CPA Exam Scores and Results Predictions – January/February 2009 – Wave 2

26 Feb 2009



If you haven't already received your score from the January/February 2009 testing window, then you are in Wave 2 of the score releases. Even still, some of you will not get yours when every one else does in Wave 2. Your score will come within 1 to 5 days later and it is very likely that you are borderline.

Most of the people who get their scores after Wave 2 fall in the 73-76 range. I have seen some people score very high after Wave 2, so this isn't always the case, but in general, this is what happens.

For those new to this little waiting game, the Illinois Board of Examiners site is the best place to go to see what is going on with score releases. Typically, IL, CA, and VA release their scores on their own state websites and NASBA follows suit with their score release one to two days later.

By no means is this a perfect science, but the margin of error on any given prediction should be no more than two days. With that said, sometimes they switch AUD and REG around, but you can bank on BEC being first and FAR being last.

I was 4 for 4 on my predictions for the first Wave, but usually I bat .500 and the ones that I miss are off a day or two.

Visit the Illinois Board of Examiners site here. They are very good about letting candidates know what's going on and usually update their site in close to real time.

Update 4/16/09: I was wayyy off for this Wave of releases. For one, BEC got delayed, which pushed everything back. Two, they released FAR second…they never do that…FAR is almost always last. I was 4/4 in Wave 1 and 0/4 in Wave 2. Go figure.

Here are my predictions for the Jan/Feb Wave 2 (NASBA) release…

  • BEC Jul/AUG 08 Wave 2 release: 9/15
  • BEC Oct/Nov 08 Wave 2 release: 12/17
  • BEC Jan/Feb 09 Wave 2 prediction: 3/17
  • BEC Jan/Fev 09 Wave 2 actual: 3/18
  • REG Jul/AUG 08 Wave 2 release: 9/16
  • REG Oct/Nov 08 Wave 2 release: 12/18
  • REG Jan/Feb 09 Wave 2 prediction: 3/18
  • REG Jan/Feb 09 Wave 2 actual: 3/24
  • AUD Jul/AUG 08 Wave 2 release: 9/18
  • AUD Oct/Nov 08 Wave 2 release: 12/19
  • AUD Jan/Feb 09 Wave 2 prediction: 3/20
  • AUD Jan/Feb 09 Wave 2 actual: 3/23
  • FAR Jul/AUG 08 Wave 2 release: 9/22
  • FAR Oct/Nov 08 Wave 2 release: 12/22
  • FAR Jan/Feb 09 Wave 2 prediction: 3/23
  • FAR Jan/Feb 09 Wave 2 actual: 3/20

Good luck everyone.

See Also: Score release predictions from previous windows…


Anonymous 16 years ago

NY REG here. Took the exam 1/5 and didn't get score in the first wave, which is killing me because this is my final exam.

Just want some finality as to whether I can finally put this whole experience (about 13 grueling months for four exams) behind me or to plan out my study schedule once busy season is over.

The wait is killing me because I'm not very confident whether that I passed or failed and the process of checking every morning from now till 3/18 is very frustrating.

Can anyone shed some light here? The nice lady as NASBA told me that they might release scores between today and March 18. Is this likely (ie...keep going thru the same gutcheck on the NASBA site every morning) or is it unlikely and I probably won't get my score till 2nd Wave?

Thanks for letting me vent.


Anonymous 16 years ago

Hey NY REG - Same thing here. Didn't get my score but took it on 1/6. I believe we had new simulations and therefore our scores won't be released until Wave 2. Hang in there. I'm in the same situation as you. I am either a CPA or start losing parts. Good luck to you.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Same situation here. I took REG on 1/5. I physically took the test in NY but my state board is MD. I didn't get my score yet. It is my final exam and the wait is killing me. Good luck to both posters above!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Great job on the prediction, I got my score on the day you said it will be out. Done with CPA, All togather it took 5 months to clear all 4 exams with amazing scores of 82 - audit, 86-FARE, 90-BEC, 94-REG.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does second wave mean the people who did not receive their scores in the first wave or everybody who will be sitting for their exam thru 28th Feb?
And thank you for this great website and all that you are doing to help.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm in a similar boat, I took REG on 1/12 and I'm frustrated about not getting my score yet. I also took BEC on 2/20, and I think it's ridiculous that I'm going to get that score first. I'm also extremely worried about REG, I feel like my score is going to be borderline. Hopefully, I passed both and I will be done for good.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I would like to make a HUGE complaint about the system. I was scheduled to take FAR 2/26 at 1pm. Well I woke up on 2/25 with a fever of 102.7, I went to the doctor and got antibiotics and other drugs. I thought that I would still try to take FAR on 2/26 because if I didn't take it, I would have to wait until the next window. (2/26 was the latest that I could schedule FAR.) Well on test day 2/26 I woke up and felt like I wanted to die. I tried to call Prometric see if I could get a medical hardship or something, and they told me that I would have to talk to my state. Well I live in Utah and they use NASBA. The lady at NASBA told me that I was just screwed and that I could miss my appointment, but I would have to pay the fees over again to take the exam at a later date. Talk about poor customer service, so dragged myself to the testing center yesterday and took the exam. If I get a 75, it will all be worth it, but if I get less, I am going to be really pi$$ed.

Captain Fancypants 16 years ago

NASBA is a bunch of Corkys from Life Goes On.

I swear.

I took FAR this morning and I guess I will know my score in about a month. The wait isn't so bad if you know the results will be bad. Things can only go up from there.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I just took FAR as well and I felt so horrible! I almost threw up after taking it. I mean, I felt bad too taking the other 3 but never did I feel so bad after the test. I guess all that I can do is wait until the end of March. This was the last on to take too... sigh...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Just finished taking BEC yesterday...I don't really know how to feel after the test. I don't feel like I bombed it, but there were definitely some questions that I was a little confused with and ended up having to guess. Any other comments from people who took BEC before the cut-off this period?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took the BEC in the last testing window.
I took my BEC and felt so dejected and depressed after the exam that I could not focus on studying for FAR and lost valuable time. When the scores were out I got an 81. So hope for the best be prepared for the worst and keep moving forward.

Anonymous 16 years ago

RE Huge Complaint:
NY here - I took Reg in April and there were environmental factors that qualified me for a free retest and I got to take it in the same window. I don't know if being legitamately sick qualifies. The environmental factors that I experienced were with noise from the adjacent office and no soundproofing. The catch is that you don't get a score on the part you took and you have to file a complaint within 10 days. I knew I wasn't going to pass and it was due to the distractions that I didn't finish in time. I got a 75 on the re-test so I made the right decision. If you think its an avenue you want to pursue, do it right away.

Good luck!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Is it possible to pass FAR when you get easier questions again in the third testlet?

Peter 16 years ago

Thanks for all your information and inspiration Jeff. I just got my FAR score in the wave 1 release. 4 for 4 in 3 months!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I had the same experience with FAR....the first Testlet was easy the Second a monster and the third was middle of the road but appeared easier because it was less computational. I felt pretty crappy about it so hopefully there is a heck of a curve. I put my heart and soul into studying for this one....

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took Reg on 1/6 and my score score still has not been released. I took Audit 2/28 and if I get that score first I will punch a hole in the wall. 16 years ago

Normally REG comes out first in Wave 2, but I'd have some drywall supplies on standby just in case.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took Reg 1/12 and BEC 2/20. I know I'm going to get the BEC results first, so I'm ready to punch walls now.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I understand and feel all your pains... I took FARE on 1/14 (in CA) and got my score on 2/23... (passed with an 82, after I got a 70 back in Nov)... Early Feb, my GF of 2 1/2 years broke up with me and i moved out... I had my REG test on 2/26... not sure how I did... the waiting is killing me... since it's my last part. All I can say to everyone... keep plugging away, even if you think you're done... this test does mess with your life (14 months for me and counting), and is not designed to make you feel good. But you're not alone...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thanks for the prediction, altho I have to wait til 3/18 ...*sigh* Guess I better start studying for BEC.


Anonymous 16 years ago

Hey man, sorry to hear about your GF breaking up with you and I can certainly sympathize with how much this exam ruins your life. Stay strong.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Sorry to hear that too,my husband said he lost his wife since i decided to take the test.i am from another country,my english is not so good,it is pretty hard that study that review.i have to spend more time than other people do.I have to pass them as soon as possible because my husband is going to quit his job.sigh....very stressful,i felt very sick after i took FAR.hope to get a good result

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took FAR 2/23. It was the first section I have sat for. I can't tell one way or another how I did. I don't feel for sure that I failed or that I passed. Can barely wait for the scores.


Anonymous 16 years ago

Studying for this test caused your divorce is a weak excuse!

I have a wife, full time job, and infant twins. I have passed 3 out of 4 sections. My sleep is the one that pays the price.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I don't think she meant to say that they literally got divorced when her husband "lost" her; her husband "lost" her because she has been spending way too much time studying for the exam specially since she is not from the US.

Anonymous 16 years ago

12 days to REG!

Anonymous 16 years ago

T minus 11 days for BEC

Anonymous 16 years ago


Anonymous 16 years ago

10 for BEC, 11 for REG

Tommy 16 years ago

It's fun waiting.....good thing I have other people's taxes to keep my mind off this stupid exam! ;) addition to stats on what the average passing rate is per session I think that the AICPA should also start keeping track of the relationships that end each session as a result of this exam. My wife is darn close to killing me and sick of the exam (probably more than I). I need to find her a distraction...I was thinking a puppy. Any other suggestions? =)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Tommy - Do NOT get a puppy! it is a lot of work and needs constant TLC. My 2 dogs are pretty much neglected since I started studying last May. ie...hardly anymore daily walks and no play time with me :( How about a new hobby she can do on her own like scrapbooking or sewing or volunterring at local library/hospital/animal shelter?


Anonymous 16 years ago

What I meant is a puppy will need attention from you AND your wife :) you don't wanna be a CPA later but end up on Animal Planet's "It's me or the dog" cuz the dog don't know who the heck u are! hehe


Anonymous 16 years ago

7 days to BEC (IL)...

Anonymous 16 years ago


Tommy 16 years ago

But a puppy would give her something to do! =)

Anonymous 16 years ago

One more week for BEC :-)

Anonymous 16 years ago

-less than one week considering 4am post

Anonymous 16 years ago


Anonymous 16 years ago

ok, so if I took test early January, get bumped to wave 2 and fail, and have to pay an extra $100 due to a March1 rate increase, who do I send the bill to at the AICPA?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Good chance not failed, delay may be due to you being on the bubble (72-78)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Rate increase? Does all State Board have rate increase?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Get an electronic dog.

Anonymous 16 years ago

TN did

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm hoping to receive my BEC score this Saturday!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Waiting for BEC too

Anonymous 16 years ago

Could someone please tell me what is an Authorization to Test (ATT) as opposed to a Notice to Schedule (NTS)? The term is used on the NASBA website, Colorado State, under re-exam registration, for fee increase effective August 3, 2009. I asked NASBA by email once, and received no reply. I hope it is the same as the NTS, and not something else that I am unaware of. I worry when they refer to something using different terminology all of a sudden. Please respond to me if you know the answer...

Anonymous 16 years ago

5 days until BEC... hoping it's sooner though :-)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Per the Illinois Board the second wave results are in mid March, does it mean by 15th march instead of the 20th?
Please help the wait is killing me and also it will work as a motivator (both ways) for the exam I am currently studying for.

Anonymous 16 years ago

That was so funny, I forgot to laugh 16 years ago

That was so funny, I forgot to laugh

I deleted the offending comment...sorry about that...

Anonymous 16 years ago

3 days for judgment day....

Anonymous 16 years ago

Leave it to AICPA/NASBA to increase fees as people everywhere are losing their jobs and most retailers are having unbelievable sales just to sell stuff. They've got all of us in the palms of their hands, and it makes me sick.

I also love the annual "professional privilege" tax (TN) as if the state is doing us a favor by letting us call ourselves CPAs. What about the general public's privilege of having a competent person(s) handle their books and file their taxes to prevent lawsuits and/or fines and/or jail time?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any word on IL Board? 16 years ago

No word from Joanne @ IL...I predict that they'll get scores Sunday...NASBA release Tuesday.

Anonymous 16 years ago


Anonymous 16 years ago

does CA follow the same date release as IL?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Usually CA has the same date release as IL and from my experience, always ahead of NASBA date releases. 16 years ago

yep...CA...IL...VA will all be within hours of each other (usually) 16 years ago

fyi...if I get an e-mail about scores (I got one tonight)...I will update via twitter (see right sidebar)...I can update from my's easier...

Anonymous 16 years ago

If BEC is delayed, doees that delay the other score releases?

Anonymous 16 years ago

delayed = CA,IL and VA = NASBA date ? and NASBA date goes farther back? Maybe?

Anonymous 16 years ago

BEC came in late? How does this change your prediction the or dates? (Namely FAR)....

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm trying to follow along, if BEC is pushed back does that push back the other sections or are they independent and there's only an issue with grading BEC?

Thanks! Love this site. 16 years ago

I'm still learning as I go along. It seems that each window has a wave that throws a curveball. Wave 1 Oct/Nov window was out of whack. Wave 1 Jan/Feb was vanilla...fell right in with predictions.

Wave 2 Oct/Nov was normal. If BEC doesn't hit IL until Monday (or Tuesday as was indicated to me as a possibility), then my predictions are sunk...BEC will hit NASBA Wed/Thursday...REG Friday/Saturday...I think AUD/FAR will still be the same.

This is all conjecture, though...everything as at the mercy of the AICPA and when they release the scores.

I'll update via twitter if I get an e-mail, which I think I will...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Oh my goodness! Say it isn't so!!! I don't know if I can stand to wait any longer! Every since I took the exam on 2/28 I have been anxiously awaiting for 3/17. The suspense is killing me. I need to know if I DONE or not! Any advice for staying sane while waiting for grades to be released? 16 years ago

When I was waiting for my score, I woke up 3-4 times a night to check to see if it was there.

It was insanity.

On the bright side - at least you're waiting less than a month. My co-worker sat for REG October 3rd or so and didn't get his score until Christmas.

Anonymous 16 years ago

OK I guess I could look on the bright side! Or better yet, focus some energy on my 2 kids and husband! :-)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Is there any word about the IL scores?

ifi 16 years ago

Any word on 2nd wave score releases yet for any of the section? 16 years ago

Nothing yet...I'll update via twitter if I hear anything from Joanne @ IL BOE

Anonymous 16 years ago

Sucks! I took my REG exam in early January and STILL haven't gotten my results. I see here that the prediction for NASBA is March 18th???!!! This is lame.

Anonymous 16 years ago

whats twitter? 16 years ago

Twitter is like the status update thing on facebook, but you can follow it from your phone or in the case of my blog - the right sidebar...all updates are CPA exam makes it so that I don't have to be at my computer to send an update if I hear something that people would want to know about.

In the past few score waves, I've gotten e-mails at 7pm at night about score releases that people would be interested in knowing and I either had to leave a comment where it gets buried or I had to make a post, which it probably didn't warrant.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took Reg. Jan 5th and still havent heard anything!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yea..I took mine around the same time. I'll probably get that one and FAR (which I took Feb 25) back at the same time.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Do they normally post in the morning/afternoon/night?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took REG on 1/12 and BEC 2/20. I know I'm going to get BEC first and it's driving me insane. I just want to know whether or not I'm done at this point.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took REG on 1/20 in CA and still have not seen an advisory score posted in my account... Wish that the grade will be posted soon!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any info on Score release for 2nd wave? 16 years ago

Do they normally post in the morning/afternoon/night?

CA, IL, VA will update during the day - could be anytime of day.

NASBA always updates in the 4am-6am (EST) range.

Any info on Score release for 2nd wave?

All is quiet...could be Tuesday for IL/CA/VA which means Thursday for NASBA in all likelihood. I'll Twitter if I hear anything...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thank you Jeff. 16 years ago

...and I mean that I'll Twitter the very nanosecond that I hear something... :)

Anonymous 16 years ago


Thanks for all your help, this blog is saving me a lot of stress! What time do you usually hear from IL?

Thanks! 16 years ago

In the past, Joanne has been nice enough to e-mail me in the evenings...we'll see if anything comes in tonight.

Anonymous 16 years ago

OH THE AGONYYYY of the wait..:^(

Anonymous 16 years ago

So this means I will be up at 5:30 and regretting it all day... for the next two days... I'm waiting for both BEC and REG

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thanks for all your help Jeff!

Abe 16 years ago

A friend of mine asked me how often I check the NASBA site for my scores. He used to check 10 times a day. I told him that thanks to another71 I only check about once a day. So thank you Jeff for your informative blog. It is a psychological gift.

Anonymous 16 years ago

So we still expect REG on NASBA Wednesday?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thanks Jeff, you are to be commended! 16 years ago

I appreciate everyone still reading this blog...glad I can offer something worth reading.

re: REG...I'm sticking with Wednesday still. IL not getting the scores Sunday threw me off, but it sounds like NASBA still might be on track. If so - Wednesday is still a decent bet, but far from a sure thing.

Thanks again for reading everyone.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Is the estimate for AUD VA still 3/20 or is that for NASBA only?

Anonymous 16 years ago

No scores posted in CO

Anonymous 16 years ago

Did anyone get BEC this morning via NASBA?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Nope, I've been checking since 6am EST.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I've been checking as well... I didn't get my score (MA)

Anonymous 16 years ago

No luck on REG on NASBA :(

Matthew Carr 16 years ago

No REG in California yet...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Result is out in CA (BEC)!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Hey, no fair. CA gets all the breaks! I'm dying from anxiety here in NJ!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Not out in GA yet! :(

Anonymous 16 years ago

It is past 9:30 EST, can I assume no NASBA posting for the remainder of the day?

Abe 16 years ago

So can I assume that REG will be available on NASBA on Thursday ? I guess I'll will sleep tonight.

KG 16 years ago

BEC is out in VA, but I had to call - the website still isn't reflecting my REG score from the last wave.

I passed w/ a 77 - skin of my nose! That makes me a little nervous for my last one, AUD.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thank you for the wonderful way in which you share the information

Anonymous 16 years ago

KG -

I barely failed BEC with a 74, but felt good for AUD. I thought AUD was easier than BEC. Waiting on my score for AUD. Hang in there!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Congrats to all getting passing scores. You give me hope for my REG. 75 is all i need. and its good bye CPA exams!

Anonymous 16 years ago


Why is the new Virginia website so screwed up? And why won't Virginia be honest with us and acknowledge that it does have problems? Every time I send an email or call someone at the Board they tell me that it is now fixed and should work fine. IT DOESN'T!!! I haven't been able to check grades or reapply to take a failed section! It's wasting my time, which I have very little of.

Just venting...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Interesting comment comparing BEC and AUD. I just passed BEC with an 82 but I have not taken AUD yet. AUD is so long at 4.5 hours. Why is this test so darn long? Why is it easier than BEC?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Are Louisiana scores only available on NASBA.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I thought it was easier than BEC because it had less bredth of information (in my opinion). It seems intimidating due to its length, but I suppose it has to be tested thoroughly since auditing is considered to be a major function of public accountants.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I thought 4.5 hours is too much time for AUD. I finished it in 2.5 hours (but I always fly through multiple choice on every test I take, not just the CPA exam). Still, since there aren't calculations the delay is caused more by second guessing yourself than getting an answer.

I think BEC can be harder because the topics are so random and not related to each other forcing you to memorize more information. However, audit was harder for me because I'm better with calculations than theory. I also didn't enjoy trying to decipher the AICPA's questions and the best answers for them.

Anonymous 16 years ago

BEC is out in IL!

Also, re: the post above: AUD is basically just memorization. If you study and do lots of MCQ, you will be fine because a lot of the questions you will see on the exam will be very similar (if not exactly the same) as the ones you studied! They give you 4.5 hours, but I don't know anyone who actually took that long. BEC is a little more difficult (to some) because it involves calculations, and kind of jumps all over the place in terms of material covered.

Anonymous 16 years ago

RE: Above Post. I took the entire 4.5 hours for AUD Nov, '08. The program actually locked me out as I was finishing my last word! (I got an 86).

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thank you all for your excellent responses comparing BEC to AUD.

Actually my next exam is FAR which I am taking on May 30. I am stuyding now for it. I took the Becker for it. Starting on April 15 I will be out of work and have therefore 6 weeks full time to prepare for it. I hope this will be enough time. I know it is the hardest exam by far.

Anonymous 16 years ago

FAR definitely beats all the tests in the amount of material you need to know. 6 full weeks of studying should be enough though. I studied over the summer for about 6 weeks (for 3 of the weeks I had 3 hours of class a day and some homework so I wasn't devoting 100% of my attention to FAR). I got an 86, but I also got really lucky with simulations on fairly basic material compared to what it could have been (something like pensions would have lowered my score for sure). Anyway, point is that you should be fine with 6 weeks of preparation as long as you stick to your study plan.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anyone have an update on BEC for Texas? Thanks.

KG 16 years ago

Thanks for the assurances on AUD vs. BEC. I think my strengths in these exams have been on the simulations - especially the written communication and research, so not having those on BEC really hurt me I'm guessing. I think I may have been getting over-confident too - I scored a 94 on REG and was feeling like the CPA exam wasn't quite as scary :).

As for VA - it really is insane the sh*tshow they've made of the website. I had someone call me last week asking if I'd had any trouble with the retesting payment option - when I said that I hadn't had to retest because I'd passed the sections I had taken, she sounded so confused. That freaked me out a bit...My records are up to date by any stretch.

KG 16 years ago

Sorry, my records AREN'T up to date

Leal 16 years ago

Will scores be released tonight for Reg for the second wave in GA?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Jeff - have you heard from any of your sources on REG release? Do you anticipate REG scores will be released tomorrow? I'm in Mississippi so I have to wait for the USPS to deliver my scores, but I can usually factor 3-4 days after the IL release for my score to arrive.

Xunyun 16 years ago

Jeff, you are great! I just found out I passed BEC with a 91 this morning in VA. I am done with my last part. In the past five months, your blog helped me a lot. I will write my story of the exam if you think it might help other people. I am not a general case since my first language is not English. Thanks again. I will still come back and visit this blog!!

Xunyun 16 years ago

KG, don't worry. I got the same phone call last week also. I never called them back. I think they are confused.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Xynyun, did you call them or the info is posted online?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Maybe I am looking too far into this, on the IL PDF, does anyone else notice it lists FAR next??? Does that mean it is next? Or does it mean nothing? Jeff? Anyone?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I just talked with the people on the Texas State Board. BEC score will be posted by midnight tonight.

Xunyun 16 years ago

I called. 804-367-1111. The lady is really nice. I don't think they are releasing any new scores online yet.

Anonymous 16 years ago

It's so frustrating... I am waiting for REG. and the IL PDF is stating this:

For AUD, FAR and REG, the usual first release of each of those sections is large
(70+%) and the final release contains those exams close to the cut score that are being
reviewed a second time for scoring accuracy.

I guess back to studying REG for me!

Abe 16 years ago

REG hasn't released a lot of Wave 1 scores due to something new in the Sims. Don't start studying yet........

Anonymous 16 years ago

I called Nasba and got a lady over the phone who said "We will be posting a lot of scores next week". I asked what about this week and she said "Sorry Mam, nothing this week". I still cannot bring myself to stop pressing F5! 16 years ago

Delay or no delay...I bet REG hits NASBA online by Friday.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Just called NASBA to check availability of my BEC score in NJ. Was given the blanket statement of "all scores will be released by April 15th". When I asked if she could give me any more insight on when the scores will be released she said "we are not giving out that information".

Don't even bother calling if you are in NJ. 16 years ago

She should have just told you that they'll be out tomorrow AM.

Anonymous 16 years ago

So when does BEC hits NASBA? Waiting here for SC scores! 16 years ago

BEC should hit NASBA tomorrow reason why it shouldn't.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Are all states' scores posted on NASBA? I'm confused?? 16 years ago

IL, CA, VA (Texas ?) all post through their own sites. Some other states send scores via mail only. Most are through NASBA, though.

Anonymous 16 years ago

35 states have some form of online score reporting - either through NASBA or through their own Web site such as IL, CA, VA. For those 15 without online scores, NASBA releases the scores to the State Board who then prints out the diagnostic report and mails it to the candidate. Adding anywhere from 3 - 5 business days to the wait time. Gotta love being from Mississippi when you're a CPA candidate.

Izabella 16 years ago

oh my this is killing me... so is Regs going to be posted thursday or tomorrow??? help!! please

Anonymous 16 years ago

My state is NH, I am so nervous; I am awaiting results for REG and BEC
Hopefully the results are out by tomorrow I am pressing F5 way too often I don?t think this is normal.
Caribbean Girl

Anonymous 16 years ago

thanks for the info on the scoring. of course I have to be from a state where we do things backward...I'm from alabama so I guess I'll have to wait even longer :(

Anonymous 16 years ago

Passed in Virginia with an 85.
Now can focus on AUD.
Good luck to all

Anonymous 16 years ago

passed BEC with an 80! Now to focus on FAR!!! ugh any advice for FAR? 16 years ago

re: FAR ... take a look at my latest post...I use FAR as an example on how to's a beast.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took REG on 2/28 and called VA BOA today. The lady said they have received scores for BEC but not REG. Hang in there all the VA candidates!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Pass BEC 82
Thanks Guys waiting for REG
Caribbean Girl

Anonymous 16 years ago

Another71 where is your latest post about FAR?
What blog is it in? 16 years ago

Click the big logo at the top of the will take you to my's the latest post...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anyone from CO got BEC scores today?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Aarg! Come on CA REG, where are you!?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Hi Jeff,

What is your prediction for AUD on NSBA?

Anonymous 16 years ago

IL, CA, VA (Texas ?) all post through their own sites. Some other states send scores via mail only. Most are through NASBA, though

KY reports on thier own site, too.

Anonymous 16 years ago

yes, where is my passing audit score!! (hopefully) :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Nothing in CA (for REG)... Where are you...?!?!? Need to know.. if continue studying REG.. or pick up a new book...!!!

James Nguyen 16 years ago

Took the REG section 2/14 and recieved my score today but no email but checked the CA Board for a 74! UGH! I'm happy that it only took a month, but Now I can relate to everyone's frustration! gtalk me at rivertiger if you want to hear more!

Anonymous 16 years ago

James, your REG score is up in CA?? Dude, where is mine!

Anonymous 16 years ago

OH BEC where are thou! Is there any chance that NASBA posts scores in the evening ir maybe midnight? I remember while waiting for AUD the news was it would be up in th evening. Any inputs?

