanks for responding, but I tried GA, VT and OH and I got the same crazy message "error all sections in process" Bec is my last sections so I don't know what this means
@ Solo You are totally right! My Mom told me the same thing. She said I should stop beating myself up and keep going. Now I think that's a sign and I should not give up. I studied extremely well for BEC (considering the first 2 times I barely had time to prepare) and I felt very confident when I was taking the exam. I also felt prepared for REG (69) FAR (63) AUD (67) and I'm too ashamed to mention my 2 BEC scores. Still waiting for the 3rd one I think I failed. I'm currently using 2009 Becker and my software expires on 10/28/2010. If you are welling to let me use your software that would be terrific because I have spent so much money on material. I will be forever greatful!
@ Shy Hopefully that means you passed! I will be praying for you! Good luck!
Anyone get there score from PA yet? I'm really getting antsy.
Has anyone seen BEC scores posted for NASBA for Indiana yet?
@ Miracle, Wraitingforscore, and Trevor A friend told me Wiley was good. I'm currently using 2009 Becker self study and I thought it was suppose to be the best. I worked for a public accting firm for 2 yrs and now I'm in industry (3 months). I believe I studied extremely well the last time around for all four parts-REG 69, AUD 67, FAR 63, and I'm waiting for BEC which I believe I failed. I honestly dont know what to do other than getting newer material and keep studying until I pass. I do very well on the HW and I do understand the material.
@Shy - I got that same crazy message as well. BEC is my last section and I am waiting on that. I hope that is a good sign. I tried two different states and I got that same error message. I called the board and they said my score is in and would be available within 24 hrs (online). I now live in FL but I am registered under NEW Jersey board (where I am from. I hope all goes well. I tried to have her give me my score on the phone but she wouldn't do it..Good luck to you and everyone that is waiting!! @MIA Girl - no worries, I am more than happy to help. Trust me, everyone on this board knows the drama, hardship and everything else that goes into the CPA so whatever I can do to help another is not at all a problem. Here is my email - mmjean1976@aol.com - you can send me your address..where in FL are you? Like I said I have FAR and BEC that are 2010. Let me get my BEC score and prayerfully I passed and I will send you both BEC and FAR--CDs and books... they are highlighted and all..probably have some notes in them too..so hope you don't mind..
@ Solo I currently live in Dallas. Thanks again! I will email you my info. I hope and pray you passed! You have given me hope to keep going. :-)
@MIA Girl, I just remembered I also have the Final Review and flashcards, I will send those as well. Every bit helps! Thanks for your prayer..Can't ever get enough..Make sure you pray for you too and don't stop. Believe me prayer helps..that is what kept and keeps me going. There were many time I felt like given up..because this process takes a lot out of you even when you pass a section but leading to that point, it takes a lot. Sometimes we just need someone to tell us what we know lies deep within us. Glad I can give you the hope you need to continue..Just hold on to it and think about the end..you passing all sections...that was also my inspiration..seeing a light at the end of the tunnel (even when it wasn't there..yet.. Seeing the CPA behind my name...Anyways, will keep you posted on my BEC score. I am obsessing over the NASBA website..I keep refreshing the page and hoping my score will pop up but nothing yet. I cant focus on anything else but that!!
Does the trick work for PA? I took auditing on th first week of july. I just went in on the nasba website to PA and tried to register for my next exam and I was not able to register for Bec, Reg, or Aud. Bec and Reg I passed during prior periods but I am waiting on Aud. Has anyone tried this in PA?
@ Solo Thanks you! Thank you! Thank you! I sure will! Prayer does change everything! Keep me posted on your passing score! :-) I'm at work myself and I havent accomplished much. The score release process is a motivation killer.
This loophole stuff seems to not take the edge off... lol. I'm a MI candidate but just went through VT to check it out. I am anticipating BEC and FAR scores this wave. AUD and REG are still open on my NTS. The FAR box is the only one available to check. I'm confident in my spectacular failure on FAR, but the box being available seems odd since score release hasn't started yet? Good luck to all and crossing fingers to find out for sure tonight!
Has anyone received FAR scores in Illinois yet? I took the exam July 7th. I'm so anxious for my results!
@MIA Girl - the Wiley CPA review I'm using doesn't expire. The CD is loaded with thousands of questions for each section...and broken down even further into subsections. Go to their website for a tutorial of the CD. I'm currently using the 2010 books and CD, but I may upgrade to the 2011 version. There are also questions in the book as well. The best to everyone!!! I think this waiting on the results has been more stressful than the actual exam.
I don't understand the loophole, I have passed 3 sections but I am still able to click on all sections to re-register. What's the deal?
Has anyone seen scores from PA for BEC?
Nothing from PA yet.
@ohioloophole, so you can still click on the sections even though you passed them?? that gives me hope for bec... i'm from NY and i tried the loophole in OH and NJ and the bec section was available for me to re-register... i was soo bummed this morning... your message got my hopes up!! only time will tell :) Good luck everyone!!
@ Ohioloophole and Waitinggg Hum......now I'm confused! Does the loophole works or not?! I have not been in a good mood ever since I seen BEC available for me to re-register. Is their still hope for us? I guess we will have to wait for an OFFICIAL score. I will keep you guys posted.
@ Mircale THANKS! :-)
I haven't seen BEC for NJ (a NASBA state) yet. I took it on July 2, so I think I would be in the first wave!
Yes--I am currently waiting on AUD. I tried the loophole just to see how it works and I am able to re-register for all 4 parts even though I have passed 3 already. I entered my SS, personal information, etc, then I was able to click on all four parts to re-register. I am not sure if I have to keep submitting more information or when exactly does the graying out start, but at one of the menu options, I was able to click each section to re-register.
MIA girl, I was in a bad mood too and decided to log on to check the forum and more than one person said that they can still register for sections that they already passed so maybe that means that NASBA plugged the loophole (i'm praying to god that it happened!!) and i know it such a killer not passing but just keep your head up- solo did a great thing for you in giving his/her materials- that's awesome, i wish you the best!!
Does the loophole only work once AICPA releases your score and you are waiting on NASBA? Maybe that's why I am able to re-register for all four parts? However, I'd assume that three of my sections would be already be grayed out.
@ohioloophole, once you entered your info (name address, blah blah blah) and you go on to the next screen, you see the 4 sections for the exam. the box for the sections that you passed should "grey out"... so technically any remainding sections that your able to "click on" you either didn't take or didn't pass... thats why i believe that the loophole might be plugged... like i said I'M PRAYINGGG!!!!
Just got my score for BEC out here in Washington. Passed with an 86.
AICPA already released BEC scores yesterday... so the time for the loophole is now... but now that i'm thinking about it i don't think AICPA released AUD yet- maybe that's why you can click on the sections?? i dunno i'm getting soooo antsy.. ugh this sucks.
any news on FL????
waiiting.., loophole DID NOT WORK FOR ME I passed AUD in MA, it let me re-register. took BEC midjuly, my score better be up at 4:30 or im gonna be pissed haha
@mrguy, i really hope they plugged it... i feel like everyone is pulling their hair out waiting for their scores... i can't even work and we're doing year end closing!! haha @danieltodd, congrats on passing, hopefully we can all be so fortunate!! :)
So Aud scores should be released from the AICPA tomorrow? Is that correct? How come not today?? I want to get my grade back already!
What number have people been calling to ask NASBA if their score will be available for this wave 1 release?
so stupid question but with no score yet... July 13=wave 1 for Nasba im assuming. if so, GIVE ME MY SCORE.
For those of you waiting for scores in Texas i just called TSBPA and they said scores would be released to us on Monday. So that pretty much sucks.
April, the number is 800-CPA-EXAM, but they don't tell you your score... and they have it right in front of their screens too ughh!!! but anyway, the rep said that we should be receiving our scores within 24-48 hours... so all we have left to do is wait, wait, wait!! :'(
...by the way im in New York. I assume it varies by state...
Still waiting for Iowa!!! Decided to take a break from the "score-clicking" and bake some cookies...nothing like a cup of coffee, homemade butter cookies, and Golden Girls to make you feel good inside! :)
Waittttting...800-CPA-EXAM tells you if your in the current wave or not? and how do you know that they have your score in front of you? Also, does AICPA have to release first?
did ohio release scores yet?
@ohio, call 800-CPA-EXAM and when you reach a rep ask them if nasba released your score... they'll ask you for your name and state and then they'll tell you if the score is being proccessed.. i asked the rep (caitlin) if she can give me my score and she said that they can't do it over the phone... but remember the AICPA releases the scores to NASBA then NASBA releases the scores to us... so if AICPA hasn't released the scores, then NASBA can't give them to us...
well its been 25 hours or so now. never taken this long i feel like (not fact, just thought), im going nuts. no work getting done here either, my boss is with me though, he wants to know as bad as i do haha.
Any news on FAR release dates?
Fars for MA is not post yet. So stressed.
this is insane ... i don't understand why they need to stagger the releases. can't they just release all the scores at once??? gah ... this is really putting a damper on my studying for BEC :( i'm sure a lot of us have exams near the end of this window ...
I just called NASBA to get more information on FAR release dates, the person informed me that they do not have a date, and that they have until the end of September to release them... my state is PA... not sure if it works the same for others... I took FAR July 1st... cannot wait to see if I'm finally done with the CPA exam... ugh!
15 more minutes of the NASBA Twitter account being staffed for the day... Surprised there aren't any score release announcements yet. Was hoping for an odd twist in the release order and have FAR pop out next.
Tried calling 800-CPA-EXAM and they wouldn't tell me much. Waiting on my last exam; REG. Going crazy!
Does anyone know why this site pushes comments to the right and makes them longer are less wide as you scroll down? I'm using Safari...
Just called 1-800-cpaexam...looks like no AUD today, what a letdown!!!
Does anybody know what the exact cut-off date was for wave 1? I took BEC August 6th and am hoping that it is in wave 1. Thanks
Man, this waiting game is for the birds!!!! What is going on with NJ? why have they not posted the BEC score yet? This is consuming my thoughts..I haven't gotten anything done today..NOTHING!!
@James My friend took it August 11th and got his score this morning. Were in IL.
@James My friend took BEC August 13th and got his results today, we were very surprised. Live in IL.
Anybody gotten scores from GA?
any news update on BEC scores from PA?
@Sarah @Dan Really? That's a good surprise! So I may get my AUD score too? I took BEC on 8/4 and AUD on 8/11...hopefully!
I'm in WA. Waiting on AUD. Took it on July 3rd. Any news on release of AUD?
@ John I use Safari too, and mine does the same thing. Not sure why though. When I'm on my PC it doesn't do it...weird.
@Michelle Waiting on scores from GA too. Took FAR 7/29 and BEC 8/10. Hoping I'm in the first wave for BEC...
What is taking Iowa so long?
Has anyone heard anything from Florida?? I took BEC July 1st and every time I enter my information it says Error: Score not found. It's killing me, I must know! :)
Lisle...Don't worry I haven't received my score either in FL. This is my first exam, I don't know if they usually continue posting the scores at night or we"ll have to wait until tomorrow :S
@lisle, I also took the exam July 1st in FL so I feel your pain. NASBA did tell me the scores were there but not yet released:(
any ohio scores?
@KDK None yet. I'm checking religiously
OK, so why in the world does it take so long...for GOD's sake this is a computerized test, people! Still no word on AUD???
I'm waiting on a FL BEC score too and I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack if I don't find out soon! This score will HOPEFULLY be my third part passed...last one - REG - next Thursday!
Still no scores, this is ridiculous...I should be in bed but I keep thinking my scores will be here soon, so I keep checking....ahhh..
any word on NY BEC yet
I just got BEC 76 MI board.
@BEC_MI - Congrats!!! I am still waiting on my BEC score from NJ. Have no idea why they are so slow with it!
Still waiting on BEC here in Alabama....
Oh, Florida, how I hate thee! Still waiting obviously...
OH scores went up a few minutes ago! Passed with an 84! soooo happy to have passed my first one!
I'm still waiting on my MI BEC, I'm jealous of the other individual who already got theirs.
GREEN with jealousy here too!
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy iam done with BEC got 76 first attempt from new hampshire board, now iam waiting for other 3 results, REG, AUD AND FAR all the best to everyone who are waiting for results
Did anyone try the OH loophole and received an actual score that was different from what they anticipated (i.e based on the loophole you thought you passed and actually failed or vice versa?)
Still no score on BEC taken on 7/24. Should I be worried about a borderline score?
NY scores are up. Passed with 80 =]]
Passed BEC with 85 from MI board....first attempt :)
Do all scores come out at the same time for the state if they are in this wave? For instance I saw that someone from MI got a score, but I haven't gotten mine from MI and I took it on 7/20. Does this mean that I may have a borderline score?
@state? same deal here im from NY - someone said nY scores are up - i havent recieved mine... took BEC on 8/6...did the ohio loophole today and according to it i would have failed... but no final score yet...
I passed BEC on the first try and it was my first CPA exam!!! 79!!!
congratulation all GOD Blesses Us
7/5 BEC in NY but no socre yet... what does it all mean?!
To everyone worried about a borderline score because they haven't received their tests results back yet--STOP WORRYING! I took my FAR exam the first week in April this year and I freaked out and thought I didn't pass or I got a 75 or something when my scores didn't come out in the first wave. I got my test results back in the second wave, at the end of June, and I got an 81! I think they just like messing with our heads or something. Has anyone heard when they are releasing AUD in Washington?
@pleaserespond1 I did the OhioLoop hole today and according to it I would have passed, but still not score...good luck...hopefully neither of us will have to wait long! :)
my girlfriend got her bec score and i didn;t in NY i took the test 7/30
took bec 7/26 and no score tonight!!
@state -- are u in NY as well - so weird i hope the OH loophole was right for you, but wronggg for me... who knows! i took my test aug 6 so think i should be in wave 1...
Did anyone get NJ scores?
Any idea if they're done updating scores for tonight? Did we just miss out or what?
Jeff... any thoughts on BEC in NY? Does NASBA just hate me?
Has anyone noticed that the NASBA score release page is loading REALLY slow? It could be my internet connection but I don't think so....
It hates us all. And the feeling is mutual!
@pleaserespond1 I'm in MI, hopefully we'll get them soon.
NASBA is slow for me here too.
Hopefully it means they're doing some MAJOR batch processing!!!
NASBA of PA I hate you.
nasba website is loading really slow b/c of all the activity - everyone is checking to see if his/her score is up. I took bec 7/26 NY and My score isn't up....I'm going crazy here!!!!
PA BEC Scores are up
NY SCORE JUST GOT UP an HOUR AFTER my girlfriends release...be patient
@Russ Thanks for giving us hope!!
Any news on when they are going to release Audit scores???
No scores for FL yet
Just wanted to let TN people know, scores for BEC are on the website. I took BEC July 1 I was checking for my score online all day. Just checked again now and I passed! YAY!
Anyone received any scores from AL yet? Slowly losing it here!
FL scores in!!!! I passed BEC 80 Last exam I am finally done!!!! I wish the best for everyone still waiting.
Nevermind all my nonsense and belly-aching.... PASSED BEC in NY baby!!!!!!!!
ughhh..70 guess I deserved it for the amount of time I put in.
Did anyone receive their BEC scores from PA? I took it on August 7th so I fear that I will be in wave 2.
took it july 1, no word yet GA
Glad to know I'm not the only one who hasn't gotten their scores yet. I'm totally stressing over this....
Still waiting on Jersey took BEC 7/7
Still nothing for MO yet :(
are we done for the night here?? should i stop checking and just go to bed?? Someone helpppp!!!! bec ny 7/26
87 in Alabama here. FINALLY!
anyone from GA get theirs????
Does anyone have any idea about FAR release?
still nothing for BEC from PA....
Iowa scores are in! Unfortunately I'll have to re-take... :( oh well...try, try, again....
I got found out I got a 72 on BEC. I just open a bottle of wine and I think I'm going to drink myself to sleep tonight.
@ ALE Florida is available. I just got my failing BEC score.
@ Shy CONGRATULATIONS! I will drink for you!
Passed BEC!!! Indiana scores are in
Heart attack averted! Passed BEC - one left to go!
The NASBA website is deathly slow. I need everyone to stop checking their scores so I can get mine! :) Maybe they're still posting scores??? Is it too late?
@ Solo Still not available???!!! Keep me posted!
I am in CO and gave BEC on 6th Aug and still not got the result. When should i expect the result. has anybody from CO got the result so far
@Aaron That's what i would like to know.If they're done posting i'm ready for bed
@ Amit Saw CO was out in another forum
bec NY 7/27. well my score just went up, and i failed. I hate this crap.
just passed with an 81..
Jersey is up. Praise God, I passed!! Thank you Jesus!!!! I am DONE and can now put this behind me and move on to the next chapter of my life...
Scores out in Colorado! I passed! All DONE!
scores out for georgia!
Co is up... Passed with 85!!!!
Come on TX your killing me! If we don't get an email tomorrow morning we won't hear till Monday :(
I'm waiting on Texas too! Why are we getting ours so late?!
@MIA Girl... I passed, all done...so email me when you are ready!! Congrats to everyone who passed. Best wishes to those who are still waiting and for those who didn't pass, Please don't give up, keep at it..You'll get em next time!! Be Bless!
Did anyone get a PA AUD score?
Thanks Peanut. I cleared my BEC, scored 86. Which one will be released next and when. I gave all four together.
CO is out. Got 83 in BEC. Passed...!!! 3 more to go...!!! When will AUD be released???
@Mia Girl same heree - failed with a 72 ouch... cheers! ugh.
For those in TX, scores have been posted. I am very grateful that I passed. Best of luck to everyone, wondering if AUD will be annouced today
Does anyone know when FAR will be released?
I sat for the exam on 8/7 and my score posted with wave 1. Maybe this will help some other people who were concerned about the wave 1/wave 2 cutoff determine if they made it in wave 1.
For those of you who are interested, I tried to sign up for BEC yesterday in Ohio and it wouldn't let me and then I found out late last night that I passed BEC, the loophole may still work, curious if anyone else had the opposite happen?
Jeff - any word on AUD?
Anyone know anything about Audit release for PA? Called Nasba yesterday @ 5pm, they said it would be between now and september.
Anybody have any thoughts/experience on having BEC regraded if you get a 74?
congrats to all those passed. if someone passes BEC or Aud now, how does the credit system work - how many months left before others must be passed?
Tori, I'm in TX and took BEC in July. My score isn't posted yet??? However, on the candidate menu I have 3 credits which would indicate I passed. On the "Review your CPA Examination Testing Activities, Scores, and Credits" it still only says 2 credits and BEC as pending. What do you think? I don't want to get excited then be crushed. Why isn't my score showing?
@Curious - it's not worth it to get a score regraded. They almost never change a score (the test was already scored by 3 different people or so already)Besides, you can study, retake your exam, and get your scores before you'd hear back from a re-score. I got a 74 in REG last window. It really sucks, but just take the exam again. @chandra - you get 18 months from the date of your first passed test.
@Jon, I would probably say that you have passed, however you can call the board and say there is a discrepancy and see if they can tell you for sure. They are usually prompt at answering the phone 512-305-7851 @Curios, because of the quality control and the process with which they ratify the scores, I hear it almost always results in no change. However it maybe worth the shot, you can only appeal if your board allows you to do so, here is the link, to ger more info on the appeals process: https://www.aicpa.org/BecomeACPA/CPAExam/PsychometricsandScoring/ScoreReviewAndAppeals/Pages/computer_faqs_rescore.aspx
@Rski Thank u very much waiting for Aud, Far & Reg - took all 4 sections at the same time Got 82 in BEC - i thought I had done it very well and expected close to 90- and now I am very nervous for others because here is my take on my performance Aud - very well Far - reasonable Reg: 50:50 - left one tab in sim 1 and sim 2 - though completed communication in both tabs the actual results are always different from what you expect????????????
I'm not really good at judging how well I did. For BEC (79) and FAR (81) I had no idea how I did when I left the test center. REG (74) I knew it was going to be close whether I passed of failed because I got quite a few questions I didn't really know. AUD (waiting) and REG retake (waiting) I thought I did well on, but I'm still waiting, so I guess we'll see!
Has any one heard about FAR... Took it early in July. Do you think it will be released this week or next?
Thanks Tori. I see now when clicking on the view results it states at the very bottom that I have an advisory score of 80. I guess that means the AICPA has scored it and the TSBPA hasn't rattified it yet? I think I'm good to go. I wasn't paying attention to detail earlier. Thanks again.
NYS has now posted BEC scores. I just retrieved my score. I passed, but the joy is fleeting since I am so nervous about Reg. Let's hope they start releasing the others soon!!
I passed BEC (79)!!! 1 down, 3 to go!!!
@Len, Typical order is BEC then AUD. Since BEC was already released on Wednesday, I would assume (prob wrong) that AUD will be released to NASBA today and scores will be available over the weekend. FAR release sometime next week, probably in the middle.
God...i can't wait anymore. I really want to find out my AUD score.... taking BEC tomorrow. I thought i wasn't going to check another71 site before the BEC exam, but i am really anxious to know my score. Let's go big daddy AICPA. Wish me luck!
If the AICPA releases anymore scores today it will take a day for NASBA to post them. NASBA doesn't post over the weekend so we'll have to wait until at least Monday to see any new results. :(
I took REG on 8/14/10, any guesses when wave 2 scores are going to be released?
@breezy- Wave 2 will start releasing scores end of Sept. I also took REG 8/14 so I will be waiting with you....
@ pleaserespond1 Ugh......I woke up this morning with a headache of course. I was hoping yesterday score was a dream but it was not. Now I have to move on and try VERY hard to pass all 4. Back to the drawing board. Goodluck to you!
@ Solo CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy you passed and I met you!!!!! I'm sending my info to you now. Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-)
Just got the following text from NASBA: Good morning! No news yet on addtl updates. Will let you know as soon as we hear any new #cpaexam news. Congrats to those who passed BEC.
I'm in MS, a independent state that believes in mailing out the scores via snail mail. I'm thinking maybe I just need to move to another state at this point...The wait is killing me! And I sit for AUD Monday..I can't think for being anxious.
I need studying advice. I never studied for two or more exams at the same time.I'm trying to firgure out the best way to do so. I'm currently studying for AUD. I'm on Becker Lecture 3. I found out I failed BEC so I wanted to jungle studying for BEC and AUD. I would like to take BEC 10/2 and maybe AUD 10/9. Please advise.
Jeff - why no update on when AUD will be released?
Has anyone heard an update as to when the AUD scores might be released? I took AUD on 7/7 and taking FAR 8/28...It would be nice to know the scores before I go into my last exam....
Getting the feeling Jeff knows something about AUD but it isn't what we want to hear so he's not sharing....
@ Gerrie I don't think that's true...I received two exam scores on Saturday during the day...which I am guessing NASBA released on Friday? All we can do is hope they release something today...
