Mia is a NINJA CPA blogger. What’s up NINJA friends! With passing BEC and REG, I finally got enough courage to start my FAR journey. I expected it to be a long one because the material was very challenging. I started studying back in March. Documenting how I study for each section was something I
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Like a NINJA: AUD Passed! REG is Next
Greg is a NINJA CPA Blogger. HiYa, NINJAs! Well I am happy to report that after 5 tries and over a year of studying, I have finally passed AUD! I am proof that with hard work and determination, (and perhaps changing up the way you’ve been studying), these tests can be beaten. My score went
Read MoreFive Years in the Making: I PASSED the CPA Exam!
Shuchi shares her journey to pass the CPA Exam. Fellow CPAs & future CPAs-to-be, I, a fellow Another71 member since 2010, recently found out I passed my last section. I am still in shock, disbelief and everything feels surreal. I find myself crying tears of joy randomly and screaming my lungs out at other times.
Read MoreHalfway There: BEC Passed! Just FAR and REG Remain
Shaila is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs! My last post was written the night before my BEC exam and I was feeling unprepared due to all the math Id come across while studying. The next day, I finished the exam a little early and thought I did well. There were more conceptual problems than
Read MoreSurprised and Relieved: I Passed AUD!
Jason is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello Fellow NINJAs, I write this today with a smile on my face. A few days after everyone else got their scores, I received mine (thanks TX) and found out I passed AUD. You see Texas loads them between midnight and 4am, so yes I was up at 4am
Read MoreIt All Comes to an End: I Finally PASSED the CPA Exam
Larry is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi Yall NINJAs Im glad to report I finally passed all sections. Im not quite sure if I have ever felt this good to be over with an undertaking such as this. hose two hours, that cruel wait between receiving the email about the score release till actually seeing
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Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Waiting over three weeks for my FAR score has been horrible. I passed, barely, with a 76. I couldnt be more thrilled! It means that, I, an average country girl that went to an average local four-year college, and took my sweet time getting a degree, can pass these
Read MoreNINJA Clint: AUD Passed! Time to Finish Strong
Clint is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Things have been crazy over the past few months for my family. I finished my MBA in December. I passed FAR in January. I passed REG in February. Thankfully, I just found out that I passed AUD in April. Currently, my wife and I are in the process of
Read MoreDONE! I finally defeated the CPA Exam!
Serena is a NINJA CPA Blogger. HalleluiahIm DONE! After 20ish months of fighting this beast, I have finally defeated the CPA Exam. But I dont think I could have done it without the help of you all on Another71. I will admit, I may have only started one discussion thread ever, and definitely dont contribute
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Jimmy is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi fellow CPA Exam takers, As we waited for my score, my wife and I decided to go watch the opening day showing of Iron Man 3 on IMAX. We loved the plot and the special effects but I was disappointed by the lack of any hints to other
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