Leal 16 years ago

i think the last time i checked my score during the prediction date, it came out in the late evening. i mean really late

Anonymous 16 years ago

I am waiting on REG in CA (took it 2/21) and haven't received anything either. Will now be checking on the hour every hour though...

Anonymous 16 years ago

nasba website is down...might be a sign that scores are being uploaded :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

OK, then it's not just me having problems with NASBA! Progress at last!

Leal 16 years ago

yes, this happened to me last time i was constantly checking. then when the website worked, my scores were there. probably same instance this time around also.

Leal 16 years ago

gotta love those batch uploads of scores :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

website works here. no reg score in ohio

Anonymous 16 years ago

it's down for me in MA as well

Anonymous 16 years ago

Down in GA

Anonymous 16 years ago

Still waiting in FL

Anonymous 16 years ago

Waiting for REG since 01/02 in FL. Hope to get good news this week. It's my last one.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Got BEC in Maryland today. Got a 73, so it looks like my laptop will be going with me on vacation this summer. Should have spent more time studying the formulas (Chapters 3 and 5 in Becker); I got to the point where I probably should have pushed it back, but I thought I was strong enough on the other areas to give it a shot. Walked out feeling that I either barely passed or barely failed. It sucks, but a couple of weeks of reviewing and I should be OK for next time. Might try the Yaeger Cram for the next attempt. Studying for FAR for next month, and really don't feel like trying to squeeze in BEC again during the next window. It will have to wait for now.


Anonymous 16 years ago

how long does a stupid batch update take? 16 years ago

It won't be there until 4 am - 7am EST. It never shows up until then.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Its going to be a looong night I guess!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Is there a chance that REG will also appear on NASBA this night, or no way ????

Anonymous 16 years ago

Waiting for REG since 01/02 in CA.

Few days before I got my BEC, AUD, and FAR, my status showed ?score is pending.? But now, my status for the REG has been ?CBT Exam Attendance received from NASBA.? I really hope my REG will come soon!

Matthew Carr 16 years ago

I am waiting for REG in CA as well. My status update line has said (Score Pending) for like 2 weeks now. I wonder if CA posts scores into the late night or early morning, or if they are posted manually during the day while the Board office is open...

I really don't understand why they can't setup a system where you get sent an email when your score has been posted...the email doesn't have to contain the score (in case the reason for not doing it is for security reasons), just a message that lets you know that a score has been posted.

Waiting sucks.....

Anonymous 16 years ago

Should i call the board for my status is not "score pending" but ?CBT Exam Attendance received from NASBA.?

Matthew Carr 16 years ago

Yeah if you took the exam in January and the status line is still not reading "Score Pending" then something is not working right. If you do not get your score by tomorrow morning then I would call the Board during the day and see whats up.

Like I said, for the three that I have taken before this (FAR, BEC, AUD) my status changed to say "Attended x/x/xx (Score Pending)" about 1 to 2 weeks after sitting for the exam.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thank you Matthew Carr.

JD 16 years ago

Network Timeout on the NASBA site right now. Just need REG to complete the exam. It's been a long 3+ weeks (got a 70 in November because I rushed it trying to go 4/4)

Anonymous 16 years ago

NASBA site appears to be up now. Still no REG

Anonymous 16 years ago

NASBA is up. However BEC scores for Colorado are not posted yet. 16 years ago

NASBA site appears to be up now. Still no REG

REG won't hit NASBA until Thursday at the *very* earliest and it will likely be Friday (assuming they release REG before AUD as usual).

Matthew Carr 16 years ago

So does that mean Wednesday at the earliest or likely Thursday for CA REG? 16 years ago

*IF* the AICPA releases REG will be out for CA tomorrow.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I am also waiting for REG in CA... Nothing has posted yet and I took the exam on 1/20. Wonder how James got his score already for REG?

Anonymous 16 years ago

are NY scores out? for BEC???

Anonymous 16 years ago

Just checked... Still nothing for CA REG

Anonymous 16 years ago

The Texas board is down right now until 5 am, I assume they are posting BEC..

when will Audit be out? I thought the prediction was 3/20, has that changed???

I love this website!!


Anonymous 16 years ago

guys any idea wen will BEC scores hit NASBA???

Anonymous 16 years ago

5:30 am: got BEC MA, 79 yahooo! Down to only one AUD.

Anonymous 16 years ago

"The Texas board is down right now until 5 am, I assume they are posting BEC."

I know that's what the screen message says on the Texas website, but I've always been able to get my score before 5 am. (Yes, I'm so compulsive that I keep checking even when the site tells me not to bother.)

No Reg today :( hoping for tomorrow.

Anonymous 16 years ago

No REG in NY. Day 71 of waiting......... Good luck to everyone.

Anonymous 16 years ago

No REG in MA for least I'm up early for work.

Carolyn 16 years ago

No REG in IL, but last time, my FAR score wasn't posted until after 9:00am.

mendy 16 years ago

Results are in for NY.
I got 90 and I really thought I didn't pass. I was unsure with regards to at least a third of the questions and I still got a 90. I couldn't believe this.

There is hope for everyone.

Anonymous 16 years ago

BEC in nyc baby, 77

Anonymous 16 years ago

87 in MA for me:-)

Anonymous 16 years ago

I got a 73 on BEC, I am losing the willpower. I have taken it 4 times now. I have passed REG and FAR. Still waiting for AUD results. I am depressed.

Anonymous 16 years ago

BEC is out in GA. Are all of the score releases pushed back a day now?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Did anyone get REG scores?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Mazel Tov, Mandy

Anonymous 16 years ago

SC..07:30 & no REG score

Anonymous 16 years ago

Did anyone get BEC scores in NJ. I am waiting for REG, and someone posted yesterday that they called NJ NASBA, and was told that they aren't posting scores until next week

Anonymous 16 years ago

BEC up in GA. I passed my first section! Funny thing is.. I took REG 1/7. Hopefully tomorrow!

Anonymous 16 years ago

which test in ny?

Anonymous 16 years ago

BEC is out for NJ!


Anonymous 16 years ago

NY REG here, still no grade as of 3/18 and I took the exam 1/5, (very first post on this topic above).

Hope it doesn't mean I'm borderline, but I have no other guesses why my NY REG score still isn't available.

Anybody have any ideas?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Reg isnt in yet, idk why people think it is..when IL gets it then we will get it the next day....please read posts instead of asking jeff same thing 2i9389 times

Matthew Carr 16 years ago

Well since no one else has received REG scores in the 2nd wave yet I wouldn't start worrying about being on the bubble - they probably just haven't received any of the 2nd rounders.

Has anyone received 2nd wave REG scores?

cpachicken 16 years ago

I'm in MA and no REG scores yet - just checked. I took the exam in late February.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Is there a place where I can check my REG score in Louisiana or is it only through NASBA?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Scored 82(BEC) in SC! Onto REG now. Love the optimism and motivation this sight provides. Bless you guys!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Just spoke to VA boa - 03/18/2009 9:11am

No scores other than BEC, so I would be inclined to guess no CA and IL are in the same place.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anyone getting any AUD info for wave 2, especially in VA?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm thinkin since BEC was delayed by a day, REG should also be delayed by a day, they should be out tomorrow morning at the earliest or Friday for sure. Lets just keep each other in our prayers. 16 years ago

Congrats to everyone who passed BEC!

If you came up short - it took me 4x to pass it too. I highly recommend the Yaeger BEC cram...I just got an e-mail today from a reader who bought it and passed BEC after failing.


Again - REG isn't out for NASBA until it comes out for IL and then add a day. If REG comes out today during business hours for IL - look for it tomorrow AM. If IL gets REG tonight and they post it Thursday...NASBA will release Friday. This is how this whole thing's reasonably predictable.

With that said - BEC come out a day later than usual (IL e-mailed me and said it would be delayed a day, which I Twittered). My predictions hedged on IL getting BEC on Sunday. Since they got it Monday night, everything got pushed back a day.

I bet REG comes out tomorrow for NASBA (again - this is assuming that it's REG and not AUD that comes out for IL today) and AUD comes Friday for IL and Monday for NASBA. FAR comes out Tuesday.

This is just a "gut feeling".

That plus a dollar and you'd have a dollar.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Hey Mendy,
are the results for BEC or REG?

mendy 16 years ago

The results in NY are for BEC

Anonymous 16 years ago

Waiting on AUD score in NH

Anonymous 16 years ago

Just to let everyone know no REG in CA. So we will all have to wait a day.

Anonymous 16 years ago

NY REG here...thanks for the heads up.

Was worried about being borderline because I really thought it'd be 3/18 (like Jeff's prediction).

Reading about all these delays has me hopeful that we REG folks should be final (pass or fail) by Friday, but hopefully Thursday.



The Newbie Hacker 16 years ago

Hello, NY REG. Are you AF ?

Anonymous 16 years ago

This waiting is terrible.......I bet REG doesn't hit NASBA until next week. 16 years ago

.I bet REG doesn't hit NASBA until next week.


Anonymous 16 years ago


Anonymous 16 years ago

I don't want to wait until Friday for REG :-( If it hits Monday it'll be exactly 10 weeks since I took the test... I just want to know if I'm done or not at this point and mentally prepare myself to study one last time if I have to.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Oh god forbid if it comes out next week.

Anonymous 16 years ago

The scores for BEC Colorado are out. I got 84..YAY
2 more to go. All the best to those who are waiting for their scores.

Anonymous 16 years ago

No REG in CA either...

mawillar 16 years ago

So are we to expect REG in CA on the 19th????

I seriously cant handle this waiting game.... 16 years ago

So are we to expect REG in CA on the 19th????

IL e-mailed me last night and said they expect a score today, which means CA should be getting a score today. If they get it during business hours - they upload it asap.

I'm assuming it's REG, but I don't know that for sure...they didn't either.

mawillar 16 years ago

Soooo what you're saying is I should stop obsessively logging in and out of the CA website? LOL

I may have to start signing my posts "running with scissors"

Thanks again for all the info -- this website and your posts are probably the only reason I have not gone crazy over the past six months

Anonymous 16 years ago

No REG in PA

Anonymous 16 years ago

Maybe not...I feel like IL didn't release BEC scores until around 3:00 yesterday afternoon and a lot of candidates received scores from NASBA this morning. Does anyone know for sure when IL uploaded scores?

Anonymous 16 years ago

It appears (if you look at yesterday's posts) that they were posted in IL around 9:30 am.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Re: The Newbie Hacker

Not sure what AF means?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I feel like woman in the old Mervyn's commercial "open, open, open" or "post, post, post"

koolguy_4u 16 years ago

alright then... REG came out as expected... i'll wait a couple of days for AUD....tic tok!

lmb 16 years ago

any Wave 2 REG exam scores get released yet?

I took mine on 2/27 California REG, waiting on results.

mawillar 16 years ago

"alright then... REG came out as expected... i'll wait a couple of days for AUD....tic tok!"

Did I miss something -- I just checked CA website again and still no REG score.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I just checked IL website and still no REG score.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I am still waiting for REG in CA also.

Anonymous 16 years ago

@ Mendy, Are you talking about results for BEC or REG when u say "results are out for NY"?

mendy 16 years ago

Like I said earlier, the results in NY are for BEC. As far as I know, no one got wave 2 REG results yet.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Mendy was referring to the BEC

Anonymous 16 years ago

What's the prediction on AUD? Has it changed at all?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Did anyone get their scores for REG in CA? I'm sick to my stomach over this whole thing!

Anonymous 16 years ago

no CA REG yet. I'm pretty sure I didn't pass (I had a migraine & just wanted to curl up in a ball in a dark corner), but it's still killing me!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I feel your pain. The lady next to me was typing so loud my cubicle shook. I left most of a sim blank and know I screwed up on some of the multiple choice. I walked out of the test being like why the heck did I put I pick that answer about so many questions! The worst part is I studied a lot and if I don't pass other tests will expire :(

Anonymous 16 years ago

anyone know the predictions on AUD in NY?? 16 years ago

You had Tammy Thunder Thumbs...I had Henry Hacker... 16 years ago

If NY releases via NASBA, then it will be Monday the 23rd most likely for AUD with FAR getting bumped to 3/24. Just a guess.

Anonymous 16 years ago

It's soooo hard to concentrate at work when all I can think about is passing REG (in CA). Just like someone else above, this is my last exam (after many tries on a couple of them) and my other exams will start expiring with FAR in April! So...can they actually post the scores at any time during the day??? if that is the case...then my compulsive behavior may have some basis! Good luck to all of us!

Anonymous 16 years ago, what about Reg, when should we expect that???

Anonymous 16 years ago

At least most of your states put your scores online. I still have to wait until I get it the mail to find out I failed.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I have been waiting for so long I have forgotten how I did in REG and the nervousness is killing me...I blame the weather change for the fever I have right now but it very well could be the tension I am gong thru waiting for REG and FAR.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I would move if I couldn't look online :p

Anonymous 16 years ago

no twitter updates today? 16 years ago

I haven't heard anything :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

ok, thanks. Yesterday was such a good day for BEC. I was hoping I would have the same luck for REG today.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm about to give up hope for REG tomorrow :-(

Hopefully it'll come out this weekend so my friends and family don't kill me for freaking out so much. I think we're all sick of them telling me "I'm sure you passed, stop worrying." I'm probably the only one who thinks I didn't, but I'm also the only one who saw the questions I had, and how bizarre a lot were.

mawillar 16 years ago

Believe me, you are not the only one to thinks you failed...

And yes, it gets really old to hear "I'm sure you passed" about 357 times when you know the pass rate is only 47%. Most people just don't understand...

Anonymous 16 years ago

I would move if I couldn't look online :p

Don't have to move, most state accepts out-of-state candidate. I live in Arkansas but taking Tennessee Board because my friends who already took the exam under AR took forever to get their result. SNAIL MAILED after 3-4 weeks.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Maybe we should all take the exams in IL, CA or VA. they seem to be fastest on score reporting.

Anonymous 16 years ago

IL will probably receive scores after business hours, but CA still has a good shot at receiving them before close of business. All of us in the central and eastern time zones probably won't get our scores until Friday, since NASBA uses that goofy batch (overnight) processing.

mawillar 16 years ago

Boy, I sure hope you are right...

I don't think I could stand to wait another day.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I am waiting for AUD in MA. My last score needed. I passed all the others. Is this going to go into next week? Does anyone know how long it actually takes to get your certification after applying? I suppose that will take 6 weeks, as well!

DM 16 years ago

california receiving scores before business hours are over is a moot point - they only update scores once a day and its in the early hours of the morning.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I agree with DM. I am from CA. For BEC & FAR, I got the scores update prior to noon. The long wait for REG is affecting my studying for AUD...

Anonymous 16 years ago

DM, how do you know? Is this inside information, or your conjecture?

Anonymous 16 years ago

No REG scores in CA still...took exam on 1/30 :(


Anonymous 16 years ago

I've been waiting 70 days for REG in GA!!! :(

taney 16 years ago

yup, out of all the exams I've taken for CA, they all were released early in the morning.

tomorrow's a new day! hopefully REG comes out with a passing score when I wake up! (=

3/19 we will see!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Time to go to sleep and have more dreams about my score... You know it's bad when you have a nightmare of getting a 74 and then go back to sleep and dream you got a 76... I hope it's the latter option.

Anonymous 16 years ago

i bet reg doesnt hit for another 2 weeks

DM 16 years ago

CA releasing scores once a day isn't inside information.. I think it's just the way their system works. Jeff could probably provide more info although he seems to be a lot more knowledgeable about IL because of his in over there. Anyway, good luck all tomorrow.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Am I the only person on this blog who took FAR this window? All I see is REG, REG, REG, REG, REG. Meanwhile, I have to wait for the VERY LAST release to find out if I'm finally done. But we will all survive, will we not?...

Anonymous 16 years ago

I just received my results for Ohio BEC...76 just waiting on REG score. I took BEC on Feb 27 and REG on Feb 9 yet I still don't have the REG score.

PB 16 years ago

Anon - You aren't the only person waiting for FAR. I am too, and it is my last section as well. But I am still anxious to see REG and AUD scores come out because FAR is usually last; so the sooner REG and AUD are released, the sooner FAR comes out. Just my 2 cents.

A Brown Girl 16 years ago

I guess a lot of people took REG is cycle than any other exam. Maybe that's the cause of the delay. Another thing, why can't they have a fixed date each cycle and release the scores then instead of this picking and choosing which scores are released when...

JJ 16 years ago

No REG Up Yet in NY. 6:37am EST 3/19/08. Day 72 of waiting...... And probably another sleepless night. At least today is my favorite day of the year - NCAA tourney starts!

Anonymous 16 years ago

No Reg in MA either :-(

Anyone have scores in IL/VA/CA?

JD 16 years ago

No REG in NJ =/

Was dreaming about it last night ;)

Anonymous 16 years ago

No Reg in CA =( .....Can't sleep!

Carolyn 16 years ago

What's up with ILBOA's log in page? I keep getting a system error. Is this what happens when scores are uploading?

Carolyn 16 years ago

Nevermind, just logged in. Still no REG scores for IL.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Just wanted to confirm NY REG is not up yet.

Looking more and more like Monday, March 23rd.

Matthew Carr 16 years ago

No REG in CA yet...

Anonymous 16 years ago

jeff put on twitter REG is not dont bother checkin

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm getting angry about REG. Took it in the begining of Jan.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Jeff's twitter post was last night....he said that possibly REG would go to IL/CA/VA today (Thursday) and NASBA would release Friday.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Re: Angry.

I took it 1/5, and at this point, I'm just more exhausted than angry.

I'm sure NASBA has a good reason why the scores aren't up (I could very well be on the borderline), but waiting 75 days for a test score is a bit ridiculous.

For me it's amplified more by the fact that it's my final exam and I either put this all behind me or haul back to the library every night for another 5 weeks.


Anonymous 16 years ago

Reg is still not out for Colorado, I really expected it to be out today but oh well, onto tomorrow.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yes, it is so frustrating waiting for your last score. REG is also my last section. If I don't get my score today, I'm going to flip out.

Anonymous 16 years ago

what is goin gon with this REG?.... I got an email from them that said they would release the scores this week.. But Nuttin -- Nuttin...


Anonymous 16 years ago

I just checked website, still no REG in IL

Anonymous 16 years ago

The week's not over yet, BELIEVE BELIEVE!! We will get REG, after I get it its going to be "Gimme that Filet-o-Fish, gimme that fish"

Anonymous 16 years ago

AAAGGGRRRR! No CA either! Can't stop checking! it's my last one......

Anonymous 16 years ago

Got an 85 for FAR. I'm in CA. I think they posted the score just a few hours ago. No REG and AUD for CA though. I took all three sections in late Feb.

Anonymous 16 years ago

How is FAR up before REG? is that normal?

Anonymous 16 years ago

FAR is up in CA!! I passed!!! It was my last one too!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

what FAR is up before REG... that worries me as to when REG will be posted? NOOOO!!!!!!!!! anyways, congrats to those who passed FAR.

Anonymous 16 years ago

FAR? im the one that posted 2 days ago shpould we interpret it that IL PDF has it listed 2nd, guess i was right

PB 16 years ago

FAR is up! I passed! Last one! Now for the CA Ethics Exam! Good luck to everyone still waiting. I heard that REG was testing a new simulation so that may be part of the reason for the delay. Good luck!

Anonymous 16 years ago

the real curve ball is if REG comes thru nasba tomorrow haha

Anonymous 16 years ago

what results are in for ny?

Anonymous 16 years ago

someone has a sick sense of humor

Anonymous 16 years ago

WTF? Reg for Far? I am at the end of my rope! Maybe they will release more than one today to make up for nothing yesterday.

JJ 16 years ago

NASBA website is down for me now at 10:35EST. Is the post above a joke about NASBA telling someone they lost all the REG exams? Please don't joke like that. 72 days of waiting for my last part before I lose parts is painful enough.

Anonymous 16 years ago


NASBA being down is coincidence. They will appear early AM. Ignore that guy. You should get FAR tomorrow. REG seems delayed. Hope this helps. Relax, you will be fine

Anonymous 16 years ago

JJ are you waiting for the REG score or some other? I tried the nasba score page and it seems down too. I am waiting for my REG score. Hope and pray we get it today.

Anonymous 16 years ago

still score not found on Nasba for REG

Anonymous 16 years ago

Is FAR out for IL?

Carolyn 16 years ago

How come CA has FAR but not IL? Don't VA, CA and IL usually release on the same day?

JJ 16 years ago

I'm calm, I'm calm! Thank you for the well wishes, right back at you. I'm waiting for REG - took on 1/6. 16 years ago

Joanne @ IL e-mailed me...they have FAR scores but have a technical issue...won't get posted until later today...she said FAR being listed 2nd on their score sheet was a coincidence.


Anonymous 16 years ago

OH my god I wasn't expected FAR in CA to be up, I almost had a heart attack checking my score, but I got an 88!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Received FAR in MD... Passed!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

How did u guys feel coming out of FAR that passed???? i'm waiting in PA for my FAR score and coming out of the exam i was not confident at all...

Anonymous 16 years ago

far in MD??????

Anonymous 16 years ago

no need to give everyone a heart attack... To retake that test will seriously kill me..

Anonymous 16 years ago

Jeff, what's the word on Reg from Joanne?

Anonymous 16 years ago

yes Jeff, tell us what u know about REG.. Please.. :(

Carolyn 16 years ago

No news is bad news for IL REG...

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm in CA and found out that I passed FAR (88)!!! Its my last one! Thanks Jeff for keeping me sane and for this great website!

Anonymous @ 10:01: I really thought I failed FAR coming out of it to the point where I almost threw up. Having it as my last one didn't help either. Hang in there! You never really know until you get your results.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thanks for your response and encouragement Anonymous in CA!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I wanna be a CPA....I wanna be a CPA.....that is what i keep telling myself to not give up and bring positive energy! Can't wait to get REG results it is the last one after spending the last 4 years trying to pass the exams....

Anonymous 16 years ago

REG? Jeff?

Anonymous 16 years ago

FAR is posted in Kentucky, too. 16 years ago

I got nothin' on REG... :(

Anonymous 16 years ago

howd MD appear mid day?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I want audit to come out assuming that I passed

Anonymous 16 years ago

Jeff i want to say thnak you so much for keeping me sane.. i started studying in January and took Regs in February..

I dont know wat I would do without your blog.. :)

Just need my Reg score... :(

Anonymous 16 years ago

OOPS, last anonymous means the last post about MD, check post before yours

Anonymous 16 years ago

I WANT AUDIT!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait any longer - literally ripping my hair out.

Anonymous 16 years ago

FAR is out in MD, 93 and I was convinced I had failed. Finally finished! Good luck to all!

Anonymous 16 years ago

why are some states coming out mid-day? is this nasba?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I agree with you anonymous -

I want audit too! I am waiting in NY. Any speculation as to when audit will come out?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm in GA and have been waiting on REG for 78 days now! This is terrible! And I am waiting on AUD also...

Amanda 16 years ago

I am also waiting on Audit in NH. I think its suppose to come out tomorrow.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Is this the first time FAR came out second? 16 years ago

First time in memory...

Anonymous 16 years ago

I guess I should give up checking for REG score for the rest of today?

Anonymous 16 years ago

FAR out in TX for anybody? I haven't received it, but theres a good chance I'm borderline.

Starter 16 years ago

isnt there someone we can call abou the REG score in NY?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I bet the people at NASBA read your blog Jeff and they are doing this on purpose. They are evil.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Jeff for NASBA President!

Anonymous 16 years ago

In all seriousness, REG isn't actually lost, is it? I'm hoping it just hasn't come out.

Anonymous 16 years ago

If it is lost, they better have everyone's scores showing up as 75.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I support that, go jeff! When are you projecting AUD now?

mawillar 16 years ago

At least today we aren't going to obsessively log in and out of the website hoping that our score posts. That was the worst part of yesterday...

On the bright side -- maybe this means they are giving a nice fat curve to the REG exam. A LOT of people posted complaints about the "second simulation" so maybe this is the holdup.

Here's to hoping for a few more
76's than there would have been had they not taken the extra time to grade REG.

Cheers! 16 years ago

I give up. I was 4/4 last Wave...0/4 this wave... :)

I bet you see AUD Monday with REG being last this window.

This is based on nothing in particular...other than REG just isn't getting the love this time around.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Hi Jeff,

Which one is next REG or AUD ?

mawillar 16 years ago

Lets not also forget that they released significantly fewer REG exams than the other three sections in wave 1 for this quarter. Based on this I would say you are right Jeff I just hope they release AUD tomorrow and REG monday (wishful thinking).

Don't be too down on yourself -- you're still predicting 2/4 dates on avg seeing how you went 4/4 in wave 1.

Anonymous 16 years ago

What wsa with the second simulation on REG. I had trouble with my first sim, which is probably why I got an easier second simulation

Giving up on REG for this week 16 years ago

OK so i'll get back to studying for my AUD (04/03) until tuesday or wednesday. This way at least i'll get some AUD out of the way. Its been a crappy week waiting for REG

Anonymous 16 years ago

"At least today we aren't going to obsessively log in and out of the website hoping that our score posts. That was the worst part of yesterday...

On the bright side -- maybe this means they are giving a nice fat curve to the REG exam. A LOT of people posted complaints about the "second simulation" so maybe this is the holdup.

Here's to hoping for a few more
76's than there would have been had they not taken the extra time to grade REG.


Really?? I thought the CPA exams dont curve. Although the scoring highly depends on the "level of difficulty" of the questions. :)

REG is my last one. I walked out of the testing center not sure how I did as the second and third MCQs had a lot of detailed questions....

Anonymous 16 years ago

I didn't really have a problem with either simulation on REG. That doesn't mean they were easy or even if I got it right, but there wasn't anything about it that made me say to myself "I CAN'T DO THIS!"

I see a lot of people talking about how they had problems with one of the sims and I'm not exactly sure how either one (at least that I took) deviated from the "template" we're so used to seeing.

With Sims, the goal is: give yourself at least 45 minutes/per sim...and try your best on every single question within the tab. Same goes for the written.

I feel like that hardest part with Sims are the lack of time examiners have left to really break each question down and think things fully through. I had that problem with my very first exam (FAR)and I made sure that I didn't lollygag or lose focus during the MC testlets on the following exams.


Anonymous 16 years ago

Waiting for FAR... that's great that it will supposedly be on NASBA tomorrow morning. My last section too... at least I'll know whether to buy a case of beer or not on my way home from work.