I took BEC. on Aug.10th, so my score will be first or secned wave? please help, cause I tried Ohio on line application, they let me reapply for BEC. only, is that mean I failed???:-( Any one can reply back to meeeeeeeeeeeee.
Unfortunately, you will be in wave 2. They said the cutoff was probably around the 7th of August.
I took AUD July 22nd. Does anyone know when that score will be available?
I took BEC August 9th (first monday after cut off) and got my score on NASBA.org this AM- 76 PASSSSSS BABY PASSSSSS!!! NOW JUST WAITING ON REG
No Cali scores this weekend? Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- Closed signs went up at California agencies Friday as a mandatory furlough went into effect for government employees in an effort to resolve California's $19 billion budget deficit.
I took AUD on 8/2....has anyone heard anything on when the scores will be released?
All those that tried the "Ohio Loophole" and think they failed, don't lose hope just yet! I was so bummed all day yesterday because it was letting me re-register for BEC, come to find out this morning that i passed with an 80! :) So keep your head up and don't worry until you get your ACTUAL score!!
Does anyone know what's going on with audit?? This wait is so cruel.
Anyone in MS received BEC score yest?
So what's up with Aud scores?? I thought the AICPA would release them already?!?!
Really, where is AUD? I think all scores (4 parts) should be declared before 23th of Aug.
what does mean Ohio loophole? please anyone answer me.
really??? wow ... i can't believe two days will be passing w/out any more releases other than BEC. @ Oras: If you go to the discussion forum, there is an in depth description about how the Ohio loophole works.
I cant believe AICPA did not release today...
OhioLoophole, So you think that the AICPA isn't releasing any scores today at all??
I tried the Ohio Loophole and I wasn't able to see anyn sections of the exam. I couldn't proceed from the main screen i got a response that all sections of the exam are being processed. I am waiting for AUD and didn't took REG yet. Does anyone know what that means?
I'm waiting AUD and FAR, so anybody knows about them.
Any news about Reg guys?? What's its order of release?
AUD scores have been released to NASBA!
I hope they're quicker in TX for AUD than they were for BEC! Does anyone know if TX releases scores on the weekend?
So can we expect to see the AUD scores Monday night at ~10pm?
Since audit was just released, what comes next FAR or REG?
How soon can we get the AUD score? Can somebody tell me how to check the score on NASBA website?
Good news, I have received SMS from NASBA, 7,629 AUD socres have been released by AICPA today and it will take 24 to 48 hours to realse them
@ T.T go to NASBA.org then CPA exam, then choose your state then go to Score Icon and click it and fill your ID and birthday
Tks, Oras. It has been a long long week for all of us.
Yeas, and i have now BEC on 30 Aug
@Oras this service is not available for CA candidates... >_< I don't like this wait at all.......
Nice late AICPA release!...Jeff--has NASBA ever released over the weekend?
@Cat Based on my experience from last test window and Jeff's guide, the CA candidates should be able to get their AUD score by tomorrow morning. :)
@Jack, Does your last post also apply to IL scores?
@Dan--I'm pretty sure that IL has released on a Saturday before. I'm in IL, so I REALLY hope they will tomorrow!! :) Good luck to you!
@ cat, Yes the wait is very bad and i think if they don't release them today, the results will go to Mon.
Does anyone Know if NASBA will release scores in MN over the weekend?
HUGE good luck wishes to everyone waiting for scores. BEC finished and working on FAR. I can see why it's called THE BEAST. Try to have a happy weekend - study time at my house!!
Can anyone tell me whether AICPA has released the AUD scores to NASBA and when will the CO scores will be posted
@ Amit, AICPA has released them on Fri 6PM and NASBA is predicted to release them from 24 to 48 hours
@ halfway to a..... I think REG going to be the last... I am getting crazy day after day... Waiting for REG and it is my last part!!!! Good luck
CA is reporting AUD scores.
Anyone know how to check scores on NASBA? TX is an independent state so I'm wondering if the only way for me to check my score is on the TSBPA website.
My latest FAR/REG predictions are posted on the top of this post.
Hi Jeff I took far on 8/9 and Reg on 8/12 - is there a likelihood of these dates being on wave 1? thanks
@chandra: From personal experience, I took REG on 2/12 and was in the wave 1 score release for that quarter. It's possible but you never know until scores are released. The date you took the exam + whether or not you got a new simulation will determine when yours gets released. Get Jeff's free e-book - it's full of great information. I am waiting on FAR - my final exam.......come on AICPA release FAR next!!
For anyone waiting on scores in IL, I received two exam scores on a Saturday before...so lets hope that happens again this time! If all goes well, I will have one more to go! REG 84 BEC 80 AUD ? FAR 8/28
Anyone know if Louisiana AUD scores have been released.
Does anyone know if Ohio releases scores on a Saturday? Thanks.
Does anyone know if Mass will release over the weekend? or when to expect the AUD scores?
@Rachel Thanks :) Yeah - guess just have to wait - but impatience is contagious for CPAs-in-wating
@Mo: I'm in LA - LA is NASBA state - I don't believe NASBA has ever released over a weekend. I'd look for it Monday night around 9:15
Thank you Rachel.
has anyone in CA not receiving his score? I hope they are not done yet I didn't get mine. I don' t want to wait for another month! what are the chances of getting new sims? This is my last section give me a peace of mind
AUD is out in CA!! Passed all exams in 6 months!!! Thanks to everyone in this forum for supporting each other!! Good Luck to you all!!
IL posted the scores. I passed, I passed, I passed, got 89.
Jeff, What's wrong with releasing FAR on Monday? Didn't they always release on Fridays and Mondays previously? Is yours just a conservative estimate or you got tipped off?
i am also in CA, why can't I see my AUD score? why? I took the exam on July 23. Please tell me...
Does anyone know what the first wave cutoff date is? I took my audit exam on August 6th but didn't get me scores. Am I going to have to wait another month?
I'm in CA and I took AUD on Aug 10th and received my score this morning, so the cutoff was AT LEAST 8/10
I am in CA also and have not yet received AUD scores. I took it the first week of July. c'mon! I do not want to be placed in wave 2!
@in CA It's weird. Someone taking the AUD exam on August got the score already.....what's going on with ours?
@K It might be that we got a new SIM and automatically got places in wave 2.
Jeff: I think this question was asked already, but didn't see a respone. Has NASBA ever released on a Saturday?
I also took AUD in the first week of July...I really hope we didn't get a new SIM because that would mean we would automatically be placed in Wave 2! That would horrible...I am in IL and scores have been posted and I have NOT received my score! Does anyone know if you can tell if you got a new SIM? Does anyone remember derivatives on their exam?
Has anyone received their score for AUD in Alabama?
Kill me~~~><" one more month...shoot me....
I am in IL. Still not posted AUD...
Has anyone received their score for AUD in NY? Anyone know if NY posts scores on weekends?
IL posted AUD. Fail with a 70. I thought I did really well! BOOOO! :(
score in CA received. not pass... >_<||| need to try again. congra to those passed, and goodluck to those still trying
Anyone in MI get their AUD score?
Cat, where did you find the score? I signed into CA account, but no score yet. tks.
@T.T. Just go to the Status and at the bottom of the page, the score is sitting behind the AUD attendance note. and the following block, you will see a detailed score report. hope you find it and pass, good luck
cat,Tks. Check every minute, still not showing any score.
Anyone received AUD scores from TX yet?
Hey Brandon, I'm in MI and no scores posted yet. I will be calling them Monday am :)Hope this helps.
NASBA doesn't release on Saturdays...AUD should be out Monday night. Be sure to download the e-book above...it sheds more light on this. Jeff
CA score posted..I PASSED...congrats to anyone who passed..for anyone who didn't..don't give up...you will get it next time.
1/2 way thru, where did you get your score? I'm in CA too, but my score was not there yet.
Same thing - I'm in CA, took AUD on 7/31, and can't see a score on the STATUS page.
HI,! Is anyone get AUD in DELAWARE?
I took BEC July 28th in MI but have not received my score yet...any ideas if anymore scores will be released for BEC on Monday?
Jeff, Are you just predicting that Reg will be released on Thursday, or do you have inside information? Thanks!!
yea why is reg being released after FAR? I thought its usually released before FAR?
@ Ohio Loophole not always accurate! - Was it letting you re-register for any other sections that you had passed? Were any of your other sections grayed out for sections you passed or active NTS?
I took BEC on Aug, 13, jurisdiction is Maine. While, my score was released already.
I am away from home and don't have internet access save my phone, so I can't download Jeff's document. Can someone tell me if I should attempt to find internet access to check my FAR score? I am unsure if I made the wave one cut, I took FAR on August 11. Thanks!!
Anyone in Virginia got AUD score? I took Aud on 7/16, and nothing for me yet. Hope I am not in wave 2.
@Smoke - No FAR yet per Jeff's predictions....8/24 is the prediction...
I realize that but I want to know if I should even go to the trouble of finding internet access and checking later this week or if I am in wave two and won't get my score until September. I took my test August 11 so I know I am close to the cutoff. Thanks again!
@Smoke... you're definately in wave 2 so I wouldn't worry about trying to find internet access
My FAR and REG predictions are based just on my guess...I haven't heard any updates yet.
@Jeff - another71.com I took AUD on July 23rd and I don't see the score still. I guess I am in wave 2 group so do you know when they release wave 2?
@ K - Why would you think you are in Wave 2? Jeff said scores do not come out on the wknd and are coming out on monday so you still have time to get them. Where are you from?
Jeff, Why do you think REG is coming out after FAR? Isnt it usually the other way around?
Can anyone tell me when will NASBA upload the CO scores for AUD?
@Amit Same here. Waiting for my CO scores for AUD.
REG always came out 2nd or 3rd. Lately - within the past 6 months, REG has been last several times. I also predicted it would be last in the last window and it happened. REG could very well be third - it's just my guess based on what I've seen in the past. -Jeff
Is Ohio loophole always right? I got the FAR section shaded and BEC was not, then I received BEC and scored 73, does this mean I passed FAR????????????
I'm took FAR in July. I'm taking AUD on Friday August 27. Would you check your score before or after taking the second exam? I have a feeling I didn't pass because I didn't have time to do most of one of the simulations. I did do both communications.
Good question DC. Here is what I think... If you have time to change your study habits or help in any way, go ahead and look at it. The first exam is always the hardest because you don't know how to study and don't know if its working. If you won't find out until a week before the exam so it won't help, then don't. Considering your test is in 4 days, I doubt it will help, so I would just wait until the right after the test.
Any news from TX anyone?
Thanks for the excellent advice Michael.
Its monday and the forum is so silent?? I thought it will be on fire what with Aud results . Any news from CO guysssssssssssssssssssss
@Madison, I am waiting on my AUD score in Texas and I have not seen or heard anything yet. Checking every so often to see if anything has been updated.
Took Aud on July 1 in NY (Wave 1). Nasba hasnt posted results yet. Does any1 know when will they be posted? Also, if I can find out earlier? This is my last exam.
I'm waiting on NY too ahh! havent heard anything! how long after AICPA releases, does NASBA usually post for NY?
I'm waiting on NY too! how long after AICPA releases scores does NASBA usually release for NY?
I took Reg on Monday August 9th. Is there any chance of my score being released in Waive 1 (assuming neither one of the simulations were new), or should I just expect my score in waive 2?
I really hope FAR is released today
Anyone from Texas get their audit score yet?
tx, I haven't gotten my audit score yet either and I was in wave 1. TX takes longer than other states based on what I've seen though. My BEC score came in atleast a day later than every other state I saw on this blog. If I didn't get any new simulations I expect to get my score tomorrow or Wednesday. Don't hold your breath!
I took FAR on July 23. I will be taking BEC on the 27th. I really just want to know what I got so i'll stop checking every other half hour. Whether I passed or failed wont make a difference on how i perform on the next test. Knowing what I got will at least give me more time to study because I wont be constantly checking. Reg 93 on 01/29/10; Aud 82 on 05/24/10 FAR? on 08/23/10 BEC take on Friday.
IL test taker. I took AUD July 15th, and didn't receive my score. Is a new simulation the only reason for this?
I am in IL. Not received yet. I guess nobody get score yet.
Has anyone rec'd an AUD score from Utah?
any new update on FAR release?
Is the AICPA release for REG exam Thursday? or the NASBA/Independant State score release?
Has anybody from NJ been able to use the OH loophole? for me its been saying "currently in progress" and I have seen so many people say that they have been able to use it from diff. states, so just wondering if any one from NJ has been able to use it. Thanks,
Dear NASBA: HURRY UP AND POST THE AUD SCORES!! I can't get any work done today because I keep thinking about my score and checking it.
Anyone who sat in PA get their AUD score yet?
@matt-attack I'm going through the same problem. I hope they're posted soon and I really hope I didn't end up getting a new simulation...
Still no AUD scores in MN. I took AUD on 7/3 --- it has been too long....
I'm also in IL waiting on my FAR score. I took it 7/7. I'm becoming more and more anxious!
I found that NASBA has a twitter account. They have been giving updates on a fairly regular basis. Even if you dont have a twitter account, just google "NASBA twitter" and you can see their postings.
I'm in TX and I emailed TSBPA 30 mins ago and they told me that they are expecting to receive AUD scores tomorrow! Good luck to everyone!
@Lillan, Thanks for your info. I hope to access my score of aud tomorrow....cross finger ing
For the two from IL that didn't receive scores yet, I'm guessing you had a new simulation or your score was borderline. I took AUD on July 24th and I received my score on Saturday. Couldn't believe my eyes when Illinois posted scores on a Saturday!!
TX always posted 2 days after NASBA releases the scores, not counting weekend. Therefore, since it was released on Friday, TX will get the scores tomorrow. (Tuesday) And they post at 3am too. So, if you are anxious you can get up and check it at 3:01!
NASBA's twitter account just said another 1808 AUD scores and 8625 FAR scores were released by AICPA to NASBA
1808 AUD scores and 8625 FAR scores were released. Woo! Now post them! =P
Good news, AICPA have released 1,808 AUD and 8,625 FAR today now at 4:31PM Mon.
FAR and more AUD scores just released. Check NASBA twitter for details.
Does anyone know if it's a bad thing if my audit score is released after the primary audit release?
@lynninfl Bad thing? What like pass or fail? I doubt it has any reflection on your score.
Will the loophole work in non-NASBA states?
@Brandon - Thanks! I called NASBA earlier and they didn't have my score yet so it was probably released today. Fingers crossed.
This waiting is terrible! I thought I would get my audit score today, and if not today I would be in the second wave, but now if not today it could be tomorrow... Ugh, I just want my score already!
WaitingAUDscore - my sentiments exactly!
Waiting on aud score, I hope it doesnt mean anything if we didnt get it in the first round! now im more nervous
In Illinois waiting on FAR - I still don't see my score - Are released and posted different? If so - when can I see my score?!
IL FAR 24-48 HOURS for state to post the score
IL FAR - The AICPA has released FAR scores to the Illinois. Illinois still needs to process. They have been pretty quick, so you'll probably get your score tomorrow...
AUD scores for anyone in Florida yet?
Anyone know how long CA takes to post scores after the release. I took FAR 07/03 and hope I was in the release today.
Any idea how long CA takes to post scores after release?
Does anyone in IL know if the Loophole works or not? Or is it only NASBA states?
Will the loophole work if you test in Texas? Isn't Texas a non-NASBA state?
Anybody in CA got the AUD score? Can't wait any more....
@T.T. I received my AUD score from CA on Saturday morning. Maybe you are in the 2nd wave?
For all the people asking about CA scores ... if your score made it into Wave 1, it should be posted online within one day of the AICPA release. My experience has been that it is usually available in the morning to early afternoon. If you sign in and it says "Advisory Score Received", go to the Status page and look at the very bottom for your score and the report. I'm PRAYING REG gets released tomorrow!!! This wait is killin me!!!
I took AUD on 8/5, will I be in wave 2?
Has anyone received their score today?
@T.T. That could be the issue. I took AUD 7/22.
I haven't received my score yet... Still waiting. This whole waiting thing is not fun!! Just tell me already!
Took audit the first week of July in NY....I havent received my score yet either. Has anyone in NY received their audit score yet?
@NY1...not yet
To those still waiting on AUD scores in CA (including me) NASBA just tweeted "Today, 1808 AUD and 8625 FAR scores were released by AICPA to NASBA from Jul/Aug 2010 testing window." So, hopefully we can check our scores tomorrow and not have to wait one more month for results. We were just put in batch #2
Has anyone received an OH AUD score yet?
I felt really nervous to get my REG scores. Hope I can pass!
Cao- I am so right there with you. REG is my final exam and now it's just a matter of waiting it out. It's terrible we had to be last and we still wont know if the scores will actually be released. Sure hope Jeff's Wednesday prediction is right! And best of luck to you on passing.
@NY - I havent received NY yet either. I know one person who received it earlier today from NY
Waiting in NY for Aud. this is my third section. looks like the Nasba site is crashing. Guys stop checking for 3 minutes let me get mine!
What's happening on Nasba?? It's out of order for some reasons...I guess.. Is it right time for Nasba to post scores?? I'm wondering.... I'm waiting.... I'm dying....from lazy Nasba
Still no luck...This eagerness is killing me.
So what is going on now?? NASBA's site is down or something... All this waiting and still no scores, ugh.
NASBA has to be posting grades for their website to be down
frustrated....nasba still not displaying site....so slow.....
Finally!!!!!!!!!!! Aud out in NY 84!!!!!!!!!!! One more to go (reg) what i figured out tonight is that another71.com is popular as nasba both were crushed>>>>>>
Its still not working for me in NY!!!! soo frusterating
@Abe, when did you attend AUD?
waiting on AUD...took July 15...wish NASBA's site would load..
finally got it...wow...didnt expeect to fail AUD again. Good luck to everyone
@NY2 - best of luck - it'll be my third time for AUD, the last having a 74, talk about a low blow
Anybody in CA got the AUD score today? nasba website doesn't work for CA, right? Any other way to find out the score except the CBA account?
Oras, i took Aud on 8/1. since nasba released more aud today you can still be in first wave and get it tomorrow night. Best thing to do is calling NAsba to see if they received your score.
@ Abe, I took AUD on 3 July so i think i'm in first wave
I am also in CA and took AUD on July 23. Please let me access the score.......i hate this system...
I accessed the score, and till now it's not released, how could it be? I attend AUD on 3 July, so I don't know.
Just checked CO for AUD & is out. Down at 66. All the best for others....
Anybody in New Hamphier babies? Please if anybody took it please tell me I'm waiting AUD
The Nasba website seems to be working much better. Just got my Audit score in OH and I passed! Just have Reg left on the 31st. Good luck everyone!
Hi Oras... I took the exam from NH on 7th aug... got results on the NASBA site -- scored 96 -- all the best to you... awaiting fin and reg
can we access our socre in ca on nasba? and how?
@K just go to https://www.nasba.org you can check it out. I passed a AUD, MT 80 points, not that bad I think I took on aug 11st. one left and I'm waiting
I took the exam on 8/2 in AL and just got my results back.... scored 84...good luck to the rest of you!
@David, how? I went there and then? thanks
Checked Aud from CO Passed with 88. Good luck to all those waiting and hope you all pass!! Now waiting for Far and Reg (BEC 82, Aud 88) Jeff - your normal prediction for wave1 cutoff is 7th, but this time we have seen for BEC that some guys who took on 11th and 12th also got in---- I took Far on 8/9 and reg on 8/12 - is there anyway of knowing what the cutoff is this time around (assuming that one got old Sims)?
Texas AUD is up! 90! Do not ask me why I am awake. hahaGood luck to all!
i took AUD from CO on 7/26. i can't see my scores on NASBA yet, can anyone tell me what can be the possible resaons for the same?
Has anyone seen their FAR score yet?
Took AUD in MI on 7/17 and my score still isn't up on NASBA. I'm assuming that means I'm in either that second batch of scores released yesterday or wave 2. :( Anyone else in MI get their AUD score yet?
I just failed AUD. Holy cow, I thought I had done pretty good and that if I failed it would at least be close to a 75 :( All I can do this morning is cry.
NYS has now posted audit scores. Now we just need Regulation!!
Has anyone been able to successfully determine pass/fail using the Ohio loophole for Massachusetts testers? I keep trying just for fun (right?), and keep getting "All sections of this exam are still in progress." Slightly antsy today. Sat for FAR on 7/30, if I pass, I am done. Not going to get much done at work today, save for reloading the NASBA website.
Passed audit! REALLY hope reg scores are released today
Waiting on FAR(7/1) and REG(7/31), and I could be done! The wait is killing me. Anyone know what time scores are updated to NASBA so I can stop checking for FAR every five minutes today at work haha.
How to know what the cutoff date for Far was this time around?? anyone pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
It sounds like no one has received their FAR scores yet. Is that right?
Still waiting on my FAR to post. Took exam on 7/29
After a 71 and now a 70 in AUD using Gleim, I am switching to Yaeger. Jeff you have me convinced
Ohio loophole is working as FAR is not showing for re-exam, hope i have cleared after two unsuccessful exams i.e BEC and Aud
@FL I dont think so - studies Gleim only and got 88 - I think it covered all material very well and 90% of the MCQ in my test were covered in gleim material - in addition - also practiced Wiley question bank. Try once more with short one line summary notes from gleim and practice on wiley. best of luck
@Chandra How about BEC? which book should i refer as I cudnt able to clear through Becker.. Thanks in advance
@Jitender BEC looks easy - but is very tricky - as one can spoil it with overconfidence - I expected over 95- got only 82! In my experience - no material is 100% good enough for BEC - you have to cover through multiple sources - at the same time there are at least 10-12 questions on BEC that will surprise you - so general knowledge and corporate experience will be very handy I will still advise to go for Gleim +wiley - study material +MCQ
If I took FAR on Aug 13, what do you guys think is the chance I will be in wave 1?
MN - Still waiting for AUD.
I'm waiting on my FAR score in IL. The website doesn't seem to be working...maybe they are putting in the scores right now! :-)
Anyone in VA get their FAR scores yet?
VAgirl - not yet - checking every chance I get
Yep, same here..
Still waiting for AUD in Ohio. I took AUD on 7/21.
MN- Waiting for AUD.
AUD for Georgia posted...90!! Congrats to all who passed!
Has anyone received scores in MN - AUD?
Any one in MD get FAR yet..... I can't do anything at work today.
NY has posted audit scores - I received mine.
anyone in PA get FAR yet?
has anyone received their audit scores in IL yet?
has anyone received their FAR scores in IL? i can hardly take the suspense anymore and i'm supposed to take REG on friday. i wish they'd hurry!!
Has anyone recieved their FAR scores in MA? Thanks!
Nothing in MA yet for me. Took FAR 7/31.
anyone in ca still not getting his aud score? I took it 7/18 the wait is really killing me! what time do they update our scores?
I am in GA and have received my score, unfortunately I didn't pass :( But I was wondering if there is a way to see a more detailed score through NASBA's website or do I just have to wait and get it in the mail?
