BEC: Wednesday 11/17
AUD: Friday 11/19
FAR: Monday 11/22
REG: Tuesday 11/23
Watch the video for an update on the new NASBA score released process.
BEC: Wednesday 11/17
AUD: Friday 11/19
FAR: Monday 11/22
REG: Tuesday 11/23
Watch the video for an update on the new NASBA score released process.
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The movie is Rocky... that's worth some kind of free study materials isn't it?
Utah scores are out. Yeah!
does anybody know if the BEC scores for maryland been released yet? i took mine in early october and still haven't gotten my score. thx
So what does that mean for Non-NASBA states like CA? My BEC score is still not up. Thanks
I am in Louisiana and I didn't get my score! Am I the only one in LA that didn't? What's the deal?
Anybody take their exam on the 8th of Nov. and get their scores? I took AUD on that day and I am hoping it will be in Wave 1.
I took AUD on Oct. 19 and have yet to receive my score. In IN
Are New Jersey scores out yet?
If AUD scores are released Friday, would we be able to see them Friday night in IL, or would we have to wait until Monday morning? Anyone??
BEC Scored are up!!!!
@Nicole, I'm in IL, and they're pretty fast at getting scores out. I don't know if you'd necessarily see them Friday night, but they have released them on Saturday mid-morning before. If you don't see them Friday night, there is still hope that you'll see them before Monday.
@Gregg Took BEC in NJ on the 12th,(5 days ago) got my score :) .. Good luck!
Thanks Liz! I hope they get released and are posted before Monday...I take REG (hopefully my last exam) on Tuesday, and I'm afraid seeing my score Monday will distract me from studying. Good luck to everyone!
Anoyone seen Missouri scores? Still waiting, took exam on 10/1/2010.
Where are the California scores, have any California candidates received their BEC score yet?
For Florida candidates: I got my BEC score this morning. I passed!!! I am happy guys! Good luck to everyone
Anyone know anything about the way Tennessee releases their scores? All I know is that they are available online. I took AUD 10/1/2010...this has been the longest 7 weeks imaginable! I really hope they are posted tomorrow...
I must break that guy in the poster next to your whiteboard
@ Gregg I took REG in October 7th, no score yet... (NJ)
Jeff, I found out I got a 73 on BEC last night and will be retaking in January. Because the tests are changing, do you think its smart to wait to take it? I'm in public accounting and my busy season starts 1/10 so I'm nervous to take it before everyone knows what to expect but I feel like I dont have a choice. Any ideas? Thanks.
I took AUD 10/1 in SC. No score yet.
@Chicpamom You should definitely retake the exam in Jan. The context is not changing, only the format. BEC will now have 3 written communications. A 73 was so close. You will definitely pass when you take it in Jan :-) Good luck and hang in there! Plus, the AICPA doesnt even know how they are going to grade the exam under the new format until after the Jan/Feb window which I believe is an advantage.
I got a 72 when I took BEC on 7/24 and I took it again on 10/2. I know the scores are up but I'm too nervous to check. I take AUD this Sat so I'm going to wait until I'm done with my exam. lol :-) Does anyone feel the say way??!! This exam is driving me crazy!!!! lol
@MIA Girl Thanks for the words of encouragement. I just feel so defeated today. The thought of having to study again is overwhelming me. But I'll be ok... Good luck on your exams- I'm sure you'll do well.
California BEC scores are out!
@Chicpamom Trust me I know the feeling. That's how I felt when I got a 72 on BEC. I was almost ready to call the CPA exam a quit for a while but I decided to hang in there and try to get it completed now. With the new changes even though there will be added course content in AUD and FAR I believe the Jan/Feb window would be the best time to take exams because you will have a better chance at passing. I know it's going to be hard on you during busy season. I remember those days all too well. Good luck with that! What is it mandatory 55-60 hrs a week??!! Ugh........bringing back nighmares. hahaha
Still nothing in Missouri, I'm assuming this means I'm not getting my score this wave. I just don't get it since I took the exam 10/1/2010. Could more BEC scores still be coming out? SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME ADVICE!
Has anyone seen BEC scores in OK yet?
how are people finding out when the AICPA releases the scores before nasba tweets that they got them... i saw the nasba tweet come up but jeff already had the update saying the AICPA released scores yesterday. I am desperately hoping to get my FAR score before i take BEC next week :(
@Missouri You're probably in Wave 1.5. Generally you'll see a couple more smaller releases of scores after the initial big release, which will probably happen next week. I think the concensus is that people in these smaller releases are borderline pass/fail and they're taking extra time to review simulations to determine their grade. Not sure if that's 100% right, but I think its the general idea. Good luck!
@Brandon I guess I am confused because there are no simulations in BEC so how could I be borderline pass/fail? Any thoughts anyone?
It depends on your state, I'm in a non-NASBA state and I haven't received anything yet. I dont know anyone else who has either
@Missouri Ah, I looked that detail over. Mmm.. not sure! haha
@Brandon You almost gave me a heart attack lol. Thank you though. I am a NASBA state so I may just be unlcuky, but I haven't heard of anyone receiving a BEC score yet.
Jeff this is just not your release window to predict. FAR was just released. lol
Jeff, I think the AICPA is upset that you were predicting all of the releases correctly so they are looking at your site now and messing with your predictions.
@Predictions: I just checked FAR for OH and I didn't receive it yet. I took it Oct. 18th so I should be in the first wave....
I agree. I think AICPA has all grades in and it is just a mad game they play to release what all potential cpa's want to see. :)
BEC score is up in IL. I took it on 10/27. I passed it!! Thank you!!
so if nasba is tweeting FAR was just released do you guys think it is going up on the nasba states tonight or tomorrow night? I am confused :(
anyone know if my advisory score is my actualy score?? i am dying over here.
gee, all this time I have been dying to know how I did on FAR...and now that I see I may find out within the next 26 hours or so, I'm not sure I want to know!
your advisory score = your actual score! congrats!!
FAR is out in PA! I passed! Finally a CPA (advisory score = actual score!)
Jeff - Do you know what this means for audit scores?
I have no idea. I think I'm being messed with. :)
FAR score released in Massachusetts!!
Jeff - waiting on a video update...
thanks for the answers on the advisory scores all! 3 down 1 to go! so happy!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally passed BEC after 4 attempts. Hang in there everyone. Good luck! :-) 1 down 3 more to go!!!! Whoohoo!!!!
So I guess Auditing scores are NOT coming out today. Lol. This wait is distracting considering I'm taking BEC on Monday. C;mon AICPA!!!!!
Jeff- talk to anyone today about what section (and when) is coming out next?
any idea for REG? I am in Texas so I already know its going to be a couple days after AICPA releases the scores.
BEC scores came up last night in Missouri! I passed :) Anyone heard anything on Reg? I'm waiting on that as well.
BEC scores out in Texas!!! I passed!!!!!