A weekend full of drinking or more studying???

mawillar 16 years ago

Your experience with the sims could either mean you knew the information or you had different SIMS on your particular exam.

Pretty sure that we don't all get the same simulations.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I heard a rumor that REG is taking so long because of new materials in the exam. Seeing how many people are still waiting from January, and the unusual release order, it may be true.

But still, they've had over two months to base the scoring. The scores must be really all over the place. Of course, this might not be the case at all and there is no rationale behind what is going on. I am just trying to calm myself down while waiting for my last section to come through. I really thought I was going to get my score today.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I also did not have any problem with both simulation testlets. I heard that difficulty does not fluctuate for simulation.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I got 68 in FAR ..i still have auditing which i couldn't clear even in second time ..first time i got 66 and second time i got 67 in AUD..what is wrong with me ..Do i need to change the material ..i am not able to analyze anything..i have got time only till july ..otherwise my REG will expire..

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anonymous said... Waiting for FAR... that's great that it will supposedly be on NASBA tomorrow morning. My last section too... at least I'll know whether to buy a case of beer or not on my way home from work.

A weekend full of drinking or more studying???

SAME HERE! I'm glad to see that you are more calm. I'm freaking out. I want to know NOW. But I see you are relaxed. So I will relax. Let's hope to both be drinking in celebration this Friday night!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

If they're having a problem scoring REG, why not just let us all pass? :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

waiting for far in ny. I really messed up. however i really messed up reg and got a 77, so i'm a little hopeful.

Bev 16 years ago

AICPA/NASBA can deny all they want that the CPA exam is curved. My first career was education, and I've taken several advanced assessment courses. There is NO way around it: A passing score as consistent as this one is is ALWAYS engineered. It's an insult to us that their scoring explanations are so intentionally vague.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Some enterprising candidate should create a blog called where people can vent about waiting 3 months for NASBA scores.

Am I right, people??

mawillar 16 years ago


I just laughed really loud -- hope nobody heard that in the office...

Starter 16 years ago

very true about the

Anonymous 16 years ago

I passed far! I swear I did horrible on that. 77! I called va and they told me. Now I just want to see it!

Bev 16 years ago

Oh, and a curve is also the only semi-reasonable explanation for the ridiculous wait. They must ensure that enough people pass this window, and that there aren't too many people who fail. If this were a criterion referenced test, you would already know your score. Then, if they needed to stipulate a certain pass rate, they would announce the minimum passing scores at the end. (It might be 70 for BEC and 80 for AUD one window, then 72 for BEC and 78 for AUD next window.) This whole fiasco is CLASSIC norm-referenced testing. I would bet good money that if you could see everyone's scores, they would form a perfect bell curve each window. I just wish NASBA/AICPA would admit it. It's not a big deal.

mawillar 16 years ago

Couldn't have said it any better Bev...

Anonymous 16 years ago

FAR is up in IL!!!

EP 16 years ago

Doesn't the AICPA preach about transparency? I wish they would apply their lesson to themselves...

67 days and counting :-) (I'll be at 71 by the time I get my score if I'm lucky enough to get it Monday)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone called about REG in CA? Curious if they have anything to say other than "it's not in." 16 years ago

From my post "Five Things to Do After Passing the CPA Exam"...

4. Now that you have time do to such things, pour a cup of coffee and reflect upon the irony of the AICPA testing the concepts of timeliness and real time data processing.

You can add transparency to that as well.

Anonymous 16 years ago

So, if you do well on a testlet and subsequently get a harder testlet on the test, doesn't it stand to reason that the program knows the number of MC questions you are getting correct and incorrect as you take the test???? In the case of BEC, why can't you know your score immediately? I'll probably be killed by the AICPA for giving away this tid bit of information.

mawillar 16 years ago

Best guess is that there IS a curve like Bev was describing a couple posts ago.

EP 16 years ago

It's not a curve, they just do statistical analysis :-) Whatever that means... 16 years ago

Sounds like REG is next...thanks to "George" for the heads-up.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does NASBA post all states the same day?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Did "George" say when REG would be out? Are we thinking today or tomorrow?

PPD 16 years ago

Thanks George? We're talking tomorrow morning realistically, right?

Bev 16 years ago

No statistical analysis is necessary for a criterion-referenced (non-curved) exam. Your answer is either right or wrong and is worth X points. The mere fact that the number of points any given question is worth is determined by a measure of difficulty is proof positive that the exam is curved, but their curve goes beyond that level to ensure that roughly 40% of candidates pass EACH section EVERY window. Make no's NO coincidence.

Hey, I don't fault the AICPA for guaranteeing a limited supply of CPAs. Otherwise, CPAs wouldn't be worth nearly as much in the marketplace. Just please don't insult my intelligence by trying to claim that the exam isn't curved.

Anonymous 16 years ago

If FAR is out for CA or IL does it typically post on NASBA the next day (tomorrow)?

Anonymous 16 years ago

People have problems with transparency and the reporting of scores when they fail but not when they pass. It hurts really bad when you fail. Just have to pick your self up and use the experience as a way to do better next time.

Anonymous 16 years ago

we should petition to the NASBA regarding the process of score releasing. Since we can receive NTS or reschedule online, why can't we get a simple notification from the state board saying your score is released, please check ..etc. Just like my bank sending me a message when there is a deposit to the account. NTS is not cheap. we deserve better service than this. Not mentioning Virginia BOA's website!

This is not good for my mental health...

Anonymous 16 years ago

so REG tomorrow? sadly I dont think that's gonna stop me from checkin' 10 times an hour for the rest of the day :(

Anonymous 16 years ago

If REG comes up next, I will assume that the board actually knows the order of release, otherwise how is it that ILBOA listed each section in that order. 16 years ago

I believe Joanne when she says it's coincidence...I'm just thankful she takes the time to pass on the info.

Bobby B 16 years ago

Waiting in AL for BEC results. Can't check online here. :( Just have to stare angrily at the mailbox. Because that makes it come sooner you know. Obviously my angryface needs more practice because it's not here yet.

REG Torture 16 years ago

Sorry for repeating this question again, if REG score is released tomorrow for IL, CA and VA when we see it on the NASBA website?

Anonymous 16 years ago

IL has decide not to change the score release pdf posted on the website

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yeah, I'm unclear on that too, whether NASBA's batch process will load it for Saturday morning or the dreaded Monday morning.

Anonymous 16 years ago

any updates on DE audit scores?

Anonymous 16 years ago

My suggestion email sent to CA's board...forward to NASBA as well?

My name is [redacted], and I am currently in the process of studying for my final portion of the CPA examination. I have a suggestion for the CBA's website that, if implemented, would be extremely beneficial to all California applicants.

I suggest that when an applicant's scores have been released, or when other changes have been made to his or her account status, an automated email be sent out informing of this change. As anxious, eager, and nervous applicants such as myself would not be required to constantly log in (often multiple times a day) to see if scores have been released, this update to the website's functionality would greatly alleviate unnecessary traffic to the website and reduce the burden of its servers. From an IT perspective, I'm sure this would be a relatively simple, automated process, and truly worthwhile given the cost-benefit nature of the undertaking.

I understand that this project would require a work on the part of the CBA, but I believe that this would drastically improve an applicant's experience during the difficult process of sitting for these challenging exams and then waiting weeks (or months) for results. If a simple email were to alert applicants that a score has been released or remittance has been created, multitudes of applicants would save a great deal of time and energy.

Thank you in advance for your consideration of my suggestion. I would be happy to further discuss my suggestion in greater detail should you have any questions.

Best regards,

[redacted], 16 years ago

Dreaded Monday AM REG release for NASBA if CA/IL release tomorrow. *Some* people have seen Sat releases...I never have. I'll toss in that caveat.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Still checking every hour for REG (CA)... heart stops everytime I hit the status tab button... When I got my FAR score back in Feb, it was at 6pm on Saturday (2/21). I was checking that day every two hours. So it is possible

Anonymous 16 years ago

Just passed FAR with a 95 in WA. I'm done!!!! I've never felt happier.

Anonymous 16 years ago

So I guess Audit (IL) is set for next week also...

EP 16 years ago

Bev- my comment about the statistical analysis was sarcastic. I completely agree with you about the curve. It's just that they say they don't curve and have some sort of statistical analysis.

PPD 16 years ago

"So I guess Audit (IL) is set for next week also..."

What did you infer that from?

PPD 16 years ago

Never mind, I'm losing it. You're probably right.

Anonymous 16 years ago

oh, I was just going by the fact that everyone thinks REG will hit IL tom. at the earliest. OR does IL update on weekends as well and we should expect to see audit Sat or Sunday?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Last REG score release for me was on X-mas morning. I guess they are waiting till Easter to start a "ruining religious holiday" theme.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Who is George & how does he know Reg is next? 16 years ago

George is a reader who shared an e-mail he received from a state boa...who said they expected REG next...

Anonymous 16 years ago

IL updated its score release update on the Web site. They are reporting 99% for FAR.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Reallllllly? Why don't you read the posts from 9am...

mawillar 16 years ago

Here is the article people are referring to on the IL Board of Examiners website.

IL Board of Examiners:

Score Release Update - March 19th:

Anonymous 16 years ago

Did George's email say when? Tonight, tomorrow? 16 years ago

It was generic...nothing specific about REG...just that they expected it next. My guess is tomorrow and NASBA Monday.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I just passed FAR - 93!! I am so happy! I honestly thought I didnt do so well.

Good luck to everyone else waiting of their scores!

V - CA 16 years ago

Joanne just e-mailed me...AUD tomorrow, not REG...

Anonymous 16 years ago

so that means it (aud) will be on NASBA tomorrow?? 16 years ago

AUD to IL/CA tomorrow (and VA - call them)...NASBA by Monday.

Sorry REG're getting the shaft this window.

mawillar 16 years ago

Just for the sake of my sanity should I just forget about this until monday or is there a possibility of a weekend release?

Anonymous 16 years ago

OMG. I've been waiting on AUD IL since 2/12. I hope, hope, PRAY that I passed. And it's official-I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight. 16 years ago

Just for the sake of my sanity should I just forget about this until monday or is there a possibility of a weekend release?

To put it in relevant terms for this week:

Saturday 13 seed / Monday 4 seed

Crazy Dream Girl 16 years ago

I had a crazy dream 3 weeks ago that my reg score got lost and I had to take it over again :-(

mawillar 16 years ago

LOL...thanks man. I have to work on Saturday anyways so I'm sure I'll be checking but at least I have the right expectation now.

God, what the hell would I be doing if I never found this blog...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Crazy Dream Girl: I had an awesome dream the other nite that I got 75 on REG. But when I woke up I was totally covered in sweat!! I swear I'm gonna age 25 yrs by the time (IF) I finish with all this!! I never had white hair til I started studying for this exam.

Crazy Dream Girl 16 years ago

it was less than 2 weeks ago, and now it feels like its really happening.

i'm a little slow.

Anonymous 16 years ago

72 on FAR :( So close, yet so far. This is my last section. Good luck to all waiting and congratulations to those who passed. Back to studying again - hopefully for one final time.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I am going mentally insane. Petitioning NASBA is the best comment i read all day. Down with NASBA.

Anonymous 16 years ago

This waiting game is ridiculous! Like other people above I've been having haunting nightmares! I don't think I've had a good night sleep since I took REG.

EP 16 years ago

I'm with you on the bad dreams... I just want to know so I can sleep at night again! Busy season on no sleep is cruel and unusual punishment. 16 years ago

Exam score-induced sleep depravity is the worst.

You're mad at 10pm
You're mad at midnight when you go to bed
You're mad at 2:30 am when your score is still not there
You're mad at 4:15am
You're mad at 6am
You're mad at 8:30am because you overslept from not sleeping and you're late to work.

Anonymous 16 years ago

My boss and I both actually dreamed a few weeks apart that I passed the section I took. That too, could be a bad thing. Talk about pressure

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does someone know anything about FAR Connecticut? I spent the day asking this question but nobody answers me. If someone could answer me that would be great. Besides I am not sure that I am on the right page to check my score and that I use the correct password (Section ID number as it is called on the page). If anyone has any answer at these questions that would be very helpefull 16 years ago

My boss and I both actually dreamed a few weeks apart that I passed the section I took. That too, could be a bad thing. Talk about pressure

Your boss is dreaming about you. That too, could be a bad thing.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Are we thinking that FAR will be posted on the NASBA website tomorrow

Anonymous 16 years ago

another 71...I said the same thing..."why are you dreaming about me?" said he always dreams about work during tax season..since I do that too, i'm okay with that answer!

Anonymous 16 years ago

connecticut...NASBA release tomorrow for ya

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does Nasba Post score on Saturday or Sunday?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I know my score won't be posted until tomorrow and yet I still continue to check the NASBA site for my score. Why oh why do I do this to myself!?!?!?!

taney 16 years ago

"patience is a virtue .."

you already took the test, there's not much you can do.

either way, you've already passed or failed. just continue with your life until you're given an opportunity to change the outcome of your future.

when the results come in, that's when you're able to plan your next course of action, but until then you should focus on the other aspects and priorities in your life.

i'm waiting and checking this site and CBA site on a regular basis, but I think I'm going to stop checking until tomorrow.

Bev 16 years ago

This is the site for Connecticut:

Your section ID # was labeled as such on your NTS. Be sure to enter your birthdate in MM/DD/YYYY format with the slashes.

Until your score is available, the white box will display the message "Error: Score not found. Please verify Section ID Number and Date of Birth format and re-submit."

This is normal and will be the message every time you enter the info correctly until your score is posted. Then, the message will change to your name and your score, just like the white boxes on this blog.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I got my score via email before it's up on NASBA. Very exciting times at 430pm. Im in NH

Anonymous 16 years ago

I wrote to the AICPA Exam email address regarding REG score... I was told I need to contact candidatecare@nasba...

Response (Ramon Bradley) - 03/19/2009 03:59 PM
RE: REG Exam Scores


Thank you for contacting the AICPA Member Service Center regarding your scores from the REG section of the CPA Exam.

We are happy to hear that you have taken the CPA Exam. The AICPA does not perform administrative functions for the exam. Please contact A representative will assist you with your questions or concerns.

Thank you for allowing us to be of service. Please let us know if we may be of further assistance.

How did we serve you? Please click on the link below to take a four-question survey regarding your service experience:


Raymon Bradley
AICPA Member Service Center

Anonymous 16 years ago

How cool would it be if instead of the NASBA site saying:

"Error: Score not found.
Please verify Section ID Number and
Date of Birth format and re-submit."

it would give you a Magic 8-ball type response in that little white box each time you hit submit.

I think that would be awesome. Click Submit and get some vague answer like "Concentrate and ask again" or "Signs point to yes".

Anonymous 16 years ago

I hope FAR is on NASBA in the a.m.! I am waiting on FAR and my husband is waiting on REG...


Anonymous 16 years ago

telling someone that they shouldn't bother checking their score every hour on the hour the day before they KNOW they won't see their score is like telling a little kid to stop peeking at their Christmas presents the night before =)

Kim 16 years ago

so no CA REG tomorrow? AUD instead?? noooo!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Just to save some tme for us nervous people. Not everyone may realize that you can save your entry on the nasba site (i.e. your section ID and birthday), and save it in your favorites Such as:openform&sectionid=3664567&dob=07/32/1908&stateAbbrev=NJ

This will save time for us OCD people.

Insane due to REG 16 years ago

That's exactly what I did saved it as the home page, now problem with this is it won't make the wait any shorter...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thank you very much for those who have answering my questions (CT). At least I will stop wondering if I do the good manipulation

Anonymous 16 years ago

This might sound dorky...but I made up this song that I sing over and over before I take a part of the exam. I just wanted to share! Think of the tune to Janis Joplin's Mercedes Benz song...

Oh Lord why don't you let me pass this exam
I'd shout to the Heavens, I chant Amen
Oh Lord I need you blessing upon the exam
I beg of your mercy, thank you and amen!! ;)

stockpickinchicken 16 years ago

MA REG is in!

just kidding =)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anyone here from MS? We can't check our scores online, and I would like to have an idea of how long it usually takes the State board to distribute scores. It seems like the State got FAR scores today if I'm understanding everyone's comments correctly....

Anonymous 16 years ago

Person from MS - I am waiting on my 4th - and hopefully final - score and live in MS. The scores were transmitted to our State Board for FAR today. It usually takes 2 business days after they receive the score for it to be mailed out. From then, you can figure 1-2 days for the mail to deliver depending on where you live in the state. I usually have score in hand 4 days after the score is released to the State Board, excluding the weekends. They do not work on Saturdays or Sundays to get our scores out.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I love the Janis Joplin remake! Anyone else hitting the sauce tonight? I'm so nervous waiting for FAR to show up in the morning. It's going to be a loooong night!

Anonymous 16 years ago

i am also waiting for my fare results tomorrow.. its 1 at night and jus cant sleep.. maybe ill stay awake till morning , see the result then sleep..

Anonymous 16 years ago

68 on FAR....can't wait to start up studying again =/ Good luck to everyone else.....

Anonymous 16 years ago

86 on FAR. It was my last section, so put a fork in me, I'm DONE!

Jeff, your blog is brilliant. You've been a huge source of inspiration and provided a wealth of information along the way. I just can't thank you enough.

Good luck to everyone else waiting on scores!

Anonymous 16 years ago

83 on FAR...only have AUD to do now. My husband still waiting on REG. Happy Friday!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

passed in ny!!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

its 2 30 at nite here.. could not sleep and jus checked nasba.. fare uploaded.. 93!!! one last to go .. REG..

JJ 16 years ago

NY REG Here again - No REG at 6:00am EST 3/20. 73 days and still waiting.

Anonymous 16 years ago

got my FAR score - 80!!!! I'm done with all 4 parts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This site is awesome! Congrats to everyone who passed! Don't give up or loose heart - it's so worth it and don't listen to all of the nay-say,etc. YOU CAN DO IT!

JD 16 years ago

This is insane on REG. Wasn't it supposed to be released before FAR? I'm officially going nuts now. Just give me my score!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Ugh - I hate playing the waiting game. Just give me my REG score, darn it!

Carolyn 16 years ago

Is anyone else getting a system error when they try to go to the ILBOA website to log in?

Jamila 16 years ago

Just got my FAR score and I passed with a 75! Thank God! This is my last part!!! Jeff - this site is wonderful and was certainly motivational for me while on the CPA Exam journey. Thank you so much for keeping the site going and uniting the hopes and dreams of so many of us. Congrats to everyone who passed and much encouragement to everyone still taking the exam. YOU CAN DO IT! ;-)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Just received the score for FAR (Delaware) an 85. I must admit, I almost ran out of time for FAR (second try) and did not do well on both simulations and thought that I would surely fail. So there is hope for everyone. Hang in there guys!! One more to go - REG. Good Luck to all!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone heard anything on REG in GA? The wait is killing me!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Only got REG to go... an 83 on FAR! HALLELUJAH! I can do it!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

No REG in GA!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any idea when AUD will be released for New Jersey .

Anonymous 16 years ago

I just called NASBA and they said REG scores will be delayed for two years.

Anonymous 16 years ago

FAR is out in Mass. for Wave 2....84 Baby! I'm all Done!

Anonymous 16 years ago


Lauren, NY - I just spit my orange juice through my noise. Thanks.

Rory 16 years ago

Audit out in Cali....

I'm done....

Good luck everyone

Anonymous 16 years ago

Oh my gosh. Does this mean Audit will come out tomorrow for NASBA??????

Lauren, NY

Anonymous 16 years ago

FAR out on NASBA. Got a 71. I wasn't counting on passing FAR anyways...but I want my REG scores!!!! This will be the second time taking REG.

C.H. 16 years ago

FAR is out in UT 80 (I am done) Thank you Heavenly Father and Thank You Honey for your support.

EP 16 years ago

I want my REG score (I'm not at 70 days yet but close...) 68 days and counting...

I made plans to go out tonight in anticipation of having my score, figured either way I'd want some alcohol. I guess it'll help calm my nerves for the wait.

Anonymous 16 years ago

FAR - NY came out today, took it on February 26th.

Anonymous 16 years ago

REG not there yet. So now this means Tuesday or Wednesday (NASBA).

Anonymous 16 years ago

OMG, the wait for REG is getting rediculous. Maybe, they will release REG today too. Doubt it thought.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone else gotten their Audit score?

ifi 16 years ago

Last time I gave Reg, it was on Oct 28th and didn't get my marks till the Christmas morning... this time, Reg people are getting shafted again. What do they have against Reg section????

Anonymous 16 years ago

Oh no! I haven't heard of a wave 3....... maybe you did so awesome that they can't even release your score because it turns out you're a genius and they're going to pay you thousands of dollars. Yeah, I am pretty sure that's it.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any updates on when REG scores will be out? Are they going to be last?

Anonymous 16 years ago

They're definitely going to be last. BEC is out.. FAR is out... and now AUD is out in Cali. Reg definitely won't be until next week.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does it matter if you take an exam on the last day of the window ? I took the NY REG on 2/28/09 and I still haven't received my grade. Do you recieve the grade later than others if you take the exam on the last day of the window ? I am just worried b/c I think I read at the beginning of the page that if you receive the grade late your most likely borderline.

Anonymous 16 years ago

It doesn't matter at all when you took the exam. Obviously if you took the exam on 2/28 you might not receive it on 3/1. It is the AICPA... they are slow. It doesn't matter at all when you took it. I took one on 10/1 and didn't get my score until 12/25 and it was an 87 (not borderline). The AICPA is going to do whatever they want with barely any rhyme or reason.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Can someone please anwer the above questions about AUD?

If it came out in Cali today, when should it come out on NASBA??

Anonymous 16 years ago

They received it... but how does that translate into when it comes out? Does VA report on NASBA or their own site. I'm from NY. What's your guess as to when it will come out?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Haha... no kidding. REG people need to relax.

Anonymous 16 years ago

how do they not have Reg yet?? is it possible they lost it?? what kind of analysis do they need to do? they need to get new statiscians....

Anonymous 16 years ago

Oh my god shut up about REG. They just haven't released the scores yet. EASY.

Anonymous 16 years ago

80 on audit-CA. DONE!

Anonymous 16 years ago

When I talked to her she said it is possible that they will be getting it late today. I would just relax and not let it ruin your weekend.

"Is it possible they lost it"? - Are you f-ing serious man???

Anonymous 16 years ago

I am waiting on audit in NH.

Bev 16 years ago

I'm done!!! I had already passed the ethics exam and gotten my experience affidavit signed, so I was literally just waiting for this score.

Good luck everyone!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Since people are getting audit in California, does that mean New York will post their scores on Monday?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone talked to NASBA about the possibility of AUD being released for us on Saturday instead of Monday? NASBA never lets me know anything, so I wondered if anyone else had better success! :) Thanks!

Anonymous 16 years ago

MS again here. I'll be waiting on my FAR score next week via snail-mail, then. Thanks for responding.

So many posts passed FAR (contrats to you)! I felt awful coming out of FAR, though; I was CERTAIN I failed it. I completely screwed up one of the sims. Did anyone else feel this way coming out of FAR? I'm new to this (that was my first time to sit for any section), so I don't know if feeling that way is normal or now. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP MY SANITY!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

...normal or not... (typo in the 8:28 post)

Anonymous 16 years ago

I haven't talked to NASBA about when scores for AUD will come out. Has anyone? Will they just tell me to go to hell when I call or will they actually give me an answer?

MS - I felt like there was no possible way in hell that I could ever pass FAR once I took it and I ended up passing. Don't worry, you could have suprised yourself.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Hopefully. A pleasant surprise would be nice. (I'll find out next week if the MS BOA gets the envelopes stuffed on time.)

Thanks for the encouragement. It looks like I'll need a bunch of it over the next few months!

Anonymous 16 years ago


I AM DONE!!!!!


Anonymous 16 years ago

how do you even get through to NASBA. when i call i just listen to some monotone guy list options that take you no where!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I don't know man. I guess there's an e-mail address about 50 posts up that you are supposed to be able to use.

Anonymous 16 years ago

thanks - i emailed them. i doubt they will be able to tell me anything, but it sure made me feel better to vent at NASBA and not you guys here on the blog!

Anonymous 16 years ago

ya - a lot of people do not understand what it is like to 1) study for the exam 2) take the exam 3) wait on your scores for the exam!

alcohol could take all your worries awaay

Anonymous 16 years ago

FAR is out in Texas. I passed with an 85. Woohoo!

Now I just gotta get past REG (won't be easy for an auditor like me).. 16 years ago

re: "Wave 3"

There isn't a Wave 3, but there is a Wave 2a and it usually means you're borderline. There was a discussion about this a few windows ago and people were debating what it meant if you didn't get your score in Wave 2. This happened to me once (74) and my REG score came out 5 days after Wave 2 was out.

The majority of the people who miss Wave 2 and get their scores a few days later will score in the range of 73-76 or so. There will still be a 90 or two in there, but most people will score 73-76.

Anonymous 16 years ago

when does wave 1 ende? like whats the latest that u can take the test that u would fall under wave 1?

Anonymous 16 years ago

CA has AUD Wave 2 Released before Illinois has this posted?

When will most states release these Wave 2 scores?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Long time reader, first time poster. I got the results for FAR in Indiana and I passed. It was my last exam. Thanks Jeff for this site. I'm sure it takes a lot of time on your part to put all of this together. And thanks to your wife and family for allowing you to keep this going. For those who are still studying, take your time and make sure you understand the material you're reading. I think that's the biggest thing I learned. That, and make sure you read the question and know what it's asking! Good luck to everyone.

Anonymous 16 years ago

still waiting for REG here. and even i'm sick of listening to people whine about REG.

Anonymous 16 years ago

MD AUD Scores out

Anonymous 16 years ago

Lets shut about about REG, if AUD came out today in California REG won't be here till late next week, so give up.

For AUD, however, when will the states other than CA release there scores? Today? Tomorrow? Monday? 16 years ago

Look for AUD Monday via NASBA

I used the NCAA Tournament analogy earlier that Monday is a 4 seed and a Saturday release a 13 seed

Anonymous 16 years ago

wow people are getting so hostile..... no need to be rude people.. u dont like the comment then dont read it... Simple as that... the art of technology

Anonymous 16 years ago

"still waiting for REG here. and even i'm sick of listening to people whine about REG."