Has any one in TX received there AUD score?
I took FAR in CA on 7/17 and no score up today. I really hope CA is taking an extra day to put up some scores. There is no way I can survive going through this release hell next month.
Sat for FAR in MA on 7/30 - no score yet.
If I took FAR August 13th, what is the chance I am in waive 1?
CA batch #2 AUD scores are out. I passed! YES!! 2 down 2 to go. I took AUD on 7/10 and was put into batch #2. Good thing I was not put into Wave #2. I do now know if I could have waited another month. For those you in CA that took AUD in Wave 1 and are still waiting, NASBA might release a batch #3. I've seen it happen before.
@Julia, Congrats for scoring 90 in Aud, Which books hv u used? Please suggest...Thanks in advance
No FAR scores in VA yet says the BOA.
Have not yet get my score, took AUD in DE on Aug 2nd.
For anyone looking for MN postings, MN AUD scores were posted last night.
@Ellie How come I still haven't received my score yet?
Did anyone in PA get their AUD score yet?
Does anyone know what time of day IL normally releases scores? Also, I'm looking at ilboa.org and signing into my account to see the score. Is this the best way? Do I get a detail of the score on this site? Thanks!
Took audit on 7/2 in PA.... still no score. Nothing special about sims. When will the additional adut scores released by the aicpa yesterday be released by nasba?
I took Audit in Ohio on August 4th & still no results. It is my last one & The shortcut is not working either :-( Anyone in Ohio receive their score yet? I sure hope I'm in the batch they released yesterday!
i just spoke to nasba and they didn't receive my FAR score (took it 7/1). does the aicpa ever release additional FAR scores for wave 1 like they did yesterday with AUD? i don't think i can wait another whole month for my score!!!
FAR scores are up in IL.
NASBA site is very slow must be all u ppl hogging it! Please do post if MA scores are out. Thanks!
still waiting for my audit score for IL...i took it on 7/13? any updates for IL?
Oh well, how did you do? Does anyone know if MN takes longer compared to other states? When would FAR for MN be expected to be released?
Has anyone received FAR scores in VA? Thanks!
Technology exists today to the extent that we can: -Communicate about our daily life to the world in seconds -Give someone a new face -Split and fuse atoms -Put people on the moon But NASBA needs 24-48 hours to match 10,000 scores to 10,000 test takers? As if the AICPA wait is long enough! Still fretting over my score, continuing the perpetual refreshing...
I got a 66, but it's what I expected. I moved my REG test back to July 3rd which means I only put in about two weeks on FAR which I took on July 22nd. I didn't study non-profit or government which turned out to be probably 20% of the test. I did fine on one Sim, but bombed the other. So, I should think that if I just get the non-profit and government topics down, that would give me at least another 7 or 8 questions on the test and should be enough to push me into the eighties. Anyone want to venture a guess as to what it takes to go from a 66 to a 70? Is that about five MC questions?
I mean 66 to a 75.
I read on another thread that VA's site may be down... or has been for awhile? Apparently calling them is one option.
took far 7/7-- no score this wave though. does far ever get released in more than one batch???
TX Scores were up early early this morning. Passed AUD with a 86!! This was my last one. Good Luck to all of you still testing!!
FAR scores for IL are in.
I just received my FAR score in IL. Although the news is not good for me, I wish the rest of you the best!
Anyone in TX get FAR scores yet?
Call the BOA to get your VA FAR score. I passed!
What the heck - I took FAR 7/29 and I don't see my score? What does this mean? 2nd wave? or worse?!
I still havent received my audit score in IL...we are just supposed to sign in and look through the ILBOA site? correct?
Just called Va.. 91 on FAR! Can't believe it. I told everyone I was sure I failed so people are right when they say not to think too negatively...
@CA who received his AUD score with the second release What was your score? Was it borderline? Just wondering because I did not receive my FAR score this morning in CA and I'm getting worried. Please share. Thanks
good morning/afternoon everyone! who out there is hoping for REG scores to be released today?! @IL FAR - There possibly could be more scores released for FAR today.
@IL Audit: that is how I checked my score. @IL FAR: You should be in wave 1....you may have gotten a brand new simulation-therefore the scoring is taking longer. Or you could just place the blame on the website. I think the ILBOA website is terrible and it does not work correctly half the time!
@ bsant I'm in CA too and I would keep checking. I remember that my FAR score wasn't posted until sometime after 10AM. good luck!
Anyone get FAR score in CA yet?
@SEEKOR: You may have received a new simulation on your exam, which would automatically put your score release in Wave 2.
Do they ever post scores during the day or only at night?
Any Far scores reported from CO? also anyone from any state who wrote Far after 8/7 and got their scores in wave1?
@REG-CA Thanks, I'll keep pressing F5. Was your score borderline? Was it received the same day as other CA people who got it at 5:30am as usual? I got my AUD score on saturday at 5:30am and I took the exam on Aug 10 and didn't get my FAR score this morning, and I took FAR in July. @David Yes, some CA people got their score this early morning at usual. There's many, too many I'd say, who didn't get it though.
IL FAR scores are up! 89!! YAY!!
Anyone got Far score in NY?
I am bitter here...when is REG going to post! There's only so long a person can wait...post them already!!!!!!!!!!
I just called the PA BOA and they stated that they do not give out scores.
I am waiting on my FAR score in IL. Anybody else still waiting?
Called MA BOA they said 24-48 hours for Wave1. oh my....
@ bsant I got an 86 on FAR. I remember checking once I got up around 8AM and nothing. I checked around 10:30 after a meeting I had and my passing score was there :)
I took IL FAR on 7/1, but I haven't received my score. does it mean i have received a new simulation on my exam? are new simulations more difficult?
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Thanks GOD, GOD give me the FAR 82 this the first part for me Congratulation for all I hope all of us get CPA
Does anyone know if FAR scores have been released in SC? I took it on 7/2 and I'm still getting nothing from the NASBA site...
MN - I took AUD on 7/3 - nothing yet.
@Fob - Do you know if they meant 24-48 hours from the time the AICPA released, or from the time you called?
@ Ellie, I took AUD so early 7/3. How can this happen to me. Another month of waiting.... sucks, man.
@SEEKOR I took REG on 10/5/09 and didn't get my score back until around 12/20/09. If you end up with new simulations it's wave 2 by default, as ridiculously long of a wait as that is.
I took REG back on January 28, 2010. They released the scores for reg on February 18, however my score didn't get posted until February 27. So it can take at least 8-10 days for them to upload your score after they have been released. At least for MN anyway.
@ justin -- did you have any indication on your REG exam that you had a new sim? i'm hoping i didn't get any new simulations on my test. all my tabs were pretty straight forward.
Something is definately up with the CA FAR scores. There are a lot of people with still no score. Maybe they did a large batch of new sims but I'm hoping the employees slept in today and scores will be up tomorrow.
@REG-CA No indication really. There are a number of questions throughout the exam that won't be reflected in your score, they just evaluate the responses, but nothing indicates which is which. The only hint I might have had was hearing friends talk about the difficulty of their questions - essentially, one friend got a question "What is 1 + 1?" compared to my "Evaluate Einstein's theory of relativity in regards to the IRC of 1986, considering the effect of the industrial revolution in the 1800's" Again, I had no idea, but my suspicions were pretty much confirmed when I got my score so late.
@Justin From the time the AICPA releases it. They said "24-48 BUSINESS hours".....
Haven't received score for FAR in IL yet.. Took exam on 7/06. Any chance that they still posting ? or should I assume that I got a new sim?
@Fob Thanks - NASBA says business days in it's tweets. Hoping we find out tonight. If I'm in wave 2, I am going to be an absolute wreck for another month. I kept waking up every hour last night and checking the score on my phone. I can't do it again!
@ Justin - LOL, I had one simulation that was pretty much 'what is 1+1' level of difficulty. My second one was more tough but definitely not 'theory of relativity' tough. Welp - I guess I'll just have to try my best to be patient and hope for the best! thanks for your input.
@REG-CA Yeah, I shouldn't say they were EXTREMELY difficult, but the amount of content was overwhelming as compared to how my friends made it sound. I walked out of there thinking I had a 60 at best. I didn't even finish the second simulation. But I somehow pulled out an 89, another hint that parts I didn't complete weren't graded. Good luck!
passed Audit - my last part. checked the result last note at midnight and after many tries, got the Nasba website to work. I took Audit on July 1 in NY.
@Justin You should call NASBA and ask if you are in wave 1 or 2. They lady said I'm in wave 1 which will take 24-48 hours for them to complete posting stuff.
I took FAR 7/29, but yet I am still waiting... I see several ppl from IL (FAR) are in the same boat. Perhaps we are all Wave 2, or perhaps they will post later. Any ideas from anyone?
Sorry, no Ideas about IL FAR. I am hoping the score is not in wave 2 also.
Did anybody get their FAR score in FL? Cannot wait anylonger!!!((
@Fob I will probably just wait it out. No number of calls will change the fact I'm in wave 1 or 2. I guess it'll just have to keep me hanging for awhile. Thanks again!
did any one get FAR score in Maine?
I am in IL and I got my score today.
@Olga I'm in FL and haven't gotten FAR yet either. Got AUD last night around 1am (99!) so I'm expecting we'll get FAR around the same time tonight. Good luck!
@tcpa85 what exam did you find out about?
I took FAR in NY on 7/13. I have not received my grade on NASBA yet. Has anyone from NY received their grade? I'm beginning to think I may have had a new simulation unfortunately...
NY typically doesn't release scores until around 10PM, so don't start sweating yet...
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Thanks GOD, Thank GOD, GOD gives me the AUD and now I have to set for another two parts Thanks a lot GOD.
Can anyone validate that if you received the message "We are sorry. All CPA exams are in process" when trying to re-register means that you have passed that part? I'm waiting on FAR and I take BEC next week(which hopefully will be my last part...)
Hi AZ candidates, I just received my FAR grade through email. Hope everyone gets good news!! Good Luck.
@Mike That is the same message I try when doing when I try registering in Ohio. The message hasn't changed for me at all, even before FAR scores were released. As a side note, I have registered and taken all four parts with Massachusetts, not OH. I haven't received my score yet, but I regarded that message as inconclusive.
Did anyone get their AUD score in MI yet?
Anyone got FAR in MI? I'm taking BEC next week, like Mike and the wait is killing me. Not to mention that I'm waiting for REG as well!!!
@Mike, I was getting the same response and just called NASBA and my FAR score hasn't been released (of course this is my last section I am waiting on). If you have a new simulation that simulation is the one that is not graded, correct?
Anyone in VA heard about FAR yet?
Maybe OH fixed the loophole!!! Not cool!!!
Jeff, How do the independent states receive scores from NASBA? By mail? Still waiting on BEC scores from last week.
@VAwaiting Call the BOA- the website is down but they have the scores.
A coworker and I got our FAR scores today. We're in Illinois.
any news on GA FAR scores?
When does IN get FAR scores?
@Mike Scratch my last response - called NASBA, my score hasn't been released yet. @Waiting in FL I'm in the same boat as you - FAR is it for me. They had to make me wait.
Anyone get FAR scores in MD.... I took the exam on July 17... PLEASSSSSEEEEEE
waitinginVA - Thanks!! For all those in VA they have them but you have to call.
I took FAR on July 1 in MA.Anyone from MA got their score yet. I called NASBA this morning and was told they have received my scores.
Anyone from MA got their FAR scores yet.
I am from MA. I called NASBA today and they told me that they did not receive my score. so not scores yet for me either
Sat for AUD in CA on 8/7/10 and haven't received my score yet. Spoke with NASBA this afternoon and they said they just received my score today. So I guess there will be a 3rd AUD score release?
@CA AUD I wish we are in the same group. I took aud on july 23 and still don't receive my score.
For anyone in GA waiting on FAR scores-I called and they said they received scores and it should be no later than 24 hours for posting. If you want to know if you are in Wave 1 or 2 they will tell you if they received a score for you or not.
@KB-GA what kind of information do I need to provide them to check my score? and #?
If more scores are going to be released today, does anyone know approximately what time (at latest) it would be announced?
I just called and gave them my first name and last name and they told me they did receive a score for FAR and will post soon. I called 615-880-4250
K,& CA AUD, me too! i have been waiting forever! CA AUD, did NASBA have your score in their system when we are in independent states? (as CA has its own reporting site).
@K When I called, I had to tell them my state, first and last name, and birth date. @ REG-CA I also asked about my REG score status (took it on 7/10) and they said they hadn't received it yet.
@CA001 Since I've heard they won't release scores I asked if they could tell me whether I would be receiving good or bad news and they said they couldn't see my score, only whether or not it was received. I was told that I would have to wait until CA posted it.
Anybody from NJ got their FAR score yet?
CA AUD, do you mind giving me the number you called? i want to check mine too. Thanks.
NASBA: 615-880-4250
MA - SCORES: Nothing yet. I give up. i'm going to have to assume i fail for the time being. this waiting game is not cool.
So, I called the fabulous people at NASBA and asked if they could tell me whether I was in wave #1 or #2. So, she says.. your score has not been released.. you are most likely in wave #2. Seriously?!? WTF?!? You have to be kidding me!?! I can NOT wait another month... ugh!! I took FAR on 7/25.. so I'm assuming I got a new simulation and that's what I could be in wave #2.. but I'm PRAYING that FAR has a batch #2 release asap!! Anyone else in a similar situation?!?
Exact same situation here... I took FAR on 7/29 so I could be in WAVE 1.. and now, no Score... its my last test and Im playing the waiting game.
Hey Seriously, Calm down. I took FAR last year on 10/3 and didn't get my score until 12/22. It's absolutely ridiculous, but it's the nature of the beast. There's nothing we can do about it. Good luck anyway!
@ seriously I am in the same boat.. FAR is my last section and I called NASBA and they said my score has not been released. I am very frustrated as well since I could have spent the last month and a half studying and received my score at the same time. I had one simulation that seemed a little off so I am thinking I received a new simulation but I am praying that they have another batch release. Good luck!
Same story here in MA. Just called and they said my FAR score has yet to be released. I took it 7/31. It's my last once and my first exam credit (BEC) expires at the end of this month. I hope they have a second Wave to release soon. With so many of these stories, my guess is they do. Don't lose hope.
I took FAR on 7/16 and did not receive the score yet. I called IL Board and they said all FAR socres they got from AICPA have been uploaded into the system.... I called AICPA and asked if they could tell me wether I was in wave#1 or #2. She said your score has not been released... so your simu is new and you are likely in wave#2... Oh noooooooooo....
I just called and got the same news from NASBA< weird. Are we really all in Wave 2? Did NASBA tell anyone they are in wave 1 yet?
Could you give me the number to call the AICPA - what info did you need to give them. This is a real bummer for all of us, hopefully we all passed tho!
Anyone know anything about UT FAR? I took it 8/1 and haven't seen anything.
Hi...anyone received FAR scores is CO yet???took it on 7/6..ohhh the wait is agonizing...!!!
609-671-2900 AICPA Examination team; press#3 for receptionist This is the number IL Board gave me... The lady in AICPA said they released all FAR score in Wave#1 yesterday...
Anyone in MS received their BEC grades yet? This wait is killing me.....
@ Yep...Me too, Waiting in FL and FAR(wave 2): Wow.. seems funky.. this is the last exam for us all, we've taken it within the wave 1 window, yet still no score?!? Indeed.. let's bring out the rain dance, knock on wood, cross our fingers (whateva good luck tricks we can think of) and hope for a batch #2 release! ;) @ Morgy: 'Calm' is beyond me at the moment. According to my Hubby, patience has eluded me my whole life.. lol. =) Good luck everyone!
For those people who failed or are going to fail... YOU SUCK!! haha just kidding...
@Wishing in MS Called today and the board stated they haven't even received the scores yet to mail out. Good luck!
I took my FAR exam on 7/24 and I am taking audit on Friday. Cant study at all and my REG expires on this month :(
So I have been working on my CPA for ever, bad study habits and worse study materials. Last year started studying with Becker and passed AUD 79, BEC 77, failed REG 71 and failed FAR 68. This year passed REG 85 took FAR 07/12. Called NASBA today and said they did not receive my score :-( Has been such a long process and I lose my first pass in November. I just want to know so I can get on with my life.....
Dear AICPA, Thanks for nothing. You rat bastards. Love, WTF
Has anyone in PA received their AUD scores yet? I haven't.
So your telling me theres a chance....that i took financial on july 8th.. and will not get my score tonight at 1015?(NY).
So, if we are all in WAve #2 for FAR, when will we get our scores?
@Not a CPA yet Wave 2 release will be around the same time next month.
Took FAR on 7/1...still no word (how credible is the 10 o'clock release rumor?)
I read something about an OH/MN loophole.... I'm guesssing it's if you go to the NASBA website and can select an exam that you just took, that means you failed it? If so, that really sucks. Also, anyone in OH get their FAR score?
@JEFF any idea whats going on with the FAR release? did 8,625 people take it on July 1 or something? need some insight, im going crazy waiting!
weird!!!!! I took my AUD on Aug. 11, I got my score today for 82. I'm happy that I passed, but at same time, I did my FAR on July 31, nothing at all, what is going on? Can it be a mistake that they switched my 2 exams, can it be real that I took AUD 2 weeks ago and I got my score?
No FAR scores released in MI yet, at least not mine!!!
@Vermont No, that seems perfectly reasonable. You must have just made the cutoff for audit and NASBA released audit scores prior to releases financial scores. Congrats btw, I'm still waiting for my audit score.
Thank you Brandon! This is driving me crazy, I hope NASBA will come up with other better systems to release scores, this is just wrong to let people wait like this. Good luck with you AUD.
@Waiting in MS Wow! They haven't even received the first set of scores? You have got to be kidding me! This is just brutal and wrong! Good luck to you, too. Hopefully, we will get our grades before they expire!
Here is an idea. With many companies moving work overseas I think that AICPA should consider doing so as well. This way they could get help with grading and we would get our scores sooner!!! Great idea!!! Scoring can be done while the AICPA employees are resting at night. There is a day somewhere in the world when we sleep, or don't sleep because we are waiting for the scores!!!
Remaining cautiously optimistic about FAR; AICPA release schedule of FAR for the July/August 2009 testing window per NASBA's Twitter account: 8/19/09: 7,460 8/21/09: 581 8/24/09: 351 ------- 9/23/09: 8,668 9/24/09: 30 9/25/09: 3 So, hoping I might get lucky with tomorrow's REG release.
Reg better come out tomorrow!!! I am taking my last test on thursday and celebrating immediately after! I can't celebrate without knowing my reg score!
Justin, where did you see that on the Nasba twitter page? I am waiting for FAR too, I hate this not knowing if you had a new simulation.
@Jenny I kept loading more and more of the page until I got down to August/September 2009. I feel your pain.. It's killing me too! I was an absolute waste at work today. I switched between refreshing my non-present score and refreshing this forum. I just want to know if I'm all done!
Looks like the NASBA site is repeating its episode from last night. Anyone else having trouble checking their scores?
@Neil Yup, having the same problem. Traffic is picking up. Won't be surprised if we can't access another 71 again soon.
Passed AUD with a 77! Works for me! :)
This is getting old...NASBA site won't load for me either. When am I going to find my score? 3am? Or end of September haha. I hate this stupid routine. Been here way too many times.
I'm having trouble viewing my score as well. This is the first time this has happened for me. The NASBA website just won't load. Does anyone know when we will be able to see our scores? Is it a problem because of traffic?
@Mike This was the same problem last night and I was checking until about 11:45pm before I called it quits. Woke up at 6am this morning and found my 96 on my Audit awaiting... couldn't fall back to sleep after that because I was too excited. I imagine sometime in the middle of the night 3-4am the site will be working.
Has anyone in the NY, NJ, CT area received their FAR score yet? (if they took before wave 1 cut-off that is)
@ NY area I took FAR in NYC on July 1. Hoping to hear at some point tonight when the site craziness calms down.
i dont know who i hate more nasba or bisk study materials
Argh. In IL, I still don't have my FAR score. I guess unless they release a few hundred more this means it won't be till september :(
took FAR for NY on July 1st. got the score to load using an iPhone, it was slow, but it eventually worked.
Help! FAR is my final test, find out tonight if I am now a CPA!!! This blows, why does everyone say if it is not tonight it won't be until Sept?
The test results come out in two waves.. Each wave has one major release of scores for each section, then MIGHT have one or two smaller releases. Some people might sit for the exam in the first month of a test window, but depending on the particular questions they might have, there is a possibility they won't get their score until wave 2. Wave 2 results come out around the same time in the following month, so September it is.
thanks Justin
anybody in ME got FAR score?
I am still going nuts over here. I was up every hour or two last night, checking to see if my score was up via my phone. I wasted a good portion of the day today, until I broke down and called NASBA to see if I was included in the release yesterday, which they said I was not. I have noticed a LOT of people in these forums from my state (MA) who haven't received their FAR score yet, so I am hoping it is some flukey coincidence and there will be a smaller score release tomorrow with mostly MA scores. Other than that, I might just not bother checking until September.
Look. When they say it will be released within 24-48 hours they are giving in estimate. They are also being conservative in saying your test will be in the 2nd wave. I've had them take 8-9 days to release my score after the date the scores were released to post them to the website. I swear the letter came in the mail the next day. Yes there is a chance that your score will be in the 2nd wave, but it is probably slim. The majority of the time it simply means your state hasn't got on top of posting all the scores yet. - my opinion based on 2 of my exams and waiting for scores.
Believe me, I totally agree with you. I've seen scores get posted at very funny times before. But when I spoke to them today, they said they didn't have any score information for me. Seeing as how there have been no further FAR releases, and any remaining FAR wave 1 releases will number in the hundreds, it seems more likely I'll end up in wave 2. It's my last part, they just want to give me one last headache to go out on.
Got my FAR scores for MA. Didn't pass though.
Got my FAR score for ME (passed)
anyone else find that the nasba site is being slow?
NASBA site is not working at all, i am trying for the last 2 hours
Has anyone received a score in FL?
Waiting for FAR in florida...determined to stay awakeee
anyone get a score from Iowa yet?
guys - CO Far scores are finally out - passed with 82!!! now waiting for Reg Aud 8/3 - 88 BEC 8/6 - 82 Far 8/9 - 82 Reg 8/12 - waiting
All guys who could not see their score just google nasba score release go to the link provided in the search it will take you to indiana just put in your section id and dob and you can get your scores!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (only for nasba states)
CO FAR scores out guys.... 83 passed... all the best to others...
still not seeing my FL FAR score using the indiana link....ughh
Nasba is finally working..but no score for Fl yet((
Florida is also out - as I can see on other forums too! so those who havent got their scores might be in second release of wave 1(8/25) or in wave 2!
MN is out. It was running slow and as soon as it let me in my score came up. 88 for FAR. One more to take on Friday and i might be all done!
Anyone have PA FAR scores yet?
