Friends, Family, and the CPA Exam: Part 2

30 May 2012

CPA Exam Study Tips

I ran across this old Forum Thread while doing some spring cleaning. There are some real gems here…time to resurrect it. – Jeff
Ten more random stupid things said to candidates while studying for the CPA Exam:

    1. ohiocpa: I called my father to tell him I had passed my last section of the exam, first words out of his mouth are ‘good you can do my taxes this year for free‘. After I passed my first section (FAR 80,) my mother wanted to know why I didn't get an A. And I should try harder on my next test.


    1. SwissBliss: I was checking my score one time on a friend of mine's computer. He's an attorney. He looked at his wife and said with this disgusted look on his face “is THAT good?” Speaking of my 77. I was elated.


    1. emc: “Don't worry, you pass next time. The more you do it the easier it gets.
      “Can't you just take time off from studying? You already have put in three days this week.
      “Just a few more days for your score. I am sure you did wonderful.


    1. Kate in WY: After failing 3 sections and finally passing BEC with an 84, my dad, a CPA of 20+ years said, “84, you studied too hard and wasted time!” Thanks for the congrats old man!


    1. US_10th_SFG: My mother said, “Hmmmm…why would a test over business topics be harder to pass than the Bar or the Board exams for a doctor, it's not like your saving anyone's life.


    1. dwadecpa: People think if you study, you will pass. If you failed, that means you slacked off.


    1. MacPass: I hate it when people see the Tennessee issued CPA license. It looks exactly like the ones hair stylists have at their hair cutting desks except it says “Certified Public Accountant” in about 12 point font. Kinda anticlimatic to get certified in TN and then someone say “that looks like the one my barber has….


    1. hopefullydonesoon:
      Me – “I can't, I have to study.”
      Friend – “Come on kid, debits equal credits, that's all you need to know.”


    1. CPAuggie:Me: The CPA Exam is harder than I anticipated.

      Doofus: I know what you mean, I just took the real estate exam. It is one of the hardest exams out there.


    1. bridge: “Can't you just take all 4 exams at the same time? That's how the bar is administered.” Urgghhhh…


If you have a funny/infuriating story or comment to share, post it at the [CPA Exam Forum].

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Rose 13 years ago

You've lost TWO exam credits? So sorry. You'll be fine; you passed them once, so you already know everything.