Christie is a NINJA CPA blogger.
CPA exam score release was today. Thankfully, I have been so busy at home and work that I hadn’t given it a thought until yesterday.
I didn’t want to look, but I needed to know what to study for, so I did.
I failed. Again. This was my first time taking the BEC, but that still didn’t help me knowing I failed.
I went through all of the emotions; wanting to cry, telling my husband I was going to give up and finally the realization hit me, I just didn’t study enough.
Sunday night I asked my 7 year old daughter what she wanted to be when she grew up. Her reply was that she wanted to be in accounting like me and take the CPA exam like I am.
All of this was running through my mind as I was feeling sorry for myself for failing. I decided I could not fail her and show her it was ok to quit. I have to press on, put more focus into this exam and pass this thing. I will not stop until I have those 3 little letters behind my name.
So instead of feeling sorry for myself, I looked at the calendar, chose a date to re-take this test and marched forward making a new study plan using NINJA notes, with more time to study than I had given myself the last time.
I’m acting as though I never took the test the first time. Forgetting my score will help me pass because I don’t want that looming over me acting as though I will fail again, which I won’t. Hopefully.
The pass rates show this is a hard test, and I know I’m not alone in this when it comes to not passing this exam. We CAN do it, we just have to find what works for us when studying. It may unfortunately take a few tries, but we will get this.
If we want it bad enough, we will pass. Good luck to those still testing in Quarter 2.
We've all been there. Dust yourself off, review your score report details, increase your studies in the weak areas and get it done. We're all rooting for you!!! Stay encouraged and keep your eyes on the prize.