Still expecting for the release of Reg on Wednesday ?
I am waiting for REG and this is my last part...... I think we will get the score on THU or FRI,,, if not in wave 2... If anyone has any new then please update
Anyone know if FAR has been released for South Carolina?
Anybody see FAR scores for Texas
Still waiting on FAR in Texas..... I thought it would be up by now
Took FAR on 7/2 and still have not seen score posted in Louisiana. Passed BEC and REG. Taking AUD Monday and I hope that is my last one. Has anyone received a score from Louisiana for FAR??
@Alli I thought Texas would be up to by now. Dang
@Justin... I had my REG in july, and it was really tough, i am not sure if i will pass, but i am hoping... your msg gives me some hopes... thank you I had some issue with my test center during my REG Exam, I am not sure if i should report that to NASBA, that had effected me in my exam! it was really bad. any advise!!
Any Texas FAR updates??? This is a killer!
Yes Nash....u MUST report!
NY FAR results are finally up and i passed with 82!!!!! just gonna put it out there that i did not even touch the communication part for either of the simulations and pretty much only had time for a few parts of the simulations...so if you do good on multiple choice (which originally i thought was too hard and i didnt think i did ok) you can still pass!
@Nash Reg was absolutely brutal to me. I can't remember the last time I was so shocked than when I found out I passed. Unfortunately, it might be too late to report issues, and I don't know what state you're in (assuming it's different for each state). For example, CA requires candidates with testing center issues to report the problem to testing center staff during the exam, who will file an incident report, then the candidate would have to report the problem to the CA state board and NASBA within 10 days. Either way, good luck!
Anyone get their score in OH for FAR? Mine's still not showing.
Does anyone know what it means if people are saying NY FAR scores are out but I keep checking mine and it still says "Error: Score Not Found" :(
Anyone receive TN scores for FAR yet?
So I took AUD on 7/14 and have YET to receive my score- did I somehow manage to get shuffled into Wave 2? As if the exam wan't inherently stressful enough... Does anyone have thoughts?
@stressedinPA I am in the same boat. We are both proud owners of a new simulation I suspect. If it is any consolation, I took mine the week prior. Hey, it is what it is. Good luck!
@Neil I'm in OH too and also waiting on the score. Nothing yet. When did you take yours?
@3done - how do you know their will be a second wave1 release on the 25th? took FAR in ga on 7/15, nasba informed me they had not received my score. bummer
@AUDinFL thanks for letting me know I'm not alone! Good luck to you too!!!
@GA I remember Jeff also saying that there could be a few more aud scores released along with reg on 8/25 or 8/26 - I also have been reading the same on other forums and many have the same opinion
I took mt FAR on 7/16 in NY and i still haven't received it. But my simulation didnt look brand new to me.. Will i be in wave 2 or do u think my results should be out with REG today?
I feel like there are a TON of people waiting for FAR, it looks like a lot of you called NASBA and ILBOA (those from IL) - Whats the verdict? I was being optimistic but when I didnt have a score this morning Ive lost a lot of that... Do we REALLY have to wait another 4 weeks?!?! This is my last test - not cool.
@NY :) I can understand - this is pure unadulterated torture - North korean style! Most likely reasons are (just repeating a few of jeffs and other opinions on various forums) 1)New Sim - only AICPA can tell you whether it was new or not 2) Borderline scores - 71-76 - so sent for a final review 3)Second release - wave 1 - no idea how someone who took on 7/16 can fall in second release
I took FAR 7/2 and haven't gotten my socre! Could it really take this long or do you think there is a problem and I should call? I did change my name with NASBA a week ago due to marriage but everything looks to be changed correctly.
Just called Nasba about my FL FAR score and they said "your score was received today and should be posted online within 24-48 hours" why cant they just tell you over the phone?!
@FL FAR My guesses: (a) room for error, (b) they don't have access to actual scores (controls over the reporting process?), (c) general policy - they'd have 1,000 people calling every time this month asking for their score early. Do you know if they received it from the AICPA today? Or was this the release from a few days ago? Honestly, I don't even know if FL is a NASBA state.
Has TX ever posted scores during the day? I am waiting on FAR. Usually they are posted first thing in the morning, like around 4 or 5 am
Took FAR in NY on 7/12 and still have not received score. Noticed some people in NY have received FAR scored last night/this morning so I got nervous. Called NASBA and spoke with this lady Kim, she said my scored was released by AICPA and should be posted within next 24-48hrs. Therefore, for people in NY area that haven't received anything, there is still hope...
So REG is my last test and I pray, pray, pray I passed it. I see the prediction is for the scores to be released today - is this still what others are thinking? Also, since this is my last test and the scores will be released by the AIPCA today (I hope) the Ohio loophole should work, right? Someone please reply!!!
@Jusitan and cpa.... Thakns for your advise!! I will do that by today! I suppose to receive my REG score by tomorrow!! Hopefullly passed... Good luck to everyone!!!
TX - I'm waiting for TX to post FAR exam results as well, so hopefully they're just running behind.
3done - Thanks for the great info. I took my exam on 7/29. I called the AICPA but they said they could only tell me that FAR had been released. How do I find out if it was just a new sim? Basically a NEW sim or simply wave 2 is "ok" with me... but borderline 71-76 is not what I wanted to hear... makes me very nervous
Has anyone received the AUD scores in TX yet?
@justin FL is a Nasba state and all the lady said was "your score was received today." I'm assuming it was from the release on monday because I havent seen too many posts from FL candidates who have received their FAR scores yet.
Perhaps I am just trying to be optimistic. But it seems a very large percentage of people are waiting for the FAR exam to be released, compared to any scores Ive seen. Infact I dont think Ive seen any scores in IL. But a lot of waiting. So hopefully according to 3done its options 1 & 3. I cant imagine ALL of us were held back due to borderline scores. 1)New Sim only AICPA can tell you whether it was new or not 2) Borderline scores 71-76 so sent for a final review 3)Second release wave 1 no idea how someone who took on 7/16 can fall in second release
Changed my name from 'Seriously.. WTF??' on yesterday's posts to 'THERE IS HOPE!!!' b/c I just spoke w/ NASBA and they HAVE released more FAR scores today!! Woop Woop!! Good luck everyone!!
Has anyone received the AUD scores in DE?
hey guys!! I told you more Far scores were coming today no one would believe me Jeff has been right based on past trends!!!!!!!!!
I took AUD on 7/17 and I still haven't received my score yet. I called NASBA and they told me they haven't receieved my score and that I would get it "sometime between now and the end of September." I thought I was in wave 1?
@Joe You could have taken it on 7/1 and ended up in wave 2. Certain conditions make wave 1 people fall in the wave 2 bucket. Unforunate fact of life in the CPA exam. Take my REG example - I took it on 10/5, didn't get my score until 12/20. It was a brutal 2.5 months.
If I took FAR Aug 13th, anyone think theres a chance the score will be in wave 1?
@Justin That sucks. Thanks for the info though. On an extreme side not, why is there a picture of the EGA by my name? I don't think I've ever posted on this site before...
@NY It is both probable and possible - that this time around - someone who took as late as 8/13 may be in wave 1 for BEC results - I remember someone who took on 8/12 was in wave 1 - same for Far - this time - I (and few others) took on 8/9 and were in wave 1 Assuming that 9th was a monday and the end of week was friday - and asssuming AICPA may consider a full week - rather than just part of a week - there is hope!!
I just called NASBA again this morning. Yesterday my FAR score was not released. This morning it is. They said I should see it online by Friday afternoon. I took it in MA on 7/31. Good Luck to everyone else.
Any news on Reg release??
Sounds like the FAR release today was pretty significant. Keeping my fingers crossed.. @Joe I have no clue about your picture. I thought you were just proud to be American or something.
@Justin Haha. Well I am. And I love the Marines, but I have no idea why it's up there? Maybe it has something to do with my email address?
And there you go, no more picture. That is weird.
MD is finally out.. And I passed with 88.. I am finally done with the CPA journey. Congrats everyone.. and for those that didnt pass... NEVER give up.
@ Justin I figured out what it is, thanks. Also, I'm taking REG on 8/31. Is it possible that I might get my REG score before my AUD score that I took on 7/17 because of the new simulation, or whatever? I've been waiting for over a month now for my AUD score and now I might have to wait another month and a half - that's ridiculous. I guess if I bombed it, though, I wouldn't want to find out right before I took REG. LOL
Sat for AUD in CA on 8/7/10 and got my score this morning (@ 5:33 AM PST to be exact). Didn't do as well as I had thought, but I passed by just a hair and I'll take it!!!
I took AUD on 8/6. Until last night, nothing was showed up on the NASBA website. I called NASBA in the morning and they told me they received my score today. I have to wait another 1 or 2 days.
@Joe There is a chance you'll get your REG score before your AUD score. That's almost what happened to me - 10/5 REG, 11/29 AUD, and I think I got my AUD score two days after REG. But based on the recent score releases (like in this wave), AUD was released before REG, so you'll likely get your scores in that order. Who knows for sure, of course. If you work in public, and do audits, I bet you passed just fine. I had four busy seasons under my belt when I took AUD, studied for a month, and felt like I could have gone without studying for it.
Did anyone from NJ receive their FAR score yet?
I took reg on 7/8 in NY - when they coming out? is tonight correct? anybody?
I took reg 7/1!!! I need to know what I got already! AICPA better release today!
@reg If the AICPA releases REG scores to NASBA today, the scores will likely end up being available tomorrow night.
@FL FAR I received my FAR score last night and know of other Floridians who did as well. Good Luck!
In PA, waiting on Reg - 8/6, 3 parts passed, but BEC will time out on 8/31...Can anyone confirm the legitimacy of the loophole using the PA site or do you have to use OH?
the next 24 hours of not knowing are going to suck. unless i got pushed to wave 2 which would mean the next month is going to suck! good luck to everyone who has PATIENTLY been waiting for REG results!
Waiting on REG.... took on 7/1. IL is an early bird state....common AICPA release the darn scores... almost 2 months since i took the exam...
more FAR scores are going to be released! i'm in PA, and I called NASBA and they said that they had just received my score today and it would be out in 24-28 hours. I called yesterday and the day before and they had not received me score.
Oh Wise Jeff, Please releive our fears & enxity, and enrich us with your knowledge and intuition with an update as to what you think may be going on with the rest of FAR and REG scores as of today. I speak on behalf of all!! We beg thee!!! haha
*relieve *anxiety proof of how nervewrecking this is--i can't even spell CPA = Certified Pain in the Ass right now
@Please pass me What state are you in? I'm in PA and still have not received my AUD score. I took it on 7/12.
I just called NASBA for a score update on the FAR exam I took on 7/17. They had not received my score,and notified me I am likely in Wave 2 - which can come out as early as next week through mid-late September. My only conclusion is that I had a new simulation pushing me to the 2nd wave. I guess we will just have to wait it out...
My FAR exam is not up yet. Do they update at night so should I check in the morning?
@waiting in me --- nasba told me the same thing. i really hope that means we got a new simulation and not that we are borderline. it seems as though an awful lot of people are in our same position though...
Took AUD on 7/31 in CA. No score up on the CA website under Status. That was my first section. Any ideas of why my score is not up? New simulation when exam is changing soon seems odd...
I'm waiting for CA too but I took FAR Aug 6th. Hopefully they will release some FAR with the last section of score releases for REG.
@waiting in ny - I sure hope so. I'm keeping my fingers crossed to pass this one. But waiting another month or so for our scores is not helpful at all. I'll keep checking to see if there are any updates.
@ Justin - I did work in public and audit, but I work for a private company now. I agree, it was much easier to prepare for after I had a busy season under my belt. I just hope that translates to a good grade. LOL. @waiting in NY and waiting in ME - I agree. I'm in the same boat as you guys. I don't understand why some people were given a different simulation than others.
What time of day (EST) does the AICPA release scores to NASBA? I am waiting on REG for my last exam and want to try the loophole.
https://twitter.com/NASBA Looks like around 3-4 recently.
@Richard - The releases I saw were early afternoon, like 1 or 2 ET. It probably varies though.
Got a 94 on FAR!!!
Hey, that's awesome...congrats!
86 of FAR here!!! Thought I BOMBED it.
86 on FAR!!! Thought I BOMBED it.
To those that got your score already, I dislike you and congrads!!
Jeff, got 411 for us?
I predict that you'll see 7,000-ish REG scores and 1,000-ish FAR scores here around 5:30pm EST. Hope AICPA doesn't make a liar out of me :)
Jeff, you are an angel from heaven!!! :) Thank you for giving me hope again, maybe I will see one of my scores today.
@ Waitng in PA I am sorry for late response. I took it in GA.
I wouldn't give me Sainthood just yet...it's just a prediction :) You should join my facebook page - I blast updates like this on there as well. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Another71com-The-CPA-Exam-Blog/245743891843
gah! this is such torture i tell you!!!
Please oh please let my REG score be in Wave 1!!! I took it on 8/7 - what are the odds???
i did not get my Reg score today...did anyone else??
Just got my Audit score in IL.....75!!!!! totally worth the wait! I noticed that the scores say advisory...what are the chances of those changing?
I just got my score for FAR... I passed with a 94%! Illinois is still releasing scores as I speak. I took mine on July 27th. Have hope people! Good luck to all! Thank you God for everything! Next stop Auditing, August 31st... dum dum dum.
Jeff, so what you are saying it that I should not be driving home today around 5:30 hahaha. With the iPhone technology I can get into an accident. Hehehe. Thanks again for the scoop.
Jeff I am waiting
Any thing on FAR for TX?
He did say 5:30 EST. So far it's not even 5 yet. He may be good at predicting scores but I don't think he can do much about time travel. Hang in there banker.
Actually, its almost 6 EST. Its about 5 Central right now!
Well its 6:00 pm EST now, I dont know what your talking about Christine, I dont need a dolorian to look at a watch. Sorry I blew up, I was just hoping for the scores to be released.
I'm right there with you. Hopefully we will get news of releases very soon...and with good results. God, please help us.
this is unbelievable ... why does it need to take this long to release scores when they already have them sitting around???
Where's my scores??? In NY, took AUD 7/3 and REG 7/31................no score yet! Anyone have NY info?
@Bobnweave, I took AUD 7/2 and have not received my score, at this point I think I am in the 2nd wave.
I was afraid of that! Ugh........cant wait any longer!
anybody got REG?
Well, I guess AICPA decided to make us wait for the REG release! This is just not right. I hope they get their stuff together in 2011.
So, I suppose we have to wait until tomorrow for the AICPA.
Jeff,,, any news of AICPA release of score. Anybody got REG score!!! Good luck!
I really don't know how much longer I can wait for REG....this is killing me!! :/ I've been checking ALL week and it STILL hasn't come out. I'm mad at the AICPA.
When is REG going to be released? I cant take it anymore.
So, if AICPA released our FAR score today.. how soon before the loop hole may work?!?
Jeff- any idea why NASBA never tweeted that more FAR scores were released today?? I called and they said it was released this morning, but I never heard anything formal on Twitter, etc.??
Maybe NASBA couldn't tweet and take all of our phone calls about whether or not our FAR scores were getting released?!? LOL
Is there a chance that REG scores were released today but we just never heard on Twitter also?
It's possible; I THINK I've seen NASBA tweet something to the effect of "last night, xxx REG was released" but can't remember for sure. Based on what people said here earlier, there seemed to be FAR scores released today, so maybe they were just a little slow to tweet today.
Here we go, I found what I was looking for on Twitter - from last September: 823 AUD & 3 FAR scores were released yesterday PM by AICPA to NASBA from the Jul/Aug 2009 testing window. https://bit.ly/HyI58 #cpaexam Friday, September 25, 2009 9:25:18 AM via HootSuite So it is very possible for them to receive scores one day and not tell us until the next.
Oh I really hope so!! Thanks for letting me know.
Justin in ur post, "823 AUD & 3 FAR scores were released yesterday PM " It seems that was cuz AICPA released it in late PM ...later in the night after NASBA closes its office.... I believe on twitter it says managed till 4:30PM... While FAR have been released all day today even when NASBA was open... I am waiting and going crazy too as i took my exam on 7/1 this is ridiculous but i wouldnt get my hopes up for REG score tomorrow.....earliest i can hope for is Friday in ILBOA website... Goodluck everyone...
BASTARDS! BASTARDS! BASTARDS! BASTARDS! Where the holy goat our my freakin' REG scores you useless monkeys?
Yeah, hopefully we'll hear something early tomorrow morning and possibly get them tomorrow night?
Anyone from NJ receive their AUD score. I took July 2nd and just want to see if I'm in wave 2 or not.
So has anyone gotten their PA FAR scores yet?
Great job everyone. Still waiting on a FAR score in IL. I'm hopeing for tomorrow or Friday, but I guess we'll see.
To all my PA peeps, PA just posted my AUD score in the last 30 minutes. 75 baby!!!!! My birthday starts in 1 hour, best gift I could have gotten! I thought I was in the second wave.
Just got my FAR score 10 min ago-- 82!!! WOOOOOOOOOO
Does anyone has any news when will AICPA release the REG scores. i am dying for it, have cleared the other 3. BEC-86, FAR-84 & AUD-81
PA FAR is up. 79 and I am done. The worst 16 months of my life is over!!!
I guess PA waited to release AUD and FAR at the same time! Congrats to those that passed and my condolences to those that didn't.
Has anyone ever received their score on the NASBA website and then not been able to view it a few days later?? I got my AUD score last Monday which was an 80, and then tonight I logged back on to view it again and it says, "score not found"....When I went to register for more sections of the exam, the box for AUD was not highlighted so I'm hoping this is just a glitch....
Utah FAR posted tonight. My first exam and I passed. I needed that little boost of confidence to keep going. Best of luck to all. I will remind each and everyone of us (including myself) that this is not easy and yet we all keep going. Good job, friends!
anybody to get AUD scores in MT? I took AUD in July 29th. Even, there was no new-type simul, I guess... I believe it should be in wave 1 !! So, I e-mailed to NASBA and they said my score isn't received by wednesday morning. I'm so sick of their slow and unreasonable working...
BEC 86 FAR 67 REG 73 REG 82 AUD 72 AUD 82 FAR 79 17 months and I am done. For all who have not passed keep your head and don't stop trying.
Still no news abt REG ????? When will they be released????
Wht is going on....!!! we need to plan for next and this is time killing! I hope we get it by maximum end of this week, otherwise will lape after the weekend...!
This process is frustrating. I have passed BEC and REG, waiting on FAR-7/2. Co-worker took it same day as me and got his score. Looks like I am in wave two. Taking AUD Monday and will be waiting for two scores next month. This has been a long eleven months. I have a 6yr old and newborn at home. Not sure how my wife and I have stayed together through this and now we need to sit in limbo another month. Like waiting on one was not enough. My Becker expires in November so if worst case senario and I fail both I am SOL. Mad, sad, exhausted, and ready in New Orleans. Come on NASBA/AICPA....
OMG, I felt like I bombed FAR. Got an 86!
Has anybody gotten their FAR score in TX??
@ttt I took an AUD for MT on AUG, 11. I got my score already I guess you are in wave 2 When will release REG Waiting is killing me
Jeff, any updated predication for REG!
@David Thanks for your comment... BTW when did you get your score?
When is regulation release? WE'RE WAITING FOR IT, WANNA ENJOY OUR WEEKEND !!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!
Got my FAR score in Texas and I passed! That's it, I'm all done with the test. AUD 98 REG 97 BEC 91 FAR 99
JLB, didn't anyone tell you if you get a single point over 75 you studied too hard?? Congrats! Enjoy the weekend and buy a new 10-key to celebrate.
IF REG results were released last night, does anyone have a clue when I would recieve my results in NC? As far as I know I have to wait on snail mail in NC.
Per NASBA Twitter 2 minutes ago: "Yesterday 313 AUD, 1704 FAR, and 8329 REG scores were released by AICPA to NASBA for the Jul/Aug 2010 testing window. #CPAExam"
Waiting on my last two tests in MN FAR (took 7/9) & REG (took 8/6). Justed called NASBA and was informed that both of my scores will be released in wave 2. ...Fuck.
Hoping tonight's my night with FAR...
I saw the nasba twitter thing as well...so should we expect the scores at some point today?
REG is up in CA!!!! Only FAR left now for me! AUD-85 BEC-85 REG-88
REG is up in CA!!!! Only have FAR left to go now! Good luck to everyone!
In PA, waiting on last part (REG), I attempted the Loophole (trying both PA & OH)both messages were the same telling me that all sections are busy Passing grade = CPA Failing grade = BEC timing out on 8/31 .......the suspense is killing
MA FAR came out last night at some point. I passed - good luck to everyone else! My CPA journey is over!
I am done with the CPA test. Thank you CA for already releasing REG results.
Anbody get their REG results besides CA?
Any idea when Wisconsin scores will be online now that all 4 sections have been released?
Waiting on REG results in SC. Anyone got theirs?
VA REG scores are up on the website! I passed!
Just got an ail from the Texas board that my exam score was ready. I took aud July 27th and I passed!! I passed!! Now 2 more to go ( FAR and REG)
Pardon my typo, I didn't receive an "ail", I received an email from the board. Good luck to everyone waiting on their scores :-)
Has anyone received REG scores for IL yet?
Anyone get REG scores for IL yet?
Is there a way to check NC scores before getting them in the mail?
Still waiting for my score in IL.
Any news from NY reg?!?! I always get my scores at midnight, really hoping i get it early today!
REG scores are up in KY. Passed with an 88! Finished the CPA 4 for 4!!! AUD-94/FAR-91/REG-88/BEC-83
Why do some states release score before others? How hard is it???????????????
REG scores up in CA. Passed with an 82! 3 for 3 and waiting for AUD in wave 2. Congrats to those who passed!
I just called NASBA and I am in the FREAKING second wave. REG is the last test I am waiting on. I took is July 2 and thought for sure I would be in wave 1. Oh well. Any ideas on how much longer I have to wait?
Anyone have reg scores in missouri yet?
So I tried the loophole and didn't appear to work - is it too early, did I fail, or does it not work in Texas? Has anyone from Texas used the loophole successfully? Also, anyone in Texas have a guess when REG scores will be released by TSBPA? Overnight???????
Anybody from CO got REG score?? has someone(from any state) took on 8/11 or 8/12 and got their REG scores?? Pleaseeeeeeee help if you have
REG scores up in CO for anyone?!?!?! I refuse to put on pants until I know my score.
In PA, Awaiting REG score, has anyone had any success with the loophole?
waiting for REG ...DELAWARE
no success with the loophole at all. They say all parts are currently in progress. Sucksssssss!
any idea when BEC wave 2 will be released? Took exam in NY Aug 16
REG scores are up in VA!!! I passed and I completely thought I failed. I was seriously bracing for Wave 2.5. Good luck to everyone!!! REG - 91 FAR - Oct 2010 AUD - Nov 2010 BEC - Dec 2010 Yeah, I know, I'm crazy for trying to finish all four parts in 5 months.