I take it you like to read your own blogs

Anonymous 16 years ago

I have always check my score via my state's boa website. How do you check your score via NASBA? Thanks - TX reader.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Did anyone get his score relased for AUD in Connecticut?

Michigan CPA2be 16 years ago

"The majority of the people who miss Wave 2 and get their scores a few days later will score in the range of 73-76 or so. There will still be a 90 or two in there, but most people will score 73-76."

That's actually 72-77 for borderline waiting game!

I had 77 last window for REG and while majority received their score 12/18, I did not received mine until christmas morning. Also I had a friend in the similar wait, except hers was 72!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Patient is a virtue, so relax people. I know this is the last section of some of you, but regardless how much you complain, the circumstances are not going to change. So relax, grab a beer if you?re home, and STOP CHECKING NASBA every 5 minutes. You?re not helping yourself!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

You are right, I got my FAR 75 on 12/24

Anonymous 16 years ago

i think TX validates overnight so since they got the scores this morning, we MIGHT get AUD tomorrow, but probably Monday

Anonymous 16 years ago

"Anonymous said...
Spoke to VA BOA at 8:45AM Friday - they received AUD at 430PM on Thursday.


- maybe this means VA BOA will get REG tomorrow :)
If I give of hope, I'll go crazy(er)

Anonymous 16 years ago

oops, i mean't today. i'm too sleep deprived to type

Joanne V 16 years ago

For those states that process their own applications and scores, like IL, CA and TX, you look up scores on their websites. The others use NASBA. IL is behind updating this wave due to our network manager being out. AUD was released to NASBA Thursday; IL will get them posted during the day Friday and update the notice. Haven't heard anything about REG yet, unfortunately.

Anonymous 16 years ago

NO REG in MD. It's going to be a long weekend!

koolguy_4u 16 years ago

Patiently Waiting for AUD results here in NY.... just give it to us already.... its like NASBA is toying with us at this point.

Anonymous 16 years ago


Do you know how long it takes NASBA to release the AUD scores to us once they've received them?

Anonymous 16 years ago

AUD scores up in WA.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I totally commisserate with you Koolguy. Waiting for AUD in NY here too....last exam hopefully.

Lauren, NY

Anonymous 16 years ago

NJ scores for AUD have not been released yet, right?

Captain Fancypants 16 years ago

FAR 56 in Kansas. Yes!!! Finally!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thanks for the update Joanne!!! :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

I think it is a good sign for those of us waiting for audit that the AICPA released scores on Thursday. If CA received audit scores at 4:30 Thursday afternoon, then NASBA has all day today for their initial processing. Let's hope they get it all done and the internet upload goes tonight. I'm crossing my fingers and toes that I have my score by Saturday morning!

Michael 16 years ago

No Reg in Texas as of 10 a.m. Friday CST.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Waiting for NJ AUD toooo

Anonymous 16 years ago

It is so brutal knowing that people in MD and CA have the audit scores but other states cannot see it..... oh well, we'll have them soon enough.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I just called NASBA. The woman told me they can't give scores out over the phone. I am in TN and waiting for AUD. She said "NASBA will post them once they receive the scores." Yeah right.....

Anonymous 16 years ago

Audit is out in IL...passed with an 88...SWizeet

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took FAR 2/28 and got score today 3/20. 80! Go Yaeger and possibly jager tonight :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

AUD is posted in Kentucky. Of course, I'm waiting on REG.

Anonymous 16 years ago

False alarm about MD AUD being released friend is messing with me

Amanda 16 years ago

I just got my score emailed. I passed AUD with 88!!!! :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone received AUD in Connecticut?

Anonymous 16 years ago

amanda wat state r u from?

Anonymous 16 years ago

i thought Score are not faxed or emailed to candidates.

Amanda 16 years ago

NH (Its still not up on the NASBA site for NH)

Anonymous 16 years ago

" i thought Score are not faxed or emailed to candidates.


Amanda 16 years ago

I think its because I signed up to receive NTS by email rather than mail. Since I receive NTS by email then maybe I also receive scores by email.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any chance of IL getting the REG scores today????

Amanda 16 years ago

Here the copy of the email:
CPA Examination Candidate:

Attached you will find your Uniform CPA Examination Score Notice.

Your score notice is sent based on your contact preference. Your contact preference is email. To view and print, open the attached file using Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.0 or greater.

If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader, please visit to download a current
version of the software.

If you would like to change your means of receiving the score notice, please contact CPA Examination Services at 1-800-CPA-EXAM or email at

Please do not reply to this email message.

Anonymous 16 years ago

AUD scores out in MD

koolguy_4u 16 years ago

Hey guess what... still nothing for AUD in NY...:|

Anonymous 16 years ago


All scores for the current testing window are mailed via U.S Mail. Scores are not faxed or emailed to candidates. Score notices are only distributed via U.S. Mail.

From nasba site

mawillar 16 years ago

I know for a fact that candidates in VA have emailed for their scores when the website was down.

EP 16 years ago

I had my NTS emailed to me and didn't get any of my scores (3 so far) emailed to me. I have to check online on the NASBA site.

Maybe it's different by state?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I hear ya Koolguy...

Anonymous 16 years ago

that's true, same here

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yay FAR out in NJ. 81! I'm finally done!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any info on AUD for DE? 16 years ago

DE is a NASBA state so it will be Monday for AUD in all likelihood

Anonymous 16 years ago

man i feel like i pressed F5 50 time already in the past 5 hours.

koolguy_4u 16 years ago


Anonymous 16 years ago

MA said they haven't received the score yet....

Anonymous 16 years ago

happy birthday whenit comes!

Anonymous 16 years ago

How do you check the score on NASBA?? I'm so confused?? 16 years ago

deleted don't want people knowing your section id and DOB combo...doubt anything weird would happen, but I wouldn't want it out there if it were me...if you're looking for FAR - you're 2a...if you're looking for AUD - it's not out yet.


Maureen 16 years ago

AUD on and crackin' in CA. 96 baby!!! 16 years ago

re: score @ NASBA...

Click your "Scores"

Enter your section id and DOB. Only BEC and FAR are out

koolguy_4u 16 years ago

congrats Maureen... thats really good

Anonymous 16 years ago

"deleted don't want people knowing your section id and DOB combo...doubt anything weird would happen, but I wouldn't want it out there if it were me...if you're looking for FAR - you're 2a...if you're looking for AUD - it's not out yet."

What does deleted NJ mean?

And someone said they got their NJ score back already....I'm assuming they checked online...? 16 years ago

someone from New Jersey posted their nasba link with score id and dob...I deleted big deal...

Anonymous 16 years ago

guess I'm from a state that doesn't post on NASBA. why do some and not others?

Anonymous 16 years ago

FAR out in mi, 4 for 4 with a 79 woooooooooooooo

Anonymous 16 years ago

i think the year was 1908, whoever posted it messed with info. unless we have 100 year old people taking CPA exams and checkin out your blog jeff. 16 years ago

haha...I saw that yesterday...the one I deleted was from today and looked big deal...just trying to help them out...

Anonymous 16 years ago

MD REG here...took the exam on 1/3/09 and still have not received score...I called NASBA and got an automated prompt....

"Hello and thank you for calling NASBA. You've been f'ed by NASBA. Please press 1 in you liked being f'ed by NASBA. Press 2 if you did not like being f'ed by NASBA. Press 3 if you are probably going to be f'ed by NASBA again."

Anonymous 16 years ago

So no AUD scored have been posted online?

Only states that have received AUD (NH,CA,etc.) I guess received them through e-mail?

koolguy_4u 16 years ago

I dont get it... u hate accounting but passed one of the toughest accounting test? Huh.... wouldn't you want to work in the field accounting given that u would be a CPA

Just a thought!

taney 16 years ago

Good luck with everyone! Patience and sanity is key!

I'm still waiting for CA REG and currently studying for AUD in April.

I guess us REG people gotta wait until next week.

FARE people should get their scores by monday/tuesday.

Abe 16 years ago

I was the one who posted NJ yesterday. Yes, I actually was born July 32nd, 1908. Teddy Roosevelt added a day to July that year, to help slow inflation. I was born on that day. If he wouldn't have added the day, I wouldn't have a birthday ever.

Anonymous 16 years ago

FAR is out in GA

Anonymous 16 years ago

I just called the TX BOA and was told scores update each night. I guess I can stop looking until tomorrow. (I will probably check anyway. I am too nervous not to.)

Abe 16 years ago

Trying to keep sane as I wait for my REG NJ score. It adds a level of comfort knowing how many people are out there suffering along with me. I want to schedule AUD for the beginning of April, but I first want to make sure I passed REG before applying for the NTS for AUD and FAR. Cutting it close a bit.

Anonymous 16 years ago

OK. I just got my score for AUD, 71. This sucks! I studied hard and thought I did really well on the test.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm in CA and did NOT receive an AUD score. What is up with that?

Anonymous 16 years ago

AUD, 71...What state are you in?

koolguy_4u 16 years ago

Yes, what state is the AUD score from... are u in CA or NH?... cuz those are the states which have released the results.

Anonymous 16 years ago

KY and MD have also posted per previous posts.

Anonymous 16 years ago

AUD 71 is from VA

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any word on NY REG exam for the 2nd window ?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Ogh . . . people like you are so obnoxious!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I second that!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Great job! When ppl have been calling NASBA, has anyone asked if they may be releasing scores Saturday AM? Just a good question so we can all just give up until Monday, which I am pretty much doing anyways!

Anonymous 16 years ago

That's a good idea! Someone call.....

Anonymous 16 years ago

I called the TX BOA and was told the scores are updated each night. I specifically asked if they will be updated tonight and was told that "yes" they will be. So I will definitely be checking in the morning.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Hm.. I wonder if NASBA is the same way?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thank you! Sorry I didn't understand that this from your original post. Thanks for clarifying. I wouldn't even know where to begin to call NASBA! haha

Anonymous 16 years ago

NASBA is different than TX BOA... keep that in mind.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I asked if NASBA releases scores on Saturdays, and the girl was dumbfounded. She said, "I don't know. I would assume we only do it on business days."

With that kind of response, I would still consider Friday a business day for scores to run tonight, but wouldn't think they'd run on Sunday night, given that's not a business day.

Obviously, this girl had no clue. Shucks!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Haha well, you can only ask for so much out of people! But I thought TX released through NASBA... am I wrong?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Don't hate because some people know how to test and understand the material.

If you don't understand, thats your problem.

EP 16 years ago

Just a guess, but I don't think NASBA is going to have scores for Saturday... My reasoning is that they enjoy messing with us so much and keep us waiting forever, so why should they put in the extra effort to give us scores 2 days earlier?

I don't get why it's so hard for them to just give us dates when they release scores. If I knew for certain it was 3/23 I would be able to relax a bit. I'd even be willing to wait a few extra days just to have a certain release date. This whole process is too stressful.

Anonymous 16 years ago

great job to those who pass in four months. however, don't let that discourage you all who don't. not everyone sits in their rooma nd studies all day/night for 4 months..some of us have lives (happy, fun-filled ones) and jobs (where we actually have to work). Normal people like us pass, too! :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

And not everyone sits in their room for 4 months straight, but can still pass, and work full time! 16 years ago

Four exams in four months is very impressive nicely done!

I don't think it's fair to stereotype people who pass with ease as not having a life just like I don't think it's right to stereotype someone who sat for the exam many times as stupid.

MI Candidate 16 years ago

Michigan Nasba rep is on vacation till 03/30, is that mean we will not get our score till then? 16 years ago

No - the rep is just someone wearing a headset that answers calls...the scores get uploaded en masse.

Anonymous 16 years ago

"Haha well, you can only ask for so much out of people! But I thought TX released through NASBA... am I wrong?"
TX posts scores on its own website, not NASBA's.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I doubt it. Louisiana's was on vacation during the 2nd wave from Oct/Nov during the peak time for score sorting & releasing. I called NASBA and confirmed that someone was "backing her up."

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thank You. I sat down and studied, still worked full time, and went out. I am actually very impressed with myself.

And if you resent that because you didn't pass, then it is on you and you should take full responsibility.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Normally when do other states post their score in relation to CA and NH? 16 years ago

Everyone's life circumstances are different...different obstacles to overcome. We all have the exam in common and I have a high amount of respect for anyone who takes it on and tries to pass it.

Having a family and studying is hard for certain reasons...being single and studying is hard for other reasons (I don't know if I would have had the discipline to study with no accountability, personally).

Anonymous 16 years ago

i apologize if that was taken the wrong way :) don't take life/things people say seriously bueller says you'll never come out alive :) take shot or 2 or 3 instead :) happy spring folks!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I received my AUD score in Washington state today at 6:45 am PST.

Anonymous 16 years ago

AUD is out in CA, WASH, and NH?

How do these states notify? I thought the online database is updated at the same time for all states?

Anonymous 16 years ago

just thought i would change the topic and tell everyone that it snowed today in NY.. on the first day of Spring...

Weird things can happen.. maybe we will get our REG scores today....:)

Anonymous 16 years ago

For the person who doesn't have the 2 years of experience nor wants to work in accounting for the time being and has passed all four parts... I called my board with the same question a while back (I had an awful experience with one of the Big 4 and felt the same way!). The good news is that once you pass all four parts of the exam they won't expire just because you don't meet the experience requirement. Basically, if you decide to get your experience 10 years from now, you can then apply for the actual certification. For the meantime you will just have passed the CPA exam, but won't be certified. Hope that helps!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I did awful on the REG sims too...not enough time!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yea! snow in NY! whats up with that? I was shocked this morn'. wanted to go back to bed... 16 years ago

on the first day of Spring..

Incorrect! The first day of Spring is March 21 - my birthday. There are people born on March 20 and March 22 who hold that their birthday is the first day of spring, but they are morons and in denial.

mawillar 16 years ago

LMAO -- it appears someone has struck a nerve!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I dont know but my calendar says March 20 is the first day of spring..

mawillar 16 years ago

CA reports through their own website, along with IL and VA (although their site apparently sucks).

Not sure of any other states. 16 years ago

I dont know but my calendar says March 20 is the first day of spring..

BURN IT. It is trash propaganda put out by people with inferior birth dates.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Congrats to the person who passed all 4 sections in 4 months! Consider passing your "story" along to Jeff to help benefit others.

Anonymous 16 years ago

March 20th - is the 1st day of spring for 2009
The first day of spring for 2009 is March 20th, a Friday. I think the first day of spring is on this date for every year..

Addendum to the above answer:

Spring comes in between the 19th to the 23rd of March and at different times. It changes on a yearly basis because the first official day of spring is the (Spring) Vernal EQUINOX. This is when the sun is directly above the equator. It rises due East and sets due West and does not do so on the exact same day every year since the calendar is not exactly 365 precise days every single year. In 2009, spring will arrive on March 20th, as stated above and the sun will be above the equator, crossing to the northern hemisphere at 11:47pm (ish)

Anonymous 16 years ago

wow Jeff u seem to be so upset with my calendar... lol.. :) 16 years ago

I'm too angry about March 20th to think about REG right now.

I'm off to edit WikiAnswers...

Anonymous 16 years ago

u r too funny Jeff.. tell me when you update it.. ;)

Bella 16 years ago

well if it makes u feel better it does say 11:47 pm .. which means its 13 mins from the 21st. So ur right, its the 21st kinda.

Anonymous 16 years ago

NH is a NASBA state, they just email you afternoon before it gets posted, if you chose to be emailed instead of mailed. I got FAR yesterday via email and it posted this morning on NASBA. It hits NASBA the same day as everyone else.

EP 16 years ago

Jeff, I'm sorry but the little TV screen we have in our elevators at work also said it was the 1st day of spring. I'd smash it for you, but I'd like to keep my job.

Anonymous 16 years ago

The fact that I am a silly guy that loves to laugh and cut up is probably a big part of why I've stayed fairly sane through this whole CPA testing saga. I'll share something with you that hopefully will make you chuckle, especially if you can sort of picture this. We had a staff meeting yesterday. I was stretching my arms vertically and accidentally farted , and you could have heard a pen drop, it was so darn loud. It was one of those kind that sort of feels like it cut your butt. I was so embarassed but after a few seconds decided just to laugh with everyone in there. And don't picture a big slob. I'm your normal average to above-avgerage-looking guy who just accidentally cut one in a freaking CAFR meeting. 16 years ago

There are few worse things that I can think of doing in a staff meeting than that.

That is awesome!

Anonymous 16 years ago


Anonymous 16 years ago

It really made everyone's day. I don't mind being the joke. It was actually very entertaining. 16 years ago

When I was in public I had a female boss who pretty much left me alone and didn't come in my 99% of the time I was "safe" to carpetbomb the place.

Wouldn't you know it ~ 5 seconds after detonation, she comes walking in and pulls up a chair next to me to go over a tax return.


mawillar 16 years ago

I'm totally the same way...I really think it says a lot about a person when they can laugh at themself (themselves?? -- my brain is numb right now).

My ability to find the humor in just about every situation is probably the reason I have not gone completely loony.

Music also helps...I have recently become completely obsessed with this song (hope it's cool to post this on here Jeff, if not let me know):

Anonymous 16 years ago

WA has their own site and they send you an email to let you know it's posted.

mawillar 16 years ago

AHAHAHAHAA "carpetbomb"

That happens to me all the time...would you believe I keep a fan under my desk to blow the fumes out of my office?

Worst thing you could do is eat a whole can of cannellini beans for dinnner. You might as well call in sick the next day cause it's just bad

Anonymous 16 years ago

I got very lucky in that the smell wasn't as bad as most of mine have been lately. I find myself laughing even at goofy things, even things that you probably heard in elementary school or perhaps never heardat all. For example, the other day I asked this guy something. Not sure if this makes a difference, but he is from Florida and I'm from Louisiana. His answer to my question was "cross between an elephant and a rhino." I said, "what????" He said, "elephino." I had never heard that before, and yes, I know it is as silly as silly gets, but I got a good laugh out of that one. 16 years ago

Jeff, have you heard anything on the release of the REG scores from Joanne or NASBA or AICPA?

I haven't heard a thing...Joanne has been nice enough to e-mail me when she hears something...all quiet...I'll twitter the second I hear anything (if I do).

SESPENNY 16 years ago

You guys are making me laugh! I don't think there could have been a better story for a Friday afternoon.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yes, like you, Jeff, Joanne from Illinois is my favorite kind of person. She appears to be compassionate towards us, knowing that we are all going crazy waiting for news. This site has been great and is pretty darn fun.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Would they post a score during the weekend ?

Anonymous 16 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, I believe that Colorado and Georgia and even a few of the Northeastern states (maybe Deleware and Connecticut) are tied into the same NASBA that I'm with (Louisiana). I have confirmed with them a few things. They definitely only update over night via batch style. They do not work overtime. They finally started having a Friday night batch that loads on Saturday morning instead of Monday morning as it used to be. Finally, they are located in Nashville, which I think is Eastern Time Zone. 16 years ago

I'll say REG release to CA/IL by Sunday/Monday and NASBA by Tuesday...where FAR was originally predicted...3/23

Anonymous 16 years ago

I am getting anxiety over AUD score......frig NASBA. Since this morning I have gotten a MONSTER zit on my face. AWESOME! Now if I do pass my boyfriend won't even want to makeout......

Kidding. But really. Severe anxiety = monster zit.

Carolyn 16 years ago

IL/CA release on weekends? There's a potential for a Sunday release?!

Anonymous 16 years ago

You're right. I've been getting the zits too. I'll go out with you. My girlfriend is out of town. Tell me wear to fly to, I'll go to the backyard to the money tree, and then be on my way.

Anonymous 16 years ago


Anonymous 16 years ago

How could someone take the exam on 1/3/09 and still not get the results back ? Don't they realize there is a time deadline !!?? 16 years ago

per Joanne @ IL...Large batch of REG and small batch of AUD scores released to NASBA today

...doubt they appear Satuday AM, but it's possible.

IL will get them uploaded ASAP, but they are having tech issues. 16 years ago

IL doesn't have them yet, btw...I should note that...she was just letting me know NASBA rec'd them.

Bella 16 years ago

so if nasba received a batch does that mean that they will post it .. or will they wait till they receive all??

Anonymous 16 years ago

nasba = ny? 16 years ago

nasba = for online score releases

Anonymous 16 years ago

'I'm not sure what to think of those fart knockers at this point.'

BAHAHAHA fart knockers...awesome! whoever said that..simply awesome!

lmb 16 years ago

NASBA = National Association of State Boards of Accountancy

Anonymous 16 years ago

NASBA= we ace the AUD section 16 years ago

lmb - that's a slick WP blog, btw. I'm moving this site to WordPress (and having it hosted) within the next 2 weeks...still tweaking things.

stockpickin'chicken 16 years ago

has anybody else confused nasba and nambla like I have before???

stockpickin'chicken 16 years ago

has anybody else confused nasba and nambla like I have before???

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anyone from MA get their AUD score??

EP 16 years ago

So now the verdict is Monday for REG unless we get really lucky and it's tomorrow?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any word on NY exam score releases ?

SESPENNY 16 years ago

No AUD in MO.

EP 16 years ago

Is anyone else being prompted for a password to look at the IL notice?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yes, maybe they're updating the notice.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Sadly, since I start studying for CPA exam I am around coffee shops and coffee makers:) alot...

This one is for REG!

lmb 16 years ago

hey jeff! let me know if you need any help! i'll be glad to help. the LMB site is a project that I started about a week ago, but since it was my first time working on standalone wordpress, i had some problems that took more time that necessary.

i love this site you have, i'm thinking about creating a site with user-generated content that gathers together a web-based accounting community where everyone of can share our ideas, situations, knowledge, and experiences. no one really understands the life of accountants except our fellow peers. maybe we can work on something like that together.

feel free to aim/gTalk/e-mail me at

lmb 16 years ago

err, typos .. *where everyone can share their*

Anonymous 16 years ago

does anyone know what will be posted in TX tonight?

Joanne V 16 years ago

IL web notice is now fixed. Sorry about that. Don't know when the other "indie" states (e.g. TX and CA) or NASBA will get REG and the add'l AUD posted.
IL's will be out there sometime Saturday afternoon, as my regular tech guy is gone. So IL: sleep in (Har!) and check after lunch. Best we can do at this point. AICPA said there would be a few stragglers coming out next week, but I don't know when. Enjoy your almost first day of spring (mighty sensitive that Jeff fellow is, isn't he??), even while you wait.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I am really not sure if I should be glad or sad about the REG news. you know. its like a glimmer of hope but still with such uncertainty since I for one my not be in the 'large batch' and we might still have to wait until monday.


Anonymous 16 years ago

Joanne, you're fantastic, thank you.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took AUD on Jan.23rd and still no score. Do u think that means I am close?

Anonymous 16 years ago


Anonymous 16 years ago

Lmb still on Ch-1


Anonymous 16 years ago

lol, yea maybe i shd go and do that to, even though i passed it already! at least that would prevent me from hitting the submit button over and over and over.....again.


Anonymous 16 years ago

just IL

Anonymous 16 years ago

For CA candidates,


Since CA has the REG results, but the Board is closed on 3rd friday due to furloughs. Do you think we might get a grade post tomorrow morning????

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does the latest tweet mean that the 2nd wave of REG is finally here and will be available on Monday and Tuesday? Hopefully Monday for me, as I am from VA. and that additional AUD beyond the 2nd wave initial release will also be released?

lmb 16 years ago

here's some hope to everyone ..

exactly 4 years ago, March 21st fell on a saturday and a score was released for CA CBA site ..

call me a wishful thinking, but i'll be checkin' my REG score again tomorrow morning! (=

lmb 16 years ago

wishful thinker*

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone in MD ever gotten their scores released on a Saturday. REG is my last section, and from my prior sections, I've seen MD and IL post on the same day, so I figure, if IL has the scores, so does MD.

Anonymous 16 years ago

My friend received 3 of her scores on Saturdays in here's to wishful thinking!!!

koolguy_4u 16 years ago

NASBA w/o results = GAAP Departure.... will this get me a passing grade, eh!

Give us our AUD results!!!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Delaware REG anybody?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Great job for those who have passed in 4 months or less. I studied for 5 months, sat in for all 4 parts 4 days in a row and passed 3 of them. REG is the only one I had to repeat and I am still waiting on it. I had no clue about 1 sim tab. Hopefully many people had trouble with that one. I don't feel dumb or smart though I graduated from grad school with a 3.94 GPA. Maybe law school next if I do well on the LSAT, which I have less confidence on....LOL

Anonymous 16 years ago

Tuesday for Reg Jeff?

are we under promising, over delivering?


Anonymous 16 years ago

its 3/20 and no audit in ca yet.

Anonymous 16 years ago

No NASBA REG up for NY on Saturday morning.

Looks like Monday/Tuesday for us NASBA folks...


Anonymous 16 years ago

No REG in MA...I need sleep!

Anonymous 16 years ago

No Reg in CA. I need sleep too!

SESPENNY 16 years ago

Did anyone receive an AUD score from NASBA?

Anonymous 16 years ago

AUD is not out in CO. Damn it to hell.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Did anyone receive REG scores in TX?

Anonymous 16 years ago

No one has received REG anywhere. NY does not have audit.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Nobody received scores in TX:
When I log in I see this:
"Last updated: 03/20/2009 03:13".
Previously, this date has changed if anything was posted for anyone (i.e. even if I didn't get any scores).
- Rebecca

Anonymous 16 years ago

No audit through nasba!

Piyu 16 years ago

9.11 am, REG not out for CO

Anonymous 16 years ago

reply to an earlier post: I graduated graduate school with a 4.0. grades don't mean squat when it comes to this test...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yeah...pretty much no one cares what you graduated with.

Anonymous 16 years ago

all they care about is those 3 letters after your name. I was pretty much told in an interview for a job (not where I took a job, mind you) that while they were impressed with my grades that my masters meant little or nothing compared to the CPA designation...

Anonymous 16 years ago

CA reg is out

Anonymous 16 years ago

I ditto the TX comment above. My updated date and time did not change despite me being told yesterday that there was going to be an update. I feel deceived.

Matthew Carr 16 years ago

REG is out in CA!!

I am done! 4/4!!

Thank you Jeff for the huge contribution you have made to our little community of candidates!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I got a question, PLEASE PEOPLE HELP. In CA, the advisory scores are posted on the very bottom of the STATUS right, is that correct? i got a 92 in there but i dont believe it.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Hey Matthew, since you are in CA, can you please answer my question regarding advisory scores that i just wrote. above a minute ago.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Is this a candid way of bragging about your score?

