Ashley is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I bought study materials in May after I completed my undergraduate program. At my internship, I studied most days at lunch and an hour or so when I got home from work. My work ethic wasn’t great because I knew I had several months to work with before my
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Pleasant Surprise: AUD Passed with a 93!
Parth is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Greetings NINJAs! Last time I wrote, I shared the wonderful news that I passed FAR with a 90. Since then, I’ve received my score for AUD and I passed with a 93! Going into the exam, I felt unsure about my level of preparation since I only provided
Read MoreAUD Passed! Three Down, One to Go
Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. This last week I took off from studying. I was waiting for my score and since I only had a week to wait I did not see the point of starting a new subject until I knew if I passed Audit or not. With some free time I set
Read MoreHalfway Done! BEC Passed on First Try
Faye is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi NINJAs! I took my BEC exam in February and I was so excited to receive my passing score of 81 last Friday! Thank God! I couldn’t be happier because I really thought I failed. Those of you who took it this window know what I’m talking about. I
Read MoreGreat News: FAR Slayed with a 90!
Parth is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs! I come bearing great news: I slayed the FAR beast with a 90! It’s a great feeling to know that I’ve passed one portion of the exam; however, I understand that more work needs to be done. I hope to have more great news for you all
Read MoreI Did It! I Passed the CPA Exam!
Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I did it! I started my CPA exam journey unsure about my ability to pass, but my desire to give it a try outweighed any doubts. I went for it. I pushed through all four parts. Now, I’m finally finished with exams and it’s still sinking in. I studied
Read MoreIt’s Done! My Journey to PASS the CPA Exam
Lauria is a guest NINJA CPA blogger sharing her journey to pass the CPA Exam. I am a CPA. It is so surreal. I don’t look different. I don’t feel different. However, the truth of the matter is … I AM different. So completely different. I had an empty nest at 41 and went back
Read MoreHead up High: After Three Years, I Passed the CPA Exam!
Kara shares her journey to pass the CPA Exam. I can’t believe that after 3 years of countless hours, tears, frustration, and 4 moments of pure joy that I’m finally done! I was beginning to think that this day would never come, but thankfully it’s here! Warning … this post is a long one! I
Read MoreNo Cutting Corners: How I Finally Passed the CPA Exam
Katrina is a guest blogger sharing her journey to pass the CPA Exam. It’s finally over. I just received my final passing score. It’s absolutely surreal. This journey has been long, difficult, frustrating, annoying, expensive, humbling, angering, yet completely worth it in the end. I’ve been a member of the Another71 Forum for a few
Read MoreREG results are in: PASSED with an 86!
Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs! I was putting off this post a couple of days last week solely because I was waiting for my REG score. I had been waiting about a month and it was killing me. As a recap, this was my third attempt with REG. When I took REG
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