@VA-REG Can you elaborate more ? Did you do your MC very well and hence this high score - or you dont know - please help as I am in the same situation??
anyone else getting sick over the wait?
Anyone know if REG scores are up in OK yet?
So I just called TSBPA about REG and she told me they would most likely be released tomorrow... My heart is going to explode out of my chest. @Big Joe...I'm not going to put on pants until I get my score either! I need to stay in bed, watch trash TV and panic!
Talked to NASBA this morning. Said they received the REG scores yesterday and my score is one of them! Does the website only update once a day around 9/10 p.m?
I have been waiting for a month and a half....
What NASBA number do you guys call to get information about the scores?
@waiting in VT...I had always heard about the 10pm release time but people have posted that scores come up at different times so im not sure any word on NY??
Can somebody please advise on this: I called NASBA to see if my score had been released for TX and they said it had. Everyone who was released Mon got their score today. This means I must have been released yesterday with the remaining 1,704 scores. In past experience does this mean I more likely failed??
@Worried in TX -- I wouldn't worry. I don't believe there is any correlation between release date and performance.
@3done I must've done pretty well on MC. The first testlet was a breeze, but I was very unsure about the next two testlets. And I felt like I was just making up numbers on the sims. I mainly practiced MC and only went through one full sim. Worked for me, but I don't know if that's the best strategy.
Worried in TX - This is my 4th exam, so I've been doing this for a while and I wouldn't think that the late arrival of your scores is a reflection of the grade...I called TSBPA and they said the scores they got last night will most likely be released tomorrow. Best of luck!
@WorriedTX No. Some people say it means people who are "borderline" but that's just an assumption, its not really true. Also, different states take different amounts of time, don't panic!
@worried, results for reg have been released yesterday by the AICPA not on monday...so i think ther was a misunderstanding...unless ure talking abt a different test
I saw someone post yesterday that they did not complete either communication tab in their simulations - as well as other parts - and still got an 82. I'm here to tell you guys it IS possible. I thought I absolutely bombed FARE. I had 35 minutes left to complete the two simulations and I literally threw in answers. I was unsure about the multiple choice and felt miserable. To be honest, I thought I was going to get a score in the 60s. I just received my passing score of 81! Can't believe it. First test, first passing grade. 1/4 CPA - good luck to all!!
Just got off the phone with 1-800-CPA-EXAM myslef, said they have my FAR score, yay! now I just need to wait, most likely tonight. Will feel better just to know. Put passing of course would feel even better.
@VA-REG I am on ventilators!! I took all 4 parts within 2 days gap - Aud - 8/3 (88), BEC -8/6 (82), Far - 8/9 (82), Reg 8/12 ??????? For 3 parts which i passed - I at least had a fair idea - but for REG - I have no clue - though i did all the sims(filled up ha ha) and MC Hope i pass????????????????????
@ REG in TX @ Michael Thank you for the update!
has anyone seen REG scores in MA?
Anyone got scores from CO????????????????????
MA Waiting I am also frm MA. I just got off the phone with NASBA. they said my scores were released but got to wait another 24-48 hours to get them posted.
Just got off the phone with NASBA as well and they said my score have been released. Waiting on SC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a LONG wait
Anyone heard if REG scores have been released in NY?
I will buy everybody a round if I pass..
Just got an email from a contact in AZ, she said wave 1 REG scores were released yesterday to NASBA, and that it takes a few days for all of the scores to reach their destination; Arizona has not received their copies yet. Hang in there!
ill buy the 2nd round
Well, couldn't wait any longer, and just called about FAR. They don't have it. Sounds like wave 2 to me. On the plus side, I won't spend the rest of the week refreshing the score page. See you guys in September!
To REG in TX - I really hope they release scores tomorrow - Reg is my last one and I'm dying to find out! I read in one of the previous blogs that Texas releases early in the morning at approx. 5:00 am - I tried it with my last score release and it was there at 5:00 am (I didn't get the email until 10:00 am). So needless to say, I won't be sleeping tonight and I will be at the computer early in the morning!
Just called CO and they have my REG score although they wouldn't tell pass or fail. This waiting is killing! Good-luck to all in the same boat. Congrats to all who have passed!
Just got my AUD score this morning, passed!!! Took it on 8/5/10, thought I was in wave 2 after the killing waiting, but finally got it!
@Nervous when did you take the test?
any predictions for BEC wave 2?? took exam in NY aug 16th
@Waiting and REG in Texas, Thanks for the updates. I am also waiting on REG. I took it July 9. I also heard that they release scores really early, but for some reason all MY scores have showed up between 10-11am. Seems like the wait this time around has been longer than my other tests. :( Good luck to you both! One more day (I hope)
@3done Took REG on 8/1
@ REG TX, I hear they release them around 10pm usually. Also, I was told on the phone they expect them to be up Friday night. @Please respond, wave 2 is reported before the next window starts. This means they will be in late September, with BEC first most likely, so probably September 21 or something.
@Michael... thank you for your reply- just found out failed audit with a 74- hoping for some good news soon
Texas peeps...someone said the scores get posted at 3a and others said 5a...if I remember correctly, the last test I had, I woke up and checked at 3a - no score. Then checked again around 6a no score. Got to work and got my score around 7:30a. Then got the email from TSBPA around 10a. So who knows. This is my last test and I've said so many prayers that I passed it. The lady at TSBPA said she saw my score but couldn't say anything. Let's hope we get an early release in the morning!
Anyone know when they "post" scores in FL? NASBA said they got my score.......waiting!
@ FL They usually release around 10 pm. I called this morning and they received my FAR score yesterday. So, I'm hoping and praying it'll be up tonight and it'll be a passing score. It's my last one!
@ FL They usually release around 10 pm. I called this morning and they received my FAR score yesterday. So, I'm hoping and praying it'll be up tonight.
Anybody know...when DE release REG scores ?
OK REG scores are out! Thank goodness I passed! Only one left and it is BEC on Monday. I am so close!!
IL post the damn scores.....early bird...yeah right....
Tell me about it. I am super irritable waiting for IL to post. I feel sorry for anyone who has to talk to me this morning. haha
REG scores were released yesterday.
I took the reg exam 8/13....any chance I would be in wave 1?
I bit the bullet and called nasba just now and they said reg scores should be released tonight around 7pm CST
Ah so that is 8 eastern time right? IL Reg, there is a chance. My friend took FAR on 8/13 and received her score!
Hi jeff, why havent you officially updated your "updates"? :)
ILLLLL - That's exactly what I am - ILL! Come on Illinois! What the heck is your deal - post the dang scores already!! I'm going to implode!!
@ Waiting in MS I just got my BEC in the mail today! I passed. I am hoping you get good news too!
@IL-Reg I know!! what is the deal with IL....i didnt get my audit score until last night! I got a 75 though, so maybe that was why! But, I would really love to know about REG
In PA, awaiting REG score from 8/6 test date (3 of 4 passed to date)...the infamous OH loophole continues to tell me "all sections are in progress". I tried both the PA & OH re-registration, but no luck... Anyone have any luck with PA reg scores or Loophole successes?
Just saw my REG score in CA! So friggin' stoked to finally be done! Good luck to all those still pulling out their hair. FAR 82,AUD 80,BEC 83,REG 93
Just called NASBA and my score was released. It will be posted sometime tonight between 9-10 is my guess. Hope to see good news!
Does anyone know if your score was released in the second set of scores (my FAR was released last night) if that means you are borderline?? It is my last section and I just want to be done! Atleast I won't have to wait another month like I originally thought...
Still waiting on my FAR score in IL. Hoping that it was part of the second small release, and that it will show up tonight.
MN - Got my AUD score yesterday AM. Passed.... I am done with the CPA exam. Good luck to everyone.
Called IL BOE. They didn't have any info. Just said that scores are trickling in. She hadn't received any notice about REG scores being received or when they may be posted. :(
Just got my FAR score in MI and I passed. I am finally finished with this exam after 4.5 awful years. Don't ever give up - trust me! Good luck to all. Thank you Jeff for creating this site.
Whats the number to call nasba??
ny: 1-800-CPA-EXAM
@ny, In TX, I call my board directly. They tell me if they have my score, and the exact hour they expect to update them online (they said 3am for all you TX REG people). All states are different, though.
I just called NASBA and was told that the MA Reg score will be posted no later than Saturday.
Did everyone in CA receive their REG score? I sat for REG on 7/10 so I was hoping to be in Wave 1. However, I had a nifty sim that included an IRS form that I had never seen before, so maybe it was a new sim and I'm in Wave 2?
@CA REG--I took REG 7/27 and my score was posted this morning at 5:40AM. CA usually is quick with posting scores within a day after they are released. Last testing window, my friend didn't receive her score when everyone else's was posted and sure enough--she was in Wave 2. If you don't hear by at least Monday, I would think that's it--I hope not though, so you are relieved of your anxiety. Good luck!!! passed REG 86!! whoooo
I can't believe it! IL scores are finally out! I got an 80 on REG! 1 down 3 to go!
25% CPA, I'm in IL too and took Reg, I haven't gotten my score :( I hope I'm not in wave 2!
71 on REG in IL. This is the 2nd dose of bad news I've gotten in the past 2 weeks. 74 on BEC and 71 on REG = very unhappy me! :(
IL - Reg, when did you get your score? i'm gonna be so mad if i have to wait another month to find out. i'm in il too and haven't gotten it :(
I called Nasba this morning at 10am they told me my FAR score was in early this morning obviously earlier than 10 am at least so now at 5:37 I attempted the loop hole your talking about by attempting to re register for FAR and it will not let me says all exams are out still....i've passed the other already this is my last exam sooo we think this is a good sign...or is it to early to try the loop hole?
Timely and Relevant. Thank you NASBA for taking soooo long to do anything you are responsible for.
@ :( - I just got it shortly after 5. Might I also add that my scores for both REG and BEC were not all that surprising. I did Becker and did a bazillion MCQ's, but a LOT of the material on the exams was still foreign. I had one topic on REG for which there were at least 5 questions. I NEVER saw a question in the Becker MCQ's, and when I looked back, the topic literally had less than 1 page dedicated to it.
IL-Reg, Wow, that sucks a lot....I've taken all four, passed 2 and don't know about 2, and i can tell you i thought reg was the hardest because of stuff like that.
Any thoughts on when Regulation Wave 1 will be released for New York State? I am so tired of seeing the "error score not found" message!
Waiting on FAR (7-2) and AUD(8-7). Called NASBA this morning and they said they had received my scores this morning and that they should be on the website today or within 24 hours. Well we are going on 12 hours and no score yet!!!
IL and : There is a luck in the exam verison, some of them has higher percetage of hard MCQ. I had the same. One topic repeated around five times! Anyone had received REG in DE.
Got my Bec and Reg score back! Passed both, although I though I did better on Reg, but dont really care as long as I passed waiting on Audit results in wave 2 and Im done with this nightmare
Any news on CO REG scores?
Does anyone know if Ohio loophole works for CO?
Anyone get NY REG scores yet?
Any one has got ME REG? It's killing me to wait.
The Ohio loophole doesnt work in CO. I tried it with two sections I've already passed.
IL released addtional FAR score. I took on 7/15 and finally got the FAR socre today. I Passed it!!! I thought I would be in Wave 2. Thanks!! Good Luck to everybody!
Jeff can u you tell me please what is new simulation ? i gave my exams on 07/15 and 07/24 for REG and FAR i havent received scores yet, when i checked with NASBA they said i might be in wave 2,still is there any chance of getting results today or i have to wait till september 2 week,, please can any one reply thanks
Anyone in IL still waiting on REG results? I took it early in the window and now i am afraid that I will have a 74 or i will be in second wave. I took it on 7/8
I am so sad I called Nasba today and they told me they received my score today and that it would post in 24-48 hours even thought this is not my last part all through out this release I had been checking the Ohio loophole and it would not let me re register but tonight I don't have my score yet but I could re register for the exam under Ohio and PA I guess the loophole works and unfortunatley I did not pass.
Anyone get REG results for NY yet?
C in PA I feel you. I'm right there with you!!! if it makes you feel better.
@ C in PA Ohio loophole only works if you've passed 3 sections already. So no reason to be down right now, you still have a fighting chance for a passing score.
If someone receives a score in FL tonight, please let me know. I was told this morning that my score would be up in 24-48 hours and I can't stop refreshing the page knowing that it could be going up at any moment now that we've hit the 10 o'clock benchmark. Thanks!
C in PA, I have to say I disagree with Brandon. Last time I didn't pass BEC I was able to reregister and that was not my last section. Although I would wish that Brandon would be right. Thast would be so good for both of us!!!
OH loophole does work. Just got my socre and I will be retaking REG :( So so so sad!!!
Anyone get an AL REG score yet? 95 on AUD, waiting on REG, and studying for the dreaded FAR. I'm thinking I may be wave 2 because of a sim.
@MI I don't think you can guarantee your statement is true. One example (being your experience) doesn't prove anything; coincidence is possible, especially in a 50/50 scenario (i.e. you pass or you don't). Sorry to hear you didn't pass, wish you the best for next time.
Now NASBA's website won't pull up. Hope it's due to posting scores.
Can someone tell me what is the Ohio loophole?
seems NASBA is down... NO WAY!!! I WILL KEEP REFRESHING!!!!
Anyone get NY REG score yet?
MI are you from Mississippi? Is that a NASBA state?
Anyone in IN rec'd REG score yet?
Still waiting on IL REG results! Took exam 7/1.
Thanks MI and Brandon! I can't believe that I cannot get on NASBA right now and get my score. I have 5 days before I take BEC and I need to put FAR behind me This sucks!
MI sorry I missed your last post I am so sorry to hear you did not pass. Just keep the faith and the fight. We've got to keep moving foward! Next time the victory will be ours!
YEAH. Passed Reg with 92. thought I did very poor because rushing the simulations. one more to go.
got my REG score in PA ... 81 ... I'm not one to exagerrate, but i thought i failed for sure. this test proves its the luck (or unluck) of the questions you get. keep at it everyone. AUD 82 BEC 72, 79 REG 81 FAR 8/31
Holy cow. IL did get a few more FAR scores. I was worried about this one, but squeeked by with a 76. Now just need to take Reg in October. Good luck everyone!
Just got scores for Nebraska. It was my first test, took 7/9. REG 94! Now awaiting wave 2 for BEC, took 8/16 Hopefully you all awake to scores in the morning! Good luck
Has anyone got the CO REG scores so far on the NASBA site?
@Amit : CO results are out for REG. Got 89 passed !!! All the best...!!!
Passed Reg with some cushion (87). Wasn't sure if I was going to make it. I didn't even finish the simulations. This was my first part. Took BEC yesterday. I will be so happy if I pull that off as well and made it 2/2.
I PASSED FAR!! I can't believe it, I really can't! For all those out there still waiting on scores, I wanted to let you know that there's still hope! I only wrote one sentence on one of my communications and nothing on the other and I still got a 75! Just keep your head up, don't stress (as hard as that might be), and keep pushing forward. All of you will get there at one point or another! I am just so happy that I'm all done! Thank you God! REG-89, BEC-87, AUD-94, FAR-75
DE REG socre is out... I am done with the CPA! Good luck!
Wow, just woke up, hit refresh on my blackberry and found a BEAUTIFUL 76. FAR was my last section and I would have lost credit for AUD if I had failed... Best thing I ever saw.
I've got my FAR score. I didn't pass.
Raghu, congrats!! i can't see my scores on NASBA, what are the options available to me?
Passed REG, although narrowly with 76 -exam taken on 8/1 CO. Thank you Jesus! I can't believe it -Good luck to those still waiting for their scores. I couldn't finish the exam & had to leave the 2nd sim. entirely & still passed.If I could pass, you all can-hope this raises your hopes. Three down -one to go(FAR). Ohio loophole worked for me -I got the'currently all exams are in process' along with contact the co-ordinator message before & after NASBA received my score. So it does work for CO!
NYS Reg scores are now posted! I haven't been able to sleep, and I just checked. I received good news, and I hope the rest of you do also!!
@ nervous Did u really leave the 2nd simulation entirely and passed?!!!!!!! same 4 me and soooo worried...my score not released yet!
@cpa Believe it or not -yes, I left the entire sim. My 3 testlets were very tough like someone compared them to Einstein's theory of relativity & not the 1+1=2 type. So, do not lose hopes -you'll pass! Good-luck & prayers to all those still waiting for scores.
Got REG in SC, passed with 87!!!!!!!!! Done with the CPA, good luck everyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, im so happy to be done :))
Thnx nervous :)i hope!
@Amit I think you may have got the new sim so your result may come in 2 wave. Otherwise NASBA may still be releasing scores in bits so you can check it on the website in a day or two. All the best.!!!
Thanks Raghu!! i hope its the latter one. This is my last one, cleared 3 out of 3 so far. Can't wait till wave 2 release
i made it finally i'm all done goodluck for you guys
I am in tears, I just got my REG score and I passed! I have completed the CPA! It's 4am and there is no one to share the news with but my candidate friends. Best of luck to everyone that is going thru this horrible process - stay with it! I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrate Reg in TX. I am up early to study for AUD and still have not gotten my FAR score-7/2. I must be in wave 2 or Louisiana is still slacking on posting my score. We tend to stay behind the curve down here. This is very frustrating. I cannot even concentrate on AUD b/c of this. I hope AUD is my last one but I now have to wait in Limbo all month for two scores. Thanks AICPA/NASBA. As if studying wasen't enough stress.
@Mad: I'm right there with you. I took AUD on 7/1 and BEC on 8/21, and I have been checking for almost a week now for my AUD score, which has been cutting into me studying for REG. It now appears that I am in wave 2 for AUD, so I will probably get my BEC scores first. Argggggh!
anybody got that?
Anyone in IL still waiting on their REG results? I took it on 7/6
it's unbelievable.... it'm so frustrated... anybody got MT AUD score??? I took MT AUD July 29th and there was no new-type simul, I guess. It should in WAVE 1 !! I'm gonna give up waiting for the release unless my score is up until tomorrow night...anybody experienced this happening before??
Yes, I'm still waiting for REG in IL :(
In PA, Reg scores were posted this morning (i sat on 8/6). Passed with a 75 (as BEC was just about to expire!?!?!), I am finally done with the exam!! To all those studying for the exam, keep your nose to the grind stone and it'll all payoff in the end. I took BEC 4 times, AUD 3 times, FAR 2 times & REG 2 times...Jeff - great site, it was great to interact with people going through the ups and downs of the CPA exam. I also purchased Jeff's REG notes which were extremely helpful in studying the key areas related to TAX!!!!! Johnny Murph is signing out!
The scores have been posted for Texas. After 17 months I am finally done. What a feeling. Good luck to everyone.
Oh my god a 74 I cant' take this! How do accept having to study (far) all of it all over again for 1 pt. The Ohio Loophole worked for me it let me reregister while waiting for my score to post and this was not my last part. Oh well I got BEC in 4 days God help me!
Anyone in IN get their REG score yet? Last part. Took it on 07/09. This is killing me!
I checked the NASBA site this morning and I passed FAR! Good luck to the rest of you. That's 1 down, 3 to go.
Also waiting for REG in IL!
Per ILBOA, "The Board of Examiners has received a portion of the AUD, BEC, FAR and REG scores. If you do not see your score online we have not received it. Check online for your score - we cannot communicate scores over the phone. As we continue to receive scores we will update this site." This is right on their homepage on the top left hand corner and it was updated this morning. So I am guessing, it will be in the next wave 2. Plz see - I am waiting on my FAR score.
Here's the email I got this morning... "Congratulations on successfully completing all sections of the Uniform CPA Examination..." It so feels brillant! No matter where you are in the process, don't give up! Yes, the tests sucks...Yes, the scoring policy sucks...and yes, the studying sucks..but do it anyway - it's yours to earn! Best of luck to everyone as that continue their CPA journeys!
I took REG in Maine 7/28. Still waiting for the results. "Error: Score not found." is getting old fast. Hoping I didn't get a new simulation and get bumped to wave 2.....
As much as I want to walk away, I am hoping for another small FAR release. Looking at wave 1 for the April/May testing window, there were three score releases, with the third only having a couple hundred scores go. Third time's the charm, right?
Think they will let out any more Reg scores? I took my test on July 30th and NASBA said they havent received my score yet? I thought i would be in wave 1, but maybe not.
Still waiting for REG in GA (took the test on 7/16). I don't understand why REG is the last released this time (unless to aggravate me) and I thought I saw something about a system problem and a release this afternoon.
@Jim, just called AICPA, my score not released yet which really annoys. I hvnt seen any GA REG reported so far though.
still waiting for my REG score in cali...took it july 30...
REG CA - Did you call NASBA and see if they have even received your score yet. I took it on the same day and they havent received mine yet
I got my score in NY for REG ..... I'm so sad I got 70 :( . Taking FAR on Monday.... FAR 8/30 AUD 10/4 BEC 10/26 REG 70, November
Are scores still trickling out?
JS- I think so. From talking to the AZ State Board they hadn't received any scores yet as of yesterday morning, but I was on the list to receive mine. I still haven't gotten it yet. PRAYING to get it before weekend for some peace of mind (and some margaritas-to celebrate or feel sorry for myself...we'll see!)
hi Jeff, i took the exam on 8-2, i called AICPA..they said they don't have my score, it will be wave 2...can you explain to me what happen?
@xwu7 - Certain circumstances trigger delayed score reporting on the exam. While I don't think the AICPA officially discloses all of them, one big one is new simulations. Every person that sits for the exam has a different set of questions and simulations. Sometimes you end up with new simulation questions, and there is no way to tell. They just require a certain "bank" of answers to faciliate the scoring process, so it takes a two-month window to accumulate that bank. New simulations will automatically knock you into wave 2, whether you took it on 7/1, 7/15, 8/3. Doesn't matter. They hold the scores back until they are happy with their analysis/QC of the problem. It's also rumored that borderline scores (let's say 73-77) might also hold it up, but I'm not sure about that. Very painful wait, but I've done it before, and I am almost positive I have to do it now for my FAR score.
Does anyone know how Jeff is doing? He hasn't updated this yet and I haven't heard from him on the forums at all. Is he ok?
@tcpa85 I think he is fine. His twitter account (twitter.com/another71) has been active. I think it's just a big site to maintain, with a lot of users asking him things, and hard to cover 100% with his spare time alone.
@Justin, thanks a lot for your explanation, but i don't want to wait almost two months to get a unexpected score...u said you experienced it before , did you pass after long time waiting period??? it's suck if the score is.....i don't want that...u know. we all want to pass. and especially, when i heard my coworker told about she passed all this morning and she took it on 8-6 lol.....i was like, on my god, i will very painful if the score....ugh......thanks a lot for your help.....new simulation and border line....i have no idea.
what is the chance for me to pass then??? high or low??? has anyone here can share the experience with me?? i am going to nuts now...and cannot do anything....cannot work, study and sleep...god.....so stress out.....