Matthew Carr 16 years ago

Anonymous @ 8:44 -

Yes, the CA website releases the advisory scores at the bottom of the page in the "status" box. Once the score is official, it will show up at the top of the page, usually a couple days later.

Anonymous 16 years ago

good Matthew, love it man, thanks, well good luck to all of you.

Anonymous 16 years ago

i am not braggin at all, i honestly thought that i had failed the test, this is just a shock.

Bella 16 years ago

for those who got their score, Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!

still waiting for mine in ny

MI Candidate 16 years ago

Looks like Jeff is right, monday for all Nasba states. Dang It!

Oh BTW, Happy Birthday Jeff!

Anonymous 16 years ago

So based on Jeff's analysis, no REG for NASBA today. not until monday!? this is torture.

Bella 16 years ago

Oh yes Happy Birthday Jeff!!! and a wonderful FIRST day of Spring to everyone!

ria102 16 years ago

Happy birthday, Jeff!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yea, Happy Birthday Jeff! Hope you got over the disappointment of not having ur bday on the first day of spring. its just he second biggy.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Happy Birthday, Jeff!

Matthew Carr 16 years ago

Happy Birthday Jeff!! 16 years ago

Thanks everyone!

31 is the new 25 I told myself this morning.


Congrats on being done Matthew!...congrats on the 92 on REG A.S. ... and everyone else out there.

vdesi from cpanet board 16 years ago

Happy Birthday Jeff, and how's the newest addition to your family doing? Please thank your wife for letting you pursue your hobby of helping us.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Well NASBA has to release AUD before REG...

... right? 16 years ago

Our newest addition is still cooking a 2-3 more weeks. I still count her...just not for tax purposes yet. My Twitter profile says four...I didn't want to have to update it later.

After 3 boys (ages 5 and under)...a little girl will be a welcomed addition to our wild household.

Her actual due date is April 15th. Fitting, I guess. 16 years ago

Well NASBA has to release AUD before REG...

... right?

I think takes NASBA at least a full business day to process everything. If REG comes out over the weekend for CA/IL...NASBA won't put it out until Tuesday AM. 16 years ago

Tuesday for Reg Jeff?

are we under promising, over delivering?

I do think it's Tuesday...I don't can get that by calling NASBA and their "all scores wil be released by mid-April" line.

This Wave the predictions weren't worth the bandwidth they were printed on. I showed my work and how I arrived at happens.

I do think REG will come out on Tuesday because I think REG will roll out Sat/Sunday for CA/IL...NASBA will get to work Monday AM...put it all in the runs overnight...Tuesday AM release.

Enjoy your weekend everyone...good luck Monday (AUD) and Tuesday (REG)

Anonymous 16 years ago

For those of you who got their REG scores in CA this morning, when did you take your exams? Just wondering really if you are the ones who had a chance of being in wave 1 but had to wait the longest. My score still isn't posted... :( Hoping that doesn't mean I am an on the fence wave 2a post that gets to wait several more days.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Took REG in CA on 2/19, got the score today.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Hmmm... Well thank you for your response. It helps to know but that means I probably get to stress a bit longer. Good luck to everyone and happy birthday Jeff!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Happy b-day Jeff! Mine is later on this month too...

I got my REG score this morning in CA. Yes, I cleared this section with 80. I thought for sure I failed after walking out of the exam and right up until the score released. One more section to go - AUD.

I took the exam on 1/20/09.

Anonymous 16 years ago

CA Here...not in first batch of REG Release...for the 4th time...70,72,73...anyone ever pass by being in the second batch of the release?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Passed REG in CA!!! I took it on 2/26. Jeff, thanks so much for this blog! It's helped keep me sane. Good luck to everyone. Btw I swore I had failed - left a simulation mostly blank, had "Tammy thunder thumbs" next to me, and got an 87, so there's hope for everyone.

Anonymous 16 years ago

So I took Reg Jan 2 in Iowa but my board is in IL. Still no results. This is so frustrating. I took AUD on Feb 22 and I've already received my score. What a horrible process. It's ironic that my job is to go in & assist companies in streamlining processes and this is how I become certified.

I'm pretty surprised that IL has not received their scores as they usually receive them the same time as CA? Anyone know what's going on?

Anonymous 16 years ago

The IL Board site says they received/released only 84% of total AUD exams taken, sounds like you unfortunately are not in that 84%??

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone recd. their REG scores as they were to be released post "lunch" today.

Anonymous 16 years ago

From 11:28 post - Sorry - just saw Joanne's post about the IL tech guy. Man! You shouldn't let them have vacation or sick days around this time of the month ;)

Will check later this afternoon...

Eva 16 years ago

CA has REG score now. I'm done with the CPA exam.
Got a 90 for REG and it really surprised me cuz I thought I did poorly on REG due to the weird sim
and tons of unfamiliar MCQ.

Anonymous 16 years ago

FINALLY OVER!!! passed FAR in CA with an 86!!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Took Reg 1/10 in CA. Finally got my score today and I passed!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Took REG in CA 1/31 and finally rec'd my score today...80!!yipeee! I'm actually excited to study for BEC for the second time! Happy B-day JEFF and thanks SO much for this awesome website to let us vent!! :)


lmb 16 years ago


CA REG is out.

REG Advisory Score: 84 - Attended: 02/25/2009 12:54:00


PPD 16 years ago

Illinois Egateway is not responding again.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I think when the egateway is not responding is when they are uploading the scores? That's how it has seemed before. Last time it didn't work, the BEC scores came up about 2 hours later.

I'm sitting here studying for FAR and praying my "PASS" score comes up for REG! If so, then FAR is really my last test which would be amazing. If that happens, all 4 tests in 6 months while working busy season.

Anonymous 16 years ago

So far I am noticing that all of the REG CA posts are passers in the 80's and 90's. Anyone outside of that range?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anybody got REG score in Delaware? I just want to know if I can finally put this to a rest. I was kinda pissed I wasn't among those who passed all for on the first try but if you did, more power to you. :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took REG on 2/26 in CA, and I just got my score. Yes, I passed! This means that I'm now 3 for 3! Only one more section left to go, and that's BEC.

Anonymous 16 years ago

It is OK if you pass 4 out of 4 on the first try. What is more impressive is if you can pass all 4 taking in 2 to 4 consecutive days. I remember from the last testing window that someone did what I did, taking all for in 4 days. That person passed all 4 but I failed 1 and I was pretty pissed. It was quite a bruise to my ego because friends and coworkers thought I was pretty smart. :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Oh gosh! I took Reg on 1/2 and I literally thought I failed.. Receiving my scores so late made me even more nervous!

I passed but barely... I'll take it! FAR is really my last test and its in two weeks. Hard to believe!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

"REG for IL is out"

Could you get into the egateway???

ria102 16 years ago

REG 85 in IL. I am now done with CPA.

I am deeply Japanese, but graduated from Penn State (with very out-of-state tuition) and I am now US CPA.

Jeff and Joanne, thank you so much for helping so many people even in Japan.

ria102 16 years ago

Could you get into the egateway???

The site is ok now.

PP Dangler 16 years ago

Got it now, 80! Took REG 2/21 in IL. Good Luck!

Anonymous 16 years ago

IL Reg is up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

IL Reg is posted!

mawillar 16 years ago

Hey guys, wait is over for me in CA...I got an 80!

So freaking pumped -- I dont know what to do with myself.

I got my score and ran around the office with a fist in the air "Wahooooooooooo" (I'm working today).

Anyways, good luck to everyone else!

PS - took my exam 2/17 for the person wondering earlier.

Anonymous 16 years ago

No REG in MD why why why? it is really hard to focus on my Audit study.

Anonymous 16 years ago

MD and other states that may not work on Saturdays will most likely have REG scores available Monday.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Reg Scores are posted in IL! Got a 79, I dont even know how. I didnt have enough time to get through the law portion in the Wiley books. Plus, Im not even that smart to begin with, lol.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anyone get AUD in NJ?

Borderline? 16 years ago

Waaa! I still don't have my CA REG score. Does this mean I'm borderline or just didn't pass? Are there any CA REG scores out that were no pass?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anyone else having a problem getting through to the IL results?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yes I am from IL my score was not up, then the site went down again, and my score is still not up.

Phyllis 16 years ago

I hate NASBA. Seriously, with the fees they charge, they couldn't have someone come in today to run the updates?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Borderline?, I'm from CA and I still didn't receive my REG score yet. I'm really getting nervous. And to top it off, today is my birthday. This is either going to be a really happy birthday or a depressing one. Good luck to everyone here.

PPD 16 years ago

"Anyone else having a problem getting through to the IL results?"

Maybe if you try the site to much it 'times you out', I could be wrong but I was refreshing the page all morning on my work computer and could not get to the login screen of the IL Egateway.

When I read on here that IL REG was up, I still couldn't get on. I found my score by turning on my personal laptop, that worked, I got in right away. If you have access to another computer, I'd try that. Good Luck!

Carolyn 16 years ago

Passed REG in IL! I'm in shock. I still can't believe it. I really thought I screwed up on the mcqs.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone received AUD in Michigan??

Anonymous 16 years ago

In CA - have not received a score for REG, very vervous... anyone received a failing score in CA?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone ever received their scores through NASBA on Sunday?

Joanne V 16 years ago

IL REG/AUD were posted online around noon. The eGateway should be up and running. Are folks still having problems? Please post here if you are and I might be able to have the tech guy check it out.
IL is waiting on the following scores:

re 11:26 a.m. post: "It's ironic that my job is to go in & assist companies in streamlining processes and this is how I become certified." I presume that was aimed at the AICPA b/c state boards are at their mercy also, as is NASBA.

Illinois Joanne

Anonymous 16 years ago

AUD in NJ? or other states yet?

RAV 16 years ago

Still waiting for AUD in MA. Most likely the new england area won't receive it till monday

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any word on AUD in WI?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thank you Joanne.

Anonymous 16 years ago

no AUD in NYC yet. let's get this over with already...

Anonymous 16 years ago

NY REG will follow AUD this upcoming week ? I am going crazy !

Anonymous 16 years ago

Got my REG score in CA today - took the exam 1/9 - I'm done!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I am also waiting for AUDIT in NYC. Took exam on 2/24.

Long wait!!!

mendy 16 years ago

Happy birthday Jeff.
Thanks a lot for this great blog. We all appreciate your work.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Feliz Cumpleanos your prediction for NASBA to upload second wave AUD scores on Monday? Thanks for all of your help and for giving us a place to vent!

Anonymous 16 years ago

If i have not received my audit score yet, does that mean that I am borderline?

Anonymous 16 years ago


Anonymous 16 years ago

Took GA AUD 1/16.. still no scores. This is ridiculous!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

NASBA and the score release timing is really making me rethink moving to CA or IL or somewhere... :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

"... or somewhere... :)"

LOL! Just don't move to Arkansas or Mississippi, we are in the backwoods here. Getting result via snail mail.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I feel your pain GA AUD. I took AUD on 1/9 here in MI and still no scores!!

CA 16 years ago

love the site, great resource for scoring updates. Please do your part to keep it Douche bag free. Everyone's happy for everyone who passed. No need to advertise your score or how long it took to pass the exams. Congrats to those who passed their last one!

mawillar 16 years ago


I dont know why you would think sharing your score qualifies someone as being a bag-of-douche.

Part of what makes this site so therapeutic for people is the fact that not only do you realize that you are not the only miserable person out there studying for this beast of an exam but you can also share in the joy of your and other people's success.

FYI - nobody likes a buzzkill

Just my two cents...

Anonymous 16 years ago

I agree with mawillar. I actually feel much better knowing that... there are people out there miserable as I am during this dreadful journey no matter how long it took you to pass all 4 exams.

MW 16 years ago

If you can't share your score with fellow candidates - who can you share it with?...the marketing major in the cube next to you with the state school MBA? lol...

No one truly appreciates how hard this exam except for CPAs, CPA candidates, and their spouses. Everyone else thinks you "must be good at math".

If you fail - vent.

If you pass - shout your score from the rooftops

Both are welcome...and healthy.

Kim 16 years ago

I think the post on 3/21 at 12:39 was ridiculous. Telling us that he is superior because he took all 4 tests in 4 days. What a croc of bull. Nice try, but his stnt didn't even work and he failed one. How stupid to do that and intentionally compromise his passing capability.

I took all 4 in 3 weeks because I got my NTS in late October, had no idea how I would do, so just took them all for practice ASAP. A strategic plan, not a dumb stunt.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I think part of what CA was referring to was like what that person said at the top of this page "whats more impressive is taking all 4 at once blah blah blah" no one cares bud

Anonymous 16 years ago

Will NASBA AUD grades from Friday be posted tomorrow morning?

Billy 16 years ago

First of all Thank you for the great site updates, it was great waking up 5 in the morning knowing that I have finally completed all 4 parts of the exam.

Does anyone know that I have to wait for the congratulatory letter before going to pay for the license fee? Am I allow to prepay it? I am a resident of New York so I don't need the ethics exam.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I agree with Jeff. This is some exam. Only those of us who have taken it can really understand what it takes. I am anxiously awaiting the results of my first part. Colleagues posting their experiences and grades make us all feel like it is possible, no matter what obstacles we have going on. Who is to say taking the test in four consecutive days is more impressive than multitasking a full-time job and family obligations and spreadiing the exam over 6 months? Everyone of us is different, everyone of us has our own obstacles we have to overcome. Let us congratulate those who pass as well as those who persevere even when faced with failing. It takes a lot to dust yourself off and do it again.

mawillar 16 years ago

I completely agree...

There is nothing more impressive to me than what Jeff did.

To truly be able to appreciate success sometimes you have to taste failure in life.

To overcome what Jeff did and pass the exam after taking it so many times is 100 times more impressive to me than someone who takes all four in four consecutive days.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Okay back to the topic, will we get our result tomorrow morning or not!?

Sorry if I sound so grumpy, Nasba ruined by weekend!!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

"if you can't share your score with fellow candidates - who can you share it with?...the marketing major in the cube next to you with the state school MBA? lol..."


Anonymous 16 years ago

to all who feel its necessary to announce your scores to the world... congratulations, you deserve to happy and proud of what you've accomplished, but just remember...

*what's the difference between a CPA who scored straight 90's and a CPA who barely made it into the "300 club" (aka all 75's)? --> NOTHING*

Anonymous 16 years ago

i agree, lets get back on topic. will we get our scores tomorrow through NASBA or will it take until Tuesday specifically in regards to aud? thanks!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

what's wrong with a state school MBA?

Anonymous 16 years ago

It's getting intersting! lol

Anonymous 16 years ago

I will take 75'S any day of the week!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Ditto 16 years ago

what's wrong with a state school MBA?

As soon as I posted that I thought someone might take that the wrong way. If I get an will be from a state school. The state MBA guy that I was thinking of thinks he went to Harvard and telling him about a CPA score would leave him unimpressed...he thinks he went to Harvard.

I didn't mean to stick my foot in my mouth :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

It is amazing to see how people assume that if you take all 4 parts in a short period of time that you don't have any other obligations. I am a junior accountant and I work more hours than some managers. Yet some of the managers failed. It is funny to see how this one manager even tried to undermine the test by saying that he thought the test was not reflective of anything. Of course, he didn't pass and didn't bother to retake. I took 4 parts in 4 consecutive days because I was pissed at the CPAs who passed many moons ago who bragged about having to take it all in 2 days. I just wanted to show them that I didn't have it easy either. Had I passed all 4, they would have shut up for good but I was stuck with 1. YES there is a lot of arrogance with this CPA thing.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I have my MBA from a state school and I am here to tell you....the workload doesn't compare to the CPA exam. One must be way more determined and disciplined studying for the CPA exam than the MBA.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took REG on 2/26. It's my last section, and I came out feeling like I didn't pass within a long shot but am still clinging to the hope that I passed by some miracle. I reeeeeeeaaaaaally want to know how the hell I did. I'm eaten up with nervousness. My stomach's a ball of knots. I may vomit onto my keyboard in a moment due to aforementioned ailments coupled with indegestion from the Thai food I forced down my gullet an hour ago. Why, oh why, oh why can't the REG scores for AK just be posted already??????

~ Suffering in AK 16 years ago

re: AUD scores...

btw - I do think AUD will be there tomorrow AM for NASBA. Don't hate me if I'm wrong, but if I were waiting on my AUD score - I would wake up tomorrow AM expecting it. 16 years ago

An MBA is still a great accomplishment and far be it from me to bash it when someone has dropped $15k-$40k (or more in some instances...).

Anonymous 16 years ago

So should we expect NY REG results on Tuesday ? I hope I haven't been studying for FAR for nothing ...

EP 16 years ago

It'd be nice if there was a miracle and NASBA has scores for both AUD and REG posted tomorrow :-)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thought someone need a laugh...

JD in NJ 16 years ago

Question: If you pass all four exams will you get some kind of notification as to that effect? I threw out my old exam scores (I'm an idiot) during Spring Cleaning and NASBA charges $25 a pop for score reprints. I guess if I have to pay $75 for the reprints, I will. Just trying to think how to recoup the fees spent on the exam with my firm.

Anonymous 16 years ago

wow that craigslist post is great, talk about ethics...

Anonymous 16 years ago

That is great! Thanks for sharing!! Back to agonizing about my lack of CA REG score...

Abe 16 years ago

Attention JD: I believe each notification from NASBa is cumulative, and the letter lists all the exams you passed up to the time of the letter.

JD from NJ 16 years ago

Thank you Abe, but I don't remember my first 3 notifications to be cumulative. Guess I'll have to watch out for number for. NASBA: Please post NJ REG tomorrow ;)

JD from NJ 16 years ago

Er, number four, heh, it's late

Abe 16 years ago

If you are waiting for REG, and want to make sure that at least NASBA has your score, and you're not from the last few unluckiers, here's how you can find out. Go to the NASBA website for your state and go to the reexamination registration link. I tried to go a few times and register for my last 2 exams, and I couldn't log in. I called the CPA exam board, and they told me that it is a 'safety' feature. If you are waiting for scores the site won't let you register online for the other exams. The reason is because they are worried that you are sure you flunked the exam you took, and you will reregister, only to find out later, to your great dismay, that you passed. Then is will be a hassle to get your money back. They, therefore, don't let you log in. The point being, that until NASBA receives your score you can't log in. I tried at the end of last week and couldn't log in. I just tried now (Sunday night) and I was able to log in. I assume that means they received my score. So if you want to know if they got your score, try to log in. If you get in, then they have your score.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Abe...What if I took REG and it was my last section and I was able to log in for re-registration? Does it mean NASBA got my score and I failed????

Anonymous 16 years ago

same here did the same thing.

Abe 16 years ago

Attn: Anonymous who took REG as last part. No, I don't think it means that. The system let's you register for parts that you passed too, so there's no reason to think you didn't pass.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Cool trick Abe.

So why aren't the scores uploaded? What, it's a weekend? How many of us have worked seven days a week since january?

Sespenny 16 years ago

No AUD score for me in MO:(

Anonymous 16 years ago

still no ny reg

Anonymous 16 years ago

They're here!!!! I must be the first one who woke up in the middle of the night. 79 baby! Now i can finally get some sleep.

Anonymous 16 years ago

what section is here?

neal 16 years ago

Found out I passed AUD in FL today. Just need my REG score to find out if I'm finished.

Anonymous 16 years ago

ugh!! so when Jeff when you said 89% of AUD is here, does that mean the other 11% is borderline?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any REG scores for NASBA today 23rd 5.45am???

Anonymous 16 years ago

Is 89% a normal amnt of scores they release in wave 2? It seems rather low...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does NASBA release scores during the day or do we now have to wait for REG till tomorrow?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I think only at night, they do a batch upload.

Rav 16 years ago

MA score is here for AUD...I passed babe

Anonymous 16 years ago

I am finally done. Passed AUD with a pretty decent score. That means I must have wasted someone's time at some point. But nonetheless I passed and can finally live my life.

Lauren, NY

Anonymous 16 years ago

Still no REG scores in MI via NASBA...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Nothing in TX, unless this means I am borderline. Anyone in TX get AUD score?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Took Reg on 1/3 still waiting!!

koolguy_4u 16 years ago

Alright guys... so the wait is finally over this morning as i scored an 85 on my AUD section.

Good luck to all who are waiting and thanks to Jeff. One down & three more to go...later everyone.

Anonymous 16 years ago

GA AUD is up. Great Job on the prediction this morning Jeff! I passed!

Anonymous 16 years ago

If GA AUD is up I wonder when GA REG would be posted. I can't wait any longer.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Its 7.21 AM EST and no REG score on NASBA. So now I guess it will be tomorrow.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does anyone know if 89% being released is a normal amount? Is there normally 11% that are borderline? Thanks!

Anonymous 16 years ago

No AUD for me in NY. exam date is 2/24. Why?????????

Anonymous 16 years ago

If scores are not posted by 7am I wonder of there's a possibility for the scores to be realeased later during the day. 16 years ago

If you don't have your score for AUD now...your sims are likely being re-graded and you should have your score within 5 days or so...and per Joanne @ IL...these candidates are borderline (72-77).

That doesn't make you feel very good, but I thought you would want to know instead of wondering.

Sad in NJ 16 years ago

Got a 71 on AUD today. Was supposed to be my last exam. Pretty disappointed to have to study for it all over again, I did about 100 hours last time. How am I supposed to focus?

MI Candidate 16 years ago

AUD - 67 :(

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took AUD on 2/25 in TX...the wait is finally over, I scored an 85! Two for two! Good luck everyone!

Anonymous 16 years ago

87 in AUD... Stick a fork in me, I am DONE!!! Thanks for all the work you put into the blog... now its Bonus Time Woohooohohohohoho!!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Still waiting on REG scores in TX..I guess tomorrow:(

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anything in MD today?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm CO. NASBA posted my AUD score this morning--78. Thank goodness. Good luck to all.

koolguy_4u 16 years ago

For those who are waiting for AUD scores in NY, they are out this morning... Just wanted to pass it along.

Anonymous 16 years ago

What time do the scores go up in the morning on Nasba? Is it all at once? Should I keep checking back for my REG score, or should I just wait until tomorrow?

EP 16 years ago

The scores are posted in a batch, so if it's not up yet it won't be at least until tomorrow morning.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I haven't received my MD REG score yet...77 days...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Got AUD score in GA... 70. And I call myself an auditor...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thx Kool Guy, I guess I'm not one of the Lucky ones :(

EP 16 years ago

Someone just posted on cpanet that REG scores are out in VA if you call.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone received a Massachusetts Reg, wave 2 score yet?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm in score for Reg yet. :(

Anonymous 16 years ago

I called VA and found out I passed REG with a 91! This was my first section, and I was relatively sure I didn't do so well, as there were a lot of strange MCs. For those of you that are still waiting and had that weird "I have no clue how that went" feeling when you left the exam center, you may have done better than you think.

Anonymous 16 years ago

everyone who did well on suck! haha kidding, great job!!! im still nervous! especially knowing i am likely 72-76..fingers crossed. and again congrats to all those who passed!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anything in TX for REG?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone gotten their Audit scores in OH?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I like that auditor's sense of humor!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Waiting on FAR scores via USPS here in MS. If/when anyone from MS gets a score on this, will you let me know? The wait is killing me...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone received their AUD score in Oklahoma? I just called the OAB and they said that they haven't received the scores yet....which seems kind of hard to believe since they have been released by every other state....thanks

Anonymous 16 years ago

Received AUD in MN - 80!!

Annoying Koala 16 years ago

I passed the last part of the exams- REG. Called up the VA BOA and she gave me the score over the phone. Took it on 2/28 and AUD 1/27 ( passed with 77)

I have been studying for the CPA exams for over than 1 year. Working full time in a big-4 ( which you may know the hours are very long). Sometimes I fell asleep while studying at night after a long day.

Except for BEC, I didn't pass the other 3 parts on the first try so the experience has been very hard to me.

Thank you Jeff for sharing your experience. and Good luck to everyone on the board who are still taking the exams. Don't give up.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Hi Mendy. Could you share what date did you took the exam? I took AUD on 02/23/09 in NYC and still not score at the nasba site. Thanks!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Still waiting on CA REG. Am guessing this puts me in the regrading bucket. Losing faith but trying to stay positive.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Did anyone get their score for AUD in Louisiana?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Those in VA who said they called to get their REG score, do you usually release through NASBA?

Anonymous 16 years ago

can anybody see if they can call in to get REG scores in Colorado, I called in but with all those automated messages, I'm not sure where to go.

Anonymous 16 years ago

3 for 3 until REG. One more window to pass. I'm not giving up. Bring it!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

VA posts via their site, which is not working. Thus, we have to call.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anyone received REG in New hampshire yet?

Anonymous 16 years ago

No,REG in MD.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does anyone receive AUD score in New York State?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I just called MD board. I gave the woman my info, and she said they haven't received MY scored from NASBA. She didn't tell me if they have received any, or just not mine. All the other indie states have released some gotten and released REG. I'm just trying to figure out if I am on that border line, or what. If anyone received a REG score from MD, please let us know. I'm really buggin out!

Anonymous 16 years ago

To the person in NH

No REG for me yet either, I expect an email this afternoon and an online post tomorrow, if not then I'll consider myself on the fence.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any one know the steps for retaking the exam in VA?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I haven't received my REG score for MD either.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Birthday was this weekend and no results. I don't think I passed, but I would rather know for sure, so I can study in earnest and pass my third section(BEC).

Anonymous 16 years ago

has anyone ever been on the fence range (receiving their score later than others) and passed? wicked nervous here with audit!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I passed Financial with a 76. I received mine a few days later than the other NASBA people.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does anyone know if Oklahoma has released REG?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any one from CO got AUD Score, I gave my exam on 01/12 Still waiting for result,

Jeff, Does it mean I am on borderline or NASBA still uploading score for second wave,
Please help

Anonymous 16 years ago

My AUD grade for NY is not up, and my friend's is. I took mine 2/24, she took hers 2/26! Wth!

Anonymous 16 years ago

same boat in mass. i took mine 2/11 no score. friend took it end of month and got hers. she passed. she sucks. kidding. i know she is reading this...:) 16 years ago

I missed Wave 2 for REG once (74)...others get their scores after Wave 2 and still pass in the 75,76, occasional 90 out of nowhere also...anything is possible.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does anyone receive REG score in Maine State? I took mine 2/11..