Does anyone know the average time it takes for states that mail out their scores?
@xwu7 I sat for REG on 10/5/2009; I left that test center CONVINCED I failed. I felt like someone had just beaten me up. Worse yet, my score didn't come in one wave 1. I didn't get my score until 12/17/2009 - which I was absolutely stunned to find I passed with an 86. I agree, the scoring process is incredibly frustrating. The fact I could sit on 7/1 and not get my score for nearly 3 months, while someone sitting for the same section can sit on 8/13 and get it back in a week. Absolute garbage, but that is life. The worst part, to me, is how this process makes it very difficult to plan for the future. I sat for FAR on 7/30, and if I don't pass, I lose credit for BEC. Now, had I found out this week, I would still have a great deal of retained knowledge for studying, and would be able to study notes/MC questions/practice sims to keep sharp and retake during the first week of October. I could then re-study for BEC and take that late October/early November, and possibly be done. Now that I have to wait until September, I will lose some of that retained knowledge, and likely have to delay retaking FAR until mid-November. With December a blackout month, I wouldn't be able to sit for BEC until January - and my next credit expires in April 2011, so god forbid I fail BEC and not find out until March, I have ONE MONTH during my busiest time of year to recover. Had I just found out this week, I would have had five months to recover. Yuck.
Is anyone still waiting for REG in IL?
Jeff, Do you think that there is still a chance that AICPA will release more scores? I'm just hoping that I'm not in Wave 2 for FAR.
yeah..took on 7/1 i have people with me who took on 7/2 and in august and they have their scores... nothing yet.... ILBOA says all scores have been uploaded...meaning they dont have our scores.... either we failed with a 74 or we had a new simulation. I dont believe i had a crazy simulation..my simulations were pretty normal... but then who knows...
@Justin...god, budy...u really are....man...i had the exact same situation as you....next window will be my last window, i have to pass FAR...then....still waiting for REG like crazy....man.....how could they done this to us....like you said, now i still have remember the REG's materials...who knows what will be happend in next month??? i already forget everything....i wonder i never experienced this before, and i really had a bad feeling after REG...cuz the questions are so hard, even MC....just ridiculous hard to me....then what's next....i really lost my mind...i don't have mood to study for FAR...seriously...
I agree with ILL-REG my simulation was so simple a kid out of high school could have done it!!! I don't think it would have been a new one, than again who knows. I can say that CPA makes me want to BARF from all of the: BEC AUD REG FAR exams!!! I wonder if Tim likes that mnemonic.
ILL REG, The IL board actually told you they were finished uploading scores? They won't tell me anything.
ok....we are all here to wait for the beautiful scores...right.....oh please....doesn't mean that we are all in border lines lol....but believe or not, i really this this way, either we are on the border or we are having new simulations according to jeff at twitter.
@Illinois "The Board of Examiners has received a portion of the AUD, BEC, FAR and REG scores. IF YOU DO NOT SEE YOUR SCORE ONLINE WE HAVE NOT RECEIVED IT. Check online for your score - we cannot communicate scores over the phone. As we continue to receive scores we will update this site." this is on ur their home page. Also i called and the lady said, 'all scores get uploaded in 24 hours of us getting it' Scores were released on wednesday evening...
Has anyone received REG scores for Wisconsin?
Has anyone received REG scores for MA?
Hi, i passed the last part of cpa exam (FAR) before the expiration date of Audit, will the status of Audit change to "Pass" after the FAR score is finalized? Thanks!
Do you know what it feels like when you wake up at 4:30am to take a leak and decide to check your score (because NASBA was hung all night before) to find that you got a 75 on your first exam (FAR)? How about when you left almost an entire sim blank? Let me tell you....FRICKIN AWESOME!!!!
MN - finally done. And it's time to look everywhere for a real public accounting job. I would really appreciate your help if you could let me know when you see openings. FAR 82, REG 88, BEC 85, AUD 78
More FAR scores released, yay I hope mine is in there.
Today, 265 FAR, and 1845 REG scores were released by the AICPA to NASBA for the Jul/Aug 2010 testing window.
Already called.. My FAR score is not included in that new batch today. I think the AICPA has it out for me. See you wave-2-score-time-despite-the-fact-we-sat-long-before-most-people-getting-their-score-in-September people next month!
Today, 265 FAR, and 1845 REG CPA Exam scores were released by the #AICPA to NASBA for the Jul/Aug 2010 testing window.
Jeff, For those 1,845 REG scores released today, are they only to NASBA or could some be for the indie states (Illinois)? Thanks! I just want to know if there is still hope for me to get my REG score this wave.
@Jen - I am waiting on REG in MA. Took it 8/4 and called NASBA today. The woman said that some REG scores had come in, apparently, mine was not one of them. Not sure if that is all of them, but she indicated that she thought I was in wave 2.
Did anyone who took the exam on August 6th or later receive their score yet? I thought I made the cut off on Aug 6 but it looks like I may have ended up in the second wave. I guess I may get lucky with these last scores released today and see my score Monday. Here's hoping...
Hey UT REG, I took the test on Aug 6th and received my score last night (aka 3am this morning) in Texas. This score was in the 1st wave of wave 1 (hope you followed that) which was released on Wed. If I were you I would just give NASBA a quick call. Best of Luck
anyone get results from maine? i took reg on 7/3. but still didn't get the results.
Passed FAR with 79. Virginia BOA posted it last night, and I took the exam on 8/09. Failure to pass this exam in the late 90's erased the three credits I had accrued and crushed my spirits. For those of you on this journey, do not give up, and make no assumption about pass/fail until you get your score. Three days before the exam, a freak storm came through and knocked power out for 70 hours. I went into the exam feeling unprepared and thought the MC were very difficult...guessed on most of them. I left most of Sim2 blank; only completed the communication and labeled on tab, left two tabs completely blank. My recommendation for studying -- use Yaeger (Cindy Simpson is incredible), focus on understanding the underlying concepts, and do as many MC as you can. Good luck.
Thanks Texas CPA. I'll giver NASBA a buzz.
failed REG with one point away....give up...even wanna suicide.
@Texas, CPA - I'm totally confused now because I took REG before you did (8/4), but when I called NASBA they said they had not received my score and indicated I was in wave 2. Any ideas as to why that might be?
HJ - I'm another Mainer who took REG and I'm still waiting on a score... I saw on 7/28, should be first batch. Another other Mainers waiting on REG?
@Keanu Congrats! I'm really inspired by your perseverance. Thanks a lot for the encouragement. I have passed 3 (passed REG this window -although a close call,76) and have FAR left -will take on 11/15. If I don't pass that one I'll lose credit for BEC. Just a question -does Cindy explain concepts or just reads out from the Wiley's text book?
@Nervous Thank you! Cindy lectures, provides notes, and goes through sections of each module pointing out what you should be familiar with and what you must know (memorize). She also goes through a number of MCs and sims. The MCs are great because she explains choices, the right answer, and why the others aren't the right or best answer. Time management during this exam is tough. I left most of Sim2 blank because I spent too much time figuring out the MCs. Nervous energy is good, just put it to good use. And best of luck to you.
Anybody else who took REG wondering the same thing?????????? There are about 8k to 10k scores released per exam type in this wave EXCEPT for REG. Why is that? (August 18): 10,896 BEC scores released (August 20): 7,629 AUD scores released (August 23): 1,808 AUD and 8,625 FAR released (8/27), 265 FAR, and 1845 REG CPA Exam scores were released.
Not sure why but am wondering same thing. I took REG twice and failed twice. Probably will be taking again next window. So depressed.
If you look back further 8,329 REG scores were released on 08/25/10. What you are looking at was the second day of the release. Yesterday 313 AUD, 1704 FAR, and 8329 REG scores were released by AICPA to NASBA for the Jul/Aug 2010 testing window. #CPAExam 6:00 AM Aug 26th via HootSuite
More REG scores were released Friday...like 1,800 of them...
Stay updated on the releases via my FB page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Another71com-The-CPA-Exam-Blog/245743891843
so I just got my REG score in IL yesterday (took it aug 13) I got a 75! also found out last week I got a 75 on audit! must be my lucky number 2 more to go!
@Keanu & @T Thank you for all the tips.I struggled with time management(TM) on the REG exam and had the same issue -having to leave blanks in my 2nd sim.Somehow, scraped through.I'm very skeptical of the FAR exam as TM is my biggest challenge.
So I took my REG exam on July 16 and still haven't gotten my score. Does that mean I got a new simulation which is why it's taking longer to score?
I am taking BEC tomorrow. Any advice?
Take it easy, brother, BEC only contains MCQ, and 2.5 hours exam time is fully enough. If you still have time, suggest you review the IT chapter more carefully. Good luck to you!
Okay, this is crazy. I sat in NY on 7/3 for AUD, no score yet! REG on 7/31.......no score yet! If I am in wave 2 for both, then I will have waited almost three months for my AUD score......is this normal??? I should hope not.
Normal? No. It's a small percentage of people that take the exam in wave 1 and get reported with wave 2 (my best guess is 10-15%, but that is really just a guess). Possible? Yes. It happened to me.
Has anyone gotten REG for Pennsylvania yet? I took it on July 31st, would have thought I'd have heard by now. Really hope I'm not in wave 2.
Ryan, try calling NASBA at 800-CPA-EXAM and ask them to check if your score is in the system or not. I called today cuz I was going crazy waiting. Mine is in the system and should be released today or tomorrow. I'm in UT though. I sat 8/6.
I must be missing it, but when is the prediction for Wave 2 on FAR?
UT REG - Thanks for the advice! I just called 800-CPA-EXAM too. They said they have my REG score (took 7/28) and will release it within the 24-48hr window.
168 more Reg scores released today-per NASBA twitter
Im also wondering what the predictions for wave 2 are. Took FAR 7/31 and fell on wave 2. Desperate to know! AUD 85 REg 81 FAR 7/31 BEC 8/31
Wave 2 Predictions are listed in the free e-book download. https://www.another71.com/cpa-exam/scores-results/
Is there anyone out there that has failed REG too many times? I just received my 6th failing score. (74,73,67,72,73,72) Any suggestions?? I feel as though I am prepared going in. BEC 75 REG see above AUD score pending (1st time) FAR early next year
Score release predictions with dates now posted above.
Is there anyone out there that has failed REG too many times? I just received my 6th failing score. (74,73,67,72,73,72) Any suggestions?? I feel as though I am prepared going in. BEC 75 REG see above AUD score pending (1st time) FAR early next year
@REG Again Reg is a tough section, and I think my only saving grace was 4 years of public accounting behind me. What study materials have you been using? How did you study, and for how long? What did the score report that was mailed to you say about performance in particular sections?
@Justin I use Becker and I feel it is dead on in preparation (no surprises). My report is always about the same; Business Law-weak, Ethics-weak, all else average or above. I always score higher than average on Simulations and Correspondence. I have two small children, so I generally study early morning (1 hour) and evening (1 hour). This is usually 4-5 weeks before each part. I also work in a firm FT (going on 2 years).
@Reg Again Bless people like you! I have a hard enough time working full time and studying for this while still managing my life, nevermind being responsible for two little ones. So you'd say you squeeze in about 15 hours a week? That isn't bad, I think that's close to what I've done, but I usually do that for about two months (admittingly, I'm better about it during the last month). Have you tried refocusing your studies on the law/ethics part? Maybe study that section first (six weeks out), then maybe once a week, go back and do the multiple choice questions to really burn those concepts in? I know it sounds annoying, but it might work. Another suggestion - have you considered trying a different system? I myself used Yaeger, and have had great results - 3 for 3, with an 88 average, waiting on the 4th (wave 2). A former co-worker of mine struggled with BEC, not passing 4 or 5 times, and finally passed after switching from Becker to Yaeger. I haven't tried anything else so I can't compare, but I feel like they do a good job of directing you to the necessary information by providing instructors notes and hand picking the multiple choice questions (instead of doing 180 questions in a chapter, it would end up being 60-90 questions or something). The system comes with Wiley books, which is where they get their MC choice from. If you don't want to repurchase an entire system, maybe you could snag a Wiley book ($35 on Amazon) for some more practice questions.
Ahhhhh. Good to know there's someone else out there like me. I just got my fifth failing score on REG using CPAExcel (68, 71, 70, 72, 72). I've passed everything else but REG is kicking my can. I'm a Controller and have two kids. It's tough finding the right amount of time to study. I'm pretty burned out. I'll probably lapse on AUD before I can retake REG again. I'm hosed! Good luck REG Again.
Hi, mine is Delaware. i took AUD on Jul/27 but STILL havn't heard anything yet. am i in 2wave?? or should i call coordinator and ask?
Im in MN...Loophole in Ohio worked. I was allowed to reregister and later i found out i got a 72.
@REG again and REG again 2..OMG, godness, i failed REG three times already...this time by one point. i feel this part i cannot pass for some reasons...REG again's report shows opposite than me....your weakness is my stength....your stength parts are my weaknesses.....i have no idea now.
@REG, REG2, and XWU7.....You guys should use the gleim questions as extra study materials. The first time I took REG I made a 70 and I used Becker. The second time I used Gleim questions to help me study and made a 97. You can really learn a lot from those questions and you can buy the questions online for about $60.
REG use becker flashcards, and memorize them! 93 on reg!
Hello, everyone. I took Regulation on 8/21. Am I in Wave 2??
@ 75%CPA: You will be in Wave 2. The cutoff for wave 1 is usually before the 10th of the 2nd month in the testing window, and someone said this one was around the 7th/8th. Good luck!!
I just got my 78 on REG-I was one of the 168 scores released yesterday. The Ohio Loophole didn't work for me--infact, it still says my scores are in process, but I can see my score through Utah's site.
I took FAR on 8/10/10 and got my results in the mail yesterday the 31st.
I would just like to say that this is the best website ever! After my first exam I spent hours trying to figure out when to expect my results and finally came upon this site. Just took my fourth exam and came straight back to my handy-dandy bookmark and Jeff's predictions are already up!
so glad BEC is my last exam. I get to find out if i'm going to be a CPA much sooner!
Dear future CPA friends, I have something to share. On Friday I called NASBA, after the last FAR release, and they said my score was not released and I will have to wait for Wave 2. Guess what my friends today while at worked I "missed" checking the exam score every 2 seconds so I decided to do it again, for the good time sake. Somehow with the help of the power from above (God), magically my score was there. A beautiful 75 right there in front of me on the 15" screen with the NASBA wonderful blue as the background. WOW!!! I'm speachless two more to go. My REG survivors (survivors because you haven't given up) I also have taken REG this testing windown and didn't pass. I will have to retake it next testing window, but don't give up. We so can get this done!!! Now I'm trying Bisk material so I hope it will be like having a piece of cake. Good luck to all, and congrads to those who passed!!! Cheers
has anyone herd of/or know of its possible to take an exam twice in a window meaning if one were take an exam in window 1 get results not pass :( and reapply to make before end of cycle in wave 2
not possible to take same test twice in same window. i.e. BEC in July/Aug window twice...sorry :(
I took REG on July 2 and recently I got my score back... got a 73 :( But I took all of the other exams in this window (I don't start work until the end of this month) and I haven't gotten any of my other scores back. Here are the dates I took the others: FAR - July 15 AUD - Aug 12 BEC - Aug 19 Other classmates I know who took FAR and AUD on the same days as me already have their scores back (some even got them 2 weeks ago!). Where are my FAR and AUD scores??? What does this mean? Does it have anything to do with my last name beginning with a W?
I took BEC on Tuesday and it was the most difficult test I've ever taken. I almost got up in the middle of it. There were things on there I had never even seen before. I'm doing Becker, and it helped me pass Audit. I studied like crazy and really put forth the effort. It's discouraging when I hear that BEC is supposed to be the easiest section. I don't want to move on to the next section because if that was the easiest one, then there's no way I'll pass the others. Guidance, anyone?
BEC isn't the easiest section for everyone. It has a lot of broad concepts that most people don't pick up in their jobs, especially if they work in public accounting. Cost accounting, economics, IT, many things that you were only briefly introduced to as an undergrad. Another thing that hurts is the lack of simulations. I know it sounds funny, but some people deal with longer questions better than multiple choice. I consider myself semi-decent with cost accounting, VERY strong with IT, and a good working knowledge of things like investments, and I was only able to get an 83. I think your approach of continuing to try to pass BEC might be a good idea - you'd hate to save it for last, only to not be able to pull it off and lose credit for sections you passed earlier. All you can do is keep practicing those multiple choice questions to no end. Just try to think in terms of the concept, not the correct answer - so explain to yourself WHY an answer is correct, not just because you know it from doing that question 10 times in the past week. Going to Amazon and buying a copy of the most recent Wiley book might help, as they also have a plethora of multiple choice questions at minimal cost ($35?). Good luck!
I took FAR in the early of July, I still haven't got my score!!!!! I worry so much... am I the only one?
You are not the only one, no need to worry. I sat for FAR on 7/30 and will likely get my score around 9/20. It isn't an indication of passing or failing. I took REG on 10/5/09 and didn't get my score until 12/20/09, and got an 89, so there is no correlation there.
BEC was my last section and i took it on August 27. I tried applying in OHIO and got this message: "We are sorry. Currently all sections of this exam are still in process." Does this mean that the loophole is working and i passed because it wont let me register. Or would it be too early to tell?
Thanks, Justin! That's really helpful advice. Hopefully I'll do better the second time around. Who knows? I might just get lucky and see that I passed. Yeah right, but at least I'm staying optimistic!
Am I stupid... I just passed all 4 sections of the exam and I can tell you honestly that BEC was the hardest for me. Here's the order I thought about the exams (from hardest to easiest) BEC REG FAR AUD
Received my BEC score from July and didn't pass. Awaiting Audit from August and take FAR in November. I now will be taking BEC with the 2011 format. My Becker expires in November and not sure if I should stay with Becker for BEC or switch to another review course. Any thoughts
I took FAR on July 12 and still havent received my score yet!
It turned out that I was borderline and thats why my score wouldnt come out...73 in FAR... :'( im ready to shoot myself
Am I studpid....or anyone stuck on BEC... I also had some trouble with BEC. I passed on the thrid time with an 80 and studied for all my exams with Becker. I decided to buy the Gleim BEC questions for $50. They are very challenging but it made me pass. The Becker questions were too easy I thought. Also, I am a firm believer that it really depends on what exam you are given. I studied very hard, knew all the concepts inside and out, and did every question 3-4 times for BEC. After the first exam, I think there was about 50% of my questions on topics that I have never seen before! And when I took the exam for the third time, it was a complete joke....Keep studying and you'll pass. Good Luck!
@ Rev. Proc I could not agree more the Gleim questions will prepare you better than anything else. I would recomend to anyone to buy the gleim questions as extra study materials for each part and they are only $50 per part.
What review course is better depends on the way you learn and study. To me Gleim didn't teach you anything. It was trying to memorize as many questions as you can for the exam which doesn't teach you anything. When it came down to the exam the highest score I got was a 65. Which to me is all one should be able to get from just memorizing the answer to a question. I switched to Becker and on just 3 exams i score a total of 79 pts better, and passed all 3. Becker actually taught me the material. I learned and understood the material. Which gives you a better chance to pass the exam.
@ "Gleim was no good" I disagree I used yeager the first time for FAR and got a 74. I purchased the gleim mc to get additional help and received a 85. I took Reg using gleim only -just the book/MC- I passed on my first attempt. With gleim you have to understand the reason why you missed the questions and not memorize the answers. If you find yourself memorizing the answer read the explanation to the question to ensure you understand the reason for the correct answer. I honestly swear by both yeager and gleim. I haven't been wrong so far. I think Becker is too over priced. This is just my opinion
Like I said it depends on how you learn, and comprehend the material. I couldn't learn by going over questions. I ended up just remembering the answers instead. For me it was the combination of lectures, reading the book, memorizing flashcards, and going over the simulations and all of the multiple choice questions. That way it sunk in better.
Jeff, if your AUD score release is correct will I see a score Saturday morning in CA?
In theory Josh, I think so. CA often releases on Saturdays. Keep your fingers crossed.
@WJ....I completely agree, Gleim is awesome. You have to read the explanations on the questions even if you get it right that way you truly understand the reasoning behind it and you don't just memorize the answers. Becker is way too overpriced. I will always stand by GLEIM
Price isn't a factor when it comes to passing the CPA exam. A CPA makes way more money over the rest of their career in comparison to a regular accountant that a few hundred dollars or a couple thousand dollars makes no difference. Most firms either pay, or give a bonus upon passing the tests anyway. Glad you guys were able to make use out of Gleim. I gave it a shot for 3 different sections and it was never going to work for me. The amount of comprehension and understanding i got from Becker, and my high exam scores so far, 93, 88, & 82 is worth the $1800 i spent on Becker. I had spent $800 on classes and Gleim materials and was able to get a discount through Becker.
Any chance of BEC being released today 9/13? Last year I think I read that the BEC scores were released on 9/14.
At this point I don't care when they release the scores. The last test I took was auditing (least favorite) and I was sicken on the difficulty of the second testlet. I noticed the third test was considerably easier and I knew that I blew the second testlet. I pray that I made these points up on the communication and sims. Lets just say that I won't be shocked if I didn't get this one. Good luck and peace to all!
WJ Sounds like you performed well on 2 out of 3 testlets. That is usually a good sign that you'll pass in my opinion.
WJ - When you do well on the first testlet, the second testlet gets more difficult. The grading is lighter on the more difficult testlets so I wouldn't worry about that one very much. You must've been given an easier testlet for your third one because of your performance on the second. All in all though, it sounds like you probably did well!
@ Be Hopeful I took REG on 8/31 now i got 3 MC wrong for sure (then theres the others we dont remember)regarding material that i knew but chose the wrong answer and did not feel good about the simulations can i be hopeful still?????
3 MC? That's it that you're sure of? There are 5 questions in each testlet that aren't counted towards your grade. I'd say if you're only sure of 3, you'll be fine! Of course, I haven't taken REG yet, so I can't quite say for sure. I felt like you did for AUD though. I was pretty confident in the MC but knew I screwed up the Sims. Got an 84 by the grace of God. My diagnostics showed I did poorly on the sims too, so I still say you have a good chance!
How come when you Pass an Exam NASBA do not give you the break down of how you did unlike when you fail?
Does anyone know what employer's will usually offer existing employees as a bonus or raise after they complete their CPA certification? AUD - 80, BEC - 76, REG 81, FAR 8/19
@CPADREAMZ, The Big Four accounting firms usually offer $5,000K to their employees if they past the exam within their first year of employment (or sometimes before they begin working), then $2,000-$3,000 if you pass during the second year of employment, and then nothing after that. This could vary by firm and location, but it's what I've seen for a few large firms in the New England Area.
Thanks Stephanie, Very helpful info!
Okay, so is it true that I am borderline pass/fail because I am in wave 2? Sat for AUD July 3rd and I am patientlyand prayerfully waiting :)
@reeaaalllly need AUD - I had the same problem when I took Audit. I took it early in the window and had to wait until wave 2. I have heard that the reason for the delay is due to a new simulation or that your grade is borderline. The reason mine took so long had to be due to a new simulation because I passed with an 81. I would think that is the same reason you have to wait.
Really hope they release BEC today!
I took FARE August 30.... The MCs were very good, and so was the first sim, but for the second sim I had only 10 mins to complete it, the material was difficult and i choked. I only completed 1 tab and I think I messed it up. What do you think are my chances to pass?
@FARE was FAIR Don't count yourself out yet. I had nearly the same experience with REG, except I had 15 minutes to do the second simulation. I looked at every tab in that second sim, and decided to focus on what I felt I could (a) do in the time left, and (b) do the one I felt most comfortable with in terms of material. I did the research, just because that took the all of 30 seconds. Written communication? Copy the question, paste into the answer box. You get the picture. I wasn't able to finish it all, and ended up with an 89.
@ Justin: Well I feel a bit better now. I did try your tactic though. I looked at all the tabs, tried doing the research etc, but not even the research I could get done. I think I was just too pressured to even focus haha. Hopefully I get a good score too! Thanks
Justin - is that seriously all you did? Copy and paste the question into the answer box for written communication? Is that some secret trick I'm just now hearing about?
@Really? That is all I did for the second written communication. REG was my first part I took with sims, I didn't manage my time well, and I went NUTS on the first written part/first sim all together. It was like 6 paragraphs. While studying for AUD I found out all you need is a paragraph. I didn't know what else to do with it. I figured anything is better than nothing, and a copy/paste only took a few seconds. Otherwise, I try to take a stab at a good written communication. @FARE was FAIR Yeah, don't get all down on yourself, you aren't out of it yet. I didn't get my REG score for two and a half painful months, and it turned out just fine. Good luck!
@ Really? and Justin: Regarding the essays, I'm pretty sure that only one of the essays is graded. I would guess that the essay from your first sim was graded and the one you didn't get to wasn't looked at. I took Reg and did a really thorough job on the first essay of the first sim, but didn't have time to touch the second essay of the second sim. I ended up with a passing score on Reg, and my exam report showed that I did better than than the average passing candidate on the essay portion. I don't think that would have been possible if they had looked at my second essay that was blank. Others have also told me that only one essay is graded.
C'mon and release BEC already! I'm shooting for 4 in a row here. Jeff just has to be right all the time doesn't he.
Does anyone know when they might release the AUD scores. I took mine on Aug. 30
Does anyone know how the Ohio Loophole works...i am waiting on my last score (FAR) can I attempt it now? or only after they release the scores? Also how do you do it and does it work, thanks
Why do they do this to us? Isn't it bad enough that we have no lives while we're studying for this exam? And then they make us wait! URG!!!
Anyone know what time of day they will announce the scores are released? I want to say its around 3pm to 4pm Eastern Time.
Yeah, it's usually around that time. And then we have to wait for the State Board to release. Unfortunately for me, TX is always the last to release!
I hope he is right too, this is killing me. I need to know!!!
Will the BEC scores be posted on the NASBA website at 9PM tonight???? This is my last part and I'm nervous because the test got easier in the second testlet, then became more difficult in the third . . . .
It depends on what state your in. MN will post at midnight the day after the scores are released. Same thing happened to me jjk. I'm not worried about it. We passed!
@jjk - I had the same problem with BEC. I took it on August 30 and the first testlet was extremely difficult. The second was easier and the third testlet wasn't as difficult as the first, but not as easy as the second. I am scared I didn't pass because of that. This is my last section to pass. I want to be done!!
I took BEC exam from colorado state. Does any one know if NASBA would release the colorado state scores by 9 PM tonight?
Ughhhhhh... I really hope they release the BEC scores tonight. Does anyone know if the 9pm is eastern or pacific time...
I went to NASBA and tried to re-register for FAR last month and if it lets you attempt to register, then that means you failed. I have only tried this with FAR and it let me re-register, then I received my 70 a few hours later. I did this last month, so if you see that you can't re-register for it, don't get too excited!!
I havent received my scores yet... for Business... have they released it...
Hoping to get results for BEC, my lone remaining section, in TX before the weekend. It'll suck to spend another weekend studying only to find out next week that I passed (that's my hope).
@OH Loophole.... What state are you in? NASBA website wont let me do it if im in CA
Ready - Are you saying that you are actually studying just in case you failed? That is ridiculus!
Ready - If the scores aren't released today, I doubt we'll see BEC scores this week, unfortunately. It usually takes TX 2-3 business days to release, and they don't release on the weekends. This sucks!
Yes, I have kept studying in case I failed. My FAR credit expires in November, so I'll only have one more try to pass.
I hope that loophole is not true because it seemed like it was going to let me register for BEC again. I got to the screen where it asks for credit card info :-(
The loophole has its on discussion on this website. Google it and you can find it easy enough. The loophole doesn't work for everyone, and it definitely doesn't work before they've released the scores to NASBA!
Hey Jeff, Any news of an AICPA release today???? Waiting on my last score!
Here's what I think will happen. They will release BEC scores tomorrow at 3 pm. Most states will then get there scores by Friday at midnight! Then they will start releasing the rest of the sections through out the next week.
Since everyone is asking about this loophole, I figured it deserves its own thread. Who does this work for? --- NASBA Candidates who have past three parts and are waiting on the score for their fourth When does it work? --- After the AICPA has released your score to NASBA, but before NASBA has released your score. How does it work? 1) Go to NASBA.ORG --> Exams --> CPA Exam 2) Select OHIO and click "go" 3) Click "Re-Exam Registration" 4) Click "Apply Now" 5) Click "Continue" 6) Choose "No" for "Do you have an OHIO jurisdiction ID"...since you are not from OHIO 7) Choose "Yes" for "Do you have a US SSN" 8) Click Submit 9) Type in the CAPTCHA letters, your Birth Date, and your SSN 10) Click submit 11a) If you receive the following message, the theory is that you passed: "We are sorry. Our system shows that you have already passed all parts of the Uniform CPA Examination. If you have questions, please call your Coordinator at the number given below. Please call the number below. 800-CPA-EXAM 615-880-4250" 11b) If you do not get this message and it lets you proceed, the theory is that you did not pass. Does it always work? -- Nobody knows. But it does NOT seem to work for ALL NASBA states. Does it work at ALL? -- If history is a guide from what I have read, everyone who got the message passed. AUD 80, BEC 76, REG 81, FAR 8/19/2010
Ohio Loophole: https://www.another71.com/cpa-exam-forum/topic/unofficial-nasba-score-loophole-aka-the-ohio-loophole Still no word on BEC...
Does anyone know if the Ohio loophole works in the state of California? Thanks.
Does the AICPA update their websites at night or only during business hours?
Nice video update Jeff! This site really helps passing time as we wait for our scores.
Does Ohio loophole really works? I tried it this morning and it allowed me to proceed for re-registration.. does that mean i fail the exam? Is there anyone from Virginia candidates tried to see if it really works? BTW.. i am waitign on BEC score
People in the forum and my facebook page are reporting BEC scores this morning...
BEC scores are out for Los Angeles, CA!!! I AM DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I received my BEC score 85 but in performance details is weaker. What do you think I passed or not.
Does it matter if one area is weak but the result more than 75.
Can you register for the same exam again? I took the BEC exam on 8/25/10 and I haven't receive my score yet but I have the option to register for the exam.
Where do you find performance details? I passed FAR in the first wave and I never saw where I could see those.
As CA candidate I can see the performance on CBA website.
Yesterday - 11,565 BEC scores were released by the AICPA to NASBA from the July / August 2010 testing window.
I just called NASBA to see if my BEC score was released in today's batch and was told they've had policy changes within the past couple weeks and can longer give that information out...Has anyone else been told the same thing?
Hypothetically speaking, if my score was released for BEC yesterday and I live in FL, any idea when I should be able to see it?
Did anyone take BEC in NY and get their score yet?????
Eliazabeth - NASBA told me the same thing today. I guess there sick of getting all the phone calls and want us all to wait for the postings online!
I blame them - why can't they just have a progressive scoring update, such as "Score received, waiting for release authorization from state board" instead of "Not found." It would have saved them thousands of phone calls after the last round of testing. Hoping Jeff is right about Monday for FAR, as it has been way too long.
Anyone receive their scores in Ohio for BEC?
Does Ohio loophole work for NY Any one plaese confirm!!!!!! waiting for REG hope it's my last one so far i was fortunate to pass everything on my first try!!!!
Does the loophole work in MI? I get a message that says something like "all sections are in process." BEC is my last section.
Im in AZ and i just got my BEC scores. Three down and one to go. Good luck everybody!!
Loophole loopy- since nasba has got the scores and hopefully updated,if u keep getting that message,i would think you are done with exams.GL!!!!
NY BEC test taken on august 31st and no results yet
What are the odds that Jeff is wrong on the release order? Desperately wanting my REG score!!!
CT - I can't want to get my AUD result. The exam was pretty difficult. First testlet was pretty easy, but the second and third testlets got harder.
Waiting on GA BEC score. What's the usual post time for scores (i.e. 4pm, 7pm, 10pm, etc)? I'm not getting a lot of work done today waiting on this ridiculous process. Good luck everyone! 1 down 3 to go...
Nothing in MN yet. However this is my 4th exam and i'm getting the message that we are currently in the process of updating scores or whatever it says. I hope that mean i'm done!
Oh where oh where can my BEC be? lol! I don't have mine either! Has anyone been able to get it from Texas?
Is BEC score out in VA?
BEC is out for IL. I am done. CPA! now what? :P
when is BEC score oot for DE?
I just checked NASBA and saw this on its website, "NASBA has received a portion of the AUD, BEC, FAR and REG scores. IF YOU DO NOT SEE YOUR SCORE ONLINE WE HAVE NOT RECEIVED IT. As we continue to receive scores we will update this site.".
Rec'd score in IL for BEC - passed with an 82! On to FAR and beyond!
Waiting on NY BEC... anyone have any luck?
Has anyone received BEC for CA??
I'm a CPA now just like the rest of the masses! wooHooo!
Has anyone received their BEC score for MI??
anyone having issues trying to get their scores from the nasba site?
Hey Jeff I need some advice! I am studying with Becker. I passed REG with an 89 just found out i didn't pass BEC. I definitely dropped the ball on studying so that is my fault but now I don't know what to do. I am in the middle of FAR with Becker live classes and currently scheduled to take FAR Oct 21st. I have already done Becker classes for Audit but didn't take the exam yet. Should I try to take FAR and AUD before 2011 since my NTS will expire in December? I really don't want to take BEC in 2011 so should i re-register for it now and push one of the other two to 2011? AAAAAAH! Help!
I would push BEC to 2011. e-mail me if you want and we can discuss: jeff@another71.com
A backdoor way to get into NASBA is to visit through the link to your state on my site: https://www.another71.com/nasba-states/
AL scores for BEC are posted...I passed!!!!!!!! Gleim is the #1 study material hands down
reg 93, aud 82, far 88, & BEC 89!!! 4 in a row. All with Becker baby!!! So don't give me an excuse that becker was bad for BEC. If anything its you got caucky! Good luck to everyone! get it done before 2010 is over I hope. The loophole kinda worked in that it never allowed me to re-register. It just kept on saying scores are in process. Peace
Anyone try the Ohio loophole when they were waiting for their last part and they sat for the exam right before credit was lost for a previous exam? Still waiting on my score for REG. Its greyed out but its allowing me to register for FAR, which I lost credit as of 8/31. Took REG on 8/30. If I passed REG on 8/30, I wouldn't lose my credit for FAR right?
So if AUD scores are released today by the AICPA as predicted, that means that they will not be release by NASBA until at least Monday correct?
Does anyone know if Kentucky will post scores on Saturday, as it is a non-NASBA state?
Has anyone's exam score for AUD showed up on NASBA's website yet? The suspense is killing me!
BEC in OK is posted!
No AUD for FL yet
Jeff, Do you know if any more BEC scores were released on Thursday. I noticed someone posted on here that AL BEC scores were up on the NASBA site, but mine has not shown up yet.
Did NY release AUD yet?
Texas BEC is out on the tsbpa website, not on nasba's. I passed and scored 84%! Hallelujah!
Have any of the 2nd wave AUD scores been released yet?
AUD will probably be online today
oh come on....I need my audit score already
Does anyone know if PA state board website release AICPA scores like CA & Texas?
MA hasn't released any AUD scores yet...WHY???
Just checked AUD in NY- nothing.
Has Audit been released? I haven't seen anything confirming its release.
Because Auditing scores haven't been released yet.....
@ BMJ- LoL.. Looks like another weekend of torture- These mofos should start releasing SOONER!
This exam process is the craziest crap ever!! The release process is just another tool for them to mess with your mental state.
Yep.. it works too! bastards! lol
Jeff- Thanks u so much!!!!You make this wait so comforting>Im awaiting reg and aud.BEC credit expires in Oct. And good lord-i dont even know whether il get dates by then!!
I am in CA and just took AUD in the second window. Still no results, I will let everyone know if I get them tomorrow.
FYI- report of CA score received was posted in AUD score release forum.
Just checked my AUD scores in CA- 94..Good luck to you all
Awesome job Cali!! And thanks for letting us know!
Still no AUD for Florida... looks like it'll be Monday at 10:15, as predicted
what about Alaska? when do we find out?
Does anyone know when Texas will post its scores?
Hurry Up N Wait...thanks and you are welcome
Mike, 10:15 am or pm on Monday???
Alabama Audit grades are up!!
Any flash about when REG will be released.
Illinois AUD scores are out! I passed with an 89!!! 2 down 2 more to go! FAR 94 (7/27/2010) AUD 89 (8/31/2010) REG ? (10/29/2010) BEC ? (11/30/2010) Good luck to all!
Okay, I've decided. Somebody needs to build us the first ever Score Release App. I mean, we already all check NASBA and our state board sites approximately once per minute when we think our score should be out. We need an App for that!
Hey Jeff or Anyone - I checked NASBA to see if I could re-register for Audit, but it would not let me. The AUD part has been blocked out. I am in Connecticut, and I took the AUD exam on 8/29/10. Does this mean that I passed the exam?
@godbless I am in CT too. How did you look it up and see AUD blocked out?
Leah - Based on what the video said, 10:15 pm. This time of day also falls in line with when I received my BEC score, so I would be on the lookout for it then.
RE: adamf203 Follow this link and click on Re-Exam Registration for Connecticut. https://www.nasba.org/nasbaweb/NASBAWeb.nsf/wpecsp?openform&stateabbrev=CT
@ Godbless: I am in CA, and experienced the same thing when I tried to re-register for an exam that I didn't feel I had passed. It was blocked out. I called the board and they said that it would remain blocked until my advisory score was released. I ended up not passing, and as soon as my advisory score was posted the exam was unblocked and I was able to register.
I'm getting a feeling NASBA changed their announcement procedures on Twitter. After wave 1 scoring, I think they weren't too happy with all the calls, so they came up with that "we won't release that information anymore." Now it seems like they won't announce it on Twitter until the day of the actual score posting, so they'll come out with something tomorrow morning re: AUD. I understand not wanting to field calls from everyone that sat for the exam in a particular wave, but I don't like that delayed Twitter announcement. Makes waiting even harder.
Mike, Thanks for the reply...I was hoping for AM...can't take the pressure any more ;o(
I'm DONE! DONE! DONE! DONE! DONE! FAR - 83 AUD - 89 REG - 87 BEC - 78 Passed all sections the first time using Becker. I studied about 15 hours a week for about 8 weeks/test (except BEC which I did in the same window as AUD and only study 4-5 weeks). Just keep doing the practice test over and over again (seriously, like at least 10 practice test), didn't put a lot of time into studying simulations because I figured if I knew the material I could figure out the simulations - plus, I rarely got a simulation that looked like anything on the study software anyway. My friend who was a CPA before me gave me all this advice and it worked great so thought I would pass it along. We are both full-time employees at a Big 4 in Texas with young kids (mine are 3 and 5) - so you can do it even with a busy schedule. Best of luck to everyone.
Way to go Done! How exciting! I'm in Texas also and only have one kid, 4, and I've got three sections left. I can't imagine doing it with TWO kids. You are awesome. Congrats! And thanks for the GREAT advice. I am always wondering what worked for people as far as how much time to study. Now go do something wonderful for yourself. =)
IL AUD scores are up!
just check and my IL AUD score is NOT up.
7361 AUD scores were released by the AICPA to NASBA for the Jul/Aug 2010 testing window. Pls chk online after 5pm today for scores
WA state sent out scores via email. Scored 99 on AUD! And now i'm all done! Went 4 for 4: April 2- BEC-86 May 31- FAR- 89 July 30- REG- 93 Aug. 31- AUD- 99 Used Becker and studied every spare second I had. I probably studied too much, but in a span of just months I am completely done. Worth every miserable second and "No" for every event that I was asked to go to. Hang in there guys, it's all worth it in the end!
Anyone in Texas receive AUD scores yet?? It's my LAST one and the suspense is killing me! Good luck to all!
texas has received the scores.. usually they're posted the day after NASBA Posts.. look tomorrow morning
Thanks mdb for the update!! Really appreciate it!
I'm waiting for REG in NY... does the re-registration trick work in NY? I tried to log-in to the re-reg on NASBA.org with all my correct info (Jur ID, etc) and got a big fat error! Maybe I've been booted from the Exam altogether? =-D
Does anyone have AUD scores in GA?
can somebody please clarify the way nasba sent the twitter message. When nasba says we can check after 10pm, are they referring to BEC or are they referring to the audit scores? In other words, when is audit getting put on nasba...im in ny by the way.
What are the chances that REG might be next instead of FAR? Here's hoping.....
No AUD score posted yet in GA.
I am in the same boat. What is the chance whether REG would be next instead of FAR?? Where may you get any information about the REG or FAR release? Ahmed Cairo
Still no AUD scores in MD either!
No AUD score posted in CA yet...
No scores in Ohio yet for AUD....
NO AUD score in NY yet
No AUD in New Orleans. I have been waiting on FAR since 7/2 and AUD 8/30. I am very frustrated with this score release process. I have already passed REG and BEC. Waiting on my fate, and waiting , and waiting, and.....
on twitter nasba says to check after 10. this is my shortest wait for a result but its the worst because i might be done!! ahhhh!!!! BEC 80 Reg 81 Far 76 AUD 8/24
Any word on scores released today? I'm hoping to find out about FAR soon. I felt terrible walking out of the testing center but apparently that is not always a bad thing.
@ IL Reg....its funny that you are hoping reg comes out before far where im wishing this isnt one of those freak cycles where far comes out last. Jeff you're now 2/2 way to go
@New Orleans...I am in the exact same boat as you! Finished BEC and REG back in May and took FAR 7/1 and AUD 8/25. I'm still waiting on both scores and it's killing me! Sooooo frustrating.
I'm in Cali and I checked my Audit score on Saturday night and it was up!
Hey...has anyone tried to register with the state of Ohio to see if the backdoor is working to determine whether or not you've passed AUD. I did it and it won't let me register. I am hoping that means that I passed AUD. Let me know if you've tried...
to do the backdoor, do you need to enter in all of your information such as name, address, phone, etc.?
Is it possible FAR was released today by AICPA since Audit was on Friday?
Has anyone from PA received audit scores yet? When I put in my info a new message comes up that says online scores from my state are available so I assume that means I am in wave 2?
Ok, the suspense is killing me. I have an hour left hopefully to find out my AUD score...doing the sign of the cross and crossing my fingers. Good luck everyone!!!
Since MD isn't a NASBA state, does anyone know when MD AUD scores will be released? Thanks in advance!
To do the backdoor you put in all your info and then you get to the sign up page and then you never sign up.
Anyone from GA get their AUD scores yet?
anyone fom MT get their AUD scores yet?
I just checked my AUD score for CT. I got an 84. Praise Jesus! I could not do it without him.
FL's posted - 98 on AUD :)
MA scores are up. Passed with an 84!! Jeff thank you for providing a forum for us to share our joy and our pain...keep up the good work. For all those still waiting I wish you all good luck. For those that have failed, please don't give up there is a promising career out there for CPAs; and for those that have passed please join me in thanking God for without his help this would not have been possible. Peace
I hate NASBA & the AICPA. I still haven't received my Audit score. This is freaking ridiculous.
I still haven't gotten my score in MI, is there a second release of aud scores later?
I blame the AICPA for the unnecessary waits for scores (waiting on FAR from 7/30), but not so much NASBA. I am still unhappy about NASBA's change in updating us on Twitter, where they posted the day they received the score; they seem to reporting the day after they receive them now.
I received my score in Ohio this morning. I passed AUD so now I am done. Does anyone know what happens now? I know there is an ethics test, but how do you register, etc?
I'm also STILL waiting on AUD...sounds like I'm not alone. I want to know when the rest are coming!!!
Anyone get REG or FAR yet?
PA applicant, but sat for FAR 8/15 in NJ. No score yet. FAR is my last part. Failed with a 74 the first time around. AUD - 82 BEC - 78 REG - 77
Texas scores have posted. Passed AUD with an 85. 3 down REG to go.
I know no one knows if FAR scores were even released yesterday or not...but if anyone gets their FAR score in IL today will you please post on here. The BOE website is blocked for someone reason where I work and I have to use my co-workers phone and don't want to be bothering her every 5 minutes... Thanks!
Audit scores didn't come out the 17th. They came out yesterday 9/20. 1 for 2 not 2 for 2.
They did come out the 17th. That is when the AICPA released them. NASBA released the scores yesterday.
They were released by AICPA the 17th and then released by NASBA the 20th...so technically he was right.
I am from texas and I still have not recieved my AUD score. I thought all AUD scores were released at the same time in Wave 2.
Took FAR on 8/23 in NY, still no score yet...
Just talked to VA state board. They said they have not recieved any FAR yet.
my IL Audit score still is not posted - Wave 2a???
Has anyone received a PA audit score yet? Trying to see if I am in wave 1 or not
Has anyone received their FAR scores? Is it possible that they released REG yesterday?? This waiting is killing me.
MD Audit isn't posted yet either... womp womp
@HOU - no, unfortunatley they were not all released at one time. I am in TX as well and don't have my AUD score yet either. Hopefully the rest were released yesterday and we will have our scores tonight/early AM.
Anyone in Cali receive their FAR scores yet??
no AUD in NY
Anyone in GA get AUD? Still waiting, passed 3 one to go...hopeful...
@Hurry Up N Wait: Thanks! Man this waiting game is killing me!
@Hou and Hurry Up N Wait, I'm in Texas and received my AUD score this morning, so rest assured, yours will be coming. To everyone else, I am DONE! Good luck to the rest of you. It's worth it! Thanks Jeff for your support too! This website is a life saver! :-) BEC, 75 FAR, 79 REG, 88 AUD, 72, retake 87
Waiting in GA - I received my (passing AUD) score this morning...hopefully yours will come through soon!