Anonymous 16 years ago

Spoke with representative for Ohio, Missouri, Rhode Island - his response:

"The first batch of REG scores are being transmitted today. Check online after 7:00 p.m. central time this evening" 16 years ago

I didn't know anything existed in Maine besides lobsters and fictional Stephen King towns

Anonymous 16 years ago

ok so to all of the people that passed REG in VA and CA...were you surprised that you passed? my sims were brutal!!! so i'm afraid there isn't much chance for me :(

Anonymous 16 years ago

hahaha OOB!!!(old orchard beach) that's in maine. we should all have a summer party there: jeff, if i pass this damn audit exam i'll buy you shots (youre wife, too if she drinks) 16 years ago

She doesn't drink, but I'll drink hers too :/

Anonymous 16 years ago


Anonymous 16 years ago

Im in guam where are the scores for reg?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yes I was very surprised that I passed REG. With FAR & AUD, I wasn't sure with MCs but at least I knew what I was doing in SIMs. So I think that's what helped me passed. However with REG, I was struggling with MCs and the SIMs! I felt so defeated after that exam...more torture to wait 1.5 months for result! now onto studying for BEC the 2nd time. Crossing my fingers that it will be my last exam EVER!


Anonymous 16 years ago

wheres my score :(

Anonymous 16 years ago

I have not received my score on REG from Maine State yet. I took it on 2/21...still waiting...

mawillar 16 years ago

ok so to all of the people that passed REG in VA and CA...were you surprised that you passed? my sims were brutal!!! so i'm afraid there isn't much chance for me :(

I passed with an 80 in CA. I have a friend in VA who passed with an 87. Both of us thought we failed, mainly cause we both had brutal sims. My second sim in particular I'd be surprised if I even got half of it right.

We are proof positive that you can bomb one of the simulations and still pass.

Anonymous 16 years ago

My Bro-in-law in TX didn't even get to one of his REG sims and still passed with an 83. This exam is in no way predictable.

Anonymous 16 years ago

AUD 91
FAR 92
BEC 83
REG 99

Just got the REG this morning from VA, so I am done. I pretty much unnecessarily had to wait until the 2nd wave, but I guess it was worth the wait (besides all the stress I endured second guessing myself)?

Anonymous 16 years ago

NY AUD Not out yet for me. Sat on 02/23/09. Any info?

mawillar 16 years ago


Anonymous 16 years ago

No Audit in LA yet

Anonymous 16 years ago

can u score 99 on a CPA exam?

Anonymous 16 years ago

REG 99? Never heard that before.

Anonymous 16 years ago

you can get a 99..perfect score. friend of mine got a 99 on far...i suppose you can get it on any exam. nice job! id tell you not to study so much for the next one but youre done! so enjoy :) kaplan says just aim for a 75..speaking of, how come no one uses's been good to me so far.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Wow!!! 99 amazing. Congrats!

Anonymous 16 years ago

REG 99? You should request NASBA to allocate at least 15 of those points to less fortunate candidates.

NY REG (took on 1/5...still waiting)

Anonymous 16 years ago

No REG in Arizona as of today. Do the states not all receive their scores at the same time?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I would disregard that 99, only an artificially intelligent system called skynet can get a score like that.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I agree You should request that NASBA re-allocate at least 15 points
Just kidding Congrats Well done
I am still waiting for my REG The exam was horrible
Caribbean Girl

Anonymous 16 years ago


Anonymous 16 years ago

If REG 99 were to allocate 15 points to us, REG 74 would be pissed off cause he/she would have flunked!

Anonymous 16 years ago

99 less 15 equal 84 still pass ???

Anonymous 16 years ago

Stupid me! 99-15 = 84 and not 74! and I am supposed to an aspiring CPA!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone noticed a trend that the reg scores released are a bit high??

Anonymous 16 years ago

The NH emails have gone out for REG. I took my exam 1/3 and got an 89 today.

Anonymous 16 years ago

i hope mine is high >74

ny reg where are u??

Anonymous 16 years ago

yea i was going to say the same thing.. I havent heard many failures.

EP 16 years ago

It's ok, we have calculators for the arithmetic.

On a side note, if you want to check something other than the NASBA site this is pretty funny:

It's also quite accurate, which is pretty sad for us accountants.

Anonymous 16 years ago

No REG in MD yet

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yeah, it's high! I guess it was a great test window for the candidates while AICPA test the new Stimulations- trial & error.

Anonymous 16 years ago

it eill be great if ny state releases scores & i pass

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any news on NY REG, is it out ?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Hello NY where ARe U???????????

Anonymous 16 years ago

Not surprised, NY takes long with eveything

Anonymous 16 years ago

No REG for me in NH
No email and i am checking every 5 second

JJ 16 years ago

NY REG from 1/6 here. Hopefully the scores will be up tomorrow. I also noticed that a lot of REG scores seem to be very high. Hopefully they saved some passing scores for NYS as well. Good luck everyone.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I sat for NY AUD on 2/24. Just checked. Score still not up yet.

Anonymous 16 years ago

"Has anyone attended Becker's one day (for each part) live review "cram" course and found it helpful?"

I have heard that sometimes it is a class that watches a video instead of a live person. Also, try to get recommendations for the instructor fisrt, to make sure you get your money's worth.

Anonymous 16 years ago

"Has anyone noticed a trend that the reg scores released are a bit high??"

Those are just the people posting, not all scores. The people who didn't get the high scores are probably less likely to post

Anonymous 16 years ago

Just by reading some of these posts it seems the people who take REG in early january and have been waiting have been getting a really high grade or a borderline grade...since I think I was probably borderline, I'm pretty worried right now.

mawillar 16 years ago

On a side note, if you want to check something other than the NASBA site this is pretty funny:

It's also quite accurate, which is pretty sad for us accountants.

This is SOOOO true.

Seriously who didn't love #17??

Ahhh, this post made my day.

Honorable mention goes to post-it flags, white-out tape, and lack of sleep. I often get home from studying at around midnight only to watch TV til 2am...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yes, the Reg scores have been very high, which has given me new hope. One person mentioned not finishing a whole sim and still scored in the 80s. I left 1 tab of 1 sim blank and have always thought I failed until now. My luck with this Reg has absolutely sucked, first a 74, then another 74. Now that people are scoring high, I expect to pass, which will leave me jack daniels devastated if I don't.

EP 16 years ago

It's interesting because when I walked out of the exam I was 100% I failed. I managed to finish the test, but I'm pretty sure I got one of the sims completely wrong and the other one only partially correct. I'm pretty sure I answered both research questions correctly, but that's about it. Now the longer I wait the more I think I might have actually passed the exam. Hopefully I'm right so I don't have to spend my first vacation studying.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I really like the website " as mentioned by an earlier poster. Just wasted about 20 mins that my public client will be paying for :) But I guess it is OK since I just passed AUD.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yep, I only left the 1 tab blank but felt I did badly overall, with the exception of the research and the writing. Now, I can't help but feel that I may pass.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I wonder if the same coordinator is in charge of Louisiana, Georgia, and Colorado? I could have sworn I heard that. Looking at the pattern over the last 11 months that I've dealt with this, it wouldn't surprise me. I don't think those 3 states have released Audit or Reg.

Anonymous 16 years ago

louisiana and georgia are under the same coordinator...I don't think CO is included.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Is REG predicted to be released to NASBA tomorrow morning? 16 years ago

Is REG predicted to be released to NASBA tomorrow morning?

Yep...I twittered this morning... :)

(sounds odd, btw...)

Anonymous 16 years ago

A 99 in reg???

Well folks, if you got a 71, 72, 73 or 74 this time around in REG... know who prevented you from getting a 75.

mawillar 16 years ago

Yep...I twittered this morning... :)

(sounds odd, btw...)

I think its supposed to be "tweeted" (which sounds even weirder btw) when you are talking about making a post to twitter.

There was actually a whole conversation about this on Mike & Mike in the morning today (ESPN radio) 16 years ago

yeah...I almost wrote that I posted a tweet, but as a recent Twitter convert, I know that many don't know what a tweet is...

good call though

Anonymous 16 years ago

MD REG is out!

Anonymous 16 years ago

How long after all grades are released does AICPA release the passing rates for the window?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Maryland is a state that uses NASBA, isn't it?

Anonymous 16 years ago

after a 10 week wait i received my score at 2:42 pm today. this was my third time having taken reg so it is a huge relief...MD seems to be posting scores finally

Anonymous 16 years ago

GEEZ...c'mon NASBA! Waiting on Louisiana REG here. Did I read somewhere above that NASBA usually posts early in the morning?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm in the same boat in the same bayou in Louisiana. This Reg is my last one. I have never gotten a score until morning. I sat 9 times before this one...always morning. I don't see why the heck NASBA refuses to do a batch during the freaking daytime. More importantly, since this is the 21st century, they should be able to utilize an online, real-time system. This thoroughly pisses me off. I'm writing a letter.

EP 16 years ago

NASBA should review the BEC material :-)

Anonymous 16 years ago

come on ny

Anonymous 16 years ago

i agree. it is a bunch of Bravo Sierra. they should at least give their logic for waiting until nightfall. i want my audit score!

EP 16 years ago

It'd be nice if there was a charge code for this blog and the NASBA page 16 years ago

It'd be nice if there was a charge code for this blog and the NASBA page

the charge code can be reached by hitting the Donate button under this message and then enter your hourly billing rate

Anonymous 16 years ago

Hi Jeff,

Should we NY AUD folks be considering ourselves borderline (72-77)? What do u thik? I sat 02/23/09 and was reaaaaaally hoping for a score today :|

Thanks for this blog it's really great, specially for people like me who need to share our thoughts and get some relief while we're at it.

Anonymous 16 years ago

MD releases through their own website 16 years ago

I dunno about NY seems NY people always get their scores delayed...or at least they mention it more than other candidates...NY releases through NASBA so I would think NY would get their scores with everyone else...

EP 16 years ago

I wish I could afford my hourly billing rate, I think I make about 15% of it pre-tax (and that's assuming a 40/hr week, which we all know doesn't happen this time of year).

Anonymous 16 years ago

NASBA always posts in the morning? When you say it 1am or 11am :) 16 years ago

3:30-5:30am EST

Anonymous 16 years ago

sucks doesn't it? one batch per day, poste in the wee hrs of the morn! how much ancient can u get?!?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yes, if memory serves me correctly, NY, Colorado, Georgia, Connecticut, and my state, Louisiana, all have to deal with NASBA and its batch processing. NASBA does not operate on weekends, and the only batch they run is overnight. I've always just awoken to a score, usually around 6 am central. I have checked at 1200 and 100 am central and not had the score but then received it when I awoke at 6 am. I hate NASBA.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thanks Jeff AUD NY still holding our breath.

Couldn't concentrate through the test, there was this guy behind me who typed like he wanted to kill the keyboard and those stupid contruction earphones didn't work! I had to rush through simulation # 2, and had the worst writings in the world. Let's see some horror stories :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

"A 99 in reg???

Well folks, if you got a 71, 72, 73 or 74 this time around in REG... know who prevented you from getting a 75."

That's lame. Blame yourself, not someone else who was more prepared.

mawillar 16 years ago

I don't know about everyone else but I use both the foam earplugs and the construction headphones.

I usually can't hear a damn thing :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Looks like I'm checking at 6am tomorrow morning. Good luck to all. You are going to see hear from one upset CPA candidate tomorrow morning if REG isn't posted.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I just never wanna go back in there again. If I do have to, it will be May 30 because I can't deal with a long wait again.

Anonymous 16 years ago

"Why can't you chew gum during the exam?"

Probably so you don't distract other candidates/ other exam takers.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yea, all the other sections got their scores and left. and we have been waiting/hoping/looking since 3/17.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I may set the clock for 5 am tomorrow. If I get a passing score, I may run necked around Tiger Stadium and down Skip Bertman Drive. As I said before, I thought for sure I failed until I began reading all these high score-posts. Now, I believe I have a shot, but I will be ecstatic if I passed and am finally through.

Anonymous 16 years ago

When I took my first test (FAR) I was at a Prometric site where they had ancient monitors. I think they were from the early 90s. In addition to the headache I was getting from the monitor the people in the room kept getting up. There were only 4 stations in the room, and I don't know what tests the two other people in there were taking, but they were getting up for breaks every hour. It was really distracting.

Anonymous 16 years ago

:( didn't pass REG! will try for 2nd time.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Jeff when you sat 1 to 5 days for people who are in the "close" range... is it reality for expect 5 days or can we actually get the score in just another day? And will you have inside information on those score release dates? Thank you!!

Aaron 16 years ago

BEC 68, 77
REG 65, ???
FAR 71

Hopefully I'm halfway there after REG posts tomorrow (and it better post!) 16 years ago

I said 5 days b/c it took me about 5 calendar days to get my REG (74) score after wave 2.

I won't have any insight on Wave 2a unless Joanne sends me a heads-up that they got some more in.

Even then...NASBA = IL + 1 business day

Anonymous 16 years ago

If NASBA doesn't work on the weekends, how on earth do scores post on Monday mornings?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thanks jeff! I just hope I get it before this weekend so I don't spend another weekend wishing a score to appear... ;)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Unless it has since changed, Friday's updating loads on Monday morning, according to the coordinator for Louisiana. I confirmed that with her a few months ago her via email. That absolutely sucks that it would be that way, but she confirmed that it is.

Anonymous 16 years ago

TX Hopeful
BEC 72, 71, 76
FAR 58, 76
REG 62, 86
AUD 72, ???

I consider the failing scores practice exams.


Anonymous 16 years ago

I don't believe NASBA even began looking at any AUD or REG scores until this morning. I'm sure they farted around on Friday afternoon and then got off work at 430 like any other day. Hopefully, they worked their tails off today and got those Audit and Reg scores ready for loading. It is not like they are having to grade the darn things.

Aaron 16 years ago

I'm doomed to take every exam twice.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Jeff, any knowledge about Arizona? They told me today that they haven't received scores for any section.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Maybe they stopped certifying in Arizona.

Anonymous 16 years ago

They are lying. A goofball at NASBA told me around noon that no scores have been received and that they expect them between Mar 31 and Apr 15. When you call during the "release" time, they love to give these standard answers, which in my mind are blatant lies.

Anonymous 16 years ago

liarssssss, same as Peter did to Jesus before the cock crowed

Anonymous 16 years ago

quick question - so I'm waiting on my REG score here in MA and it's my last exam. I will lose credit on BEC on May 31. If I somehow get *another* 74 on REG and have to take it again, is there enough time to turn around and pass before losing BEC?

did I mention the waiting for the score is killing me?

thanks for your help :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

67 here :(

Anonymous 16 years ago

re: losing credit on BEC - yep definetely... you can take BEC again up untill May 31.
I am in the same position, wating for REG in CA, will lose credit for BEC on April 24, so have until April 23 to take it - confirmed via email with CA board.

One suggestion: submit your application now, if bad news come, you can register sooner. I did that too. If you pass, the application fee will be refunded - confirmed with CA board too

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does anyone waiting for AUD exam from OKlahoma 16 years ago

2 months is more than enough time...if you haven't used the Yaeger HomeStudy for REG (and you need to take REG again) - I can't recommend it highly enough...esp when you can't afford to take a chance and lose credit.

Anonymous 16 years ago


Am i the only one from Oklahoma. Comeon lovely people from Oklahoma share your comments, stories, misery...

Anonymous 16 years ago

So I have been trying to call the LA/CO/GA (I'm in LA)Coordinator all day, and I'm wondering if she is even in today. Has anyone from these states received their Audit scores? I have not, but do not know if that's because I am borderline or what...

Anonymous 16 years ago

I emailed her (Liticia Pinkney) on Friday and again today and no reply. She usually replies but not these 2 times.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I don't think they fooled with Audit or Reg until today. If Pinkney is out, I sure hope her backup took care of Audit and Reg today, so that we can see them in the morning.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does anyone know when do the Ohio REG scores come out for the Jan-Feb window?? I'm getting little frustrated here, 6 weeks and nothing...

Anonymous 16 years ago


Anonymous 16 years ago

what are the chances of passing the REG exam if my score wasn't released with the first 91% of the REG scores for IL?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Same here Oklahoma. This is the last score I'm waiting on, have to retake REG (darn 74), so I'm hoping for good news. Good luck to you too!

Anonymous 16 years ago

so ok.. tomorrow is audit or regs? i dont understand!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

"what are the chances of passing the REG exam if my score wasn't released with the first 91% of the REG scores for IL?"

Around 57.695458135% 16 years ago

Tomorrow is REG...any AUD or FAR scores from here on out are the borderline people + a few stragglers.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Audit and Reg should both post tomorrow morning for NASBA states. 16 years ago

Audit is already out for NASBA states...the remainder AUD scores will be the Wave 2a people

Anonymous 16 years ago

I remember someone mentioning that scores for REG might be released at 7pm EST tonight. What are the chances of this actually happening for GA? Thanks. 16 years ago

re: AUD - NASBA released Audit this morning...people were posting about it and I have a friend who sat for AUD in a NASBA state and he got his score this morning.

re: REG at 7pm EST

Not gonna happen...well - if it does - it will be the first time NASBA releases at night...tomorrow AM 3:30-5:30 EST

Anonymous 16 years ago

So I just spoke to NASBA and a nice lady told me that they started uploading this week for the 2nd window Jan-Feb-09. According to her, it does not matter what's your score, section or state and they'll upload scores as they come. She also mentioned that is the first in releasing scores when received from the AICPA. Lastly by this Friday 03/27/09 all results should be posted at the NASBA site. Let's keep our finger crossed and keep checking through the day, they post scores all day long.

I Hope this is reliable info, I got it from someone at the 1-800-CPA-EXAM number.


Anonymous 16 years ago

Jeff--does it not matter about the coordinator, or anything like that?? (I am referring to Audit)

Anonymous 16 years ago

I believe that is incorrect.

EP 16 years ago

NASBA definitely isn't first... the scores for CA, VA, IL and KY (I think) all come out before the NASBA states... 16 years ago

The lady may have been nice, but she is wrong on NASBA releasing first (see IL, CA, VA, etc) and the score of the exams in relation to when they're released. After Wave 2 - Wave 2a will come out and you will see that the majority of people posting their score fall in the 72-77 range...i.e. "borderline".

Hopefully she is correct that all scores will be posted by Friday.

Anonymous 16 years ago

These people that work for NASBA in candidate services make up things as they go. It is shocking to me that they continue to do this, that they haven't been called out on this and reprimanded.

bama girl 16 years ago

LIARS all of 'em.. feel fortunate you don't live in Alabama...I may not see mine until after April 10th...that's what she said

Anonymous 16 years ago

I've been insulted for the last time by NASBA representatives. I will not call those goohoos again only to have them take a poo poo on me.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Something needs to be done.

The AICPA is a slimy worm too. They torture us. Then NASBA poo poos on us.

Anonymous 16 years ago

any idea how much money the NASBA makes from our re-examination fees alone?? I might have contributed a good sum to their kitty!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I had to reschedule my exam 3 times..twice b/c I wasn't ready yet and once b/c of a death..and it end up costing me more than the original exam fees!

Kim in CA 16 years ago

Aaarg! I need my REG score now (CA)! The sooner I pass, the sooner I can get a new job!

AUD (60,81)
BEC (83)
FAR (80)
REG (62,??)

I listened to an audiobook from by Yaeger for REG before, hopefully that helped, as I have never done taxes (not even my own!!) I had a migraine that day, and was really out of it by the last sim, but I still have hope.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I had got an extension to the NTS by filing an Exception to Policy form due to a death in the family. You can get the money reimbursed to you and I suggest you contact your coordinator if you can avail that reimbursement...of course, only if not too much time has passed since the death.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Hey Kim, I just listened to the audio sample for the FAR section on it necessary to have the Wiley Book with you for this or did you just make some notes listening to the REG audio file?

Anonymous 16 years ago

How many people use the Wiley Book for Reg?

Anonymous 16 years ago

NY - no REG. When?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anonymous said... How many people use the Wiley Book for Reg? I did. NY REG.

EP 16 years ago

The only Wiley book I used was one that was dedicated soley to sims (to supplement Becker). I thought was pretty useless.

Anonymous 16 years ago

4:44 post...
because it wasn't the death of "family" member they would not fiance's dad..who was like a dad to me...the evil little people there don't grasp that just b/c it's not blood related doesn't mean they're not family...

no worries, i have no regrets. i wanted to be with my "family" so i just paid the stupid money to reschedule..i was worried i would not be able to concentrate..either way, i did the right thing..even if i failed :)

Kim in CA 16 years ago

I have the Wiley book, which he refers to. He goes over an outline & explains stuff. It was free with a new membership to so it was very low risk. It's review you can do when driving or at the gym. (about 4.5 hour audiobook)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any REG from Delaware?

Kim in CA 16 years ago

I didn't really use my Wiley books much (so far, I still have REG left to pass). I did use the Wiley CD, which has the multiple choice questions (& simulations) and gives an excerpt from the book to refer to for help. I highly, highly, highly recommend that CD for practice. Sure beats working them on paper & then needing to look up the answers- instant feedback.

SESPENNY 16 years ago

I am just as frustrated as everyone else about not receiving my score that has been released by the AICPA, but why is NASBA to blame? Here is a slightly outdated excerpt from NASBA regarding the release process: "After the AICPA releases scores to NASBA, NASBA processes them and forwards them to boards of accountancy for approval and release to candidates."

This information comes from the Candidate score reporting schedule on following link: 16 years ago

NASBA doesn't get them and the fwd them onto the state boards for approval prior to posting them...the state boards "ratify" them each window but that's long after they've been posted.

The bottleneck is NASBA's processing system.

Anonymous 16 years ago

absolutely right

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took Roger Philip's Live course in Los Angeles. Which includes the Wiley homework books + the CD. I would do the MCs 2x and used the CD (exam portion) a few days b4 the actual as practice.


stockpickin'chicken 16 years ago

Still no REG in MA. What's the latest a score has ever come out? Does it ever go into the next testing window?

I hope the new fee increase in August improves this whole process, but for some reason I doubt that =)

stockpickin'chicken 16 years ago

Still no REG in MA. What's the latest a score has ever come out? Does it ever go into the next testing window?

I hope the new fee increase in August improves this whole process, but for some reason I doubt that =)

Anonymous 16 years ago

So it means those who did not receive their AUD scores from NASBA are considered "bottomline"......

Michael 16 years ago

No REG in TX for me.

Anonymous 16 years ago

No score in Florida yet

Anonymous 16 years ago

I filed for an exception policy and was told that a decision will be mailed to me in 7 days... I forfeited the exam due to a death of my uncle. I hope they will extend the NTS. Does it mean they will extend the time or refund the money and I have to re-apply and pay the fee for a new NTS?

Thank you for responding!

Anonymous 16 years ago

has anyone from Oklahoma received their AUD scores yet, this wait is making me not only loose my sleep but also to loose my weight as well. Can't sleep and Can't eat...

Its killing me.....:(

Mark 16 years ago

Thanks for doing this blog.

Third time was the charm for me for AUD. (67, 73, 81).

Last remaining foe- FAR.

Thanks again to Jeff, and best of luck to other candidates...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anybody in Wisconsin get audit yet?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I plan to wake up at 3:30 mountain standard time to check grades, and i am going to try really hard not to check until then.

Anonymous 16 years ago

NYS, no audit yet.... it is really killing me.. I was not able to sleep well last night too.

JD from NJ 16 years ago

What happens after you pass the exam?!

Anonymous 16 years ago

You go to Disney World?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Finally got my REG score in MD today. Passed! 4/4! I am so happy I am done. I can honestly say this has been the worst 7 months of my life, juggling starting at a big 4, working crazy hours, managing married life, etc. I am so relieved. Jeff, thank you for this website. It helped me so much just having a place to vent and of course, to get inspiration from.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Delaware no REG yet my friend and I gave the exam same day same prometric he got his results 02/20 and here i am checking NASBA every half hour.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Seems silly to check NASBA every hour when they only update once a day.. (early morning)

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took REG on 2/26. No result yet for Delaware. This is killing me.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Maybe NASBA should study the BEC portion of the exam and learn about the cons of batch processing. What do our sitting fees go towards anyway?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I understand the compulsion to keep checking. My F5 button is going to wear out soon. Not that I don't realize the score won't be there but what if... Not like they are behaving very predictably this quarter. I feel your pain!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Should I go to bed?
It is 1:00 am and I don't know if I get it when it wake up

wow gold 16 years ago

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Anonymous 16 years ago

It's 3:46am ET, UT REG not now on NASBA... hold on, I'm about to refresh again...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Maine REG scores are not there yet :(((

Anonymous 16 years ago

NY REG here. Can't sleep at 3:58am. No scores yet. Can I sleep for just 2 more hours please? Today is day 77.........

Anonymous 16 years ago

ahhhh! im going insane in nj! i have literally been waiting since jan 13th for this stupid reg score!!! i just want this to be over!! Enough is enough NASBA. Give me my score!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I just got my Maine REG score of 94!!!! I am done!!!!

Guangmei 16 years ago

NY REG is on NASBA. My wife got 82. Yeah, she is done with all 4. Do I have to call her wife coma CPA for now on?

Jason from Cincy 16 years ago

Indiana Reg is on NASBA! Got 80! I'm DONE!!! I love this world~ I love you Jeff~ I love everybody!!!

JJ 16 years ago

Well, my 77 day wait is over and so worth it. I passed REG with an 80 and am now done. Good luck to everyone. If you didn't pass this window, hang in there - it took me 8 tests in total (after several 74's on REG and FAR). Jeff- Thank you for this site. It's been a world of help. Yipppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Anonymous 16 years ago

No score Alaska (NASBA) physical address NJ

Anonymous 16 years ago

Passed REG in SC...78.
Score went up around 4:30 EST.

Anonymous 16 years ago

WHooo Hooo! 3:30am CST and my score is up from MN! 77....phew, little too close for comfort, but I will just focus on the "efficiency" of my studying haha...a pass is a pass!

I am officially DONE. Thank you Jeff, and everyone on this site for helping keep me sane.

Good luck and congrats to fellow passers!

--Done in MN

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm done!, I'm done. I just dreamt I got 71. was there worried. So i just came to check. 79 baby! i was gonna lose FAR soon. This is the happiest moment of my life! FAR 81, AUD 96, BEC 81 and now REG 79. Jeff thanks. I just found this site a like 3 weeks ago but it was worth it! All the best to the other REG bloggers that were waiting.