@california no FAR scores in CALI!
Has anyone watched the video from 9/20...does that say anything about the rest of the scores. I hate how it's not all in print now - I can't watch videos with sound at work. Hoping someone can shed some light on where the rest of the scores went....I'm waiting for AUD and it's my last one....
He says in the video he was expecting FAR Wednesday and REG Friday but then corrected himself on Facebook and said FAR Monday (as in yesterday) and REG Wednesday. However, I'm assuming FAR was not released yesterday since people from CA haven't gotten scores yet and CA is usually the first state to release them.
I recived FAR from CA
Really? That's awesome...maybe they did release yesterday. When did you take FAR?
@ALI, when did u appear for FAR? And when did u get results ?I am also waiting for my FAR Scores from california
Really, are the FAR results out already in CA. I don't see mine.
Hi, I appeared for FAR from California on 31st Aug And I dont see mine results so far.
Ali- What date to you test for FAR?
Anyone from TX got FAR Result?
I believe ALI is full of it! How is that the only person on here from Cali wuth a score?
Any one from Cali got the FAR results???
Did ANYONE get FAR results??? I was as it is tensed this morning and then got into comfort mode that the results have not been released !!! But with the new posts here by Ali, I feel i need to start getting nervous again :-!! But did anyone receive their FAR Scores for CALI?? I'm so anxious
I'm IL waiting on FAR from 8/31. Doesn't look like we'll be getting them today.
In the FAR forum we are all guessing Ali must have been wave 1 and just finally checked for the score.
How come no one except ALI got their FAR scores from Cali? :( I am just waiting waiting and waiting
Folk Im thinking that the scores DIDNT come out yet. ALI is playing games. I think we will have to waite until tonite(Tuesday) after 10pm and check for score releases. They will probably be out tomorrow. I only have 1 more to go FAR!!!!! AUD 80, BEC 76, REG 81, FAR 8/19/2010
I am from TX and still waiting on FAR
She probably did it because it's entertaining to see us all freak out for a few minutes haha...all this waiting turns us into crazy people
still waiting on FAR in OH
Hey, Normally AICPA releases their scores after one day gap i.e Monday,Wednesday,Friday. if they didnt release FAR on Monday. Will they release tonite or on Wednesday night?
Anyone care to explain to me how the IL score release typically works since it is not a NASBA state? i.e., once NASBA announces they have received scores from the AICPA does Illinois typically post the scores that day?
@ E....well usually AICPA releases in late afternoon..my last test that I got a score for was BEC..AICPA released around 4 and my score was on ILs website by 9 the next morning. It seems like CA is fastest and then IL is right behind them.
Where are you posting from Ali? It ain't Cali :)
Any NY AUD scores yet? Nothing here...
I just spoke with NASBA...Score #3 has *not* been released yet.
@Jeff, Will they release FAR today or tommorow evening?
Don't know yet - AICPA hasn't released score #3 yet.
i got my NY audit score at around 12:30 am.
Jeff - Are they releases other Audit scores with FAR as well, I'm in MO and still haven't received my score?
Jeff, what are score #3. I'm still waiting for my audit score and its driving me crazy!!
Hi Jeff, is there any chance that AICPA will still release REG scores today? I'm hoping for my score tomorrow.
if we have not received our auditing score in the first release of wave 2 does that mean we are more then likely on the fence as far as pass/fail?
Took FAR on 8/23 in NY, checked from NASBA just now and no score =(
Took FAR on 8/23 in CO, still nothing...
This website has caused even greater disappointment and anxiety when the score predictions are wrong...
I can only imagine then, the jubilee and bliss you experienced when the first 2 predictions were right. :)
So much for getting my score on Monday....STILL nothing....so going to be a minimum of Thursday now.... This is totally ridiculous, I've been less annoyed the times I've failed!
still no FAR score in NY... do they usually update the score in NASBA throughout the day? or just like once in the morning? thx
Rise & shine California - we are all waiting to hear if you have received FAR or REG scores. Please let us know (other than Ali :)
I took AUD in July. Still haven't got my score... Anyone knows why?
Here in CA, and yes FAR scores are out. That is 3 down and 1 to go for me. It is amazing how a passing score can set your morning off right!! Hope everyone did well, and good luck to you all!!
No REG in CA yet.
FARS scores are out in VA.
I appeared for FAR ON 8/31. Passed with 92! Goodluck to all of you ,who are waiting
All predictions are wrong!!
Not true, Notina. 2/3 have been correct.
I'm in CA and went to view score report. Where does it say my score? Thanks
Anyone in Illinois get their FAR score?
If Cali is receiving their scores, should other states by up after 10pm eastern tonight?
Now that NASBA released 7,577 FAR scores (posted on Twitter) - what does that mean for REG? Will we get a score by the end of this week or what?
@SB--If you go to the Status tab and scroll all the way down where it says Application Status Page, that is where your Advisory score is and your score report of what your strengths & weaknesses were. Don't look at the very top where it says Credit Status Information--that doesn't show the advisory score. A passing score only gets posted there once both Waves are released entirely.
Jeff predicted reg scores to be out today, but he's been wrong with his predictions. I don't know if he has gotten any right yet, but based off Jeff's predictions I'd add a few more days, so I say Reg gets released next week.
CBT Exam Advisory Scores received from NASBA. FAR Advisory Score: 81 - Attended: 08/25/2010 18:09:00 This is my first time. Does this mean I passed? This was found in the 'Application Status Information' under 'Status Information'/'Status' Tab. Thanks in advance!
CBT Exam Advisory Scores received from NASBA. FAR Advisory Score: 81 This is my first time. Does this mean I passed? This was found in the 'Application Status Information' under 'Status Information'/'Status' Tab. Thanks in advance!
Okay people, actually Jeff's been right for most of his predictions. Everyone needs to first off understand that when the AICPA releases your score--it doesn't mean that it will automatically get posted. Your state may not be a NASBA state, so he can't tell you exactly when each individual State Board will post it. And if your state IS a NASBA state, he can't tell immediately when NASBA will post them. A score "release" is different than score "posting". So you people who pull your hair out over Jeff's predictions being "wrong"...just don't. Jeff you're da man!
AUD Scores. I see a lot of people are missing them. Me and a co-worker have both not gotten our AUD scores in MI. Are they planning to release other AUD scores anytime soon. Also, a lot of people are dogging Jeff, but I personally love his predicitions. Even if they aren't spot on, they give me a general time frame to start looking. Without his predicitions I may have started looking for my score weeks ago!
I think Jeff does a wonderful job providing the service that he does, considering he passed the exam years ago and kept up with this site in his spare time. No complaints from this guy.
I could understand the trolling if I was way off, but I nailed BEC and AUD to the exact date and I was *one* day off on FAR. Tough crowd! Normally I'm 0/4 in Wave 2. The occasional troll on here usually has ulterior motives. Trolls however, are people too. :)
@CA FAR - Yes, you passed. Congratulations. I passed also (91) and am in CA. Got my AUD score (83) Sat. AM and FAR score this AM. Took AUD on 7/31 and FAR on 8/27. Good luck to all.
Does anyone know if any AUD scores were in the batch that went out last night? or was it just FAR? I'm beginning to think I should just give up on checking my score altogether
How is it possible my FAR scores are up on NASBA already? Didn't they just come out this morning. Says 89 but i'm scared to believe it!!!
Does anyone know if it's possible for AICPA to release more scores batchs for FAR today? do they only release scores once a day to CA?
Still no FAR score in Illinois. jenG I know how you feel.
Scores are up in VA from latest releases, they seem to do a good job processing and posting quickly. I just received my FAR score from the release yesterday - that is about as good as you are going to get.
Ultimate PA test for the loophole tonight. My coworker and I are both waiting on FAR scores....it's letting him reregister but not me. We'll see!!!
Jeff....I think you are amazing! I appreciate all you input and hard work. Thanks for that. And to those who think that Jeff's predictions are "wrong".....Jeff's predictions are always in the ballpark. We are all adults here and if you can't handle waiting a few extra days....then don't expect a date to see a score. Just continue checking and be surprised the day it does show up! THANKS, AGAIN!!!!
Still no FAR scores in Texas. Is it possible to check Texas results on NASBA Website?
I dont see what all the fuss is. I personally never check my score online and always wait for it in the mail, because everytime I take it, I know I passed. I am 3 for 7 so far.
@FAR Texas I've tried on NASBA, but get a notice to check the Texas website. Texas takes a day or two after NASBA posts the release to be on the website- I'm waiting on REG, but my FAR was released the morning of 2 days after NASBA said they were out
I agree Jeff rocks! This has been the most useful website while going through the CPA exam.
I think I just wore out my F5 key.
@TX - this is my first exam and I'm in Texas. So let's say a score was release Tuesday night by AICPA. Are you saying that it would be up on the TSBPA site on Thursday AM? If so, about what time? Also, does Texas ever post on Saturday morning? Thanks! I'm waiting on AUD but wanna make sure I know when to check when it IS released.
Does anyone have a new guess about REG? Possibly released before this weekend? I can't take waiting another weekend!!
Unfortunately, no Audit scores were released with the FAR score release yesterday. I'm in the same boat as you so I was really hoping more audit scores would be released. Hopefully more scores will be released tonight and we will know tomorrow or atleast before another weekend!!
Is there any loophole that works if you're in IL?
I have not found any loopholes in IL. I'm still waiting for my FAR score.
@Hurry Up N Wait I've only gotten 2 scores back and know when a few freinds got their scores, so I'm not an expert but this is my experience for TX... NASBA says the scores were released, and 2 days later (almost every time) you get an email from TSBPA around 8-9am that they've received a grade. In terms of Saturday, none of my friends have ever gotten an email/grade from TSBPA on a Saturday, always comes on the next Monday. So if the grades were released yesterday, you'll hopefully get an email tomorrow morning. I say almost every time because one time a friend had to wait a week and a half after NSBA announced the release (which was ridiculous considering he took the test beginning of April and didnt get a grade until after July 4th) Also, I've wasted hours refreshing the TSBPA website and I've never actually seen the grade before getting the email; so you might want to save yourself the trouble and wait for the email notice... but like I said I'm not an expert
@TX - thank you SO much! Very valuable information! I don't wanna be going crazy looking before I think it will be there. Still have to wait for another round of AUD to be released though....*sigh* Holy cow! I think that is the longest I have ever seen someone have to wait for a score. I bet they were just sick!! Thanks again for your help and explanation!
Still waiting for my FAR score in PA. It's my last part. Sat 8/15. First time around I got a 74. Anyone know if it takes longer to get your score if you take the exam at a testing center in another state. I'm a PA candidate, but sat in NJ.
CA released this morning FAR 85
Anyone in TX got FAR?
Will Florida release FAR tonight after 10pm eastern?
I read on NASBA that all states but FL will be released.
What is the link? I don't see that posted anywhere on nasba??
naughty naughty "Ronald"
I'm a sucker huh jeff?
Whats the deal with REG scores? Anyone have any idea?
Jeff, thank you for providing us with your predictions and this informational forum where we can discuss and share our thoughts concerning the CPA. You might not have gotten every prediction correctly, but you made an effort to make a short video explaining your second predictions to us. Your hard work didn't go unnoticed with me. Thank you again. I found out I passed my last exam today and I am relief. But I know this is only the first of many steps to becoming a successful and great CPA. I have to keep learning and improving. For the rest of you who are still taking your exam(s), stay focused and motivated in studying for the exam, and you will be one step closer to becoming a CPA. I wish all of you the best and good luck. For CA candidates who passed all four parts of the CPA, don't forget to take an ethics exam with the AICPA. It's a requirement!
AHHH! I can't take it any longer. "The section(s) of your Notice to Schedule (NTS) have been attended and scored. The score(s) reported generated a score notice to be mailed to you." The next 2.5 hours are going to be some of the longest of my life. Worse yet, I may as well say 3 hours, because I know I won't be able to load my score right away. I had so much more hair a week and a half ago.
Hey is this new (Kansas)? NASBA has received a portion of the AUD, BEC, FAR and REG scores. We do not receive all scores at once. If you do not see your score online we have not yet received your information. As we continue to receive scores we will update this site. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Still waiting for the AUD score for the exam I took in August
Im from CA..havent recieved my FAR scrores yet..i took my exam in the beginning of the window.Does it mean im in border line..plz share ur experiences plz
When are FAR scores likely to come for CO??
Are Far scores gonno be released tonight?
Still waiting for my AUD scores in PA... any ideas when are they going to be released? BTW, thanks Jeff for your effort on keeping us updated :)
Did anyone receive far score in MA? I am so anxious.
New video post: https://www.another71.com/cpa-exam-scores-update-september-22-2010/
No score in MA. Sat on 7/30, so if FAR got posted, they're sure making me wait.
I checked my score at 12:20 right before falling asleep, and there it was. Passed FAR. I'm all done. Thanks again to Jeff for this outlet to vent my pain and suffering, as my friends/family would probably get sick of hearing about it.
Checked for my FAR score in PA last night around 10:15 and got nothing. Checked this morning around 7:30 when I got in work and there it was... 87. Made my day. Last part. I'm Done! Everyone else.. hang in there. and thanks. AUD 82 BEC 78 REG 77 FAR 74, 87
Anyone know if the rest of the AUD scores were released yesterday by AICPA? And if not when they are coming...if they don't get released today my score is going to be a full week beyond when it was expected...I can't wait all weekend =(
Passed FAR, I am done!! Thank you Jeff for this website. I have been glued to your site for the past year, not sure how I would have made it without. Good luck to everyone else!
Anyone got FAR in NY yet? Thanks Jeff for everything in this site!
I just received my REG results in IL. I passed one more :D
Hi, jeff; Thank you for all the endeavor you put for us. Really like your website. I just found that i am done with all four parts. So what is next? do we need take the ethics test mentioned by someone before? what is that? Thank you
Has anyone received their FAR scores in IL? I can't take the wait anymore! I want to know if I am done..... AUD 82 REG 82 BEC 80 FAR ??
In PA still waiting for FAR score!!!!
Anyone in VA received the REG score?
In FL and found out at 2am that I passed FAR! Finally done. Thank you so much for this website Jeff. I haven't posted before, but trust me I was always reading up on things. Good luck everyone. FAR 78 AUD 92 BEC 85 REG 80
Anyone in PA try using Oasis. Details state that they haven't received scores but loophole let's you re-register?
Just got my FAR score in Texas. Passed all sections!! AUD 90 BEC 84 FAR 80 REG 80
aud scores for VA are up they were released
Can anyone confirm if REG scores are out in VA? Thanks!!!
Cali REG results are out...
got my REG score in CA - 85! wooohooo! I'm all done! Thanks to all of you guys in this site specially to Jeff! To all of you still taking the exam, hang in there! Patience you'll get there!
NYS FAR is now posted. I passed!! This was my last section and so I am officially done. I took all four sections for the first time in the July / August window and I used Becker. People told me I was crazy, but it can be done. My advice is that it is hard to keep up intense levels of studying for long periods of time, and therefore I think there is something to be said for just plowing through. My summer was not fun, but now I am done. Good luck everyone & thank you Jeff for this site. It was my moral support during the score release process.
Got my REG score from IL. 89!! I passed all sections!! I'm done. Good luck to everybody!!
Congraz Elizabeth...unfortunately my FAR score in NY is not post yet... still waiting....
Just wanted to let those know who are waiting on audit that more scores were released. I'm from MD and finally got mine this morning! I passed! 3 down only 1 more to gooooo! Good luck everyone!
I was just about to let everyone know about the AUD ones too...but I have to wait on NASBA so I've still got another day to go before I know =( I better be in this round or I don't think I'll be able to handle waiting over the weekend!!!!
ANyone from MN receive their REG score yet?
Anyone from VA received their REG score yet? Thanks!!!
Since only 5954 REG scores were released. Do you think there are more scores to be released?
TN Reg scores not posted yet. It will most likely be this evening.
@AB.. Jeff mentions in his video that AICPA says the window is closed, just less people than normal took the exam. I'd like to know, Jeff, what the latest possible wave 1 test dates are. I took reg on the Aug 11th and wound up in wave 1.. do you think that was the last day? I sure would like to wind up in AUD wave 1 next period, but I probably shouldn't base my test date around it..
I took FAR in NY on 8/23/10, so it's not part of this wave??? Thanks
The window better not be closed...it's after 10:15pm and my score still isn't posted for AUD (in MA). Anyone else received a score tonite yet?
Jackie - I'm waiting for AUD also and I still haven't gotten anything yet.
waiting for REG in MA... hoping to get it tonight!
Me too. Let me know if anything comes up...
Waiting for REG in MI... nothing yet. Anyone get their REG score tonight?
Still waiting for REG in MN...
do you guys thing the REG scores are actually coming tonight?
Not certain about tonight, but hoping tomorrow. Cannot survive another weekend without knowing :-O
was hoping to get it tonight so it wouldn't ruin my friday if it is bad :(
I'm giving up waiting..night everyone and good luck!
REG in MA is out. I passed! I'm all done! Everyone Good Luck! The main thing to remember, "DO NOT GIVE UP!" Thanks Jeff for keeping us updated during this stressful time.
YAHOOOO....79 on AUD....highest score over and this journey that begin in April 2007 (yes I'm a little slow, lol) is FINALLY over!!!!! Good luck everyone - keep pushing through. And P.S. I FULLY endorse Yeager, I used Becker from 04/07 - 06/10 with MANY ATTEMPTS on all parts. Got Yeager and passed REG and AUD on my 1st attempt.
Reg scores are up for Texas!! I passed this time. I am done! Thank you so much everyone for all for support! Jeff you are awesome!! BEC 79 AUD 91 FAR 84 REG 73, 90 Good luck everyone!! :)
my REG score did not come.... i can't take waiting another weekend! ick!
Im still waiting for my reg score in PA. Arrrgh, this sucks so bad!
Has TN posted any Reg Scores? If so does the second wave mean I am boarderline?
borderline* Can't even spell I am so freaked out :)
Still waiting in VA. Perplexed by the lack of transparency and timeliness of the whole scoring process.
FAR score for NY still not up yet... I took it on Aug 23, is it just not in this batch of score? thx
Still waiting for my PA FAR score that I sat for in WV....how can I focus on my BEC exam on Oct 2, while FAR is in limbo??
@Dee we are both in the same boat. I sat in NY but registered in PA. Maybe thats the lag in our score release because we sat in different states. I really hope some got released last night.
The Bureaucracy in the scoring system makes it painful and tormenting.
so when nasba says it takes "24-48 hours" to post is that a true statement? if i did not get my REG score by now does that mean it could still post today or that they just did not get it in the last batch?
If the REG scores are not out this morning, there is just another excruciating weekend!!!
I am still waiting for FAR PA also. I took the exam on 8/20. Is it safe to assume if I don't have it by now that it will not show up till Monday night? I am still trying to figure out how this scoring crap works.
I guess you just have to try to enjoy your weekend and wait till next Monday or Tuesday... By the way, thank you so much, Jeff, for provding this website. This is my only venue to get an idea about getting the scores.
Anyone get NJ REG score?
@Julia Congrats! When did you take your FAR in NY? I took mine on 8/23 but did not see my score from NASBA yet.
I spoke with someone at NASBA and they said that they received more scores today.
Anyone got their REG scores in VA?
Still no FAR score in NY
Still waiting on my AUD. Took it in NY on 8/31 and still no score...hopefully tonight.
I've read from another thread that there is a Wave 2.5 releasing borderline score... I still didn't receive my score for FAR in NY, does that mean I fail?!
Can someone explain the concept of "Wave 2.5"? I get that it consists of borderline scores and that they may be rechecking written communication. I'm waiting for my REG score and I know they've released 2 batches already, and that the second smaller batch is suppose to post tonight. Would that second batch that is suppose to post tonight be considered "Wave 2.5"?
Got FAR score this morning. PASSED!!! Done with CPA. Took the Exam in NY 8/27. All those awaiting results, wish you all the best. "Do the hardwork and believe in your self. You will pass"
Got last part FAR score, Passed. Took the exam on 8/27, in NYC Done with CPA! "Do the hardwork and believe in yourself, You will pass" I wish the best for all awaiting results and all who are preparing to give the exam. Take Care RAJ
Got the FAR score for NY!! One more to go, I hope I can pass my last section AUD this year!!
Way to go, Kevin! That was smart to save Audit for last... Wish I would've done that. Seems as though that one's the easiest. By the way everyone, NASBA's twitter account says they just released a few more scores. I'm guessing that's the Wave 2.5.
Yup, I've heard that AUD are just lots of stuff to memorize.. I hope I can pass it with one try before the new test format in 2011.. PLUS, my gf passed all four parts all with one try, I want to pass the whole thing and move on too!!
Any thoughts on when Wisconsin will finally release their scores for July/August window? Could it be tonight?
When, when, when? Why is WI so slow with these scores? This score could mean that I have passed ... therefore it is really hard to wait for, ugh!
I am also still waiting for REG and BEC I took them August 26th...
Yep...any update on WI??
In a snail-mail state and found out yesterday that I passed FAR and am done with the CPA! Used Becker Fast Pass for all 4 parts and passed all 4 on the first time while working full time and going to school part time. It is worth the money if you put forth the time and study power. Good to luck to all! You can do it!!
I'm also waiting for FAR in WI. So much for NASBA posting scores w/in 24-48 hours!
WI is really playing with my emotions now. Would love to know why they make us wait? Just need this REG score to be done and here I wait. @#$@#$!@$~!$!%#@%
What's the hold up?
I'm in WI and I'm still waiting for my scores. I have to purchase a new NTS for the 2 parts I haven't taken but would like to save some money by purchasing all of the sections that I need at one time. Hence I do not want to purchase my NTS until I receive the scores but I also want to get the next sections done soon. How long should I wait???
Wisconsin posted scores!!! 78 on FAR...I am done and out of studying. (82 AUD, 81 BEC, 76 REG) I used Becker self study CDs for all parts.
I took FAR on 8/30 in California and still have not received my test score. I sent an e-mail to the Calif Board of Accountancy (CBA), but have not received a response. Any suggestions, besides being patient?
I need opinions... Is it possible to study for REG in only 7 weeks? This will be my last exam unless I have to retake FAR (haven't received scores yet). I did BEC in 5 weeks, Audit in 6 and FAR in 8. I don't want to rush it but since there's no testing in December, I wanted to take it in November. What do you think? Is 7 weeks enough time?
Hi Can any one tell me when the results will be out for AUD, BEC & FAR which were appeared fron New hamshire Board in the lastweek of October 2010.
Hi I have cleared all the sections of the CPA exam in August from Colorado state. Till now i have received the scores of all the sections and a congratulatory letter from CPA examination servces. i have not received any certificate or degree. Could somebody tell me how and when would i receive the degree and/or certificate Thanks