Anonymous 16 years ago

took REG 2/25 CO REG

Anonymous 16 years ago

reg out in TX

Anonymous 16 years ago

any Nasba scores from ALASKA?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Reg is out in CO. I passed!!! Praise the Lord, Jesus is Lord, Amen. Congrats to all of you that have passed and for all trust in God and work hard and everything will work out. Jesus is Lord and will help me through my last part of this exam.

Anonymous 16 years ago

REG in CA anybody? - I can't sleep....

Anonymous 16 years ago


Anonymous 16 years ago

I passeddd...Done with all 4 parts!

REG is up in NY.

Anonymous 16 years ago

REG 74 in TX. I guess I should have viewed the Becker Law lectures afterall. BUS LAW ate my lunch. Oh well, at least I can review the law section pretty well and knock it out next time. Congrats to all that passed and hopefully it will be next time!

Anonymous 16 years ago

REG in MA. 86. halfway home.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Is there no one from ALASKA for REG

Anonymous 16 years ago

Still no AUD score for this Texan. This is my last one, so I am freaking out.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Reg out in Michigan passed with 77!

Aaron 16 years ago

REG out on NASBA...I failed again. 72
I'm throwing in the towel. Tired of this damn test ruining my life.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Reg out in FL

Pasha 16 years ago

Aaron - I hear ya. I failed with 74 this time, 71 the first time. Keep your head up! We just need to get it done before the nice weather comes!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Aaron - just like Pasha said, hang in there. I made a 74 also. It sux, but we can't give up now. It will be well worth it. It's a test of endurance more than anything.

Anonymous 16 years ago

REG out in CO 6.25 A.M. EDT.
passed with 82.

BEC 75
REG 74, 82

Anonymous 16 years ago

I PASSED REG...I seriously thought I bombed it...91 woohoo!! Now I can finally breathe!

Anonymous 16 years ago

MA REG is up. Must have been posted to NASBA between 11pm last night and 6:30am this morning.


ifi 16 years ago

81!!!!! and I'm done but I couldn't have done it without this blog. It helped me to keep myself motivated and a place to take out my frustration after studying. Thank you very much and congratulations to those who passed and good luck to those who were little unfortunate, remember there's light at the end of the tunnel, keep working towards it, you will eventually get to it.

Anonymous 16 years ago

failed reg in tx. unlike bec, where you can pass w/ 0 knowledge of mgt. accounting, you can't pass reg w/ 0 knowledge of corp. tax :(

Anonymous 16 years ago

Still no REG for me in NH what realease am i in????? this is crazy

Anonymous 16 years ago

Still haven't received REG score in NY. For all exams I've taken before, I always got scores with majority states (NASBA release). this is the first time. It makes me worried :(

JD in NJ 16 years ago

No REG here in NJ =/

Was dreaming about passing all night

Anonymous 16 years ago

NY REG-i'm in CA, scores Wave 2 scores released on 3/21, still don't have mine either...worried, for the lack of a better word...

Anonymous 16 years ago

NY Reg is in

Anonymous 16 years ago

Question-is it still possible to get REG score today from NH???

Anonymous 16 years ago

Got score for Reg in NY...94!! I'm all done!!!!!!! This site has been great! Thanks Jeff!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

YOOHOO! I am done! GOT REG score in Delaware! 93 baby!

Anonymous 16 years ago

CO - 2/25
Got it! 81... DONE!
Take my word for it... hang in there and you will eventually get'er done. tuust me... you will!
Also, thanks for this blog... great spot for a frusturated writer to turn too.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Finally, REG is out in MI via Nasba!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Question-is it still possible to get REG score today from NH???

Anonymous 16 years ago

Arizona told me they have been informed of scores being released but they are still waiting for them to arrive. Do some states receive scores differently, like snail mail instead of electronically?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Woo hoo! 87 - 2 down/2 to go!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

REG-NH-call your board or NASBA, find out how often scores get released. I'm in CA, called yesterday, was told that scores get uploaded automatically, within a few hours after receiving them from NASBA, but not post noon... lol, sounds like some kind of a phase-out limit... in any case, that gave me a piece of mind during the day, hope you get it soon

neal 16 years ago

Received REG today on NASBA and passed. Done with all 4 parts. Thanks for the score updates Jeff.

I used Bisk CPA review and recommend it for anyone who is taking the exam

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thanks I am going to call NH hope they post my score today its the last paper i have outstanding

Anonymous 16 years ago

PA REG is in!!! 80 with only 1 more to go!

Anonymous 16 years ago

No score on NASBA does it mean bad news? I have AUD scheduled for 04/30/09 and can't bring myself to study for it.

Anonymous 16 years ago

REG is out in GA...81 half way done!!!

EP 16 years ago

Got REG in MA today, my last test! 85!!! I was sure I failed too.

Thanks for the great blog Jeff!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anyone receive Wave 2a AUD scores!? Lets keep each other informed!! I'm in that borderline batch!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Waiting on REG 2a in CA as well. This was hopefully my last one. Not feeling so confident...

Anonymous 16 years ago

NY REG here:


Passed all four parts on four tries.

Took me about 12 months for all four parts (not including a busy season where I didn't study.)

I worked full-time, but used Becker and I can't highly recommend Becker enough. Without it, I wouldn't have the knowledge to pass.

If there's a lesson for all people out there: it's keep trying and keep putting the work in (most important).

Thanks for your support and info on release dates,

Pete (NY REG - the very first poster on this thread)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Just got my AUD score in Wave 2a for CA. I passed with a 77. It was my last section. Finally Done with the CPA!

Now lets hope I still have a job next week ;)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Nothing for PA REG...took it on 1/29. What's going on???

Anonymous 16 years ago

yes, audit 2a arrived here: hope you dont get a 74 like i did!!! they should ban that number from scoring. i would rather have scored a 50.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Bittersweet Day. I got laid off from KPMG last week with about 20 other people, but I found out today I passed Reg with an 80.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Finally done

AUD 62,85
BEC 52,75
FAR 62,82
REG 67,70,82

Anonymous 16 years ago

NY REG here (from a few posts above)

here's a time line if anyone needs it:

FAR (1/08) - 81
Busy Season - No studying
AUD (8/08) - 86
BEC (10/08)- 83
REG (1/09) - 81

Honestly, I needed 2-3 months on each part, just to be thorough, yet keep my bearings (roughly 20-25 hrs per week). It can done quicker or longer, but study the way you do best!

Pete (NY REG)

Anonymous 16 years ago


no idea how

massive curve i assume


Anonymous 16 years ago

Anyone receive NY AUD score yet?
It's killinig me. I can't concentrate.

NYC Candidate

TX AUD 16 years ago

I just called the TX BOA because I am freaking out that I don't have my final score yet, AUD. The guy sounded like he just finished a joint and had no cares in the world.

I asked about my score not showing up. He said they still have a lot of scores that need to be posted and not to worry. EASY FOR YOU TO SAY!!!! Anyway, he said they should all definitely be posted by the end of the month. THE END OF THE MONTH??? That is like telling me to wait till the end of time. I hate this process.

Anonymous 16 years ago

i dont think rescore is a good idea. i dont think many get a different grade...and if they took so long getting scores out they probably looked into every aspect of the grades...dont waste your time and money..just retake it --thats what i am doing with audit in any case. i got a flippin 74 as well.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I am just wondering what is your motivation that keep you going for the CPA exam???

Anonymous 16 years ago

NY Reg - still have nothing!

What should I expect for the timeline now before getting my score? I took REG 1/10 and this is driving me nuts!

Anonymous 16 years ago

just got PA AUD, 75! eek very close.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Luckiest Person on Planet,

I just change my name, Got 75 in AUD from Co.

Thanks Jeff and All people on this blog for the support

Anonymous 16 years ago

Someone posted this question earlier, but I didn't see a response. Do all states receive scores electronically, even if they don't allow candidates to view the scores electronically?

I am STILL waiting on FAR via USPS in MS. I can hardly stand to walk to the mail box anymore...

Anonymous 16 years ago

97 on Reg in MA - didn't thnk that was possible. :-)

Whiney Baby 16 years ago

I have not recd. my score from NASBA does it mean I might get it tomorrow or is there so other date that AICPA will release the remaining scores??
Please help.

Anonymous 16 years ago

No NY REG. Took the test on 2/21.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone from Louisiana received a REG score?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Nothing in DE for me! Saw a couple of folks getting their scores in it bad news that I have not got the score yet?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm in Louisiana and have not received my score. I need this Reg to be finished. Overall, I've sat 10 times and have received (5) 74's. I did go through a 2a one time and get good news, a 76 on Financial; but again, 5 other times I got bad news from 2a releases. I am now freaking out once again. I have taken Reg twice and received 74 twice.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any Oklahoman's waiting for their AUD results as well, like me. So does that mean we are in wave 2a. Right!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

How long does it take to get 2a release i have not received my REG score from NH took exam 2/10
I need REG to finish
please respond???

Anonymous 16 years ago

California 2a release today...76!!!!! 4th time taking it...don't give up!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'll be shocked if Reg 2a scores aren't received today and then available tomorrow morning for us NASBA states. Of course, if IL and CA receive them today, they'll post them pronto. Jeff?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thank you. That 76 in a 2a release gives me hope.

Anonymous 16 years ago

and congrats on your 76

SESPENNY 16 years ago

Still waiting on 2a for Audit in Missouri. Not feeling very confident. Hopefully we'll see scores tomorrow morning since it seems that California 2a scores came out today.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Is there anyone already get the score for REG. from NH?

Anonymous 16 years ago

have anyone received REG in NY? My exam was on Feb 21. Still no result.

Anonymous 16 years ago

still waiting for REG in NY, took exam on 2/28. 16 years ago

Congrats everyone who found success (I love you too, Jason btw...) with REG this window.

For those who came up short - and especially Aaron who is considering throwing in the towel...consider the fact that it took me 14 sittings including two 74s on REG and losing FAR.

There is no worse score than a 74 and I got two of them. There is no worse section to lose credit for than FAR (I was so happy I passed FAR the first time that I took a year off b/c I felt like I had passed the exam) ... and I lost it.

It sucked along the way - big time - but it's worth it I can tell you that.

Keep Moving Forward.

e-mail me if I can help anyone.


Anonymous 16 years ago

i got REG in NY today...maybe you are just borderline

Anonymous 16 years ago

I just got my 2a REG score from Illinois at it was an 81! Don't ever lose hope when your scores are held back for grading accuracy! People still DO pass!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Is it still possible to get REG online today from NH?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took REG on 01/02 and finally got my score today. I passed with an 85. I'm done with all 4 parts. Thank the Good Lord! I also want to thank Jeff for this blog. It really helped me after scoring the dreaded 74 the first time on REG. I also appreciate the recommendation of Yaeger. I used it for BEC, FAR, and my retake of REG. Dr. Yaeger and his staff are excellent! Anyway, my best wishes to those still in the process of taking this exam. Don't give up! Congrats to those who got passing scores.

Anonymous 16 years ago

REG in CA: recieved my score in Wave - 2a - 77 :), so for those who are still waiting for it, there is a hope! Don't give up! The fact that CA Board has released my score means that it has all of the Wave-2a scores

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took REG on 1/31 and have not got it along with the regular Wave 2 scores. I am WORRIED!!! I need to pass this one after hearing about flunking FAR! I will be totally bummed out if I hear about a bad REG score now!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Is it still possible to get REG online today from NH???
Trying to call NASBA automated response no option to speak to anyone

Whiney Baby T 16 years ago

My Last Name starts with a T

Anonymous 16 years ago

when u call nasba dial 6 and then 7 to speak to someone

Anonymous 16 years ago

my last name starts with S....

Anonymous 16 years ago

and how exaclty do we e-mail jeff?

Anonymous 16 years ago

So I finally got in touch with Leticia Pinkney (LA/GA/CO) because I have yet to receive AUD. She said she is showing that it came in this morning and to check around 7pm tonight or tomorrow morning. Would there really be scores posted at 7 pm? Also, I asked her if she could tell me, and she said that she could not over the phone (ugghh!!)

BTW--A friend of mine (also in LA) received her REG score this morning 16 years ago

re: mailing lag time

I don't know, but I know someone who does - as her husband lives in a snail mail state

I'll e-mail her and ask her and let you know as soon as I hear...they've been through many windows so they would know

Anonymous 16 years ago

thank you. was just wondering if when NASBA posts online if that means our state boards have already received the grades as well

Aaron 16 years ago

Someone was asking if anyone got results from Louisiana. I got mine this morning.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I am very surprised Pinkney said 7 pm. She told me via email back in November that it is only loaded in the very early am hours.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Is there anyone who recieved REG after 6AM in NH I am still checking are they updating anymore scores for the day????

Anonymous 16 years ago

these nasba workers are really something; i mean real pieces of work

Anonymous 16 years ago

Just got my 2a VA AUD score. If you are waiting for yours you need to call! 16 years ago

no...I don't believe the last name thing :) 16 years ago


ok - I got an answer back.

On average, when the AICPA sent NASBA scores on a Friday (they rec'd them - not uploaded them), it took them 4 business days to get it in the mail.

If NASBA gets the scores on a Friday...look for it in the mail on Wednesday.

I hope that helps...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Still waiting on REG in Georgia, and I know people who sat in the same room as me on the SAME day that have gotten their scores!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

So FAR was posted last Thursday, which means snail-mail states should look for FAR scores via USPS today or tomorrow, correct?

Just making sure I understand this correctly; I don't want to sit next to the mailbox and wait for the mailman if it's not necessary :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

There is something about that number 7. Got my results for REG missed it by 7..:(

Anonymous 16 years ago

10:08 post (first one) I think they go to the state board and then your state mails them if I'm not mistaken...which is why i asked about the 4 days..I'm sure Jeff could verify..I can't get my state to tell me anything other than we'll have them by the 10th..obviously..they get them to you by the first week of the next window

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone from Oklahoma received their AUD score? I called the OAB again today and was told they hadn't received the scores.....if the NASBA has posted their scores, shouldn't they have sent them to OK already? This is so frustrating......

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thanks 10:17 post. I hate the fact that we can't just jump online like everyone else :( Waiting is the hardest part... (Isn't there a song about that... I can't remember the real words... Maybe I'm making it up in my head... It's possible at this point.)

Anonymous 16 years ago

Tom Petty

Anonymous 16 years ago

sounds like Oklahoma is having the same trouble as us...still not exactly sure..if NASBA posts them could the non-NASBA states not upload them or does NASBA mial them to the state and then the state mail them...seems like a lot of postage when we could just get online

Anonymous 16 years ago

Tom Petty. Good. At least I'm not making up songs in my head about waiting. That would be pretty depressing.

Anonymous 16 years ago

SNAIL MAIL: I am the wife of a CPA candidate waiting on his last score in a snail mail state. The scores are transmitted electronically from the AICPA to NASBA and then to the State Board. This happens in a short period of time, not days. From the date the scores are sent from AICPA to NASBA, the candidate can expect 4 business days for the letter to arrive via USPS. Ex. REG was release Friday afternoon. Candidates receiving scores via USPS should receive their scores beginning Wed. Please take into account the location of your State Board and your mailing address. For us, we live in the same metro area as the State Board so we receive our letter the day after it is mailed. Hope this helps.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yes. Thank you much. I will wait patiently for the mailman beginning today.

Anonymous 16 years ago

YES it helps..Thank you so much...I should receive my AUD score then by Thursday or Friday!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

wife of CPA they wait until all the scores are received or send them out as they get them? I am waiting on AUD and from the IL board it doesn't look as if NASBA will have all of them yet either

Anonymous 16 years ago

I totally understand. This is our 4th test. I discovered this blog and started emailing with Jeff last August when my husband started. I have been able to track every score release, with the exception of one which was one the 2a releases, borderline score. I don't bother checking the mail too often except during Jeff's score predictions. is a great resource for candidates and their families.

Anonymous 16 years ago

From what I can tell, if you are not in the large Wave 1 and Wave 2 release, they mail scores out as they receive them. Bear in mind, every board is different. In our state, the Board "swears" they send out scores the day they receive them. I have figured out that is not exactly true. They do verify and create their own letter to accompany the score report from NASBA. NASBA sends a form that cannot be altered by the State Boards that has your actual pass/fail and the diagnostics on the back if you fail. The NASBA report has a date. Most State Boards then accompany that with their own letter. The dates are usually off 1 business day in my experience but it has been 2 before. Is this what you are asking?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I think we're all just trying to guess at when our scores will show up in the mail. It's so frustrating to check the mail day after day and get nohing. Especially when you don't have a clue as to when the scores might show up.

You guys have all really helped me out; I have now determined that I should only have to live with this anxiety for a few more days at worst...

Anonymous 16 years ago

NY REG results received. I did very well thank goodness. Half way there. Jeff, do you think 2 months of studying is enough for FAR ? 16 years ago

Everyone is different, but I recommend 130 hours of hardcore studying for FAR...two months of serious studying is about right.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Jeff do you think REG score can be release doing the day for NH ??? it is frustrating checking every minute

Izabella 16 years ago

oh my god.. this is the most amazing feeling in the world... 81 on REG in NY

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thanks Jeff. I logged in about 255 hours of studying for REG over a little over 2 months so hopefully it will be good for FAR. 16 years ago

If NH releases through NASBA, then it's a waste of your time to check during the day.

That said, I would be hitting F5 every 3 seconds out of frustration.

They only release during the early morning...never seen them release anytime other than that.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thank Jeff I will check tomorrow for REG NH this blog really really really keep me sane help

Anonymous 16 years ago

Hey Jeff, do you think Wave 2a is the borderline cases? 16 years ago

yes - Wave2a scores will be 72-77-ish...i.e. "borderline"

Anonymous 16 years ago

I finally got my REG result six + weeks after I took it on February 6. It only took about 4 weeks for the FAR result. The good news is that I got an 83 on REG an 80 on FAR. I'm done.

AP in TX.

Anonymous 16 years ago

ok...borderline sounds scary now!! I cant fathom doing REG again!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

anyone...anyone...from Oklahoma waiting like i am for AUD. Its killing me...

Anonymous 16 years ago

frickin 74 on REG. really? they couldn't just bump it up?

Anonymous 16 years ago


no idea how

big big curve

Anonymous 16 years ago

Still waiting on REG in Oklahoma (1/09/09 exam date)
I called OAB earlier and the lady I spoke with says that OAB does not update the unofficial grades that are available on their I'm guessing NASBA does????

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anonymous @ 11:29 am - Sorry to hear that...which state are u in? and was this Wave 2 or 2a?

Anonymous 16 years ago

how is yaeger with FARE 16 years ago

Yaeger FAR is good...I ran out of time and skipped not for profit and didn't finish most of sim #2 and still passed with it.

It's 13 DVDs...a worth the $345 pricetag

Anonymous 16 years ago

I received my NJ Reg Score.

Anonymous 16 years ago

better tha becker?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm pretty sure in Oklahoma the OAB releases the unofficial results as soon as they receive them. I'm not sure why she told you that.....that's more info than I got out of them though. All they will tell me is that they haven't received the scores yet and don't know when they will. 16 years ago

Each review program has their own style, cost, and strengths. Yaeger worked for me because of the teaching style...I'm an active learner that likes to take notes. It's also the most affordable program out there for what you get.

I scored a 92 on REG with got me past BEC...and I re-passed FAR with it...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Passed REG! 5 day cram for FAR.
(Crammed for REG for 3 days.)
Wiley Only

Anonymous 16 years ago

10:20 am Post: it's cute :)
the song is "sorry seems to be the hardest word" by Elton John
Good luck everyone!

Jeff, want to express my appreciation for your support and effort! Couldn't do without your updates! I regret only discovering this blog 6 days ago, AGONIZING over my results. I admire your persistence! Please keep up the good work!!! God Bless You and Your Family!


Anonymous 16 years ago

I passed REG today with a 93. I am done with this beast. For those of you who have posted on this website that you are anxious about your results and can't concentrate on the studying.
This is what I did, once an exam section was over I did not bother to check the result until I got the letter from NASBA home.
Whatever estimates, guesstimates floating around are just that, as according to NASBA you will get your score by the end of the month.
Calm down and pay attention to your studies, instead of posting here 4 times a day if the score in your state has been released. 16 years ago

Calm down and pay attention to your studies, instead of posting here 4 times a day



congrats on passing...great score on REG

Anonymous 16 years ago

5 day cram for FAR - Wiley Only? What exactly did you do? Never used Wiley before...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Hey Jeff,
Please don't get me wrong. I appreciate everything that you are doing for the candidates during this difficult time, as very few people can relate to grown ups behaving like this.
I just wanted to put this whole thing in the right perspective.
No offense meant BOSS! 16 years ago

haha...none taken...I knew exactly what you meant :)

Izabella 16 years ago

Jeff, I just want you to know this is an amazing website.. I discovered it after I took my first test... But u def kept me sane.. Now 3 more to go... ugh. such a booster to pass a test.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Me from NH just got REG 74 email
have mercy first paper i am failing first time using becker
need a new approach 16 years ago

I appreciate that Izabella...I'm glad it's been helpful.

The site is getting a major facelift (I'm switching to Wordpress) and I hope to go live with it by the end of the week. 16 years ago

re: REG 74

Grab the Yaeger REG cram and get back in there.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Got Md reg score today..75..done..thank god

75 audit
78 fare
75 bec
70,75 reg

now i can have a life outside of being an auditor, if that's possible

Anonymous 16 years ago

:) who cares you only need 75.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I paid off all my student loans yesterday, and now i found out i passed REG today. YAY!

Anonymous 16 years ago

HOW did you already pay off your student loans?? must not have as much debt as me

Izabella 16 years ago

seriously.. i have over 60K in debt.

Kenny Powers 16 years ago

I took Reg on 1/6 in GA and was in wave 2. I scored a 85 on Reg, but I don't understand why my score took so long to get posted. Believe me I am not complaining, but I just understand how this process works.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anyone pass FARE this time using Becker?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I received my REG CA wave 2a score this morning. 76!!! This was my last exam! Thank you Jeff for keeping this going. It has been a great help!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I've seen earlier posts that included Wave 2a results of 76 and 75.
NASBA should release its 2a Reg results tomorrow morning, but I am not so sure it has even released ALL of the Wave 2 Reg results. I just can't be sure. The NASBA workers appear to be mostly full of crap, making up things as they go along.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I don't know why it takes so long for NY AUD score to be posted.

Anonymous 16 years ago

It just doesn't look like a huge Wave 2 release for DE so I am left wondering about where I stand with regard to the score!! NASBA needs to be more transparent in its long can we go on with this sort of stress??!!??

Anonymous 16 years ago

Mr. Anonymous NYC AUD. Believe me u r not alone. I'm going crazy here but FYI, I called yesterday NASBA and they told me for NY they will be posting scores this whole week and these are posted regardless of your score, last name, gender, etc. So lots of patience and forget about what they told you at the test center to check online in 3 to 4 weeks.

Good luck!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Another day of not having BEC scores in Mississippi. Yeah to having a non progressive cpa board on posting our scores online.

That said, if they send me a 74 like they did two of my friends in the first wave, I will be wishing bad things.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I have just talked to NASBA. The person has told me that they received a huge batch of REG scores from AICPA only TODAY. He actually told me that my score was also received (I took the exam on 2/21) and that it will be posted online within one-two days. He refused to give me the score over the phone.


Anonymous 16 years ago

For those of your from states that don't have online score reporting, online registration for exams, etc. you should write the board members of your State Board. The State Boards have a choice to not create their own Web site or use the resources of NASBA and they are choosing not to. They may lose a small portion of their revenue by using NASBA for more services, but whatever happened to putting the customers first. I know those of you on here that live in one of the 15 states that are "not progressive" are frustrated. Make sure your board members hear from you.

Anonymous 16 years ago

74 on AUD in NY... I want to jump off a bridge

Anonymous 16 years ago

Ok, here we go again.
Another NASBA Knucklehead telling a candidate that a bunch of scores were received today, as if none were received yesterday. We all know that is bullcrap. Lots of Reg scores were received by NASBA yesterday. I'm not so sure NASBA processes all of them the same day or not. I am going to watch this site like a hawk over the next 2 days to see where the scores range. NASBA takes our money but then farts around like this.

Anonymous 16 years ago

any AUD waiting from Oklahoma...

Please share the misery, if you haven't received your scores yet...

Anonymous 16 years ago

good idea on writing the board. I'm sure I can let them know how frustrating it is...I will have to remain anonymous probably in the letter so as to no upset the partners at my office :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

74 on AUD in NY... I want to jump off a bridge

im with ya buddy, same s*&t happened to me today in MA. that exam was tough, though.

Anonymous 16 years ago

The NASBA folks seem to be like the wrestling referees...they know whats going on but act like nothing happened!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm waiting with you, Oklahoma. I thought OK released before NASBA, I got my FAR score last Thursday but still no AUD......

Anonymous 16 years ago

You have come too close to jump off a bridge time is your time. :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

I hear you on that, but it is hard to decide if the NASBA Knucklehead is full of crap or not. Jeff, do you think NASBA farts around with processing the scores or do you think they release all of wave 2 in one day? I guess if a wake up to some score other than a 72 through 77 I'll have my answer that they are still farting around with wave 2.

Anonymous 16 years ago

NY AUD. Still waiting :(

Anonymous 16 years ago

The person who I was talking to sounded like he spent the entire morning punching the scores into the computer or processing paperwork. I think when he said the "they received a huge batch of REG scores today" he meant that these scores actually reached his desk today? It could very well be that NASBA received the scores earlier but did not bother to enter them up until now.


Anonymous 16 years ago

We would have to be inside that building to really know.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Of course. But the good thing is that it seems that many of us are still in Wave 2, not 2a.

Anonymous 16 years ago

A ray of light.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yes, I'd rather be in 2.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Still waiting for REG score in PA

Anonymous 16 years ago

No FAR score in MS today... I will have to wait for the mailman again tomorrow. :(

I really hope that stupid score shows up this week. I should be studying for AUD right now, and I'm too wound up to pay attention.

Anonymous 16 years ago

This window has taken the cake when it comes to giving all of us enough stress about the score releases!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

got 72 AUD in NY... shit audit sucks.. this is first time I have failed. feel like so fxxking shit.. I can't even concentrate entire day..I thought that Im gonna be done with REG next month.. now I gotta spend a few more weeks to carry the stupid fxxxing becker audit book and a laptop.
"jump off a bridge now" - I wanna love to join you..

Anonymous 16 years ago

Don't jump, guys.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Found out I got a 73 on REG today......5 tests taken so far and only passed 2! considering giving up....i don't know if I can go through this process again!!!?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Audit seemed so easy, but it gave me fits too. I guess I chose lots of answers that were 2nd best. I left the test all 4 times thinking I aced it. I made 74, 73, 74, and then all of the sudden a freaking 82. They give you too much time for Audit, not enough time for Financial, and the little bit of time they give you for Reg is almost laughable.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Don't give up, and darn sure don't jump off any bridges. I've sat 10 times now, passed 3, and am still waiting on Reg. Here is how I got through it (honestly): lots of sex, 2 glasses of Cabernet Sauvignon per night, and self-talk.

Anonymous 16 years ago

too much info

Anonymous 16 years ago

:) What would i do without this blog. Taking Audit next week.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I think you can get through anything with those 3 things...

Anonymous 16 years ago


Anonymous 16 years ago

I put my heart and soul into this crazy CPA Exam, and now it is like I am burned out. I don't want to sit in an office. I don't want to work. Everything related to accounting seems boring at this point. Now I just want to retire. Maybe a trip to one of the islands would help.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I cried all day, 71-REG because I actually felt good coming out of the exam, just goes to show I don't know what the heck I'm doing.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Gosh, my heart goes out to you. It is difficult to ascertain where you went wrong if you felt good coming out of there. I had the same sort of feeling, then got the failing scores (I've had (5) 74's and a 73); I just kept re-taking the darn things and got a 76, another 76, and finally an 82. I didn't feel any better on the passing ones; it just finally happened for me I reckon.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thanks, I will too continue, however it is so depressing and I feel like a failure.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I felt that way too and could be feeling that way again in the morning if I get another failing score on Reg. Unfortunately, only time seems to fully heal you, but there are things you can do. First, beginning your studies again will help, whether it be Reg or the next subject. Also, after your study session, watch a funny Vince Vaughn or other funny movie, and sip on 2 glasses of red wine. To put it as nicely as possible, "relations" will greatly help, if available. But most importantly, finding ways to laugh is best.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thanks, My white Zinf is my friend tonight. I'll start laughing again tomorrow.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I feel like I'm the only one without a score. Anybody else waiting for AUD NY? Pleeease share :(

Anonymous 16 years ago

I feel the same way!! I am waiting on AUD score as well!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Got Got Got the REG NH....
Almost heart attack this week!(3/
Thank you, Jeff.
very very useful website..

Taiwan girl...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thanks for sharing. Now we're two. AUD NYC

TX AUD 16 years ago

You need to remember, your score is not just based on your performance, but on everyone elses they are "pitting" you against. The one thing I have learned after taking 9 tests so far is that how you feel when you leave does not mean very much. I posted earlier, maybe page 4 or 5, that my bro-in-law passed REG after not even getting to one of the sims and he felt like he had done bad. I finished the whole thing feeling really good. We both passed and my score was only 3 points higher than his.
Tell me how that worked out? Conspiracy theory: The AICPA does this to jack with us. They want to see how far we are willing to go to get certified.
I don't really believe that, but it makes me feel good.
I just hope I passed AUD and I will be done.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Got my Reg score woohoo

taney 16 years ago

who's ready for AUD for the next testing window??? (;

Anonymous 16 years ago

anyone took AUD on the last week of February in NY here? I took 2/24, still did not have my score yet! Am I the only one has no AUD score from NY????

Anonymous 16 years ago

Waiting for REG in NY. Took on 2/21.

SESPENNY 16 years ago

Still waiting on AUD from Missouri. I took 2/23. There's still 11% to be posted to NASBA? I really thinking tomorrow am.

Anonymous 16 years ago

still waiting for REG in NY, took exam at the end of Feb

Anonymous 16 years ago

For the people waiting for scores in the mail- I got my BEC score report in the mail today (I'm from MA, so I already knew it).

Not sure if it actually means anything, but thought it wouldn't hurt to share.

Anonymous 16 years ago

NYC AUD sat 02/23/09 No score yet, however I did check my application status and it said that my score was received and was mail out. Whats up with that?!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thanks MA good to know.

Obama it's on fire!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Just want to share with NY AUD information. I am the one post on 7:24 PM in NYC.

Just right now, when I checked the OASIS, they just update the information as following:

The section(s) of your NTS have been attended and scored. The score(s) reported generated a notice to be mailed to you. If you do not receive your notice via US Mail within 10 business days, please contact our office at 1-866-MY-NASBA.

I know I will get my AUD score tomorrow morning by checking NASBA. This is my last section!! God bless me !! and good luck for everyone!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

anybody from OK waiting as of this point for AUD score..........

Anonymous 16 years ago

I crammed for REG for 3 days.
Was an engineer who is a Math genius.

Will be cramming for FAR for 5 days to take exam.

Anonymous 16 years ago

NY REG is out. I started in September last year with 2.5 month pregnant and working in public accounting firm, I passed BEC with 82, FAR with 87 and REG with 82. Finally, I am done. I just want to encourage everyone who is still struggling, as long as you study step by step, you will pass soon.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I have also just checked OASIS. This is the message which was displayed:

"Our records indicate that you do not have an active application or registration at this time."

What does it mean?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone ever gotten a score re-graded and come back successful. The reason I ask is because I made 74 in REG. I don't think I will do it bc I feel the grade won't change, but just thought I would ask. Thanks.

Anonymous 16 years ago

CO REG here.

so i've never checked my score on line before. just waited for the snail mail for the first three.

on NASBA, output spits out "last name, first name" with a big 89 watermark in the back. is that my score? anyone? jeff?

if so, im done! 4/4!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Seriously, I don't know how things are graded. The first time I took REG, I got a 67. The only thing I didn't get to do was 1 of the communications. I retook the test in the following testing window and felt that I did better, but I wasn't sure about quite a few questions. How I got a 93 on the second try, it still baffles me!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I am done

BEC - 81
AUD - 78
FAR - 86
REG - 67, 93

JD in NJ 16 years ago

No REG in NJ yet =/ 16 years ago

re: watermark ... yep...that's your score!


Anonymous 16 years ago

Any one get a REG score in WI yet?

Anonymous 16 years ago

REG in TN posted...78 and I'm Done!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Officially that makes it:


SESPENNY 16 years ago

AUD in MO, 74. It sucks, but I can't wait to prove myself next testing window. Being in Wave 2a, I figured not passing was a strong possibility. I shouldn't have listened to Becker's suggested time per testlet. I spent extra time going back through marked questions in the MC testlets, but I think that I only changed one or two answers. I need to make more time for that second simulation. I know I would have passed if I had more time for that second sim.

Anonymous 16 years ago

AUD in NY, 74. (my last subject) I knew it really sucks!! spent entire 4.5 hours and study for 2 months!! what life I got here, I also have full time job!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

REG finally out in GA! Unfortunately a freaking 74!!! Time to get back at it - After Tax Season!

JD in NJ 16 years ago

I passed my last exam with in style... with a 75 in REG

FAR - 76
BEC - 79
AUD - 88
REG - 70, 75

Thank you for the support the last couple weeks

Anonymous 16 years ago

Still no REG score in NY. Hope no news is good news.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Reg in PA finally. One day late but worth the wait. Two down, two to go!!

TX AUD 16 years ago

74. Would have been my last one. On to test #10.

Anonymous 16 years ago

REG in PA. 76. DONE. Start the party!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Has anyone in snail-mail only states received AUD or other exam scores from the second wave?? please let me know...I am dying a slow death here in alabama waiting on the mail

Anonymous 16 years ago

Audit Scores are out!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Got 76 in REG in DE. Wave 2a is borderline indeed!! Glad I more to to retake FAR in May! COngrats to all those who passed!! Those who didn't...dont lose the motivation!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I just got my NY AUD score. 78!!!
I'm done with the CPA Exam. Good Luck to all of you.

Anonymous 16 years ago

thought AUD was already out?

Michael 16 years ago

REG in TX, got a 74. Back to studying for me. Had a 59 on the business law part but otherwise everything else was good.

Anonymous 16 years ago

OK REG score yet..anyone??

Anonymous 16 years ago

REG is out in CT...81!!! Would have bet all my other parts I failed...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Just called NASBA, they told to keep checking your score. Score will be out no later that April 15. What a BS...

Anonymous 16 years ago

I got an 82 in Reg and got it yesterday so if others have gotten the score dont think yours will be low.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Michael in TX. I feel your pain. I took REG in TX also and made a 74. I got a 53 in LAW. Well, at least you and I know what to concentrate on and refresh our tax knowledge. Good luck!

Eric in TX

Anonymous 16 years ago

No AUD again in Oklahoma. Has anyone spoke with the OAB? I talked to them yesterday, but they aren't giving me any answers...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anyone from Oklahoma waiting for AUD, does anyone has gotten their score this morning. Please reply.

Anonymous 16 years ago

has AUD been released on NASBA yet??

Anonymous 16 years ago

Can you go to NASBA Oasis and check your application status? It will tell you if a score has been received, if that's the case you'll get your score tomorrow online. AUD NY 79 out for me this morning :)

Anonymous 16 years ago

I am still waiting for WI REG...
Took on 02/23

Anonymous 16 years ago

Got REG in NY. This was my first one. 1 down, 3 to go.

Anonymous 16 years ago

How do you find out from NASBA Oasis if score has been received. How do you log in to Oasis, What and Where the hell is Oasis...this freaking wait is life in hell...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Got a 68 in LAW, scored really well on most of the tax stuff except entities, was strong on my simulations and still only got a 73 on REG! I don't get it either!!!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Do not freak out about Oasis. I logged in yesterday and the message I got was that there is no active application for me. I do not think the system is accurate.

Anonymous 16 years ago

To log in, go to NASBA website, choose your state from the map, then click on "My application". You'll need your jurisdiction ID and your DOB.

Anonymous 16 years ago

If you're not a NASBA state like me, you don't have the my application on your state.. I did read somewhere however that you may could go to another state and put in your jurisdiciton iD and birthdate and sometimes it would tell..I have not tried this b/c I don't have the jurisdiction can get it from a previoud score report (which I don't have) or call your state board and they will e-mail it to you. Either way, I'm not sure if you're not a NASBA state if you will get the info from the OASIS

Anonymous 16 years ago

Was AUD just now on NASBA today? I'm in snail mail state and trying to figure out when NASBA released scores so I can estimate when they will go to my state board

Anonymous 16 years ago

I need some help with registering for Ethics exam in Colorado state. How do I go about buying the book and registering for exam and where. I just received my last (4th passing marks)and was wondering how do I approach the next step which is ethics exam? Any help will be great.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Question for anyone,

74 in REG, Took the Exam 1/10 and just got my score (almost 3 months removed from studying). Used Becker previously but feel I need to switch. I've heard Yaeger CRAM is good. Has anyone used this? Any strategy tips? I'd like to take it again end of April. 16 years ago

The REG Cram is great, but in your situation (being away from it for 3 months), I would get the HomeStudy. That's what I did after back to back 74s and scored a 92.

You can say that I "overstudied", but I personally don't believe in such a thing.

Just my $.02

If you feel like you still know the material pretty well, then get the cram to brush up. I used the cram to pass BEC (71 to 80), but it was still pretty fresh in my mind.

Anonymous 16 years ago

finally got my Audit score today........75 ! still 2 more to go

Anonymous 16 years ago

Am I the only person from Alabama on here?? I just spoke with my Board and they say they're not mailing scores until the first of second :( Jeff, what dates will the first wave of this window cover? I'd like to get in the end of the first wave so I don't have to wait sooooo long

Anonymous 16 years ago

Yeah the only thing holding me back from just the Cram is being away from it for so long. I'm not overly confident in the material now. Homestudy isnt much more with the discount either. Thanks for the advice.

Anonymous 16 years ago

i don't beleive this. 99.6% of audit are in and i am not one of them, it's not like i scored 100 that they have to wait. I bet i will fail this and can't even concentrate now on AUD untill i get my result. By the way i am waiting for AUD - OK board.

Anonymous 16 years ago

how did you know 9936% were in ?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I used Yaeger for REG and is now using it for BEC. I scored very high on REG (no accounting experience, never worked in the field and knew nothing about partnership and corporate taxation).

I also feel that Yaeger BEC is very helpful, except for their economics section. I think you need to read a bit more than what they cover in economics. At the same time - the percentage of economics questions on the exam is 8-12%. So, even if you fail all economics questions (which is impossible - you'll be able to get at least few answered correctly), you'll be able to pass.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I see now on IL. But it sounds like that 99.6 is IL scores not all scores. on another note, my state board told me they would have all scores by Friday as well.

Anonymous 16 years ago

2:25 PM - if you click on the link for IL above you will find out that 99.6% are in for AUD. I do felt good too but not anymore after all this wait....

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took BEC in January, and Oklahoma didn't post my score until last week. I got a letter 2 weeks after the scores were released, assuming it was my REG score (failed) and it ended up being a passing grade in BEC, much to my surprise. I don't know what is wrong with Oklahoma....

Anonymous 16 years ago

everyone must have their score back except for me :(

Anonymous 16 years ago

Don't worry you're not alone, I'm still waiting for my REG in NY.

ColeRB86 16 years ago

So I am still waiting on my REG score when everyone else I personally know has gotten their scores today and yesterday. What's going on here??

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anybody knows how the ethics exam works? I suppose that my state board (Delaware) should be sending me some kind of notification about the next step in getting my certificate. Can I purchase the course from the AICPA prior to getting notified by the state board? How hard is the exam and how is it administered?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I think a 74 is an evil score, especially if it has been hand scored for accuracy. Thank goodness the only time I failed, I got a 67. I would give someone a 72 or a 75, but never a 74. I feel the pain for those who did get 74 and even worse, on multiple times.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I am in MA and I have not yet gotten my FAR score, I sat for it 2/23.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Another day without score... I start thinking that they've lost the exam.

Anonymous 16 years ago

no REG in OK..76 days is a LONG time to wait

Anonymous 16 years ago

The AICPA ethics exam is available for purchase online. It is a home study course designed for CPE credit that most states use for CPA licensure. There are some states that do not accept the AICPA version, so check with your state board. I found out I passed my last section on monday and ordered the AICPA ethics exam that afternoon. Received it yesterday and plan to finish this weekend to speed up the process.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Jeff...what dates will be in wave 1 of this window???

Anonymous 16 years ago

I ordered review materials for BEC and was sent this a sign? 16 years ago

Wave one usually goes through the 7th day of the 2nd month of the window, so April 1 - May 7

Anonymous 16 years ago i guess that means if i take the exam on May 9, it's too late...i thought for sure that would fall in the first wave..oh well

Anonymous 16 years ago

MA - I have not received my FAR score yet, either. I sat on 2/27. I am in MS, which is a snail-mail state, so I just wrote it off to being held up in the mail. (Assuming my state has even mailed the scores, yet.)

I understand your frustration.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any idea on how long it takes to get your certificate? I passed the ethics exam in August and just passed FAR.


Anonymous 16 years ago

any Oklahoma person got their results this morning. I took the exam on 02/23 but nothing yet. It is not good...

Anonymous 16 years ago

OK - I took my exam on 2/27, and the MS state board just mailed the results yesterday.

Call your state board and ask if your scores have been posted/mailed yet. They can't tell you about your actual score, but they can help you figure out where it is.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Called the MS state board, BEC scores(at least mine) were mailed Tuesday, so should be here today.

Now I can wait until the wife gets home to call me and let me know I didn't pass.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Stay positive! I saw some religous dude on TV a few weeks ago talking about the power of meditation/envisioning. Said he meditated for weeks and envisioned a $3 million church and miraculously was able to build it without any financing... I thought it was a load of crap myself, but at this point, you can't hurt your chances!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Oh FYI...I am a Christion and do consider myself a spiritual person however, I still think it's a load of crap

Anonymous 16 years ago

The way I felt when I left the test site, I'd believe that he miraculously found $3mil before I'd believe I passed.

The only thing that might save me is one hell of a curve....

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does anyone applied for NTS for this window? How long it takes to receive it?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I got my NTS in a few days by e-mail. two days later it was in the mail

Anonymous 16 years ago

For your NTS, it just depends on your state board. It took my board a month to file the paperwork, but I had the NTS the same day (via email) once they actually filed it.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Definitely request NTS via email. I requested on Friday and received mine yesterday. Last window it took 4 weeks to get it in the mail.

Anonymous 16 years ago

MS update - 67. My guess was a 68. I know what I need to do to get BEC out of the way now, and will take care of it in May, and be 3/4 of the way home.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Received MS FAR score today. Passed! No idea how...

But have faith guys; I felt COMPLETELY awful coming out of that test. I guess it goes to show that I have NO IDEA how that test is graded....

Keep faith! And thanks for this blog. I've got three more parts to go, and I've found my support system here. Can't tell you how much it's helped!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anyone know anything about FAR releases? I took it on Feb. 24, and still haven't heard.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does anyone know anything more about FAR? I took it on Feb. 24 and still haven't heard back.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm not sure about FAR, but my state board (non-NASBA) said yesterday that they still had not received all of wave 2 results from NASBA but they should have them by tomorrow...if that helps?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Any word on AUD in WI, Jeff?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Still waiting on AUD and BEC in WI. Took both on February 23.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anyone from Mississippi received Wave 2 REG score yet? BEC and FIN were received, via USPS, today. I'm waiting on REG.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I'm still waiting on REG (NY).

Anonymous 16 years ago

I am studying FAR and i find it funny the % of words i type in my notes that Word says are misspelled, unfunded, securitization, estimatable, unamortized.

taney 16 years ago

for those that have done bad, don't be so hard on yourself.

i'm getting ready to take my last exam of the uniform CPA exam in a week or 2; AUD that is.

we've all got our stories, this will be my 3rd time taking AUD. if you believe in yourself, you will rock it!

FARE: 74, 80
BEC: 77
REG: 84
AUD: 66, 65, TBD April/May Window

Get in the zone and don't overwhelm yourself! I studied really hard for REG and this site got me so anticipated and anxious that it got me believing that I was going to either pass or fail by a slim line, but I was really surprised! put in your work and you will surprise yourself as well! (=

Anonymous 16 years ago

To you two WI guys above...I haven't gotten my Reg score either from 2/27. Is our state known to be later than others? Im so sick of this waiting game

Anonymous 16 years ago

Good luck to all you guys who are taking any test in the coming window. Remember that I went from a 67 in 1 testing window to 93 in the following one. Keep on going and you will be surprised!

Anonymous 16 years ago

Anybody from AZ get their FAR scores? Took it 2/28. Heck, has anybody from AZ get any score yet.

And why doesn't all states allow online/email notice? Co-worker got her FAR score emailed to her from the Washington Board a week ago - passed with an 80.

Waiting sucks!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I've been calling AZ on a daily basis and they've been keeping me updated. They were informed by NASBA that their scores were being mailed to them (UPS) but they still have not received anything. FAR should be first and unfortunately for me REG will be last. If you call them they'll setup it up to have your scores emailed to you.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I still wait for WI REG...

Anonymous 16 years ago

I feel your pain; I still wait for AUD in AL...could be next week for me:(

Anonymous 16 years ago

For everyone in Wisconsin, I just received an email from a NASBA rep. Scores are in the process of being released online. Hard copies will be mailed next week. Good luck to all.

Anonymous 16 years ago

I live in Oklahoma, I took the Audit exam 2/27. Have yet to receive my score via the OAB website, which is I guess the only place to look? Anyone else in the same boat?

Anonymous 16 years ago

Still waiting on my Oklahoma AUD score too--took it on 2/26. No one from the OAB will respond to my emails and no one will give me any info over the phone--so I'm in the same boat

Anonymous 16 years ago

for OK candidates, i just spoke to NASBA - OK state co-ordinator. The scores will be release to OK state today, so hopefully we will get our score tonight if not then Monday. This wait is just killing us all...

Anonymous 16 years ago

Thanks for the info on Oklahoma. Hopefully we'll all have good news by tonight!

Anonymous 16 years ago

This is strange. For the other parts, I received the official score from NASBA. I just passed my last part and I haven't received a darn thing yet. What's up with that? 16 years ago

You won't get anything from NASBA - your state board will mail you a packet and your NASBA printout will be in the packet. No worries.

Ang 16 years ago

Finally received my BEC score today in Idaho...69. I know exactly what I should have studied harder on so I'm geared up to try again. I'm glad I got this first test over with so now I won't be so freaked out when I try again. Has anyone ever doubled up? I want to polish up BEC for retake and tackle AUD at the same time. Is that a bad idea?

Anonymous 16 years ago


I started studying for all 4 parts in June of last year and took all 4 parts in the last quarter of last year. I passed 3 and failed 1 so if you like the challenge, go for it :) And yes, I work for a corporation. I average 45 to 50 hours a week and didn't take any time off to study :) I am the guy who failed REG the first time with 67 and passed in the following window with 93 :)

Anonymous 16 years ago


Continuing from the previous post:


Anonymous 16 years ago

"YES WE CAN"... :) taking all 4 on this window... starting next week.
wish me luck.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does NASBA ever post scores on the weekend or do they only do that on weekdays?

Anonymous 16 years ago

To the person who will take all 4 parts in this window, good luck. I took all 4 parts over 4 days 11/18 - 11/21. Someone did the same and actually passed them all. I was motivated to do so because people in my office kept on saying that we have it easy now and it is nothing comparing to when they had to take all 4 parts over 2 days. I didn't want my license to look less impressive than theirs because I have it easy.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Wouldn't it piss you off if someone tries to tell you that your effort to obtain your CPA license is nothing comparing to their effort coz they have to take all 4 parts over 2 days? 16 years ago

We have it "easy" yet the pass rates are the same historically. Also - they didn't have to deal with SOX, BEC - IT, sims, adaptive testing, etc.

It's classic "when I was your age, I had to walk uphill both ways" garbage.

Anonymous 16 years ago


Now I can proudly walk around the accounting department being a newly minted CPA and a 2nd year staff. There are managers who didn't even pass and gave up. And yes, though I came up short the first time, I passed 3 out of 4 taking the test over 4 days. One of the managers who didn't pass tried to say that the test doesn't measuer anything. It does measure perseverance and determination though, something that he obviously does not have! :) Now I am thinking if I should go to law school next.

Anonymous 16 years ago


And by the way, the same manager said that the CPA exam would be good for someone who just graduated. I so want to see those idiots fall. However, the world tends to reward them though and make guys like me work hard and get rewarded less.

Anonymous 16 years ago

AZ FAR was in my mailbox today. Passed and now I'm done with it all.My wife still thinks I'll fail ethics.

Jeff - 16 years ago

NASBA sent me the following e-mail this morning: ALL scores have been received and processed by NASBA for Jan/Feb. If they are a candidate of a CPAES state who cannot find their score on-line, they may be on hold pending receipt of additional information. If they are not on hold, have them call 1-800-CPA-EXAM. I'll check to see if there are any problems with the website this morning. CPAES states are: Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, and Wisconsin,

Anonymous 16 years ago

Jeff, when they say "received and processed", does that mean that the states that mail scores should have them all also or is that just for the states that can check them online?

Brendan 16 years ago

I like the new format!

CPA WantBE 16 years ago

Looking back a couple years, It seems like the passing rates are the hghest in Q2. Is there anything behind this?

Anonymous 16 years ago

just a guess, but it could be because part of the window is after tax season and not too close to (or after depending on how you look at it) the holidays.. i tried to schedule one right after the holidays and had to reschedule twice because I couldn't get enough studying in before the holidays

16 years ago

Am I the last person still waiting for my REG grade..took exam on 1/9/09 in Oklahoma

Matt W. (CA) 16 years ago

RE: "Am I the last person still waiting for my REG grade..took exam on 1/9/09 in Oklahoma" That sounds horrendous man...I was waiting for what felt like forever for REG and I passed with an 80. I hope the same thing happens for you cause it will all be worth it. Hang in there!

Anonymous 16 years ago

No, you're not the only one. I'm still waiting on my AUD score to come in the mail..hopefully it will be in my box tomorrow

CPA WantBE 16 years ago

Above- It really stinks if you have to take it next window because May is almost completely booked, only a few days remain.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Well, I've taken everyone's advice and already moved on to another section. Taking BEC in May. If I don't pass AUD, I'll deal with it when I find out. Good news is, if I do fail, my clock hasn't started yet (first sitting)

16 years ago

CPA WantBe what state are you trying to take the test in? I got a 67 on FAR during the Jan/Feb time frame and lost my REG.....BUT I couldn't sign up for REG until today becuase technically REG didn't unlock until March 31st. You have to LOVE that red tape....I am in VA so after submitting my application I have to wait a day or two for the payment coupon THEN I have to pay and wait a few more days for my NTS and THEN I can actually sign up for the damn thing. I am trying to take it end of May but I am thinking getting a slot is going to be slim. Taking FAR again April 27th and hopefully taking REG May 30th

Kim in CA 16 years ago

Another 71, I want to be in Wave 1 for the April/May window. What is the latest I can take it to be in Wave 1? This is my last section, and I'm going to send in my CPA app as soon as the score comes back. Thanks!

CPA WantBE 16 years ago

Above - MA, nothing but a few Tuesdays and Thursday remaining in May for AUD.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Kim... Jeff told me a week or two ago that wave one usually ends on the 7the day of the second month of the window

16 years ago

After waiting 81 long days (test 1/1/09), I finally received my REG grade today and I passed with 81!!!! I'm finished!

16 years ago

I took my ethics test today w/o having to even read the book. I searched for the topics asked when needed and passed with a 93. It seems like 93 is my lucky number since I passed REG with a 93 in the last testing window. Maybe I will get to live until I am 93. What sucks right now is that I have to wait until I get 1 year of experience under a CPA to get my license from Delaware :) Until then, this whole thing is finally over. Just CPEs from now. Good luck you guys and remember "YES WE CAN" :)

Kate 16 years ago

Jeff, You were right on the money with wave 2 predictions. I took the AUD exam on Feb 14 and had my score posted on NASBA on 3/24 and in two days got the score in the mail. I passed with an 82! I now have FAR to take in April and will be done with the exam! Thank you for your insight, Jeff!

lahDroreesose 16 years ago nurse practitioner ethical issues concerns

16 years ago

Is there any problem if you have passed the exam but not eligible to file for a license until you have got some experience working for a CPA? I hope there is no expiration! I am a little nervous because I haven't received anything other than the letter showing the score of the last part and the 4 credits I have received. Can anybody who is a DE candidate give me some advice?

16 years ago

If i take my be on may6th,can i get my score in the first wave?

Rob in TX 16 years ago

goodluck taking all sections sound like your into pain rock on

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